ask-hlvraistuck · 3 years
>>> Look around
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Your name is GORDON FREEMAN. You work at the BLACK MESA RESEARCH FACILITY and today is your first day working in the SKAIANET DEPARTMENT.
You have an EX-WIFE and a son named JOSHUA. You graduated from MIT with a PHD in THEORETICAL PHYSICS. You like VIDEO GAMES and you want to be a LIVESTREAMER one day. You also firmly believe that CHUCK E. CHEESE is a RESTAURANT and will die on that hill.
No one is in the train car with you, except the AUSTERELY MECHANICAL VOICE of the PA system.
What will you do?
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ask-hlvraistuck · 3 years
> Try Again.
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That’s more like it!
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ask-hlvraistuck · 3 years
> Enter Name.
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ask-hlvraistuck · 3 years
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A theoretical physicist waits on the train, late for work. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, 2003, is the day he finally starts working at Black Mesa’s Skaianet Department. Though it was 28 years ago when he was given life, it is only today that he gets such a big break, as well as a name.
What will the name of this man be?
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ask-hlvraistuck · 3 years
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a tale about a theoretical physicist and his friends and a game they play together. don’t say we didn’t warn you.
hi there! i'm lee and i'm the new mod of hlvraistuck. the former mods have handed this project to me and i hope to do it justice! however the story will be going a different direction and will be starting from "scratch" so to speak.
though, there are a few ground rules for asks:
no nsfw asks.
not every single ask/command will be answered.
don't be too meta - try to keep dramatic irony.
you technically don't need to read homestuck to enjoy this, but what are you doing here if you haven't read homestuck?
there will be heavy topics covered, but they will always be tagged appropriately. if you need something tagged, please let me know :)
see you all 4/13/21. you can read from the beginning here.
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ask-hlvraistuck · 4 years
Hey! Sorry we've been inactive, most of the mods have either lost interest in homestuck and or this au. Terribly sorry we couldn't keep this au up and going as we would love too.
So we've decided to hand it up to anyone who wants to take care of it! (Some of us might still linger around to check in at times, [aka, me, Kane from @/troublingconcerns])
To anyone who wants this blog and @/hlvraistuck, please dm @troublingconcerns!
You'll get both blogs, Google documents with au notes, a spreadsheet, uhh and if you want the discord invite!
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ask-hlvraistuck · 4 years
Sorry we've been so quiet! We're working very hard on some very exciting things!! :-)
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ask-hlvraistuck · 4 years
Benrey ====> initiate passport inspection
Suddenly, your name is Benrey, and Gordon Fetman just fucking fell down at your feet.
You hold down your hand, almost as if to help him up, and ask
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ask-hlvraistuck · 4 years
====> Gordon, YOUTH ROLL!
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ask-hlvraistuck · 4 years
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Wha-huh? That’s just some SECURITY GUARD. You’re mostly familiar with the trolls you pass when you go about your day-to-day routine, but this one seems to be NEW. Doesn’t matter too much, you’ll just ask his name later. You know, when you’re not LATE for the TEST.
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ask-hlvraistuck · 4 years
A little reminder if you’re going to send a command request to use 4 = (====>)! We have 8 players in total! Thank you for your time. :-]
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ask-hlvraistuck · 4 years
>[gordon] descend ====>
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You have the urge to go downstairs- but you’re needed on this floor! How strange... you don’t need to be downstairs right now, you’re LATE to your SBURB test. If you were to go downstairs in a rush you don’t wanna TRIP and FALL, you were always a CLUMSY troll. And today you don’t feel like getting yelled at for falling down the stairs and being told that they told you about the stairs.
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ask-hlvraistuck · 4 years
===> Gordon, stop being late.
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Your name is GORDON FETMAN, and you are- FUCK! you’re running late for your EXTREMELY IMPORTANT SBURB test. SHIT! Is that someone up ahead? WHAT WILL YOU DO NEXT?
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ask-hlvraistuck · 4 years
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ask-hlvraistuck · 4 years
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GORDON FETMAN and BENREY HLVRAI are available in Black Mesa.
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ask-hlvraistuck · 4 years
I don't know if I can take this, emotionally.
You're in for one FANTASTIC ride anon! :-]
Actually make that a couple, we have lots of things planned! :-)
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ask-hlvraistuck · 4 years
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Deep in the depths of Alternia, a research facility sits in the middle of a nearly inhospitable desert. Blasted rocks cover the landscape and the sun seems to destroy everything it touches.
Except, of course, for Black Mesa. Nestled in a small ravine and more underground than above, it’s protected both from the sun’s heat and any satellite view. 
Many extremely top secret experiments are done here, from cloning to developing the perfect troll to even rocket launches. 
The most important experiment, however, is the Set Border Ultrastructure Remobilization Breakthrough, or SBURB for short. Every object has a resonance, and, theoretically, if an object is vibrated at the right resonance, other universes or dimensions could be viewed. There’s always a danger of a Resonance Cascade, where the rift becomes too large and can’t be contained, but that’s an astronomically rare event. It’s probably fine.
Your name is GORDON FETMAN, and you are running late for your SBURB test. 
What will you do?
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