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ask-dr-carter · 4 years ago
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((i have completely forgotten how to draw herman - bear with me))
((Also i don’t ever wanna draw a butt ever again. do not vibe))
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ask-dr-carter · 5 years ago
The Entity
The Entitty
The n titty
the end titty
the final tit.
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ask-dr-carter · 5 years ago
I have a question, do you have an Instagram?
yes i do, it’s @ bugbreach
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ask-dr-carter · 5 years ago
A little info for those who remember Date by Daylight or are in general interested bout stuff AKA my feelings for DBD
read under the cut
I don’t think i’ve ever really wrote this down or anything - and i saw someone reblog an old post about my game project Date by Daylight, so i feel i should say something to all this dbd stuff.
I loved dbd a lot. Really. I played every day, got my friend into it, had an amazing time and the majority of interactions with the fandom on here was just lovely (of course there are always assholes, so yeh)
Since i studied game making, am an actual professional artist (still feels weird to say it) and loved dbd and shitposts, i figured it only  make sense to make a whacky dating sim. And i worked on it a lot. Got a few scenes done etc - but sadly i fell out of love with the game due to the devs and community.
Now i’m not planning on quitting this blog, cause i still appreciate all of you, and those i interact with - though often thirsty af (relatable) you’re all very cool.
But i stopped playing dbd a long time ago. It was fun, but really not anymore.
When i first stopped, it was because i couldn’t get into games anymore. I would sit here for half an hour, just to get into a lobby that closed a few seconds after me entering. When i played as herman i sometimes had to wait an hour to get more than two survivors. It got frustrating. Not because of the wait, i could deal with that! But because the matches were terrible.
If i was playing as a survivor, the killer was almost always camping and/or tunneling or the other survivors were just assholes to other survivors or the killer.
When i played as killer (which i usually do) i would far too often end up with survivors that would rather run around you in circles, blinding you with flashlights instead of working on gens and actually playing - and then send you death threats when you pick them up one after the other and hook them.
Even when everything went well, and i usually have the rule, that if the players were nice and i technically manage to hook all, i will let the last one escape (or all if we just chill and farm). Yet TOO OFTEN people insult me etc when i let them escape.
So, you see, my point is this. No matter what i do. No matter how i play or who i play. I can’t just enjoy a game.
And i used to watch the streams. I even got my fanart into a stream, where the devs just made fun of me. I was fine with it back then, but i noticed that they just do not care. I remember that one person on the stream said they don’t want to stop killers from camping, because they think it’s funny.
It absolutely feels like they do not care for the community and do not understand their own game. And i do not want to support this. I feel no passion for this game coming from the creators. Nothing. And it’s sad.
So i will not continue work on a dating sim for a game that i do not play or enjoy anymore.
I still like herman carter, i guess. I don’t want to milk this blog or anything. I just want to keep it going the way it is cause i want to ignore the actual bullshit that’s happening.
And i hate to be that guy as well, but i wanna draw a little side by side comparison with warframe here.
A friend of mine got me into warframe and that really made me realize how terrible dead by daylight has become.
Warframe is a game where you can feel love and passion coming from everyone who works on the game, with a lot of interaction with the community.
I got to interact with the voice actors of my favorite characters and they are incredible chill dudes.
It doesn’t feel like stuff is happening out of your control. It feels like - and factually  they listen to the community. and do their best to make their players happy. That is a team of down to earth, passionate people.
While all i feel from BHVR is coldness. And i might just be wrong, but it’s my feeling.
The last straw to me was when dbd and warframe both did surveys.
Warframes: fun, humor, very selfaware, asking people what they want next and how they feel about everything (and you were allowed one swear as a treat)
Dead by Daylight: - yeah let’s be real. They included “toxic community” in one of their asks. If you are so painfully obviously aware that you have such a toxic community.... maybe - just maybe, try to change it. It is possible. 
So i am sorry for this LONG post. Please, if you get mad at what i said here, don’t attack me. This is my experience and my opportunity. If you like the game and have fun playing it - Great! i won’t stop you.
I just personally don’t want to support something that makes me so sad and frustrates me. The most threats and hate i’ve ever gotten from any community so far, was from the dbd community. It’s sad but true.
If you want to unfollow me, feel free to do so. I don’t want to argue about this, cause again, this is how i feel about all that has happened and there’s no way of changing any of it unless something changes witht he devs and the game.
So that being said -  i am still planning on replying to asks etc as per usual once i have my stuff figured out here. Life is a bitch right now but that’s a story for another time.
I hope you’re all doing well and so are your families. Stay safe.
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ask-dr-carter · 5 years ago
I'd this blog dead-? Idk, I'm sorry if I was rude
I'd say it's on pause right now. My tablet has been broken for a very long time and I actually ordered a new tablet just a few hours ago, so hopefully I will be able to make content for this blog again soon-ish :'D
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ask-dr-carter · 5 years ago
What does the Doc look up on the internet 🤔 (Love your art btw)
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(and also, thank you very much!)
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ask-dr-carter · 5 years ago
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ask-dr-carter · 5 years ago
Me: *wants to make content for this blog*
Me: *checks my computer for unfinished stuff for this blog*
The unfinished stuff for this blog:
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ask-dr-carter · 5 years ago
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ask-dr-carter · 5 years ago
The only READY person is Spongebob.
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He’s ready alright
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ask-dr-carter · 5 years ago
((Hey! Reblogging this on here to get the activity back up! It’s official now, i stopped playing dbd for multiple reasons, but... yeah i still kinda like the game and started playing again - if only for a few minutes on some evenings - this being said, i’ve been gone for a while now without internet and got the urge again to draw herman. One reason why i wasn’t really active anymore was cause i completely un-learned how to draw my husbando. But i feel like i can now try again. My artblock which i’ve been struggeling with for almost three weeks now is gone and i am happy to be back in the game!))
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I recently started playing dbd again. Just a little bit. And while i was gone for a week, left alone with my thoughts, i decided that yeah- herman’s still husbando. absolutely.
But i also was too lazy to draw a complete portrait so half herman.
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ask-dr-carter · 5 years ago
Doctor,I can't come up with a good answer,so I'll ask you instead...How old are you? 30?40?...50???
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ask-dr-carter · 6 years ago
why do you colour him purple
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ask-dr-carter · 6 years ago
Doc, could you get your shiny bald spot and put a hat on?
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ask-dr-carter · 6 years ago
ex-fucking-cuse you?
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I fixed him don’t worry
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ask-dr-carter · 6 years ago
it's real bug hour!!!!!!
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Bug is currently unavailable.
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ask-dr-carter · 6 years ago
Why can't we get an update on Bug? What about the doc?
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