Landau Family Ask-blog
5 posts
Very totally canon and official askblog for the Landaus because I don't have a problem and am very normal -Mod Fox
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ask-landau-family · 1 year ago
aeon anon at it again for the christmas season! landaus! are you going to get anyone anything? participating in a secret santa maybe?
*Recording begins*
Gepard: We are doing secret santa among the different companies. As captain, I wouldn't really be able to participate as such, but I've still gotten some practical gifts for some officers.
Gepard: As for my sisters, I called in some favors and was able to track down some of the more rare components Serval has been wanting for her projects. For Lynxy... Well she didn't share many ideas so I got her a pair of camping chairs, although knowing how she packs I don't know how much she might use them.
*Recording ends, the following is submitted seperately*
Lynx: Ah right. Gifts. I remembered.
Lynx: That's a joke, of course I remembered! I got Serval some accessories, namely earrings. For Gepard, I found a very well preserved scarf. Sure it could go to the museum, but it fits Geppy more than it would fit in some display.
*Recording ends, the following is submitted seperately*
Serval: Oh I have a LOT of gifts to give out. Pen set for Bronya, a new journal for Pela, a new coat and leggings for Lynxy, Geppie... Well he just wanted thicker socks. He tends to go through some clothes quickly, which is hardly shocking for the work he does...
*Recording Ends*
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ask-landau-family · 1 year ago
aeons anon here! landaus, after current events, i'm interested to hear your opinions on groups that follow the aeons, especially the IPC. of course, the antimatter legion is a threat to belobog, but what about the IPC? the xianzhou alliance?
also, gepard, i think sampo may be part of the masked fools... i saw him hanging out with a few of them.
*Recording begins*
Serval: -So while the IPC might be a bit greedy, I do think that at least Topaz was just trying to help us.
Lynx: Right so I'm going to ignore the fact I wasn't consulted and also managed to miss another major event.
Serval: No comment.
Lynx: Oh shush. For the record, I would've been against the signing the contract, but I suppose that worked out in the end. As for the IPC, yeah I'd call them greedy, I mean how can you justify making people wholey unrelated to the initial contract take full responsibility for it and still see yourself as in the right?
Serval: I'm sure there's more to it than just that Lynxy, they exist everywhere. Aeons, we even use credits in Belebog, yet haven't seen from the IPC until just recently. It's a bit unfair to color them based on just one encounter.
Lynx: Sure, but I still think it was a bit rude. They are probably fine enough in practice. As far as other groups, I mean the Antimatter legions is definitely a problem, but most are so far removed from us it's hard to really have an opinion.
Serval: What Lynxy said, I'm sure they all have there motivations, but the legion definitely seem like a problem.
*Recording ends, the following is submitted seperately*
Gepard: The IPC...
*a sigh is recorded*
Gepard: I agree with Lady Bronya not signing the contract. It is cheap of the IPC to strike when we were still recovering from the stellaron, not only that but claiming territory and halting productions before any agreements were made could have crippled our ability to hold back the fragmentum had things not been resolved quickly. As it stands, the IPC has left a sour taste in my mouth, even if it's been resolved now. Sampo Koski? The wanted con man? I can't imagine him being part of the masked fools changing much, even if it clarifies some of his... eccentricities.
*Recording ends*
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ask-landau-family · 1 year ago
favorite animals / type of animal (current or extinct, considering belobog's condition?) why those animals?
(also mod fox. thank you so much for making this blog!! as a gepard superfan(tm) i've been hungering for casual landau rp blogs... the more serious ones make me sooo nervous HAHA.
may i be aeons anon, if you're open to them?)
Lynx: Not much nature was able to adapt the Eternal Freeze before it got too cold for survival, as such most known animals are few and far between. Not to say that there aren't any, especially now that the stellaron crisis is over. Personally, plains bears have begun to make a resurgence and I may have been taking care of a cub in the snow plains, but you didn't hear that from me. The reason for why is simple, it shows how the weather is improving, and is concrete evidence as to the end of the crisis,
Gepard: More birds have been pearching around Serval's workshop, and the bird song has proven to be a nice bonus when patroling the administrative district. Why? Oh hmm... Don't tell Serval, but hearing her songs so often... It can be a little draining. Especially when the other soldiers tend to sing them during down-time.
Serval: OK OK SO... The Trailblazer has invited me to the express right? In one of my visits, I got to meet Peppy, who is the CUTEST LITTLE PUPPY! I took pictures to show the fam, but I can't exactly share those with how this set up works so you'll just have to take my word for it.
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ask-landau-family · 1 year ago
landaus, now that you know about the rest of the aeons, how do you feel about them, and how does this affect your worship of / relationship with qlipoth the preservation? are there any you find cooler or more interesting than the rest?
Gepard: I made an oath to Qlipoth to protect Belebog, as it stands that oath takes priority. I've had little time to worry over the other Aeons unfortunately.
Serval: Xipe is definitely interesting, but I think more Aha would be more my speed. So many people get caught up on details that they can't enjoy all that we've been fighting for, or the progress we've made.
Lynx: Fuli. The great freeze has caused so much destruction and we've lost so much history to the snow, so the idea that all this knowledge could still be salvaged... Well it's comforting.
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ask-landau-family · 1 year ago
Introduction Post
*mic tapping*
Serval: Ah it's working, good! Hello Belebog, Trailblazers, and... Whoever else can see this I guess.
Gepard: I would've thought that would be more concerning for you.
Serval: Hey we can take care of ourselves. And it's not like we are inviting trouble, it's all translated as text, see?
Gepard: ... If you say so sis. Hello everyone, under advisement of the Trailblazer and thier friends, we are opening this blog to help introduce others to Belebog and Jarilo-VI now that the stellaron crisis is over.
Serval: Right, so we are acting as representatives for Belebog. I'm Serval, local mechanic and friend of many. Your turn Geppie
Gepard: I'm Gepard, captain of the silvermane guard.
Lynx: And I'm Lynx. Extreme enviroment explorer, member of the snowfield exploration team.
Serval: And with that, this ask center is open!
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