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🧹 Reblog if your muse is a witch/wizard
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reblog this post if you are a muse based in an urban fantasy setting, have a verse for it, or in general are open to interacting in that setting. it can be hard sometimes to find partners outside of one’s own canon willing to write in a world with magic and/or creatures in it, so hopefully this can help people find each other.
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Send “Do a Trick” and my muse will show off their magic abilities.
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✦ Who is their favorite villain?
Gotta be Khan Noonien Singh. My dad was an old school Star Trek fan, and I’m pretty sure my first movie was listening to Wrath of Khan. Guy has such a cool voice.
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Horrific Headcanons
Send a symbol for a headcanon about my muse. All horror/angst/scifi related.
✘ Have they ever committed a murder? ▼ What is their greatest fear? ✿ Would they ever trust dark or wicked magic? △ Name one thing from their past that they regret. ✂ If they had to choose one weapon to carry forever, what would it be? ☣ Would they kill someone close to them if they had to? ☢ Would they survive an apocalyptic situation? ❣ If someone had the power to bring them back after death, would they want them to? ☠ Do they fear death? ♱ What do they think awaits them after death? ¿ Are they easily frightened? ╳ How would they react to seeing a loved one become possessed? ☹ Name one person they would kill for. ☼ If they had the choice to be immortal with one other person, who would they choose? ☎ How would they react to receiving a phone call from a deceased love one? ★ Do they have a favorite scary movie? Book? Show? ♣ Do they believe the world is made up of good and evil? ♥ Have they ever acting out of heartlessness? ☾ What is their favorite and least favorite thing about the night? ψ Do they think they deserve punishment for their wrongdoings? ϟ Have they ever gotten pleasure from causing others pain? ♚ Do they consider themselves to be evil? ♒ If they could choose how to die, how would they want to go? ™ Are they possessive? ✔ Are they holding a grudge against anyone? ◯ Do they believe in ghosts? ✦ Who is their favorite villain? ☄ While watching a scary movie, are they the one clinging to a friend or being clung to? 웃 Do they believe in aliens?
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Jake! If you could choose to have proper sight in exchange fo another sense being lost, what would you give up?
That’s a tough one. Maybe smell? That seems the least punishing.
As it stands though I like being the way I am.
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My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks.
Ask them funny questions, get personal, query about the people around them or pester them for their deepest darkest secrets - go wild! Include ✘ with the asks!
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“Jake! Its christmas! Well almost, what do you do for the season?”
“Stay warm, listen to some Christmas music, maybe give some relatives a call. What’re you up to this time of year?”
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describe your muse as shittily as possible in the tags.
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Send 💭 + a topic and my muse will tell you what they think about it.
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Be wizard dere is!
Thank you!
I think I do OK. Chicago tends to attract the worst people and things, so we get off a little easy in Milwaukee, relatively speaking.
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You wanna know what the weirdest thing is about pushing back against the Fomor in Lake Michigan? My biggest ally isn’t some trenchcoat wearing firespitter or an ancient font of arcane power. Its a little mussel the size of my fingernail.
Funny thing about quagga and zebra mussels, they’re real good at making the water in the Great Lakes clearer. Not of much use to me since I use a form of sonar anyways, but anyone who uses sight to locate Fomor has a much easier time of it these days. Great for gumming up their infrastructure too: that Fomor stronghold at the bottom of Lake Michigan puts a huge chunk of its effort into removing the sharp little critters from damn near every surface it has. Otherwise there’s a big chance of cutting yourself to ribbons just brushing against a wall. Plus the way they’re messing with the food chain means there’s less food for Fomor to draw on in the water, meaning they have to rely on coming into the city for food. Get em while they’re desperate, and its an easier fight.
Don’t get me wrong, I know they’re terrible for the Lakes, but right now they’re an unintentional ally. Who knows, maybe there’s a wizard out there who can turn those little mussels into aquatic flechettes.
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Send "It runs in the family" and my muse will tell you something they and a family member have in common.
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Got the last of the Leprechauns to get the hell out of the Summerfest grounds
Who in the FUCK
thought it was a GOOD IDEA
I mean I thought the fairy gate was one thing, but oh, oh no, this was... this was something else
76 cases of people damn near killing themselves over chasing leprechauns over the course of a one week festival that had to be covered up as drunken shenanigans
And not all the little bastards left quietly
and OW
oh dear god OW
Everything hurts
I need a drink...
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i want to _____ you.
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Reblog if I can come into your inbox and start a conversation in character.
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