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dont you just wanna go apeshit
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Hands a medkit to Dwight and artist because you both deserve happiness and good health. “You take care of yourself dang it!” ~@ask-gay-bird-man ((And welcome back artist, please do take care of yourself 💞))
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“Oh! Well.. thank you so much, I guess...! I’ll take care of myself about as well as I can given my.. special circumstances. I’ll keep it in mind.” :)
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Are you doing alright bud?
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“Given the circumstances, no yes!
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I draw a lot of Dwights that I just never post  🙃  ᶠᵗ⁻ ᵐʸ ᴶᵃᵏᵉ’ˢ ᵍᵒʳᵍᵉᵒᵘˢ ᶜᵒˢᵐᵉᵗᶦᶜˢ
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I think I’ve got myself in a decent enough mental state to be posting again, thanks for sticking around.
Friendly reminder that the ask box is open, and I usually take art requests over on my side blog: @dwight-guilt OwO
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reminder that this blog, while not politically focused, supports BLM. bootlickers and racists aren’t welcome here, and never will be.
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Dwight: I’m going to start being more assertive!
Dwight: But only if that’s okay with you guys.
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[police sirens go off in the distance]
Dwight Fairfield, who has never done anything illegal in his life: They’ve found me.
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Dwight, covering Jake's eyes from behind: Guess who!
Jake: It's either Dwight or the cold, clammy hands of death.
Dwight, taking his hands away: It's Dwight!
Jake: Damn it.
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You wet cum rag kink loving fuck, you wanna DIE motherfucker???? I’m going to drag your baby face across the entity’s bare sweaty arsehole so you can get the smell of what real shit smells like .... your cock is probably reverberating at the thought of some beefy muscle cunt destroying your weak tiny little man face. You nosebleed loving, cameltoe having, piss stain of a RAT (no I did not write this ask)
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Oh Btw
//That sexy lil ask box over there? That’s calling your name- :eyes_emoji:
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Oh, would it suck for you if a cannibal set their sights on you. They say smart people taste better : )
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“..Thank God I only have one and a half brain cells? One for running away, we don’t talk about the other half of one”
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Not an ask, and I wasn’t asked to do this- but here’s my first animatic! Yay! Audio from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbpAd2Bt5SA&t=62s
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I’ve been gone for a really long time BUT-
That doesn’t mean I haven’t been drawing my favorite boy
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HOWDY Little Stinkers
SO,, ya boy has about a million excuses about why he’s been gone- BUT I think the smoke has cleared enough that I kinda sorta want to update and draw for this page again, it makes me really happy and I kinda need all the little things that make me happy right now. SO YEAH that’s how it’s been, I’m going to be emptying the inbox, if you’ve got anything to send, feel free! -THANK YOU ily guys for sticking with me~
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Reply to this ASK
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