Did you know: the ask box is open?
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Backyardigans Character Tier List (not accepting criticism cause my opinion is fact)
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So what were your reactions to everyone last year finally recognizing Castaways as the masterpiece it is Also, are there any other songs that you think people should appreciate and stop sleeping on?
Pablo: Hm, stop sleeping on I’m a Soccer Monster. Now.
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(reads the 1st post) I see what you did there
Anywho, what are your favourite genres of music?
Tyrone and Uniqua, in Unison: Hip Hop music!
Austin and Pablo, in Unison: Heavy metal.
Tasha: Classical music.
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someone tell me why my toddler brain automatically assumed that Tyrone was my father because he had the same name as my ACTUAL dad
Tyrone: You did? I’m flattered.
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Hey Tyrone, seems like I know your crush :)
Uniqua: We know who he likes
Austin: We do?
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Hi guys! It’s me Austin, and Me and my Friends decided to make this ask blog for anybody with questions for us.
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