((!!! this is so cute !! I love it !!! :0 
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I found this really funny ds au @ask-merman-wilson its really cute haha so heres some fanart
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“Oh. I’m sorry.” Wilson didn’t know exactly what he meant by that, but he assumed it really only happened to people with legs. “20??” He gasped. “Human bodies must be...fragile.” He hummed. Merpeople usually live for a long time, a little longer than humans, and their prime seemed to end way later than a human’s did. In the merpeople lifespan, Wilson was still considered very young. 
“Another Wilson!” He smiled. “There seem to be many Wilsons on this island...” He grinned sheepishly. “If I might ask, how did you come to get here anyway?” 
“It’s alright.” He shrugged. “I’m very sorry.” He offered a sad smile. “However….I don’t really know…What I would do with a ring.” He frowned. “I can’t really…do anything in here as it is.” His face soured. “Though, there is a certain pirate I know that was obsessed with gold. I’m sure he’d love to have it.” Of course Wilson had no idea where said pirate was, or if he even was alive anymore. He figured he might never see him again. 
“Would you like to sit down?” He patted the grass next to him awkwardly. 
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He blushed a bit. “We usually don’t swim out too close to humans that often... I made that mistake once, and because of it, I got captured.” he smiled sadly. “I can’t say it’s all bad though; I get to meet a variety of humans I had never seen before in my life.” 
He laughed softly when she began to touch his tail. “That tickles!” 
"How can you stand being in water so long? It's gross!" Willow walked towards the man, half his body hidden in water. (Hai!)
Wilson grinned sheepishly at her and laughed a bit, flipping his tail slightly above the surface. “Unfortunately I can’t live that long outside of the water. I could survive for a while, but eventually, I’ll get dehydrated.” He shrugged. “So unfortunately, I’m stuck here in this pond.” 
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Wilson laughed a bit. “How many? It’s just me. As far as I’m concerned, I’m the only ‘siren’ here.” There was a hint of sadness in his voice. He shrugged it aside and proceeded to answer the rest of her questions. “I can go on land, but I won’t get very far. I’ll get dehydrated if I’m out of water for too long.”  He looked at his hands. “Thick...? I’d say...pretty thick. It prevents us from getting cold easily or from getting easy scratches.” He grinned. It was nice to have someone who was so interested in him in a non malicious way-unlike that old Maxwell. 
She was on her warm up lap around the biomes in the early morning. Checking the rabbit traps and was already winded by the time she reaches her traps by the pond. She takes off her sweater and bends down to sip some pond water. 
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Wilson nodded. “That’s right! I’m a merman.” He grinned. 
“Sure...but be gentle...” He hoisted himself up to sit on the shore and lay his long tail on the shore. 
"How can you stand being in water so long? It's gross!" Willow walked towards the man, half his body hidden in water. (Hai!)
Wilson grinned sheepishly at her and laughed a bit, flipping his tail slightly above the surface. “Unfortunately I can’t live that long outside of the water. I could survive for a while, but eventually, I’ll get dehydrated.” He shrugged. “So unfortunately, I’m stuck here in this pond.” 
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Wilson grinned as he sat down, though curious as to why he took such care in it. Perhaps he was injured?  “Are you hurt?” He asked awkwardly. He cleared his throat. “My name’s Wilson.” He offered. “And...that’s about all I can remember of my past really.” He sighed. “And you are...?” 
“B-Because I don’t need it anymore,” He replied defensively. “Please. Think nothing of it,” Wilson said. 
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Wilson chuckled a bit. “Can’t swim? That’s a shame.” His shoulders loosened and he grinned slyly. “Sparing me?” He crossed his arms in the grass and rested his head on his arms. “Thank goodness for that.” He smiled happily. 
She was on her warm up lap around the biomes in the early morning. Checking the rabbit traps and was already winded by the time she reaches her traps by the pond. She takes off her sweater and bends down to sip some pond water. 
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Wilson grinned. “Human...?” He smiled sadly. “I’m afraid not.” He cocked his head. “Did you think I was human...?” He raised an eyebrow in question. 
"How can you stand being in water so long? It's gross!" Willow walked towards the man, half his body hidden in water. (Hai!)
Wilson grinned sheepishly at her and laughed a bit, flipping his tail slightly above the surface. “Unfortunately I can’t live that long outside of the water. I could survive for a while, but eventually, I’ll get dehydrated.” He shrugged. “So unfortunately, I’m stuck here in this pond.” 
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Wilson raised an eyebrow at her. “Ambushed....? I..I live here. So...it seems that you’ve ambushed me.” He grinned a bit. 
“Siren...? Well...that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while.” He huffed a bit. “Do you really want to fight though...?” He accentuated his sharp claws a bit and slid down a bit, assuming a defensive stance. “No offense, but you don’t seem like much of the fighting type.” He shrugged. “But if you insist....” He hoped he wouldn’t have to fight her. She seemed nice, though a bit eccentric. The last fight he was in...didn’t end too well for the last guy. He’d rather not hurt her as she didn’t seem to do anything to him.  
She was on her warm up lap around the biomes in the early morning. Checking the rabbit traps and was already winded by the time she reaches her traps by the pond. She takes off her sweater and bends down to sip some pond water. 
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"How can you stand being in water so long? It's gross!" Willow walked towards the man, half his body hidden in water. (Hai!)
Wilson grinned sheepishly at her and laughed a bit, flipping his tail slightly above the surface. “Unfortunately I can’t live that long outside of the water. I could survive for a while, but eventually, I’ll get dehydrated.” He shrugged. “So unfortunately, I’m stuck here in this pond.” 
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❄ As Wilgiant!!!!!
Wilson grinned happily and reached up to be picked up. He leaned against his friend’s cheek and planted a series of soft kisses across his friend’s cheek, laughing a bit. 
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Snowflake !
Wilson smiled softly and kissed them on the cheek in a friendly matter. “There you go!” 
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❄️ no homo tho.
Wilson grinned a bit and kissed his friend awkwardly on the forehead. “No homo…?” He raised an eyebrow. 
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Hey, Wilson blogs!
Do me a favor and reblog this!
“Why should I reblog this?” You might ask. I’ll tell you why. I’m working on a series of nonsensical misadventures with @rev0lt1ng and my Wilsons. 
There’s gonna be a bit that’s like Rick and Morty’s Citadel of Ricks scene, and I need as many AU designs as I can get for that.
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Wilson saw the ripples from the surface of his pond. Who was up there? Was it someone he knew? Perhaps a friend trying to get his attention!  He swam eagerly to the surface and popped his head out. 
“Hello!” He grinned, before realizing it was someone he had never seen before. She seemed to be...drinking from his pond. Was she sure she wanted to do that..? 
“O-oh..” He responded, visibly flustered. “I’m sorry...I thought you were someone else...” He smiled awkwardly. 
She was on her warm up lap around the biomes in the early morning. Checking the rabbit traps and was already winded by the time she reaches her traps by the pond. She takes off her sweater and bends down to sip some pond water. 
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Sketch Dump of ask-merman-wilson‘s character (all credits go there). I love mermans/mermaids so much *_*
First is a pic I put in my sketchbook so I always have a ref when I’m not at my pc. I liked it, so I post it here, too :).
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