(Any and all help is appreciated you guys! ^^ she's a really good friend of mine and this would mean the world to her if you could help out :) She's a very talented artist who could use a hand :3 )
I need your help!! IMPORTANT!!!
Hey guys. As of last weekend, I am now engaged to my now awesome fiance! I loved how he did it and will for ever be in my heart. So lets go straight to the point.
I may have a better job but I still am short on money. So I really want you guys to commission me. Because ever bit I get, goes towards the dress, the wedding, all of it! I can’t rely on my mother’s side, not like they would help anyway, but I don’t wanna strain his family’s side since the would help in the wedding and honeymoon.
So yes this is important! Im sure a lot of you will look past this as you scroll looking for cute pics. But please! This will help me greatly! I do have a paypal, and I might up the prices on my commissions just so when I do get them, I can start saving for this important event! If you do read this and follow me, please reblog this so others can help spread the word.
I am not gonna do a go fund thing cause it won’t be really helpful and I would feel like im stealing from others. At least with commissions in earning money for an important cause through my passion.
Thank you for those who have read this! I hope what I say here doesn’t go in vain.
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I have no Idea how to make good puns... but now I feel like I have mustard enough strength to ketchup with your pun game sans.
*i relish the thought of some good competition, but to be frank, i'm not sure that you could be crowned the wiener in a com-pun-tition with me...i'm quite the comic or so i've been told... ;)
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(Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of illustrated answers. I've been working on a huge drawing the past week, along with a commission, and those have taken alot of my time. I promise more drawings will be coming soon! Thank you guys for continuing to follow me even though I don't really do much! You guys are amazing!)
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*a lot...
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♦️sans please ☺️
Quirks/Hobbies headcanon for Sans: Sans loves science, specifically astronomy and quantum physics. He often stargazes with his telescope or dabbles in a bit of physics reading from time to time. He isn't as quirky as his brother, but he has his hobbies. It is even strongly suggested that Sans has a background in science, so he is a helluva lot smarter than he lets on in the pacifist run. ^//^ To sum it up: Sans is a lowkey nerd for science!
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☮ Papyrus (if you're still doing these)
Friendship headcanon for Papyrus: Papyrus loves making friends, and holds each friend very close to his heart. He believes everyone can be friends if they just try. He considers them family and will do almost anything to help a friend in need. It is very hard to break a friendship with Papyrus, as he forgives very easily. Once you befriend this goofy skeleton, you're pretty much stuck with him for life. :P
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Sans if you are a revenent than how come you don't have rocket launchers on your shoulders, also most revenents are twice the height of papyrus, not to mention that they are demons from doom
*i never said i was. and maybe it isn't nice to stereotype... *megalovania intensifies*(Heh, that was just my headcanon... ^///^ Maybe he's a really short revenant. And the ones I think of are from norse mythology I believe. They're very powerful, which would explain Sans's OP boss battle... But again, that's just my headcanon ^///^)
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I blew out the candles at a birthday party...... It wasn't lit. :-(
*sorry to hear it. if it's any consolation, my party was fire.
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hey where did you get the boat?
*it was on sail...
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(GUYS!!! THIS IS A THING THAT COULD HAPPEN!!! Ashdfndnwjsjaba *explodes*)
Could you cover Here's To Us by Halestorm using Sans's audio bit? :3 I think I would explode ^///^
If I find the Ust, I’ll do it ^^
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*So other me do you think there is more and more of us everyday than we think there is?
*well, since we exist in an infinitely expanding universe, yes i do.
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Best ship <3
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Who is older sibling, Sans or Papyrus?
*SANS! WHO IS THE OLDER BROTHER?*that would be me bro.*WELL, THERE YOU HAVE IT, CURIOUS HUMAN! SANS MAY BE OLDER, BUT I AM MUCH COOLER! NYEH HEH HEH!*no doubt about it, bro. there ain't no one cooler than you.
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Sans When you get attack to you bleed blood or ketcup?
*i'll let the human answer this one...(Hi ^^' Well, personally I believe Sans is a revenant, which is a powerful undead entity dedicated to hunting a target, often times for the purpose of revenge. Their eyes glow only when they are locked onto their target, and even though they are mostly skeletal, they drink blood, and if they are injured shortly after they consume blood, they bleed. Sans drinks ketchup, which is red like blood, and so I believe that when you kill him, he bleeds ketchup due to his diet. But this isn't canon, so we'll never know...)*you'll never know i guess *shrugs and winks*
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Sans are you ok with sans x frisk shipping?
*hey, who am i to put a stopper on people's creativity? now, when i see ships of me and my bro, THAT'S when the ship hits the fan...(He doesn't mind it, but just don't ship him with his brother...he hates that >////>')
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A gift for my boyfriend (shit this was supposed to go on my personal blog >_>" Whoops *facepalm*)
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Sans and Papyrus: Sex head canon (I can't find the symbol for it on mobile)
Ok xP
Papyrus is such a cinnamon roll, he doesn’t really know what “sex” is in its entirety. He understands kisses and that sex is very intimate, but he doesn’t know how exactly to go about it. He would need to be guided through it by his partner.
Sans I feel would be very affectionate. He has morals, clearly, so I don’t believe he would have sex with just anyone. I feel he would also be very open-minded, although he might tease you and call you a freak ;P He also I feel knows what he’s doing, and isn’t as naive as his younger brother. His lazy personality might cause him to bottom a good percentage of the time (and I view him as straight).
Skeletons in general I feel have sensitive bones. Like how humans have areas with more nerve endings that make them more sensitive, skeletons have spots on their bones that are more receptive to touch (i.e ribs, femurs, pelvic bones, ect.) Also, they give skeleton kisses, which are like little nips and bites. Hope that gave some insight into my view of this side of the brothers ^////^"
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