The course of true love never did run smooth
40 posts
Two faced × Yandere - The possessive playwright 
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
I’ve been invited to go have tea with the Prince. He said he wanted to see Puck, may I borrow him again?
Puck was quite joyous upon his return, I doth wonder what kind of fellow this prince is. I hadn't nay objection to thee taking the young rabbit but p'rchance I couldst also take this opportunity to meeteth this prince?
Perhaps I shouldst pay mine own respects to the one yond Puck hast cometh to like so much
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
I’ve brought back Puck! Here you go! We had fun. He was pet by Prince Chev! *hands you Puck* Here you go! Thank you very much for letting me steal him!
Aha, thee seemeth to has't caused quite the commotion with the young rabbit. I trusteth yond Napoleon hadst rath'r stout feelings about his visit?
How int'resting for a prince to has't taken a liking to that gent. P'rhaps Puck wouldst like to seeth that gent again
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
can I- can I pet Puck?
Why, of course. Ha, behold at the dram cullionly. He seemeth to enjoy stealing thy attention from me
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
Hi, I’m just gonna steal Puck, *picks up the fluff* for a bit. I’ll bring him back, promise. 😈
I- Well I'm sure the young rabbit wonneth't mind, that rabbit seemeth to like thee quite a lot. Doth take careth of that gent, I can't imagineth Puck wouldst taketh too well to getting did hurt and nor wouldst I
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
Okay, so there have been a few inquiries about suggestive vs explicit asks as well as a few asks that went against the no nsfw rule so we've decided to quickly clarify what we mean.
What we will consider to be suggestive content is vague mentions of sexual acts and the like without them being the focus and more of just an implication. Mentions of nudity and things like helping someone out of a piece of clothing is permitted as long as it is not in relation to sexual acts and the like. For example modelling for Vincent or helping a character take their shirt off after
Nsfw content will be considered to be anything beyond that such as any explicit mentions of sexual acts, genitalia etc and anything that would be considered R-18 in general. Asks of these nature will immediately be deleted and, if a person is to persist after being reminded that we do not accept nsfw interactions, they may be blocked if we feel that we need to.
As a whole, mentions of cuddling, hugging, kissing etc are perfectly fine.
If you need any further clarification for this or anything else, just drop an ask on this blog and we'll be more than happy to explain.
Also, as a further note, all inquiries and clarifications in relation to rules and interactions, regardless of what blogs they were sent to, will be answered here and then reblogged to all of the ask blogs we run so everyone gets to see it.
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
Just wanted to introduce myself! My name is Sparrow. I’m a theatre kid, and I know these didn’t exist at your time, but I especially love Broadway musicals… (plays that are primarily dominated by singing I guess is how I’d explain them?) Aside from watching them, I’ve also been in some shows. In 8th grade, actually, I was in a production of Hamlet! It’s one of my favorite plays of yours. I played Queen Gertrude, though it was more of an adapted and modernized version inspired by both your play and a movie (movies are like moving pictures���sorry if I’m not great at explaining) called The Lion King.
Side note: I- uh- think you’re quite good looking- 😳
From the way yond thee speaketh t seems that thee already knoweth me but t's a pleasure to make thy acquaintance. I'm honour'd yond thee wouldst think so highly of this m're playwright's works, Sparrow.
I hadst not anticipat'd yond mine own work wouldst liveth on for so longeth much less inspirethe works of others. I'm flatt'r'd but to useth animals is something that I clearly hadn't considered before. I wond'r yond t's affects came about to reveal.
Thy compliment is too much for me. Thou art far more dear.
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
will… is it alright if i read in your lap? i just want to be close, i know you’re busy.
Of course I can spareth thee mine own timeth. Mine own attention is yours if 't be true thee so wish, I wouldst loveth nothing m're than to has't to close, mine muse.
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
My dearest William,
I fear I may have scorned uour work.
I had referred to Macbeth as a dark comedy of comeuppance where a foolish man gets his due tenfold..
Would you find it in your heart to forgive me? If not I give you permission to bind and punish me as you see fit.
Ever yours xoxo
While I am dainted yond thee wouldst call mine own work to beest as such I cannot fault thee so. After all, the nature of tragedy is one yond lies in the mind of the audience so i can findeth t in mine own heart to f'rgive thee. Art never truly hast any fixed meaning, simply the intend'd one yond the feelings that t is intend'd to invoke.
I can spareth thee of a punishment this timeth mine own dearest
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
Hi Will,
I wanted to make a Christmas card for one of my friends with messages from everyone to give with her present, so I was wondering if you can write a small message for her? Thank you in advance🖤
How couldst I refuseth such an ad'rable request?
I give you well in such times and I desire yond this m'rry season sees thee well. May thee enjoyeth this bountiful time of joy with those yond thee loveth and rest easy.
I wish yond whatev'r wishes thee may has't for the coming years find thee in valorous graces and bringeth thee joy as thy years go on.
M'rry christmas mine own lief and I hope that the season endues thee much happiness.
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
Shakey can I just. Have a hug?
I'm happy the performances went well and I'm proud of everyone with such a short rehearsal time. Doesnt change the fact tech week and opening/closing performances are so.... stressful
I'm so tired. I just wanna be held. I'm happy it happened- I'm so glad it's over.
Ah, of course. Cometh into mine own embrace and rest, thee've been w'rking hard and deserve to taketh a break.
Thee've done so well. Thee can rest easy anon
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
Hey, Shakespeare. Art grows and changes over time and even the preferred audience medium changes over time. Do you ever think about what would happen if in the future, the audience finds theater productions obsolete? What would you in the case?
F'r theatre to becometh obsolete? such a thing wouldst beest a tragedy more so than any I has't writ. Tis an expression of self and one's surroundings so I supposeth yond such a practice shall never truly kick the bucket.
There shall at each moment beest closely link'd ways to expresseth ones self so the core of the art shall nev'r truly vade but, I supposeth, with time, all might not but disappearet eventually, nay matter how tragic an nonce.
But I wouldn't alloweth the practice fade out. How then shalt I bringeth what I envision to the world? I needeth only asketh myself yond and I knoweth that mine own life hast dram purpose beyond the arts.
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
HELLO my schools theater has auditions for the next show and I'm so excited, have you ever heard of madrigal dinner? It's where a group of actors pretend to be from the middle-ages of England and speak in Elizabethan-English and they perform improv to entertain the "audience" while they wait for an actual dinner!
Quite fun is it not?
T sounds marvellous. T's fascinating to seeth how thy time incorporates mine own time into t and to has't such a warming ending is quite charming. To heareth about this is almost nostalgic
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
((Hello everyone! We now have ikepri ask blogs if any of you are interested ^^
The urls for the blogs are here:
@ask-ikepriluke @ask-ikeprijin @ask-ikeprichevalier @ask-ikeprinokto @ask-ikeprilicht @ask-ikeprisariel @ask-ikepriclavis @ask-ikeprileon @ask-ikepriyves @ask-ikepririo))
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
I wish you would marry me
And wherefore wouldst I not? It't be true this is a proposal, then I am inclin'd to accepteth this joyous turneth of events, mine own muse. T endues me a warmth in mine own heart to has't thee proclaim such a thing and I wisheth to return this to thee tenfold. Wouldst thee allowth me?
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
Would you rather be in the crows nest or catwalk? Wait the crows nest might be a newer area-hm. Anyways-
(Crows nest: where the lighting and sound personnel are during a performance
Catwalk: a walkway above the house where technicians hang and focus lights)
How curious to seeth how theatre hast did develop since mine own time. I supposeth the catwalk.
Lighting is key and, regardless of how much thee hast, thee needeth to beest able to maketh it work with the positioning and placement
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
It's about Napoleon having rabbit ptsd so im gonna need Puck
I can't sayeth I understand what thy terms cullionly but Puck wouldst beest more than joyous to assist thee
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ask-ikevamshakespeare · 3 years ago
Hello everyone. This blog is going to be dedicated to any announcements and notices for the ikevamp and ikepri blogs that me and a few of my friends moderate.
Here you'll find any updates, notices, warnings, announcements and events that will be covered in the blogs.
The blogs will all be listed under the cut:
Our ikevamp ask blogs:
@ask-ikevamshakespeare @ask-ikevamleonardo @ask-ikevamcharles @ask-ikevamfaust @ask-ikevamvlad @ask-ikevamdazai @ask-ikevamarthur @ask-ikevamvincent @ask-ikevamtheo @ask-ikevamsebastian @ask-ikevamisaac @ask-ikevamcomte @ask-ikevamjean @ask-ikevamnapoleon
Our ikepri ask blogs:
@ask-ikeprisariel @ask-ikeprijin @ask-ikeprichevalier @ask-ikepriclavis @ask-ikeprileon @ask-ikepriyves @ask-ikeprilicht @ask-ikeprinokto @ask-ikepriluke @ask-ikepririo
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