To all my Batman Beyond peeps...
I apologize that I haven't been around or responding to any of the reposts that I initially get involved in. I've been really busy over the past week or so and wasn't around at all today. Plus, it's a pain in the ass to go back through pages and pages to get to the last thing that was said. Forgive me.
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Oh, by magic I s'pose.
ask-doctor-billings started following you/ask-max-gibson started following you
Even more of you huh? How do you keep finding me?
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Fear Order Fairness Chaos Pain
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"Where do you think he goes all those nights?" He asks, smirking slightly beneath his mask.
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ask-doctor-billings started following you
Doctor Billings? What are you a doctor of?
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Uh-oh... did I reveal a secret?
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ask-doctor-billings started following you
Doctor Billings? What are you a doctor of?
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Beginning at 1:30.
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ask-doctor-billings started following you
Doctor Billings? What are you a doctor of?
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Well, he did swan dive in a complete trance from my hovercraft, hundreds of feet above the Gotham streets...
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ask-doctor-billings started following you
Doctor Billings? What are you a doctor of?
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I think it might be more accurate to say Terry could've lost his life if Bruce hadn't woken him up.
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ask-doctor-billings started following you
Doctor Billings? What are you a doctor of?
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Psychology. I'm a Psychologist.
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ask-doctor-billings started following you
Doctor Billings? What are you a doctor of?
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"I'm a Psychologist, specializing in Children and Adolescents."
ask-doctor-billings started following you
“It’s lovely to meet you, Clover. I’m Dr. Ira Billings.”
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"It's lovely to meet you, Clover. I'm Dr. Ira Billings."
ask-doctor-billings started following you
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“Hi! I’m the super awesome Clover. Who’re you?”
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Maybe just a little...
ask-doctor-billings started following you
….great. Just what I need.
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What do you generally worry about then?
ask-doctor-billings started following you
….great. Just what I need.
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Anyone here use MSN or AIM?
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Now, now... You ladies are going to hurt my feelings if you pick some other psychologist over me. After all, you don't have to pay for my services since I'm employed by the school, and I would never dream of exploiting you or taking advantage of you...
ask-doctor-billings started following you
….great. Just what I need.
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There's no need to be afraid, Miss Gibson. I don't bite.
ask-doctor-billings started following you
….great. Just what I need.
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