Official Starstruck Blog
4 posts
Wordgirl AU “Starstruck”Muses: Wordgirl, Harmonia, Newsflash, [REDACTED]Mun: RandyTRIGGER WARNING: Emotional Abuse/Neglect, Mild Violence, Blood/InjuryStarstruck does contain aged up characters, not to mention polyamorous relationships. Do keep this in mind when interacting with the blog. While there is no NSFW content within the AU, the characters are still being shipped.
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ask-the-starstruck-team · 7 months ago
Alright! Good timezone, my lovely readers! This has been your host Randy speaking, but okay- I figured I might as well lay the ground rules for this!
Starstruck Ask Guidelines
1. You can ask questions about the world-building/alternate universe in general and/or directly to the characters themselves (so far, it’ll only be Wordgirl, Harmonia, or Newsflash! Once the blog expands, I might consider another character but that is spoilers~)
2. Keep in mind the characters are in high school now! You can ask almost anything, but don’t make it too weird, alright? They’re still minors!
3. All of the characters are canon characters!! Harmonia and Newsflash aren’t original, but for the sake of the au and blog - it’s intentionally being kept hidden. You’re still welcome to try and figure it out until the fanfic drops!
4. I might not always be quick to answer questions! This is mostly due to irl things which might happen. Contrary to what you may think - I am not a robot!
5. This is NOT just an ask/roleplay blog! The blog is also meant to explore the alternate universe itself, of course without spoilers but either way-
6. Please specify which character you’re talking about when it comes to more in-character questions! If it’s for more than one character- mention that too!
Character Codes/Tags;
Becky Botsford/Wordgirl - ⭐️
???/Harmonia - 🖌️
???/Newsflash - 🧠
For me as the mun, my sign-off tag will be 💫
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ask-the-starstruck-team · 7 months ago
Muse Introductions
I'm not an artist unfortunately which means the character profiles were created via picrew. Links will be provided at the end of the introductions! This post, however, is not in character; this is done entirely OOC and is more to have an understanding of who everyone is. Although I decided to make this a little more fun for everyone!
Also thanks to picrew's limitations, their hero costumes are not set in stone and might not entirely be 'canon' to Starstruck.
Continue below for "under-the-cut" information! In other words, the character/muse introductions!
Name: [REDACTED], Wordgirl
Nicknames: Kiddo/Kid (by the villains), little mouse (fanon, coined by Dr. Two Brains), dearie/my dear (coined by Granny May)
Age: [REDACTED], Teen
Known Abilities: Super Strength, Super Speed, Flying, Knowledge of Words/Vocabulary, Invincibility, Shattering (power of voice can cause glass to shatter), [REDACTED]
Teammates: Captain Huggyface, Harmonia, Newsflash
Species: Alien, Originated from Lexicon
Place of Residence: Fair City
Years Active: 7
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Name: [REDACTED], Harmonia
Nicknames: Harmony (by Wordgirl and Newsflash), Artie (coined by Newsflash), dear/mittens (by Granny May), little melody (coined by [REDACTED])
Age: [REDACTED], Teen
Known Abilities: Artistic Creation, Paint Shots
Teammates: Captain Huggyface, Newsflash, Wordgirl
Species: Human
Place of Residence: Fair City
Years Active: 5
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Name: [REDACTED], Newsflash
Nicknames: News Boy (used by Wordgirl and Harmonia), kid (used by Dr. Two Brains), dear boy/dear (used by Granny May), [REDACTED]
Age: [REDACTED], Teen
Known Abilities: Photographic Memory, Retention of Knowledge
Teammates: Captain Huggyface, Harmonia, Wordgirl
Species: Lexiconian? Human?
Years Active: 5
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ask-the-starstruck-team · 7 months ago
Good evening, Fair City! I'm sure most of you already know who I am, but just in case: you can call me Wordgirl! I never expected to have a blog of all things. It was Newsflash's idea in case something happened. To anyone living in Fair City, my team and I are open to answering questions.
Our mun might not always be around, though we do have a few things which need to be mentioned. For one thing, do not ask weird questions - especially if they are meant for adults! Just be reasonable, okay? On another note, we might not be able to answer questions that delve too deeply into the script! The mun will determine how far it goes.
I'll turn the blog over to Newsflash and Harmonia for their own introductions!
Oh wow, uh hi! You can call me Newsflash. I'm always curious for new information, so here goes: I help Wordgirl run this account. I hope to know everyone well. To add onto something: for the villains out there, we will not be letting you commit crimes! So don't ask us if you can; you know what the answer will be!
I don't know how these blog things work, but hi, everyone! My name is Harmonia. Wordgirl and I have been close since forever, I can't say much else! We're here to protect the city, so villains - keep an eye out! I can't wait to answer your questions!
Well, I need to pick my own color soon but okay, welcome to "Starstuck". Mun has informed me a muse introduction post (written by Randy, not us!) will be released soon. Our identities will not be revealed, so even if you ask - you won't get an answer.
This has been Wordgirl (and Harmonia and Newsflash) signing off!
[PSA from Randy: This does take place during Starstruck Season 1. Information will be revealed slowly, but trust me - you won't live to regret it~ More to come soon; specifically about the blog's muses!]
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ask-the-starstruck-team · 7 months ago
Starstruck: Wordgirl Alternate Universe
Mun here! For anyone unfamiliar with the term “mun” - this refers to the roleplayer of the blog, or the mod which is me! You can call me Randy though I hoard names so if you want to use other names - or something, that’s also fine!
I figured explaining the blog would be a better way to introduce my alternate universe! A masterlist will be made later and do keep in mind, some things are kept hidden for the sake of avoiding spoilers as Starstruck will hopefully become a fanfiction; however, understanding the plot will make the transition into the blog a lot easier.
Starstruck is an alternate universe (“AU”) created for the PBS show “Wordgirl”! To explain the plot, it’s loosely based on the one episode where Violet was convinced she had gotten powers and briefly became the heroine “the Framer”. Sometime in the early seasons of the series, a cosmic event happens - no one entirely knows what it was, although speculation formed the strange meteorite crashing onto earth might be responsible for the incident.
Following said cosmic event, unexpected changes happened to certain students of Woodview Elementary; of course, no one knew of these changes. Seemingly out of the blue, Wordgirl had two new teammates who would help her during crime fighting - known only by their hero names…
… read below if you wish to know the rest~
Wordgirl had always been Fair City’s only super-heroine; at least until now… without much explanation, two new heroes appeared: Newsflash and Harmonia.
Newsflash was a young boy, having gained the ability of super-speed - not to mention retaining information a lot faster than the average human AND photographic memory. Unlike Wordgirl, Newsflash didn’t seem to have the same range of skills but what he seemed to lack in one thing… he gained in another. He carried around an expandable staff, making Newsflash agile and swift. Not to mention - a defense mechanism when needed as he obviously couldn’t fly.
Though who was he? Where had he come from? Could he also be from Lexicon?
As for Harmonia, her powers laid elsewhere. It seemed the young heroine was more artistic when it came to her abilities - for one, she had the ability to shoot ‘lasers’ of paint at a target. And in another, Harmonia had the strange, unique power of ‘creating’ paintings and bringing them to life. She didn’t seem to have Wordgirl’s flying nor super speed… but the super-heroine had clearly trusted them enough to stick around.
Except they weren’t the only ones. There were others, having kept their powers hidden but why? Why had this strange occurrence taken place?
Starstruck takes place several years after Harmonia and Newsflash’s debut. Wordgirl seems a little older now; as for the very average, unrelated student Becky Botsford and her friends - they have entered Woodview High School. Things have changed since then. Certain events have yet to happen…
Tobey McAllister ‘retired’ from being a villain, if only because his studies are taking more of his time. Though his relationship with Becky Botsford and the others is about to shift - in ways he perhaps didn’t expect.
This blog focuses on both information about Wordgirl and her teammates, and the universe in general; however the characters from Starstruck are open for asks and interaction! Of course, due to certain reasons - not everything can be revealed…
I will be writing guidelines and rules for the blog, but for now: just keep it normal. Don’t ask weird questions. Just have fun!
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