((we should really have given the “our hyperfixations have decided to bounce but we swear to fuck we’ll be back” notice sooner huh))
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I just had the misfortune of misreading the blog name as ate-the-fish-and-baby
(([Insert Vore Joke Here].))
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🤔 thats an interesting take! Mod Gaz is the one who takes care of like continuity and plot stuff, bc she can actually keep track of things and not go absolutely apeshit like I tend to do, so we will have to see what she will cook up!
Ok, so I gotta wait for the other Mods to read it too, but I do have two questions for y’all:
1. If we would change (big) stuff, like make completely new ending, would y’all be alright with it or should we stick with canon as much as possible? (Idk we even ever get to any “ending” with the ask blog, hell we might make a separate tag for our own remake or smth)
2. To celebrate the ending of the Battle Void arc, do y’all wanna do smth? Like Idk, send in Zimvoid-related requests and I doodle them for you? (I feel a lil bit guilty for being silent for so long too, so restitution! asklgkls)
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Oh wait, you already read it my bad. I guess it’s because I waited quite a while for you to finally know the ending. Just to see what you will be doing with the blog after what happened. As for me, I’m continuing my fanfic no matter what. And I’ll make sure the duos get the ending they deserve. And know that if you still want to continue out, I will still be willing to see your updates. ;) Thank you so much for making this ask blog!
Im not planning on leaving the blog, dw! Just got caught between waiting for the 49th issue, low inspo and hyperfocusing on hardcore epic gaming gsgklsdalk,,
Please, do tag this blog if you’re gon make a post announcing the release of your fic, I’m 👀 or if you need someone proof reading or anything, I’ll be very happy to lend a hand
And thank you for following and reblogging our posts! It means a lot,,
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Me and Mod Dib have already bitched about the comic’s ending in our Discord server, so now, with your permit, we are most definitely gon figure something out!
The boys need that happy ending, don’t they
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Ok, so I gotta wait for the other Mods to read it too, but I do have two questions for y’all:
1. If we would change (big) stuff, like make completely new ending, would y’all be alright with it or should we stick with canon as much as possible? (Idk we even ever get to any “ending” with the ask blog, hell we might make a separate tag for our own remake or smth)
2. To celebrate the ending of the Battle Void arc, do y’all wanna do smth? Like Idk, send in Zimvoid-related requests and I doodle them for you? (I feel a lil bit guilty for being silent for so long too, so restitution! asklgkls)
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///did you read issue 49?
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No :(
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*Hugs mod* Save this for when you’re having a bad day
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Thank you! :D
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///did you read issue 49?
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No :(
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I got good news and bad news about issue 49.
I will start with the bad news.
The bad news, Sam just announced right now that Issue 49 did indeed get delayed. This is not him or the others. Even he was not aware about this news until this morning. So please don’t get pissed at them for announcing this just now.
And the good news, it is scheduled to be released February 19th. This is MUCH better, as it was rumored to be released on the 26th, so I am happy to note that we do not want to wait that long. :D
And bonus, the scary news:
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Any how, were very close to the conclusion. Let’s hope the “terrible things they drew” only relates to Number 1 and not to any other Zims whatsoever...cause...oh gosh, I don’t want anything to happen to them....
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Does 2K tend to climb/ride on you a lot, Palindrome? If so, does it tend to get annoying?
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Hello again. Rumingkub or Sequence, which is best?
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I felt sad and lonely like one does in this age and time, so this happened as a result
a lil mod announcement under the read more
Yeah, so I’m (mod zim) gon be gone for around two weeks. I just moved out from my parents’ house to live with my friends and we still gotta set up a room for me, I gotta get used to the new space and somehow make peace with not seeing my parents & sister everyday and holy shit I’ve already cried a full bucket, I bet. Life just got Really Really intense this past week too fucking fast
So till then, happy holidays and I wish you good beginning of 2020!
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Hey Palindrome, have you ever encountered Zims that are fish hybrids like you?
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ZiM 2002: Turns out being a fish doesn’t bring any benefits with other fish me’s. Unfortunate.
ZiM 2000: I told you to be mean and just straight up steal it.
ZiM 2002: 2K?
ZiM 2000: Yes?
ZiM 2002: Shut up. Just- just shut up.
ZiM 2000: Haha, I’m right!
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What if there was a parallel universe where Zim was the tallest, but in this parallel universe the smallest rule, lol.
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I don’t wanna call it, but-
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I don’t wanna call it, but-
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