Ask The Jackal
29 posts
MDNI. RP type asks and replies are allowed and fully encouraged! Just no replying to the journal entries. Mod is Splackjack (35 He/they)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ask-ender-jackal · 6 days ago
I'm Still Here
((Luckily, I'm finally getting my living situation figured out! I'm still struggling with my inspiration, but I've gotten back to working on chapter 2! As ever, I'm still open to interactions or RP starters. I'm an attention whore, so don't be afraid to bug me as long as you're 18+!))
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ask-ender-jackal · 2 months ago
((Still alive and working on Chapter 2, but it's slow progress. I lost my home due to some pretty extreme circumstances so I need to focus on finding shelter. Currently I do have a warm place to sleep, but it's temporary.))
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
Chapter 1
Farewells were always bittersweet. None so more than between Elaine and her parents. Her mother blubbered her heart out as she tightly held both Elaine’s hands in hers for the last time. Her father wouldn’t even look her way, too proud to let her see the mist in his weathered old eyes though she knew it was there.
There was a dull ache in her chest that felt like her heart were threatening to collapse in on itself. Her mother made her promise again and again that she would write back often, and she endured the relentless begging for the sake of it. She hated seeing her like this.
At the sound of a whistle somewhere on deck, Elaine knew that The Claudia was nearly ready to set sail. So, reluctantly, she pulled her hands from her mother’s and began to haul what few belongings she allowed for herself up the ramp. She could hear the wails and desperate goodbyes following from behind as she stepped on deck. Turning, she gave her parents one last wave.
At last, Elaine saw her father’s face, filled with regret and maybe a hint of pride. Raising his hand, he gave a curt salute and without thinking she returned the gesture in kind. She could tell he was still disappointed in her choice of career, but she was his daughter after all. It seemed that at least counted for something. I won’t be a failure this time, she had wanted to tell him. There were a great many things she had wanted to tell him.
The moment seemed to last a lifetime before she finally turned to the hustle and bustle of the deck crew preparing to set sail. She didn’t have to search long before she found the woman she was supposed to speak to, the ship’s bosun.
The bosun stood in the middle of the deck, her sun scorched skin a tapestry of scars and tattoos and her knotted yellow hair tied back in a tight bun. When Elaine approached, she turned on a heel and looked her over with appraising green eyes.
“You the new kid Percy sent my way? Dawson, was it?” She asked, her voice curt and to the point.
“Yes, ma’am. Elaine Dawson.” Elaine replied, trying to look professional. She imagined she was failing that, but the bosun smiled all the same.
“Well good to have ya on board, Elaine.” She held out a calloused hand, and Elaine took it in a firm shake. “You’ll be reporting to me. I’m Alexandra Shaw, call me Alex.”
“Yes ma’am...I-I mean Alex.” Elaine fumbled, pulling back her hand after a moment. She could feel her cheeks heating up in embarrassment. A bright laugh, friendly and genuine, brought her lowering gaze back up to Alex’s.
“Don’t worry, we’re all green at some point in our life.” She said reassuringly as she clapped Elaine on the back. “Now, get your things to the barracks down below. Make sure you claim your spot quickly before all the good cots and hammocks are taken. Trust me, you’ll want higher ground. When you’re settled, come back to see me and we’ll line you up with some cargo work. Gotta put those strong arms to good use.”
Elaine nodded, giving a sloppy salute. She her luggage and scuttled her way below deck. The smell of timber had been noticeable, but as she stepped down from the bright daylight of the top desk into the dimly lit corridors below, the scent of oak and pine invaded her nose. The salty air tickled her tongue while she searched out the crew’s barracks and stepped inside. Some of the cots were already taken, but she managed to locate a high bunk to swing her belongings onto.
The rest of the day carried out without too much incident. Alex proved to be a tough but fair teacher. Elaine struggled to keep up with her as she ran her through every task, from hauling cargo on board to working the helm. This carried on for the next several days as the ship drifted further and further away from the village.
After barely half a month, Elaine was proficient enough to hold her own without the bosun’s supervision. She supposed working at the docks helped, but it was Alex’s leadership that gave her that push I needed. She was tough but fair, always leading by example. Elaine only wished she was half the woman Alex was.
It was close to evening when Elaine made her way below decks, the gentle creaking of the timbers greeting her ears like an old friend. The mess hall was only a short distance, filled with the boisterous laughing of both men and women. She dodged a toppling drunken fool with the grace of a dancer, spinning on her heel.
“That’s a girl, give us a show!” One of the men called, bringing with him a chorus of cheers and whistles. She indulged him and hiked up her breeches. She gyrated her way around tables and bodies until she was right behind him. He grinned as she ran her fingers through the hair on the back of his head. Then, with a quick motion she shoved his face down into his gruel. He lifted his head among a symphony of laughter, ruefully rubbing the back of his neck.
Feeling quite pleased with herself, Elaine walked to the cook’s serving table without any further harassment. The rosy cheeked mountain of a man spooned a hearty stew into her bowl, chuckling in that brassy voice that one can feel reverberate deep in their chest.
“Ye’ve taken well t’the sea life, lass.” He said, watching as she took the table closest to him.
“It’s not all that bad. Can’t say this is the life for me, but it’s good experience.” she blew on a spoonful of thick broth and took a bite. Despite not having the best ingredients to work with, the cook still somehow pulled off a savory delight that warmed the belly and chased away the chill in her bones.
“I think it suits ye quite nicely, but if ye really don’t want t’make a career of it, why not take up adventuring?” His eyes twinkled with mischief. “Ye could just as easily slay monsters. Ever hear of an Enderman?”
“Aye, but only from books. They’re creatures that attack if you look them in the face, right?” Elaine tilted her head, intrigued.
“Aye, that’s right. They eat yer heart right out of yer chest. Ye could make a career slayin’ the bastards and harvestin’ their pearls.” He palmed his apron, wiping flour and gravy from his fingers. “Bet ye’d be good at it, tough as ye are.”
Elaine shook her head. “I don’t know. I don’t like the idea of killing some-thing that I have to provoke into attacking me. It doesn’t feel right.”
“Hah! Fair on ye, lass.” His laugh rumbled from somewhere deep in his belly. “If ye ever do come across one o’ the buggers, best ye hide yer face. A mate o’ mine was able to get by with just a jack-o-lantern!”
“I’ll remember that.” She laughed, leaning back a moment to rest her sore muscles.
Before she could get too comfortable, however, Alex’s panicked voice interrupted the entire room.
“All hands on deck! We have phantoms!”
The room was silent for a split second before it exploded in a chaotic din of panic and anger. Accusations of not sleeping properly, and excuses of not getting enough sleep were hurdled around as people filtered towards the doors. Despite the chaos, the crew filtered out of the room in an almost uniform fashion.
“Dawson! You’re with me!” Alex called out.
Elaine jumped to her feet, rushing to the bosun’s side as fast as she could. A barbed spear was shoved into her shaking hands. She felt overwhelmed with everything happening without warning.
“Wh-what do you expect me to do with this? I-I d-don’t know anything about phantoms!” She stammered. Alex grabbed a hold of her upper arm and dragged her towards the top deck.
“You’ve been getting regular sleep, Dawson! You can spear the fuckers without being targeted! Now get your arse up there and help the rest of the crew, that’s an order!” She snarled.
Elaine stumbled up onto the deck amid a scene out of a nightmare. High in the night sky, winged creatures glided around the ship like so many birds of prey. There was barely any time to think before one screeched and dove, wrapping it’s tail around one of the men just in front of her. There was barely a scream before he was lifted and dragged kicking into the air.
Elaine hefted her spear, rushing forward to the center of the deck as she desperately tried to assess the situation. Just as she was identifying a target, there was a whoosh of wings behind her as another crew mate attacked. She turned, thrusting her spear forward and just barely missed the screeching phantom. It dragged the poor woman screaming towards the railing.
Without thinking, Elaine tossed the spear to the side and dove, trying to tackle the phantom to the side. It let go of it’s target victim and instead wrapped its wings around her as they tumbled to the deck. Just as it pinned Elaine down by the arms, a spear thrust through its neck. It collapsed on top of her as the crew mate she’d just rescued pulled the spear free. She pulled the spear free and held her hand out, helping Elaine to her feet.
Elaine froze as the woman was ripped high into the air by another phantom, disappearing into the mist. She screamed out, then fell suddenly silent. Elaine watched as a silhouette was thrown limp overboard into the sea.
She dashed to the railing, desperately searching the waters below for any signs of life. A thud on the deck behind her drew her attention. There stood a tall phantom, far bigger than the rest. It hissed as it slithered closer, gripping the railing on other side of her. She turned her head as it leaned forward, its face just inches from hers. Then, with a wicked grin, it placed it’s palm on her chest and began to slowly apply pressure.
“Elaine! Hold on!” Alex called from across the ship. She ran forward, but it was far too late. The tall phantom turned it’s head towards her, looking Alex in the eye as it shoved Elaine right over the railing.
As Elaine plummeted, she watched the phantom take off into the air just as a spear grazed its shoulder. Then, everything turned inky black as she hit the icy waters below.
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
Mornings were always Elaine’s favorite time of day. It was when the seaside markets came alive, bringing with them the buzz of dock workers and townsfolk. Seven ‘o clock truly was the golden hour of the day, when the sun peered over the distant horizon to chase away the cold mist of night.
Elaine walked out of her home with a basket hooked around one arm, eager to join the early market crowd. It was her day off, so she intended to use the spoils of her labor to the fullest, and snap up the freshest catches and baked goods.
“Where are ya off to, girl?” The gruff voice of her father called from the doorway.
“Market,” she said dryly, freezing but not bothering to look back at him. “I thought mum might want fresh ingredients for breakfast.”
“Bah. Fine, off with ye. At least it’s proper women’s work this time.” He spat on the ground, his speech slurred. A hangover, she imagined. He was up all night nursing cheap brandy as he was want to do. To dull the pain, he’d tell her, but he still winced when he put weight on his right leg.
A familiar heat bloomed in Elaine’s belly as she finally turned to face him. Yet, rather than throw a rebuttal at him the words caught in her throat like a fish bone. The argument was as old and tired as she felt.
“Dock work is honest work,” she finally said, trying to keep calm. “I just want to take care of you and mum.”
“To the nether with yer honest work!” He spat back, his outburst nearly sending him teetering to the ground. “Yer thirty-two, Elaine! Yer wastin’ yer child rearin’ years fussin’ over a lost cause!”
The familiar taste of copper filled her mouth as she bit her cheek to keep from arguing back. It wasn’t worth fighting the old man, it’d be easier to debate with a brick wall. Elaine watched him for a long moment, hot tears threatening to fall down her cheeks. After a brief stand off, he finally waved dismissively and retreated back into their town home.
Elaine must have been standing in the street gawking at the door for longer than she intended, because when she felt a rough calloused hand grasp her shoulder she damn near jumped out of her skin. When she looked up, the friendly dark skinned face of her employer, Percy the Dock Master, beamed down at her.
“Mr. Percy, I…” she started, hastily wiping her eyes to clear them of any stray tears.
“Pay him no mind, luv. Old man just worries. Somethin’ about being a father does that to a man.” He winked, his sunshine smile bright enough to chase away the dark clouds that had been forming in her mind. She nodded, allowing his gentle hand to guide her towards the markets.
“Now then, why don’t we see about getting your mum those fresh ingredients, eh?” He said.
Elaine nodded hastily, suppressing an errant sniffle. “How do you do that, Percy?” She asked, unbridled laughter now bubbling up from her belly. “How do you always lift people’s moods like that?”
“It’s me rugged charm, little lass!” Percy put on an exaggerated accent, pulling a proper laugh from her now. “Arr, stifle that noise. It ain’t becomin’ o’ a lady t’show ‘er emotions like that.” He crooked his finger into a hook and dug it into her side, drawing more laughs from her. She balled her hand into a fist and playfully jabbed it right into his ribs. He wheezed and winced away.
“Aye, but it’s even less becoming of the esteemed Dock Master to behave like a common ruffian.” She said, forgetting the argument altogether now.
He grinned ruefully, rubbing his side as he threw his arm around her shoulders. “There she is. Good to see the Elaine Dawson I know and adore. Feelin’ better, luv?”
Elaine nodded in reply as they stepped onto the busy market street, instantly overwhelmed by the sounds and smells all around her. As the two of them browsed the stalls, the briny smell of freshly caught fish drew her to the side. She lifted her basket and began inspecting each fish in turn. When she settled on the ones she wanted, she glanced up at the grinning fish monger running the stall. He nodded in silent under-standing.
“Four Emerald f’those two there, miss.” He held out his hand, and she deposited the payment. Considering the size of the fish, it was a fair price. As she watched him wrap the fish in paper, she leaned closer to Percy.
“So, what really brought you my way? Couldn’t have been you sensing I’d need cheering up, so out with it.”
“Nothin’ gets past ya, does it?” He rubbed his smooth scalp as he glanced down at me. “Well, it’s about the new merchant ship. They’re nearly done buildin’ it.”
Elaine reached forward with her basket, allowing the fish monger to place her purchase inside. “I noticed. The Claudia, I believe they’re calling her?”
“Aye. She’s near ready for her maiden voyage and they’re looking for crew.” Percy said, looking Elaine in the eye now. “It’s good honest work, and I think some time out on sea would do ye well. Pay’s good, too.”
“I don’t know,” she said, fiddling with her basket. “Mum is still sick, and with dad’s injury, I’m the only one bringing in emeralds. They need me. Besides, what if I’m not good at it? I can’t fail dad again.”
“Bein’ a hard worker isn’t failure, luv.” Percy fixed her with that familiar no non-sense look that he always gave when he was serious. “Nor is bein’ single. Mayhaps you’ll find your Mr. right overseas. Besides, if you’re really worried about your folks, you can have your wages sent directly to them.”
She gave a light chuckle as they walked back out onto the street towards another stall. “You heard my dad back there. The men want a pretty young lady.”
“And I’m lookin’ at one right now, luv. Lovely auburn hair, smoldering black eyes, the most beautiful tan skin. You’re a catch if I ever saw one!” He said as he looked her up and down approvingly.
“Oh go on,” she shoved him lightly with a laugh. “But really, me working on a merchant ship?”
“You’d get to see the Ancient World.” He said enticingly. “Surely you’re at least a little curious about it? You’re a Builder, after all.”
“I’m no Steve, Percy. Besides, after he went missing the Ancient World seems more terrifying than anything.” She marched up to a baker stall, looking over a row of warm, steaming buns that had just been brought out fresh from the oven. The cozy scent was heavenly, chasing away the salty tang that danced in the air for a brief time.
“That’s what makes it an adventure!” Percy snatched up a plump loaf and set down an emerald in its place. He placed it in Elaine’s basket with a contagious grin. “You can’t deny the excitement of it all!”
“Well….maybe it does seem a little exciting.” she admitted, walking down the line of stalls now and stopping to buy a dozen eggs.
“That’s the spirit, luv. At least think on it, will ya? I’ll make sure your folks are well looked after.” Percy said. “Now then, I’ll be heading out to see if the shipwrights need any last minute supplies. You know where to find me if you change your mind.”
“Sure thing. Thanks for the advice and the company.” she gave him a brief one armed hug.
“Of course, luv.”
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
((I have decided that my unedited drafts will be going up here! Feel free to give me constructive feedback going forward, I'm more than happy to receive it! That being said, everything before this point is to be considered non canon c:))
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
reblog if still active in 2024
mc oc askblogs assemble
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
((Everything is still being worked on, but I'm currently suffering from a pretty bad bout of Imposter Syndrome. Last night someone I consider a friend wouldn't stop telling me that nobody was going to read this fic. Really killed my confidence and motivation.))
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
((Apologies for the lack of updates! The story is still coming, but I've decided that rather than PANTS the entire thing, I'm going to work on my outline first to make sure that I don't lose the plot anywhere. Followers and Mutuals are still welcome to send asks, RP starters, or just scream at me in my inbox, I'm still active on here!))
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
"Town....that's a place with many buildings, yes? I should like to see one." He mused as he sat up in front of the bookshelf he was rummaging through.
Felix would easily find the map tucked away on the very bottom of the chest that detailed the entire island. Jackal turned around, granting a smile.
"I'm afraid this building in particular is going to require more than just wood. It requires a skilled hand. No matter, it serves it's purpose enough. Why don't you tell my about this town of yours? I'm quite curious."
( @ask-felix-the-catender here! )
*a strange big cat approaches, looking up in curiosity...this...this is no ordinary black cat, it's felix!*
"Well, aren't you an odd sight." The Jackal glanced down from the roof of the library he was repairing, then effortlessly hopped down. He carefully crouched down, putting himself on Felix's level with a gentle smile. "What brings you to my island, stranger?"
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
Sailors of Misfortune (Elaine's Perspective)
I am happy. I suppose if I tell myself that enough times, it'll become true. Even so, I find myself drained most all the time. The sailor's life was never my calling, but thanks to a marriage of convenience I would have to simply teach myself to enjoy this life.
My dear husband, Captain Deckard Thatchett, was born of wealth and nobility. My family was only half that; land rich, but dirt poor. I was married to bring him status and us a healthy dowry to bring my parents back to their former glory. I had little choice in the matter, but this is after all my duty as a woman of high society. Fourteen years happily married, and I still wrested ghosts of emotions that were unbecoming of my station.
I had so much to be grateful for. I was allowed to keep my family name, after all. I was granted a home of my husband's ship, given work that gave my life purpose. So, why do I feel such a hole in my heart?
My thoughts were interrupted as I nearly ran headlong into the ship's cook. I became aware of the tray of dirty dishes dancing precariously in my arms, saved only by his meaty hands as he grabbed and steadied them. Pulled back to reality, the musty taste of old timber and sea air filled my senses once more. Gaslight dimly filled the space, lighting up the rosy cheeked face I was now looking sheepishly up at.
"H-Hans, I'm so sorry, I wasn't...I mean, I'll try won't happen again..." I could feel my cheeks flushing hot as I fumbled my words, but he raised his hand with an understanding smile.
"No harm done, lass. Head in the clouds, eh?" His brassy voice boomed in the only volume he seemed to have.
"Just thinking about what a wonderful life I have," I replied, trying to put on a convincing smile. Whether it worked or not, he gave a hearty laugh all the same in return.
"Oh aye? Well, I s'pose we're all livin' the high life eh?" He elbowed me a bit harder than he likely intended, but it did put a much more genuine smile on my face. How does he do that, I wonder? Perhaps with old age you just become more agreeable.
"Anyhow," He continued. "Why don't ye let me take the last load off your hands? It's late and a storm's comin' in fast. Ye'll want ta hunker down in yer quarters for the night."
Without waiting for me to reply, he reached down and just took the tray effortlessly from my hands. I sighed and resigned to allowing him to relieve me of my duties for the night.
"Well, there's no arguing with you on this is there?" I chuckled, patting his elbow.
"Never." He winked roguishly, ushering me towards the door with a foot. "Now off with ye. That's an order."
Laughing, I hurried along after a quick sloppy salute. There's something that I could at least be grateful for. Friends who kept my mind from spiraling too far down.
To be continued
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
((Jackal is still going to write journals from time to time, but I'm making the switch to prose tonight or tomorrow. It's tough keeping up with daily journals with everything else I gotta do and I honestly just wanna freeform write :'D)) - Splack
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
Before he could begin his sneezing, Jackal turned around and held a finger gently under Felix's nose to help alleviate his condition. His own tail swayed behind him, betraying his happiness as he withdrew his hand again after a moment.
"Well, you're certainly welcome to. There's another small chest in the corner there." He gestured to the other side of the small space between them. The loft was small, just big enough for a makeshift bed and a few more bookshelves.
"Heh....if I had known I'd be entertaining guests I'd have tried dusting the place a bit."
( @ask-felix-the-catender here! )
*a strange big cat approaches, looking up in curiosity...this...this is no ordinary black cat, it's felix!*
"Well, aren't you an odd sight." The Jackal glanced down from the roof of the library he was repairing, then effortlessly hopped down. He carefully crouched down, putting himself on Felix's level with a gentle smile. "What brings you to my island, stranger?"
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
Journal of The Jackal, Log Date 12-4-200X
It's been a couple days since I've thought to jot down my experiences. Quite a bit has happened in this short time, and I'm trying my best to organize my thoughts.
You see, the subject of my deepest curiosities have been the creatures that wrote the books and created the library I now call my home: Humans. Until now, I thought them almost mythological. A creature of fantasy that left its traces on the world and then vanished. That is, of course, until I came across the fresh wreckage of a ship.
I suppose I was so taken by the structure that I hadn't noticed her until she screamed in fright. I had turned to see a short, pale being froze in what was unmistakably terror. In that split second I was able to take in a few details: Auburn hair that shone in the sunlight, sun kissed tan skin, and wide brown eyes that I swore held the sun in them. Unfortunately, that was all I was able to take in before a feeling overtook me, rage.
Those eyes, beautiful as they were, triggered in me an instinct to lash out. I could feel my jaw cracked open, spines extending from my body. I couldn't allow myself to lose control, not when there was still so much to learn. I did the only thing I could think of; I threw myself into the bay. The water sizzled my skin for a brief moment before I teleported to safety out of instinct. It must have been enough, the human was gone when I regained control of myself.
I was able to pick up her trail shortly after, but I kept out of sight. Whatever happened when her eyes met mine, I don't want to happen again. It frightens me, the thought of harming anyone. I vowed to find a way to curb this violent reaction of mine.
I observed the woman for a day, watching as she built herself a rudimentary shelter into the face of a hill and retreated inside for safety. When she was out of sight, I moved in to examine her handiwork. It wouldn't hold through the winter, so I would need to find a way to help her survive. Perhaps if I simply provided her with better materials, she would be able to do the rest. It would seem my library will need to wait for its repairs. I have a new task.
I will keep an eye on this human. If my body reacts so violently towards her gaze, I can't imagine others would have the sense or desire to hold back. I won't allow it!
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
"Of course you can. I'm happy to share my treasures." He quickly crossed the room, scaling a ladder to the loft. As he rummaged around his makeshift room, he called back down to Felix. "It might take me a moment to find it, but please don't be afraid to ask any more questions while I look. I'm quite enjoying your company."
( @ask-felix-the-catender here! )
*a strange big cat approaches, looking up in curiosity...this...this is no ordinary black cat, it's felix!*
"Well, aren't you an odd sight." The Jackal glanced down from the roof of the library he was repairing, then effortlessly hopped down. He carefully crouched down, putting himself on Felix's level with a gentle smile. "What brings you to my island, stranger?"
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
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I spent all night building Jackal's library and I'm super proud of how it came out!
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
"Don't worry yourself. This place is quite the dust trap." He grinned ruefully, rubbing a finger briefly over his own nostrils to clear them of stray particles.
"I could say the same to you. It's rather lovely to have friendly company. Now then, here, this book is one I find quite interesting. Perhaps it might do the same for you." He held out the book he'd just pulled from the shelf earlier, a hand written almanac explaining the seasons and best times to plant and harvest crops. It was likely written by a human who had passed through the area.
"I have others as well. There's a detailed map of the nearby biomes somewhere in here!"
( @ask-felix-the-catender here! )
*a strange big cat approaches, looking up in curiosity...this...this is no ordinary black cat, it's felix!*
"Well, aren't you an odd sight." The Jackal glanced down from the roof of the library he was repairing, then effortlessly hopped down. He carefully crouched down, putting himself on Felix's level with a gentle smile. "What brings you to my island, stranger?"
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ask-ender-jackal · 3 months ago
Looking for active Minecraft blogs!
Because I miss them- I prioritize Endermen-related blogs rather than the rest tho, since they're my fav mob so far, plus I sort of want to go back to the fandom.
Reblog this if you're a Minecraft blog!
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