ask-snowy-weather · 6 years
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Comparisons <3
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ask-snowy-weather · 6 years
do you get confused with jack frost?
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Of course I have heard of Jack Frost, but… Not this Jack Frost.
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ask-snowy-weather · 7 years
m!a: doomed
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Demon: Let’s see what this boy is capable of.
Doomed: Musegets possessed by a demon.  (It can be arandom one or anon can specify who it is)(M!A for 5 asks)
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ask-snowy-weather · 7 years
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ask-snowy-weather · 7 years
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ask-snowy-weather · 7 years
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*soft internal screaming*
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ask-snowy-weather · 8 years
List of random M!A’s
Note: Mun has the right to decide for how long m!a will go on.
Two in one: Muse has exact copy of themselves. Only that clone hates and wants to destroy everything that muse loves.
Because I’m happy:  Muse must to be extra cheerful about everything and smile no matter what happened. They will tell jokes and will be happy to talk even with their worst enemy.
Grumpy cat: Muse is super grumpy and is rude to everyone. They will spout hateful comments to everyone, whether they liked them earlier or not.
Swapping places: Mun and muse swaps places.
A Change of Heart: Muse turns into an evil version of him/herself. (If Muse is already evil, Muse turns nice.)
Code word: Muse will kiss someone whenever they hears a certain word. (anon chooses the word)
Animal spirit: Muse will turn into an animal. (anon decides what)
Fish tail: Muse grows a tail and becomes a mermaid/merman.
Medium: Muse is able to communicate with spirits of the dead beings.
Talkative: Muse will say everything they think.
Crush it all: Muse has super strength, but can’t control it and ends up breaking things.
Chill: Muse is icy to the touch and can’t get warm in any way.
Coffee Bean: Muse is on a caffeine high and can’t seem to calm down! It’s even gotten to the point where they’re almost literally bouncing off the walls!
Doomed: Muse gets possessed by a demon.  (It can be a random one or anon can specify who it is)
Secrets: Muse must tell a secret about themselves every time someone asked them a question.
Strip: Muse has the urge to strip every time someone asks them a question.
Say my name: Muse will orgasm everytime they hear their name/Nickname.
Hall Of Fame: Your Muse thinks they’re super famous in a field of the anon’s choice. (For example: Acting, singing, science, etc.)
Wings: Muse grows wings. If muse already has wings, they will lose it.
Sloth: Muse becomes extremely lazy, they won’t get up for anything, and won’t move unless pushed or carried.
Stone face: Muse becomes emotionless.
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ask-snowy-weather · 8 years
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ask-snowy-weather · 8 years
Do you prefer cats, dogs, snakes, or bunnies?
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ask-snowy-weather · 8 years
Who do you hang out in the group of weathers? Any enemies?
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“I hang around Snowy, Rainy and Sunny. And to answer the enemy question, I dunno. I don’t think any of them hate me. Sunny probably gets annoyed when I trash her house though.”
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ask-snowy-weather · 8 years
(prefers ASS)
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ask-snowy-weather · 8 years
*gives you a bi pride scarf* for you
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I love it!
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ask-snowy-weather · 8 years
The cold never bothered me anyway
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ask-snowy-weather · 8 years
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Hey There! [ask box open]
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ask-snowy-weather · 8 years
You ice skate?
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Yes! I enjoy it very much!
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ask-snowy-weather · 8 years
Hello! :) (ask-rainy-weather)
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@ask-rainy-weather I hope you are doing well.
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ask-snowy-weather · 8 years
Ask Box Is Open
Hello e-everyone! The ask box is open!
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