ask-lavenza · 6 years
just a 'lil update
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A quick wip post for an ask just so you guys know that i'm not returning to my grave-- 
School's been bombarding me with quizzes and homework, not to mention I now have to constantly babysit OTL  I'll do my best to get some answers in this week! I'm gonna see if I can stockpile my answers to post at a regular rate huhu
Don't be afraid to send in more asks though! I haven't closed the ask box yet!!!
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ask-lavenza · 6 years
sorry for inactivity;; I didn't think the first week of school would already be so harsh but it is, and I couldn't find time to draw any replies recently. sorry again! I'll get to them as soon as I can
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ask-lavenza · 6 years
Let’s go Back in Time!
Send “Time Machine+ a symbol” to have your muse go back and meet mine as a…
🍼: Newborn/baby (0-4 yrs)
🐻: Young child (5-9 yrs)
⚽️: Preteen (10-12 yrs)
🎧: Young Teen (13-15 yrs)
📱: Older Teen (16-18 yrs)
🍹: Young Adult (19-25 yrs)
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ask-lavenza · 6 years
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HERES MY HOT TAKE altho someone prob did this already
credits to @the-cm for helping me figure out whos who lmao
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ask-lavenza · 6 years
don't worry its just your name is a bit difficult to remember and say.
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“Thank you…?”
Though I don’t think it helped much
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ask-lavenza · 6 years
Lavenza? I thought it was lasagna
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ask-lavenza · 6 years
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"Apologies for such a late return, But I'm glad to see you again."
Oh wow I exist????? coUGHS Lavenza is BACK BABY! after a super duper long hiatus too! I know the mini comic is poorly made too i'msorry 
I sure hope that people are still tuned into this blog lmao :') I'll do my best to try and be more active than I was before, but I'm very glad to say that I've improved in my art, have finally gotten a beginner tablet and am ready to answer some asks! 
before I get started though, i'm gonna empty up all the asks that've been collecting dust in my askbox first so that they're all out of the way.
I hope you all look forward to it!
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ask-lavenza · 7 years
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????¿??? ¿When???how???why????¿¿???? Okbutlike, thanks a whole bunch this is like,, the most followers ive ever gotten LOL uh- I have no idea how to handle this whee- I suppose an event as thanks..? I'll--- I'll decide on it soon;; Again though, thanks so much for 100+ followers even though i barely do anything on here-- ill follow up on finishing asks soon after this haha- But seriously im shooketh when did this-- Forgive my sorry excuse of a thanks post,, i didnt expect to be this big at first since im a huge spoiler blog for the game n all but wowwie wow wow- I was just starting this for fun but it seems i gotta get more serious now- I'll do my best to live up to most of your expectations for this blog!! Thanks again for loving my blessed baby girl wjdjsjxjdj -Admin
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ask-lavenza · 7 years
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@ask-shujin-goth noticed by goth lord ooboy-- but i hope you like it!
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ask-lavenza · 7 years
((my pretty child aaAAA its beautiful i lo v e it UvU
✏ if you dont mind! -ask-lavenza
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@ask-lavenza (there she is… i hope u like it! :D )
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ask-lavenza · 7 years
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"Care to explain yourself, Inmate?" @askakira-kurusu
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ask-lavenza · 7 years
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"Her background is quite tragic, which happened to catch my eye. Her looks are quite nice as well! For her skillset.. I suppose its alright!"
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ask-lavenza · 7 years
Send me 🔪 to stab my muse.
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ask-lavenza · 7 years
send me a "✎" and ill draw your muse
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ask-lavenza · 7 years
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"I-Im flattered, Thank you..!"
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ask-lavenza · 7 years
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(wowie….a new ask blog for mishima yuuki !! feel free to send things and interact! :D )
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ask-lavenza · 7 years
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“he’s been very obedient, actually! From his visits, it seems he’s doing pretty well!”
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