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/i’m not going to run this anymore. ja, it took a long time for me to post this, i know, but i just don’t have time on my hands anymore. i’ve just been so upset with everything und i’ve been having problems with my emotions und i just can’t really do anything and feel joy with doing it. im sorry. to those who won the raffle, im sorry to you guys as well. i didnt keep my word. i meant to, but i didnt. i hope you dont hate me like everyone else in my life. es tut mir leid/
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/activity slowing again :(((( I'm sorry, I've got many things to do, und school isn't helping... So ja Dx once all these damn projects are out of the way, I'll become active again ^--^ sorry again!! DX und Gute Nacht ^--^/
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I-It's okay... I-I'm still happy... *Smiles a little and hesitantly sets his head on his shoulder* ... Grazie, Jule...
I... Um... J-Jule, d-do you have a moment......?
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What wrong love ? What seem to be brothering you ? Is that those anons anoying you again ?
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You need to tell someone. Before it gets too out of hand
He... He won't let me.He wouldn't let... I-I've held him back for so long, a-as long as I keep d-doing what I've been--*groans a little, clutching head a bit tighter*... I...I have to go...*Slowly stands up, soon bolting out of the room*/*dramatically cries in the background coz omg I feel bad about all of this--*/
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Tell someone who can keep themself safe then. If you can't, let them do it themselves
I... I don't know if that'd work...... If they're around him, he'll surely...I... I-I need to go calm down, I need to go...*flinches slightly, bringing his hand up to his head*/; v ; sorry bab for the messed up back story--/
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Change takes time. And it's best you have support for it. You should tell someone
I... I can't talk about... Him...I-I... didn't let people close because... He'd attack them...He'd take them away from me...I'd tell them i-if they were g-guaranteed safety, but... ... What if he--what if I hurt them?I don't want to... take their lives away...I-I've taken too many......... I think he's coming...
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We won't speak of 'him' then. But if they care about you they'll accept you. Everyone has done bad in their lives, its just a matter of how you deal with it later
...... I-I'm trying to lock him away...... H-he messes with my head... H-he makes me hurt people...I-I'm trying to change.. but it's so hard...
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What do you mean 'him'?
... I...No, no, don't bring him up.I won't let him use me...
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Another side? Whatever it is, you're going to have to tell them eventually
I... Th-these are some p-personal questions...I... ...N-no, please stop, th-they'll only provoke him...And what will they think of me then...?
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Do they think of you as a friend?
I’m…… I-I’m not so sure… I-I'd like to th-think so... Th-they might like this side of me, but……They don’t know who I really am…
… The monster I really am.
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You should get to know your friends a bit better if you don't know much about them
W-well, y-you see... I-I actually... h-haven't though of them as f-friends... y-yet... I-I mean, they're nice people--most people a-are nice people, b-but............ I-I'm sorry, I-I can't think right now...
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You said that Jule is one of the few people Bastiano is comfortable with. Who are the others, if there are any?
Uhm... S-sí, there's S--... Erm... Sü... I don't know too much about her, b-but she's really nice...And... Um... E-Erika? Same for her, I-I don't know her well either...... Maybe fratello Flavio... Maybe...
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it doesnt have to be about sex, or are you backing down?
*stands up*………..*Walks over to anon*….…..*Slaps anon*
/…my drawing spark extinguished. sorry... Dx/
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prove it
Wh--W-well...*Looks at Jule* •__•'Uh.................-THIS IS A SFW BLOG--
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Wh--Okay, excuse you, I could be very seme!! Very seme!!!! D:
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bassy's an uuuuuuuuuuuke~
Wh-whaat...?? N-no I'm not...!!
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