ask-jaximus · 9 years
The Mun Speaks:
Still alive. Did ditch for a while there, one of my co-workers quit and left her cases open for me and the supervisor to find. > >;;
Joy of joys. Angry clients all around. Will post this weekend, boss told me to take a break.
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
I’m sick of getting dropped or ignored by some blogs just because my muse isn’t jumping and crawling all over them. There are things called enemies/platonic or just friends or whatever… And i’m annoyed… So if you could just reblog this so that I can have a bit of reassurance about this… It’d be very appreciated.
If your muse isn't just hunting for the D and V, please reblog.
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
it's your fault fucker
“... what the... hell?”
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
Tumblr media
Tries to comment it but starts talking gibberish.
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
With a tilt of his head, Jax wondered. Perhaps there was more to the creature than he thought. It wasn’t beyond doubt if the creature was intelligent, Kog and Cho were much the same, limited in their speech but not in mental capabilities. 
When the large beast neared, Jax instinctively relaxed. His shoulders dropped and he lifted his chin, gaze up toward the sky. He could feel the breeze of an exhale as he was sniffed and investigated. Best to prove he was mostly harmless, since it was only curiosity that drove them around each other.
“If it means anything to you, I was a Champion for the Institute of War. Grandmaster Jax, the lamp-post wielder, if that means anything to you.”
Jax knelt to the floor, spying the curious, burrowing creature. "... you're certainly new to me."
His voice was met with a rather muffle clicking as only the fin on her back was visible to the Grandmaster.  Rek’Sai knew where he was.  She could hear and feel his movements as she circled about the visiter.
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
“It’s not a simple thing, caring for a child, or living with one through pregnancy, but I’m sure you’ll do fine, Nady.” He grinned and patted the side of her stomach lightly. “And it’s not like Garen to skirt any duty bestowed to him, royally or otherwise.”
"You know, from one cursed immortal to another, you have been missed, Jax." Nadri told him as she stood behind him, holding a more mature stance as the Preserver looked up to him with light violet eyes. Since the last time he saw her, her hair had grown a few inches, the purple along with it and her outfit more clothy and suitable to movement than battle.
Jax looked up over his shoulder at the sound of her voice and shuffled to close his bags. “I’m not surprised, people tend to have long memories. Humans, especially, I’ve seen some grudges last generations.” His included, but that was beyond the point. He turned to her and cocked his head to one side, mask lit in a careful blue, and he sniffed. “Time has treated everyone well. Growth doesn’t stop for anyone, even the immortals.”
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
Jax shifted with the creature as it moved, his arms snaked down to his side as he stepped, prepared to bounce away in a tumble if decided to tackle him. The energy within his mask pulsed and danced between a light blue and purple, before settling back to a hazy blue. He chuckled, “Easy, there. No harm, no foul. I was only curious.” He heard tell of a few new creatures making their way into the Institute, but now left to roam without the council to hold them still.
“Doesn’t seem you speak a language I can understand, I’m sorry to say.”
Jax knelt to the floor, spying the curious, burrowing creature. "... you're certainly new to me."
His voice was met with a rather muffle clicking as only the fin on her back was visible to the Grandmaster.  Rek’Sai knew where he was.  She could hear and feel his movements as she circled about the visiter.
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
("I think you have a crush on me?") Even though she couldn't speak, doesn't mean Mama couldn't make inquisitive rumbles at Jax. /mamareksai/
"I wouldn't deny that! You're certainly impressive."
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
Send “I think you have a crush on _____” for my muse’s reaction.
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
[[ Jax leaves marks! Lots and lots of marks. ]]
Jax narrows his gaze. “It’s just to keep track of where I’ve already been.”
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
I want to see what NSFW headcanons you have for my character. Go on anon if you’d like. Be as graphic or as vague as you want. If I like it, I’ll accept it.
((Let’s see some dark and twisted headcanons!))
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
An eye pinched shut as the sheriff brought a gentle hand to his face and ruffled the fur along his face and down from his head. His mouth fought the urge to break into a cheeky smile; the worrying sheriff would probably continue her tsk-ing for it. He glanced around at the shelter, the people who surrounded him quiet and curious, their gazes focused on the vibrate energy of their lady protector. Her hand took his and the warmth of her skin was a balm.
“It has made due, sheriff.” Jax murmured. “The effort to house those with less is commendable. Your city has done better than most.” He brought her hand up to his face, his exhale a phantom touch where his mouth couldn’t be. At the mention of his items, he froze and blue-blazed eyes flashed up to her face, narrowed and sharp. “My – my things? Cait, you kept them?” Her nickname slipped through his lips with ease, his shock overrode any formality he had attempted to maintain.
He released her hand and with startling speed, he reached under her arms and swallowed her into a hug, he nearly took her completely off the ground. “Oh, Cait – darlin’, you don’t know how – thank you, thank you.”
Jax rose from his cot, his back curling with the effort and his joints crackling with soreness. He chuckled and held a hand out, his fingers lofty and his palm bandaged. “Cait, easy. I understand… You can’t just up and leave and not expect things to change…” He shrugged a heavy shoulder and stood to his feet. His nostrils flared over his high collar and his ears flickered under his hair, long with little care and attention paid to it. 
“Besides,” he tried to soothe her, “I saw that a family had taken it after its foreclosure. A young woman and her child were returning from the shops.” He grinned and only the edge of his mouth and white teeth blinked from behind his collar. “In the end, all my work wasn’t for nothing. I just…” He sighed and shook his head, “I regret to know that most of my things were either auctioned off to the museum or sold away.”
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
He followed her gaze, the molten touch of her eyes blistered the skin of his face and his nostrils tightened as her body shifted and leaned closer. His breath dropped to the bottom of his stomach and his throat felt thick. The knot in his ribs eased and he met her halfway toward the peck, warm and solid.
Before she could pull away, against her lips, he murmured, “Good to know, failure isn’t in my style.”
"You know, you're just as skillful as me when it comes to disappearing and reappearing."
“However, while it may seem that I’ve vanished, there is always the possibility that I am still present. That much can’t always be said about you.”
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
Jax swallowed a bellow as the creature came up from under him. Ooooh holy shit, they’re a hell of a lot bigger than I thought! Hastily, he turned his weight on his hip and flipped so that he tumbled off the creature’s back. He took a cautious step back and then to one side, his gaze snapped from one end of the creature’s body to the other. He paused, awed.
“Well look at you,” he breathed, a hand held out between him and the creature. The form was large, armored, and lined for speed. Burrowing or above ground, Jax doubted he would escape the creature’s pursuit. “Aren’t you a sight?”
Jax knelt to the floor, spying the curious, burrowing creature. "... you're certainly new to me."
His voice was met with a rather muffle clicking as only the fin on her back was visible to the Grandmaster.  Rek’Sai knew where he was.  She could hear and feel his movements as she circled about the visiter.
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
He remained in place as her fingers ghosted along the line of his chest and stomach. A slow burn of a smirk graced his face, “Then I’ll do my best to entertain you, sweetheart.”
"You know, you're just as skillful as me when it comes to disappearing and reappearing."
“However, while it may seem that I’ve vanished, there is always the possibility that I am still present. That much can’t always be said about you.”
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ask-jaximus · 10 years
¥ Kiss Diana
“Uh... her sword is bigger. I... I’ll try.”
0 notes
ask-jaximus · 10 years
¥ "Walk around with your hood down for an hour. Doesn't have to be in public."
“But it is public, I don’t have a home.” He sighed, but reached up and removed his hood reluctantly. “One hour.”
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