Just another Homestuck ask blog. Ask us any questions you might have in the ask box. All our characters are human, except our Sprites. All the ships are canon here, so just let whatever ships you have rip and we'll see how each character will react! PS. look at the cursor closely -john
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
John and Mituna havwe been casted.
Once I am able to put them in offically, they vwill be able to take questions. Ask awvay!
-Cronus Mod
UPDATE! John and Mituna has been put in - New聽John Mod :)聽
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Gamzee is offline
(Unfortunately I have to wake up at 4am tomorrow morning so night everyone -Sammy)
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Gamzee is Online
LoNg TiMe No SeE mOtHeRfUcKeRs! ThOuGhT I鈥橠 aLl Up And CoMe AnSwEr SoMe QuEsTiOnS.
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Gamzee will be online in a bit
(I just got off work so I have to get my paint on but I should be online in 30 mins or so) -Sammy
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jade is offline
okay well I dont think anyone is gonna be asking any questions tonight so im gonna go offline. (jade-mod here to say to all of you:聽Have a good night/morning/day everybody and dont forget to be awesome : ) )
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Jade is online
Hello there ladies and germs its Jade to let you know that I will be online to take any questions you might have for me : )
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john is now available
hi there, john mod here. i鈥檝e decided that i鈥檓聽not having enough time to get on here. I鈥檓 not fixing the code to say that he鈥檚 available because i鈥檝e honestly given up on that.聽 i did have fun being on here, but i am officialy leaving.聽 later. or not, i guess.
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Janey is Offline
Well, I guess I鈥檒l see you all later!
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Gamzee is Offline
Sorry I know I wasn't on long but I'm not feeling too great, I'll try to get back on soon
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Hello everyone!
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Jane Will Be Online Shortly
maybe send in some asks?
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Gamzee, how many Miracles fit into a 2 liter of Faygo?
NoW sIt BaCk AnD rElAx WhIlE I lEaRn YoU a MoThErFuCkInThInG oR tWo AbOuT tHe MoThErFuCkInG mIrAcLeS iN a 2 LiTeR oF gRaPe FaYgO.
聽NoW EvErY sInGlE mIrAcLe In A bOtTlE oF fAyGo Is It鈥橲 oWn MoThErFuCkIn aDvEnTuRe In TaStE AnD lIfE iTsElF. eVeRy SiNgLe MiRaClE iS sPeCiAlLy CoNsIdErEd As It Is PlAcEd WiTh PeRsIsIoN iNtO It鈥檚 DeSsIgNaTeD mOtHeRfUcKiN bOtTlE, yOu CaN rEaLlY tElL tHaT yOu鈥橰e AbOuT tO aLl Up AnD dRiNk OnE oF tHe MoRe CaReFuLlY dEsIgNeD wIcKeD bOtTlEs oF mIrAcLeS WhEn YoU hEaR tHaT cRiSp MoThErFuCkIn FiZzY hIsS iT mAkEs.
So In MoThErFuCkIn CoNcLuSiOn On HoW mAnY mIrAcLeS fIt InTo A 2 lItEr Of FaYgO? A fUcK tOn.
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What do you think about potatoes?
I MeAn, I AiN鈥檛 GoNnA LiE, I ReAlLy MoThErFuCkIn LoVe PoTaToEs. ThEy鈥橰e PrEtTy MoThErFuCkIn DeLiCiOuS.
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Gamzee, have you ever spoken to jane?
If YoU AlL Up AnD MeAn ThAt CrOcKeR GiRl wHo鈥橲 BrOwNiEs I SlIp ExTrA InGrEdIeNts InTo, ThEn YeS We HaVe AlL Up AnD SpOkEn A FeW MoThErFuCkIn TiMeS.
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Hey gamzee! how've you been???
I mEaN ShIt BrO, I鈥檝E BeEn PrEtTy MoThErFuCkInG GoOd I GuEsS JuSt BeEn ChIlLiN OuT WiTh SoMe MoThErFuCkErS AnD ShIt.
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Gamzee is Online
WeLl WhY dOn'T wE GeT AlL Up AnD StArTeD WiTh ThIs PaRtY MoThErFuCkErs! :o)
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jade is offline
sorry for putting this up so late but better late than never : D I hope all of you guys have a great day/night/afternoon : )
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