ask-the-ghosties-au · 6 months
Raven again, hi. You don't have to answer if this is a sensitive topic, but do you remember how you died? I know you guys don't remember much, and I probably wouldn't WANT to remember in your shoes, but if you're comfortable sharing anything you do remember...
On a lighter note, if you'd rather not answer the first question, what holidays did you celebrate when you were alive?
[Not a question for the ghosts, can we pretend they don't see this?]
I don't know if the author/blog person/whatever you want to call yourself takes questions not for the ghosts, but if you do can we (the askers) slightly influence the afterlife place? Like if they celebrate(d) Christmas we could influence a simple Christmas tree into existence. Or maybe someone could appear as a spirit thing (I know they're ghosts, but I mean like not fully there even to them) and give them hugs. Little things to make their eternal lives, or lack of I suppose, less boring. I dunno, just a thought.
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A confirmation.
[I would be open to the possibility! However due to my egregious timing of answering the ask Christmas and New Years has already passed :( so perhaps then we shall see for the future.]
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 6 months
roman,maybe your nightmare has a clue for us?what happened in there?
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 6 months
Can you guys touch Roman's images?like does it create physical objects?
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Ominous, isn’t it?
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 6 months
Did you just see illusions of yourself searching for your friends.... as if they appeared when you imagined it? That's interesting!
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And now the isolation sets in
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 6 months
Roman?? Where did everyone go?!
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Things get curious-er and curious-er…
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 6 months
Yep, that’s right! The ghosties are back! After over a (checks watch)… year-long hiatus. Yeah, gonna be honest, wasn’t planning on that. However, I am back! And it seems something has gone on while my head was turned…
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 6 months
Hello? It's been very quiet over here, you guys holding up alright?
(OOC: you okay mod?)
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Back from the dead! (Oh, wait…)
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 2 years
By the way, I love your styles! Your outfits are all really cool. Virgil and Patton's in particular look soft and cuddly.
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Patton is not all sunshine and rainbows.
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 2 years
what do y'all do to pass the time?
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 2 years
do you guys like ice cream? And if so you you have a favourite flavour?
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Virgil real af
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 2 years
Hi ghosts! I wanted to know, how are you guys feeling as we move into the colder months? Actually, do seasons even pass in the afterlife place? And if they do, do they follow the Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere?
Anyways, happy November!
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A bit of appreciation!
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 2 years
I am so sorry about that!!!i hope you guys are holding up well...
Onto a lighter note kind of question.Do you guys have a favorite weather?maybe memories are blank but I assume general things like weather and such might be known? Especially since you guys have decent vocabulary,know what words mean
Anyway, favorite weather?might help clear the mind a bit idk
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 2 years
Patton, are you alright? You said you don't remember anything from your past?
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Been experimenting with new angles!
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 2 years
Hi Roman,How are you?☺️❤️✨
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My boy going through it 😔
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 2 years
Hello there
How's everyone doing, if you don't mind me asking
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A little check up.
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 2 years
Maybe that idea of the powers being a punishment or something is connected to your guys' pasts? Like, if Roman isn't allowed to see his powers, maybe it's a representation of him avoiding or being unable to see something in his previous life?
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Tension amongst our ghostly family.
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ask-the-ghosties-au · 2 years
Have you guys tried shapeshiifting?if you guys are dead it sounds like something that might be possible?
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Some shapeshifting fun!
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