We're all mad here.
349 posts
"I'm not crazy. This is real." || Part of ONCEUPONANOTHERTIME-RP. Managed by Mena.
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
Are you mad all the time or is that just the moniker people call you by by habit?
I'm not mad as in an emotion, I'm mad as in not quite sane.
Though arguably the fact that I know I'm not entirely sane is a sign of better mental health than most have.
Whatever. Whether it's me who's odd or all the others, the fact remains that I don't tick the way they do, and that makes one of us insane.
(If you ask me, it's them.)
But it's easier for everyone if I play along and act as if they were the normals, not me.
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
Are you and Grace alright? There's been people disappearing and, admittedly, I just needed to check on you two.
We aren't disappearing nowhere, Belle. Come over to a dinner and check with your own eyes? I'll keep Grace close by just in case, so don't expect sole visits from her in the shop, but we can also swing by together, if you prefer to stay there.
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I'm pretty sure that I can still make a mean good stew if I want to. I'd like to see you're hanging there too.
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
Hey Jefferson. Do you have any idea how you guys came back? Any memory of your time back in Storybrooke?
My memories of Storybrooke are intact, as far as I can tell. (Tell me, how do you know if your memories have been erased or altered, other than blind spots? I don't have blank spaces of this place.)
Wish I could say the same about the Enchanted Forest. That time - was it really a year??? - is... entirely locked.
I won't say gone because we both experienced that memories are not gone, but you know what I mean. Nothing. Niente. Nada. Nix.
Honestly, it's really, really annoying.
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What about you? I heard your memories are all back. I'm disappointed I didn't hear it from you, honestly. What are friends for, darling?
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
It has to be annoying how it's one thing after another with this town. One threat taken care of two more take it's place. Like a hydra of doom
You call it annoying, anon, but one might call it exciting. It keeps the blood pumping, isn't it?
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I settled down into a quiet life to keep my daughter safe, but it'd be a lie to say I don't miss adventures sometimes.
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
What’s the last thing you remembered before you ended up back in Storybrooke?
I... I don't even know. There was nothing extraordinary, just our day going on, playing with Grace, and then... then back.
I'm... I'm a bit confused, I think. I should talk to the others.
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
"Good job, honey," Jefferson praised his daughter, sensing that she needed some reassurance. He had always been fine-tuned to her needs, as her only caregiver for a good while, and since the end of the first curse, their bond quickly regenerated. And by coming back to the Forest and fending for their own together again, their sync was as good as ever. "It looks wonderful."
"Indeed, Grace becomes quite a baker. Sometimes I think this is where she imagines herself when she grows up. Owning a teahouse or similar, baking the sweets herself. Or do you have different plans, sweetheart?" He offered up a chance for them to talk about a safe topic. He supposed Grace would be a bit too shy to start a conversation herself, and the fairy had nothing to go with in terms of topics.
"Oh. I think I've heard a bit about you from Belle," he offered carefully, letting her know that he had some amount of knowledge, at least what Belle had from Neal, about the events in Neverland. "Didn't really know about your... agreement with Blue Fairy about your job." He swallowed, at her words and question, and forced a smile on his face. "This is too grim of a topic for teatime," he answered, "let's put a cap on it until we've enjoyed this brew."
As they wrapped up the tea party, he hugged Grace close to himself. "Honey, we're almost out of mushrooms, but I'd like to make an omelet for our fairy guest before she has to go on. Can you go and collect some for us, please? You know the rules, don't go far while alone, and be back before sunset. Okay?" Once she was out of the cottage, and Jefferson shut the door after her, turning back without smiling, eyes serious. "I've heard rumors but hoped them to be false. Is she really here? Did she bring her flying monkeys? She's the one in the castle, isn't she?"
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He smiled at Grace as he let her go from his side. “Go and make sure the table is set and the guests are all ready for a reeeal fairy to join them! I’ll make the tea this time, honey.” Though the tea parties usually had only imaginary feasts, Jefferson supposed a real guest required some real liquid, so he put the kettle on and quickly boiled water for the tea while Grace fussed with the table and chairs. “I hope you’ll like it. my daughter serves the best tea parties in all the realms, I can attest to that,” he added with another warm smile, caressing Grace’s hair as he passed her and put the tray on the table. He supposed he didn’t need to warn anyone that it’s hot.
“It’s only a humble abode, I’m sure a fairy like you can enjoy palaces and castles everywhere. But maybe that’s why this might be different and thus memorable,” he noted, taking her compliment as empty politeness. “Meaningless tasks are such a chore. Then enjoy our home for the afternoon.” He was no fool to offer limitless welcome, at least not until he knew this visitor a bit better and gauged her intentions. Jefferson was polite, but not trusting - one too many betrayal from the Queen for that. “Though I must admit, I’m not used to fairies criticizing their superior. I thought you had a strict hierarchy? Isn’t the Blue Fairy is all knowing?” His eyes darted to Grace, unsure if the topic was lighthearted enough to her ears. Maybe they shouldn’t shatter her illusions about fairies just yet.
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“Yes, I know, Papa! The chairs and table are all set!” Grace beamed as she made sure all her little “friends” were sitting on their own chair to make room for the fairy… a real fairy. The little girl could not stop smiling at the thought. However, nerves began to overcome her as she had hoped everything was perfect. Though she did learn to make delicious teas, making up her own blends, she had become somewhat anxious about what Tinker Bell would think of this particular brew. It was her favorite white tea blend with a bit of roses and wildberries. She named it “Garden Party Tea” and her father always brewed it perfectly. When her father set the tray down, she sat next to the fairy and began to enjoy her tea and tarts, listening to their conversation.
Tink took a bite of the delicious tart and sip of tea, savoring it for a moment before complementing Grace. “This is delicious and you baked these tarts yourself?” The girl nodded proudly before taking a bite herself. 
“Well done. You’ll have to give me the recipe sometime.” Tink grinned before turning back to Jefferson as he inquired about the Blue Fairy. “So, long story short, I was once under Blue’s orders a very long time ago before I… well, lost my wings and went to Neverland. Now I’m back to being a fairy again, we have come to an agreement that I would be more of a… free fairy as they say. I brought her back to life so you can say she owes me big time.” She gave a soft chuckle before taking another sip of tea before clearing her throat. She was worried about frightening the child about the Wicked Witch but knew it was in their best interest to be aware.
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“But, I’m afraid I must still hold my vow of being a fairy and help as much as I can. I don’t know if you’ve heard but the Wicked Witch of Oz is in the Enchanted Forest and has become a new threat to the land. I understand you no longer have that magical hat but I’ve also heard you have visited the land of Oz in the past. You don’t happen to know any way to be able to defeat her, do you?”
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
He smiled at Grace as he let her go from his side. "Go and make sure the table is set and the guests are all ready for a reeeal fairy to join them! I'll make the tea this time, honey." Though the tea parties usually had only imaginary feasts, Jefferson supposed a real guest required some real liquid, so he put the kettle on and quickly boiled water for the tea while Grace fussed with the table and chairs. "I hope you'll like it. my daughter serves the best tea parties in all the realms, I can attest to that," he added with another warm smile, caressing Grace's hair as he passed her and put the tray on the table. He supposed he didn't need to warn anyone that it's hot.
"It's only a humble abode, I'm sure a fairy like you can enjoy palaces and castles everywhere. But maybe that's why this might be different and thus memorable," he noted, taking her compliment as empty politeness. "Meaningless tasks are such a chore. Then enjoy our home for the afternoon." He was no fool to offer limitless welcome, at least not until he knew this visitor a bit better and gauged her intentions. Jefferson was polite, but not trusting - one too many betrayal from the Queen for that. "Though I must admit, I'm not used to fairies criticizing their superior. I thought you had a strict hierarchy? Isn't the Blue Fairy is all knowing?" His eyes darted to Grace, unsure if the topic was lighthearted enough to her ears. Maybe they shouldn't shatter her illusions about fairies just yet.
Grace has been heartbroken over the loss of the March Hare, one of the rabbit friends Jefferson had sewn for their tea parties. Grace had forgotten him outside and a fox got the toy and tore it into pieces, the damage too big for repairs to be possible. Grace of course blamed herself, and so far, Jefferson hasn’t been able to console her, despite trying his best. Sometimes Grace was acting like a proper adult lady already, with the curses they’ve been through forcing her to be mature to her age, but in other times? The child she was supposed to be showed herself.
Normally, Jefferson wouldn’t welcome a fairy, but in this trying time, any distraction for Grace was welcomed, and the fact that his daughter smiled? Well, Jefferson would’ve allowed even Regina into their cottage for that smile. So he only wrapped an arm around Grace’s shoulder, pressing her close to himself in an attempt of protectiveness. “Yes, princess, that is indeed a fairy. We’re lucky!” Though he was fairly sure his daughter wouldn’t get a fairy godmother. Or more like, he hoped. If one needed a fairy godmother, that usually meant a lot of trouble ahead.
He turned to the fairy. “Just Jefferson, please. I’m not the Hatter anymore.” He had a few attempts to find a new portal Hat, but so far no dice. So he wasn’t the adventurer anymore that he’d been. “Welcome in our home, Tinker Bell, please come in. Can I get you a tea? Is there a chance you have time to sit down with us? I’m sure Grace and her friends would be delighted to host a tea party for you,” he smiled, as politely as he could muster.
“Yes! Come in and join us for tea!” Grace chimed in as she rushed over to the table and began setting it up for them. She pulled up an extra chair and wiggled it around to make sure it was sturdy enough for their fairy guest. The last thing she wanted was for Tinker Bell to fall over and get hurt. That would not make a very good impression at all. Thank goodness she was well prepared with the amount of tarts she had baked and helped her father make the tea. 
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Tink was simply delighted at the welcome, feeling quite at home in the quaint cottage already. “Thank you, that sounds lovely. I’ve never been invited over for tea before.” She sat down and grinned, watching the little girl going about the kitchen, gathering everything for tea time. It was a refreshing sight as she had been flying around on her own for a while, she forgot what it was like to be among company that was not with the other fairies or expected to assist in some sort of crisis. She was happy to be able to sit down, relax, and hopefully, make some new friends. 
“You have a lovely home, Jefferson. You can call me Tink, by the way and I’m in no rush at all, believe me. With the task that I was assigned, I’ve already told them it’s a waste of time but Blue insisted. I may as well enjoy a wonderful tea party with wonderful company.”
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
Grace has been heartbroken over the loss of the March Hare, one of the rabbit friends Jefferson had sewn for their tea parties. Grace had forgotten him outside and a fox got the toy and tore it into pieces, the damage too big for repairs to be possible. Grace of course blamed herself, and so far, Jefferson hasn't been able to console her, despite trying his best. Sometimes Grace was acting like a proper adult lady already, with the curses they've been through forcing her to be mature to her age, but in other times? The child she was supposed to be showed herself.
Normally, Jefferson wouldn't welcome a fairy, but in this trying time, any distraction for Grace was welcomed, and the fact that his daughter smiled? Well, Jefferson would've allowed even Regina into their cottage for that smile. So he only wrapped an arm around Grace's shoulder, pressing her close to himself in an attempt of protectiveness. "Yes, princess, that is indeed a fairy. We're lucky!" Though he was fairly sure his daughter wouldn't get a fairy godmother. Or more like, he hoped. If one needed a fairy godmother, that usually meant a lot of trouble ahead.
He turned to the fairy. "Just Jefferson, please. I'm not the Hatter anymore." He had a few attempts to find a new portal Hat, but so far no dice. So he wasn't the adventurer anymore that he'd been. "Welcome in our home, Tinker Bell, please come in. Can I get you a tea? Is there a chance you have time to sit down with us? I'm sure Grace and her friends would be delighted to host a tea party for you," he smiled, as politely as he could muster.
Starter for @ask-madhatterjefferson​​​
For Tinker Bell back in the Enchanted Forest, it felt wonderful to be a fairy again and not under Blue’s orders, nevertheless. Though she would check in on her friends, Hook, Baelfire, Regina, and others from time to time, Tink was happy to be free to go about her own business, being the fairy she always wanted to be and on her own terms for once. Of course, Blue had wished she would stay with the others like old times but she knew better than to tell Tink that. However, word spread among the fairies that a threat had invaded Regina’s castle in the form of the Wicked Witch from Oz. 
It was not long before Tink was immediately summoned to join Blue and the fairies in searching throughout the Enchanted Forest for magical items that could defeat Zelena. However, Tink knew better. If she was more powerful that Regina, herself, their task was useless. Nevertheless, Blue insisted they kept searching and appointed Tink to look for the Hatter, whom she heard traveled to Oz with his enchanted hat to retrieve items for Rumplestiltskin. Perhaps he would remember his travels to such a place and any information about ways to defeat the Wicked Witch. Tink had already made up her mind. The mission was deemed a waste of time but if it meant taking a break from the other fairies, she did not mind the journey.
Flying over the woods, Tink could hear a little girl’s sadness over losing a friend. “That poor thing.” She thought to herself. “I have to remember to stop by and see her… wait. That’s the Hatter’s daughter! I found them!” She dove down into a quaint cottage, her green light glowing as she flew toward it.
“Papa! Papa! A fairy!” Grace called out to her father as she could see the bright green light approaching their cottage. “She’s heading this way! Maybe my wish for a fairy godmother came true!” She ran to the door and opened it for the green fairy, beaming at the sight as she had never met a fairy before.
Tink stopped in front of the cottage door and transformed to her human size. She greeted the father and daughter. “Hello, Mr. Hatter and Grace, am I correct? I’m so sorry to show up like this but I’m Tinker Bell and I need your help. Mind if I come in?”
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
She was content. She's growing up, she will want more sooner or later than what I can give, than what I can be for her. It makes me afraid, you know?
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That's a good plan, honestly. I think it'll be good for you to have a purpose other than grieving. I can't say I am fond of him, but... even I have to admit that you're right and he'll need someone.
I'm sorry about what happened Ms. Belle. I think I have some old books in my cottage if you want to borrow them. We can read them together over some tea.
Thank you, Grace.
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I think I'd like that. What do you say to you pick one out, we'll start on it the next time I visit?
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
With Pan's curse coming and Regina stopping it but having to return home, how do you feel about about going back home to the Enchanted Forest?
Well, it wasn't so long ago that it was what I wanted, right? I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll miss indoor plumbing, not gonna lie.
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I'm scared shitless, what do you think?! I don't know what we'll find and how this new curse will work and I'm terrified of losing Grace.
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
He buried his face to Belle's hair as they cuddled close, one hand starting its soothing circles on her back on autopilot. He reached out with the other to pour some whiskey into the tea, about half-half.
"You were his people, you and his son. People can argue about his methods, but for his chosen few... he would have done anything." Jefferson could understand that logic all too well because he was the same. He wasn't good to care about people in general, but his people? To hell and back, without hesitation. "Simply put, he loved you."
He doesn't include himself in that list. He was friends with Rumple, sure, but Rumple would never have sacrificed himself for Jefferson the way he did for Belle and Neal.
Your place or my place? I think... I feel like we both need each other right now.
Yours. I'm not sure if I could handle going back to any place of mine right now. It doesn't feel right ... besides, I'm sure you have the bigger tea selection. And definitely something much stronger
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
If things will be as they've been before the curse, even the not decent ones will be appreciated, I'm afraid. I hate that I won't be able to provide her as I could here...
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And what about you, Belle? Where are you planning to go?
I'm sorry about what happened Ms. Belle. I think I have some old books in my cottage if you want to borrow them. We can read them together over some tea.
Thank you, Grace.
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I think I'd like that. What do you say to you pick one out, we'll start on it the next time I visit?
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
What do you plan to do now that you're back in the Enchanted Forest? Are you going to live in your old cottage again?
I don't know? I don't know if we'll be carried back to where we were or if there'll be a trick, something that changes things.
IF we get to have our memories - at least the ones we had in the Enchanted Forest - we'll likely go back to the cottage. If it's still there. I heard some nasty things about ogres. Anyhow, my priority will be to have Grace safe and in as much comfort as I'm able to provide her.
If we'll remember our Storybrook life, then I'll have to take Belle into account too. I don't think she should be left alone, after she just lost Rumplestiltskin, so we'll have to figure out how to include her in our life. And as much as I'm not a huge fan of the Charming family, they're Emma's parents, so I'll have to keep an eye on them too.
We'll also be back in a land with magic, so I'll try to get a new portal hat too, somehow. Just in case...
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
This calls for something stronger, I believe. At least I definitely need it.
* pulls out the couch and brings the tray to the table, then sits down and opens his arms in an offer to cuddle *
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Come 'ere. Let me know if you want to talk. Until then, just... be here. With me.
I know it's not the same but he was my friend too.
Your place or my place? I think... I feel like we both need each other right now.
Yours. I'm not sure if I could handle going back to any place of mine right now. It doesn't feel right ... besides, I'm sure you have the bigger tea selection. And definitely something much stronger
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
What Grace said, you're always welcome at our home, and I'll make sure to get the kettle going for a nice cup of tea whenever you visit. We'll be sad if you don't come so don't keep us waiting too long, okay?
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I'm sorry about what happened Ms. Belle. I think I have some old books in my cottage if you want to borrow them. We can read them together over some tea.
Thank you, Grace.
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I think I'd like that. What do you say to you pick one out, we'll start on it the next time I visit?
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
I'm not sure myself, sweetheart. But even if we won't remember Paige and your other parents, remember that's only temporary, okay? And we'll be together and we'll have tea parties and collect mushrooms in the forest playing tag and all the things we've done before. We are not losing each other, not this time, and I'll be by your side all the time.
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Stick close to me, okay, my princess? We won't be separated this time, I promise. It'll be okay. I won't leave you again.
I'm a little scared, Papa, but I know we'll be okay as long as we're together. What do you think is going to happen to us? I don't want to lose my memories again.
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ask-madhatterjefferson · 4 years ago
Tsk-tsk. Still so little faith in yourself? And here I thought I've already got that out of you!
Emma, you're the Savior. You're the one. For me, for us, but most importantly for yourself. Always. Curse or not, new or old, you'll remain the same. Whether you remember it or not, you won't change. Not where it matters.
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I've believed in you before and I'll keep believing in you, for as long as it takes.
Have faith, Savior. You'll need it more than ever... I'll miss you, we will miss you, Emma, regardless if we'll remember you or not.
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I-- I'll try. This is all happening so fast. I just found my parents and now I'm leaving them... Thank you. I'll miss you, too. We didn't have the best start but we became good friends despite it all. I want to thank you for never giving up on me both before and after I broke the curse. I'm sorry it took me a long time to break it. Not sure if this next one is a curse I'll be able to break next.
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