ask-salems-intel · 6 years
Venussie speaks
Excluding my own reblogs,
would anyone be interested in a new askblog I make?
And if I did make a new askblog, what OCs should I bring?
here are all my blogs I believe.
Just reply to this post with your opinions lmao
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
Phospho has been shot by a member of the Mafia!
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
Phospho nodded slowly, feeling a bit empowered. He would finally be able to get revenge for what happened to Krypt. He was eaten by this cannibal- this monster and he was going to do the same to that bastard. The Spy smiled at her. “Thank you, I’ll finally be at ease once that man’s dead. I don’t want him to tear any more families apart- the Mafia has already done so much to me and so many other people..”
“Let’s prepare for their downfall soon.”
Rayven listened to him, then nodded in understanding. She smiled to him and stood back up. “Well… I mean I can try to help…” She thought for a minute, then smiled widely. “No I’ll do my best to help you. I wouldn’t like someone to kill my brother… he’s all I have. I can only imagine the pain you go through.” She said softly.
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
He sighed, rubbing his own head. At least the hunger stopped.. "I really do apologize- I'm still sorry.. I was a Spy, honestly. I just want to stop the Mafia and.. maybe you can help me?" Phospho asked her softly. "They killed my brother, Krypt. He didn't deserve to die- and I know who killed him. It's the Godfather, Marshall Jones."
Everything was dark, her ears hurt, and as she tried opening her eyes the light stung at them. Her limbs ached like she hadn’t moved in a long while, and it hurt her to just come to her senses completely. She let out a loud groan, shutting her eyes tightly and trying to lay on her side, then falling out of Phospho’s arms. She didn’t make a sound, instead laid on the floor, accepting the cold tile.
She slowly sat up, then rubbed her neck. She pulled her hand back and gasped, seeing crimson liquid smeared on her fingers. She stared at her fingers for a long moment, then slowly looked up at Phospho.
Running her tongue over her teeth, she realized something was very different.
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
“Not at all- I’ve felt very upset since I bit Raveyn..” Phospho confessed softly, rubbing his arms for comfort.
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
Fifteen minutes after having fed off of the young lady, glancing over to her anxiously and with shame filling his red eyes. Phospho sighed softly and rubbed the back of his neck a bit. “I.. I’m sorry, Raveyn, really..” He apologized quickly, not being able to make eye contact.
He didn’t really mean to.
“I’m very new to this and.. I didn’t really mean to, I’m so sorry..” He apologized yet again, looking like a dog whose done a mistake.
Everything was dark, her ears hurt, and as she tried opening her eyes the light stung at them. Her limbs ached like she hadn’t moved in a long while, and it hurt her to just come to her senses completely. She let out a loud groan, shutting her eyes tightly and trying to lay on her side, then falling out of Phospho’s arms. She didn’t make a sound, instead laid on the floor, accepting the cold tile.
She slowly sat up, then rubbed her neck. She pulled her hand back and gasped, seeing crimson liquid smeared on her fingers. She stared at her fingers for a long moment, then slowly looked up at Phospho.
Running her tongue over her teeth, she realized something was very different.
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
After he fed off of her, he held onto her so she wouldn't fall over. His eyes widened when he realized what he did and he felt himself shudder. Fuck, he didn't mean to.
What's done is done, however. Phospho found himself considering taking her to his house so she can recover, but she may have relatives that would be concerned for her! Phospho frowned, picking her up slowly and examining the area. He couldn't possible guess where she lives.. so he found himself walking back to the Intel office. He had a lot of explaining to do to this new vampire.
The woman shrieked loudly, then couldn’t force any other screams out. Fear filled her eyes. She squirmed and tried to grab him by his shoulders, trying to shove him back. But she started to feel numb, the blood being drained from her body.
The fighting back stopped.
Slowly, her grip loosened and she started to feel sleepy, eyes starting to cloud with darkness. It was painful…. but what could she do about it? The last thing she could think of was her brother, Jaime. What would he do in this situation? She wasn’t sure, but she was sure it wouldn’t be failing to fight back….. But it didn’t matter at that point, she had passed out completely.
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
He took note of this and frowned. "I.. apologize. That must be horrible." He said in a soft voice before he slowly went over to her. He would never have visions of death, but he'd have nightmares at times of being killed by Marshall. He can somewhat relate to her, and he pitied her.
What he didn't expect, however, is the sudden lunge his body took towards her. Phospho's eyes widened in shock as he felt his stomach churn, his fangs appear and dig into her neck violently. A piece of him told himself to back off quickly before he did any harm, but the deed was done. The other half of him felt content as it began to feed off of Raveyn.
I swear, I didn't mean it-.. he thought to himself.
“I’m Rayven Cardinal…. um yeah usually I get pretty restless…. I can fend for myself though!” Would it be time to put that to the test?
“I um…. Don’t really care to be honest. I’m just around cause of my brother and my gift…” She shrugged and leaned back on the grass, looking at staring at stars.
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
"Your gifts?" He asked softly. He never heard her voice in Mafia meetings, so he assumed she wasn't a Mafia member of any sort.. Phospho sighed softly, a feeling began to make him shudder as his head began to ache. It was a new sensation, really.
He frowned, holding his head in pain as he took deep breaths. "I- uhm.. apologize.. I don't really feel too well all of the sudden.. I was going to advise for you to go back indoors but I guess I should take my own advice." He laughed dryly.
“I’m Rayven Cardinal…. um yeah usually I get pretty restless…. I can fend for myself though!” Would it be time to put that to the test?
“I um…. Don’t really care to be honest. I’m just around cause of my brother and my gift…” She shrugged and leaned back on the grass, looking at staring at stars.
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
He watched her, listening. Half of him was worried for her and wanted to ask if he could comfort her but a thirst, a hunger ate at him.
"Ah, to hide my idenity." He said with a simple shrug. Phospho looked at her and frowned. "..Do you always wake up and go outside? There's Mafia members around, you know.. I'm Phospho Intel." He introduced himself. "I tend to work at night, so I'm wide awake- you seem exhausted."
☕ Hunger.. 🌙
What he didn’t expect was the hunger that followed after the biting. A stinging hunger that caused his mouth to drool, his newly formed fangs piercing his lip as he chewed it nervously. Behind his shades, his green and blue eyes were aglow with a soft crimson gaze. Phospho was in the dark streets of Salem, honestly at first he was looking for Marshall to bite and kill him, but he saw a young lady far from him. Something in him told him to go over to her.
“Good evening.” He greeted, hiding his fangs the best he could. “What are you doing out so late, ma'am?” Phospho asked, honestly rather concerned for her. Maybe something was wrong..
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
☕ Hunger.. 🌙
What he didn't expect was the hunger that followed after the biting. A stinging hunger that caused his mouth to drool, his newly formed fangs piercing his lip as he chewed it nervously. Behind his shades, his green and blue eyes were aglow with a soft crimson gaze. Phospho was in the dark streets of Salem, honestly at first he was looking for Marshall to bite and kill him, but he saw a young lady far from him. Something in him told him to go over to her.
"Good evening." He greeted, hiding his fangs the best he could. "What are you doing out so late, ma'am?" Phospho asked, honestly rather concerned for her. Maybe something was wrong..
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
👤Phospho Intel was bitten by a Vampire!👤
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
👤The hand that feeds you..☕
It was cold out when Phospho found himself visiting his brother's grave again. It was November, 17th and the sun had recently set, causing the sky to turn hues of violet and blues. He sighed softly, holding back tears as he put flowers next to the grave, a small coffee cup and a little cross on the grave. He sighed softly.
Not a day went by that he didn't think of Krypt.
"If I ever die, would you just carry on, Romeo? I wouldn't want you to just be upset over my death. I wouldn't want you to break down like you did when tia died."
He was caught up remember Francisco's voice, his brother and the only person he really had in Salem. Everything was taken by Marshall.
And that's when he met Vincent and struck a deal.
"Ya know, mate, there's loads of shite you could do versus the Mafia if ya just let me bite ya." Vincent had offered several weeks prior. The Spy had declined his offers over and over again, fearing of turning and being cursed like Vincent- a blood thirsty monster- but ever since Marshall blackmailed him into submitting to the Mafia, he's yearned to kill that bastard.
Phospho eventually said his goodbyes to the grave before he found himself walking back home, opening the door to see Vincent smirking at him, laying on his couch.
"Ready for the bite? It ain't gonna hurt much, I promise, it's just gonna feel very cold."
Phospho nodded slowly, as if selling his soul to the devil before him, he tilted head to the side, revealing the crook of his neck to the hungry supernatural being before him who went over and purred.
Don't ever forget who you are, Romeo. Even if I die, remember what we fight for and who we are. We'll make the world a better place.
And now, Phospho can finally avenge him. Vincent dug his fangs into the Spy's neck, letting out a satisfied hum as he began to suck the blood from Phospho. He felt the heat draining from him, his head began to ache as he began to become dizzy. He felt his own heartbeat stop for a brief moment, thumping rapidly in fear and adrenaline before ceasing forever.
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
                                   I’ll be the one you remember.
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
Muse skillset symbol meme
Send an emoji to learn how good/bad my muse is at that particular skill!
💋 — kissing
💄 — makeup
👾 — video games
🎵 — singing
💃 — dancing
🎹 — playing an instrument
🌷 — taking care of living things
🌲 — surviving in the wilderness
👊 — fighting
😇 — following rules
🍳 — cooking
🍼 — taking care of children
🎁 — giving presents to others
🎉 — hosting parties
💌 — romance/flirting
🎨 — art
🍀 — luck
⚽️  — sports
🏊 — swimming
🚗 — driving
🔮 — magic
🔎 — investigating
🔫 — long range weapons
💣 — explosives
🔪 — melee weapons
🔬 — scientific pursuits
🚿 — hygiene
💰 — finance
🌍 — knowledge of the world
👻 — communing with the paranormal
📚 — reading
🔧 — engineering/mechanics
⌛️ — time management
📥 — organization
🍺 — alcohol tolerance
🚴 — riding a bike
🎭 — performance art/acting
⚓️ — sailing
➗ — mathematics
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
Reblog this if your muse can play an instrument.
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ask-salems-intel · 7 years
where the asks at
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