ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 16 days
Chill, it was a month ago! I just didn’t bring it up because I thought it wasn’t important. But now I’m starting to think it might be.
Okay… would now be a bad time to mention that I might have opened one of the doors?
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 16 days
It was an accident! Before all of this stuff started! I’m not that stupid I swear!
Okay… would now be a bad time to mention that I might have opened one of the doors?
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 16 days
Okay… would now be a bad time to mention that I might have opened one of the doors?
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 28 days
Still a no.
Do you guys mind if I join in on the 'laying on the floor' thing?
The floor has never looked so nice to lay on.
-Cas (@ask-cas-hoppe)
Well, I'm not exactly on the floor, but sure! Yeah, I've just been throwing skittles into nadeem's (@ask-nadeem-razmaadi) mouth from my bed :]
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 28 days
You… do realise I’m not on fire right? They’d just melt.
Do you guys mind if I join in on the 'laying on the floor' thing?
The floor has never looked so nice to lay on.
-Cas (@ask-cas-hoppe)
Well, I'm not exactly on the floor, but sure! Yeah, I've just been throwing skittles into nadeem's (@ask-nadeem-razmaadi) mouth from my bed :]
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 1 month
Yeah that sounds like a good idea. I mean you’re the expert. You know more than I do, man.
Hey. Sorry to bother you, Nadeem here. There’s a problem.
Worked out from Google that my current body temperature is like… 500°F. Kind of worrying?
Sorry to bother you guys, but do you have any advice? I don’t know what to do (sorry).
— @ask-nadeem-razmaadi
so uh, I may have turned my notifications off when I was on vacation but…
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 1 month
How does it feel knowing you’re only important due to your abilities and nothing else? Does it feel good to know without them you’d be replaceable? - 🥀
It’s better than having no value, I’ll take it, man. I don’t have to be important to have a good time while it lasts.
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 1 month
I tried it evaporated. Also thinking about it now, I don’t think it was ever a cold, dude. It didn’t get better, it just turned into this. I’m kind of just hoping it goes away again at this point. I’m not a doctor, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.
Hey. Sorry to bother you, Nadeem here. There’s a problem.
Worked out from Google that my current body temperature is like… 500°F. Kind of worrying?
Sorry to bother you guys, but do you have any advice? I don’t know what to do (sorry).
— @ask-nadeem-razmaadi
so uh, I may have turned my notifications off when I was on vacation but…
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 1 month
I’m fine just kinda confused, man. I don’t think this is normal. The others decided I had to go to the lab so maybe it is uh a problem? I have to use text to speech right now to stop my phone melting it’s not a good time. Plus, on the plus side, I got doughnuts out of it so it can’t be all bad right? Damn, this thing does grammar too. Still alive, but would appreciate advice if you have any you don’t need to worry or anything, dude. Sorry, text to speech won’t let me use paragraphs. Hope you can read this!
Hey. Sorry to bother you, Nadeem here. There’s a problem.
Worked out from Google that my current body temperature is like… 500°F. Kind of worrying?
Sorry to bother you guys, but do you have any advice? I don’t know what to do (sorry).
— @ask-nadeem-razmaadi
so uh, I may have turned my notifications off when I was on vacation but…
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 1 month
Yo, Nadeem open the door. The kids sent me to check up on you and I brought you a pair of shoes made of fiberglass fabrics (1000F degree burning point) that you can hopefully wear. Oh also Donuts from that place they said you liked.
-Eliane M.
ok fine. be right there.
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 1 month
Hey n-nadeem, is there any way you could make your way t-to the lab? I'm worried about you and, although I can't e-exactly do anything to help you in my current state, you need h-help. I learned that the hard way.
hey kid. you ok? cant type much. not sure about going to lab. idk if this is serious. also no shoes. thanks for the message. v boring here.
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 1 month
Update - It’s not getting better. I’d go to the lab but I can’t put shoes on, so it looks like I’m stuck in my apartment.
Google says plastic melts at like 350-500°F. Don’t think it’s normal for my body to be that temperature. Help appreciated?
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 1 month
Nadeem, we need you at the lab. Now, hurry, it’s so cold.
-Kit B.
What? What’s going on? Can’t type much right now my phone’s overheating.
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 1 month
Uh. Is it normal for my sneakers to melt when I put them on? Google isn’t saying anything useful.
Oh shit I think my phone case is dripping too. Okay. Be right back.
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 1 month
@ask-larspinfield, @ask-garygrooberson, @ask-trevorspengler let me know if you guys want anything from your houses while you’re quarantining, I’ll pick them up on my way home. Sorry it’s not much of a welcome, being stuck in a glass box.
Really glad to have all of you back. I was scared, man. At least everyone can get some rest now.
I never want to have any more caffeine as long as I live.
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 1 month
You get home first!
Hey lars, me again, I hate to bother you but you said you had a plan but i havent heard from you since, is it working?
I don't mean to pester, I'm just worried about you is all
I will admit, the timing of this is slightly alarming.
We seem to be in the proper dimension. Problem is we're in the middle of the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia. I am sorry to say, someone will have to make the drive to pick us up.
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ask-nadeem-razmaadi · 1 month
Drive safe, okay?
Hey Nadeem, hows the fever treating you, any updates on your powers?
Also, I need help, theres a girl anonymously flirting with me and I have no idea who it is. Do you have any idea who it could be? She mentioned archives
Alright, 1. Really not feeling good, not many updates there though. Once Lars is back in New York I’ll shower and spend a day in bed, hope that sorts it out.
2. Why… would you ask me about that? I’ve never even been on a successful date. Trust me, the worse she can say is not ‘no’.
3. If you need any help getting to Philadelphia, I’ll do anything I can. I just want this whole thing to be over as soon as possible.
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