Dart Ghoul
37 posts
Ghost OC Blog!! MINOR account !!he/him + they/them
Last active 60 minutes ago
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ask-dart-ghoul · 2 days ago
// Fun fact!
A lot of Dart's personality and even his job in the Ministry is based on my IRL dad! I love my dad even if he is not perfect. Shout out to the dads who do their best <3
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ask-dart-ghoul · 2 days ago
// We are on 10 plus a trivia section for things that don't necessarily fit in :]
Me and a pookie o’ mine are planning some OC stuff and so I could help them brainstorm I wanted to write out Dart and how his brain works. I’m 5 paragraphs in and nowhere near finished. Send help.
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ask-dart-ghoul · 2 days ago
// *Casually starts making odd and seemingly unconnected google searches*
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ask-dart-ghoul · 3 days ago
Me: *tells my mom about Dart and his personality*
My mom: "Oh! He's just like me! So OCD!"
Me: "No, he's not OCD."
My mom: "But he's so organized and all of that."
Me: *Looks at 4th wall camera like are you hearing this?*
Tired of people mislabeling things as OCD... (no I don't have OCD. It's just really annoying ToT )
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ask-dart-ghoul · 3 days ago
His eyes practically sparkled at the organized charts with all the stats and data laid out. Yes, it was a lot, but it was wonderfully put together. Dart mentally slapped himself into focus as he looked down at his checklist and glanced at the notes he’d made.
“Right, well, I’ve been looking into company money being spent on ‘work essentials’. The number seemed awfully high this quarter and I couldn’t seem to figure out why. I did some file digging and some asking around and found that the term ‘work essential’ isn’t very defined in our contracts. Most ghouls who live here also work here so it seems they are spending money meant for the budget on things… well, not for what the budget is intended to buy.”
Though the explanation was a bit long they looked at the ghoul across from them in hopes he’d understand. “I’d like to perhaps work on drafting a new contract that would put things into better words. Of course that includes the legal team but I thought you would have a good definition on what we consider the term to be.” Dart elaborated on why he actually came to Ky about this. He was thorough in his work, after all.
There’s a gentle knock on Ky’s office door before someone enters. A tall pale blue ghoul with slicked back dark blue hair. Most knew him around the Ministry as Dart. He was a pretty prominent figure in the work force. They held a checklist and pen in their hand.
“I’ve been collecting data on how the budget is being spent. Do you mind if we have a discussion?” The multi-ghoul raised a brow.
"Ah, hello! Dart, correct? Feel free to sit down, this may take me a moment."
Kyanite's office was about as tidy as you'd expect - a pager, multiple files with handwritten notes in the margins strewn about, a book with a bookmark at the start and a half-empty cup of tea all rested on the desk, in some kind of organized chaos. The rest of the room was neat, however, so it wasn't as if the whole place was a mess.
The earth ghoul got to typing away on his laptop, glancing over to the multi-ghoul every few seconds for confirmation.
"Alright, budget... would you prefer annually or quarterly? I can do print, email, or fax, whatever's easier. What are we defining as budget - just what's happening here in the Ministry, or the overall Clergy's spending? I wouldn't be of too much help with the latter."
When he had all the forms pulled up, he turned his attention to Dart once more, a sheepish smile on his face.
"...or maybe we can just talk."
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ask-dart-ghoul · 3 days ago
At first Dart found himself a bit bombarded by all the sudden options. But as he looked around the room at how organized everything was and especially at the tea on the other ghoul’s desk, he felt a strange tingle in his upper back and calves. They didn’t know it but it was excitement.
Finally someone like him. Someone organized who knows what they’re doing. Someone who clearly is an expert or at least knowledgeable in their field. And, he couldn’t ignore this at all, someone whose job was to keep things running smooth just like him. Dart didn’t quite realize how enamored he appeared as he shut the door behind himself and came to sit across Ky. “I prefer to simply talk. But an email is acceptable for any follow up conversations. My business one should be connected under the organization so you should be able to find it just by typing my name in.”
Their eyes lingered on the tea for just a moment before they shook their head and looked back at Ky. “I’d like to discuss the Ministry’s budget for the current quarter. After a bit of data collecting I’ve noticed some things that could be optimized.”
There’s a gentle knock on Ky’s office door before someone enters. A tall pale blue ghoul with slicked back dark blue hair. Most knew him around the Ministry as Dart. He was a pretty prominent figure in the work force. They held a checklist and pen in their hand.
“I’ve been collecting data on how the budget is being spent. Do you mind if we have a discussion?” The multi-ghoul raised a brow.
"Ah, hello! Dart, correct? Feel free to sit down, this may take me a moment."
Kyanite's office was about as tidy as you'd expect - a pager, multiple files with handwritten notes in the margins strewn about, a book with a bookmark at the start and a half-empty cup of tea all rested on the desk, in some kind of organized chaos. The rest of the room was neat, however, so it wasn't as if the whole place was a mess.
The earth ghoul got to typing away on his laptop, glancing over to the multi-ghoul every few seconds for confirmation.
"Alright, budget... would you prefer annually or quarterly? I can do print, email, or fax, whatever's easier. What are we defining as budget - just what's happening here in the Ministry, or the overall Clergy's spending? I wouldn't be of too much help with the latter."
When he had all the forms pulled up, he turned his attention to Dart once more, a sheepish smile on his face.
"...or maybe we can just talk."
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ask-dart-ghoul · 4 days ago
Unwelcomed Visitor
Aaaa! Finally redid the angst!! I lost a chunk of this via some editing mistakes. I changed the story just a tad. I'm not aiming for serious angst here just some arguing and inner emotional turmoil. Enjoy!! (constructive criticism and support well appreciated!!!)
Dart had been working in his office for quite a while now. He'd been reading and writing nonstop, looking at paperwork for some new protocols and such. Of course he would be more on schedule if he could focus better. Why couldn't he focus? Creacher.
For the past thirty minutes she'd been messing around in his office. At first she simply looked around at his stapler and paper weight and other desk items. But as time passed she started getting more and more distracting. Currently she sat in the leather lined rolling chair across from him, spinning in circles and whispering a little wheeee under her breath with each one.
When she spun around and the chair nicked part of his dark ebony desk's fine finish he dropped his pen and leaned back in his chair. Dart's dark stormy eyes watched as Creacher simply rubbed her finger over the scratch, said nothing, then continued spinning again.
"Do you mind at least keeping my furniture in tact?" he asked sassily, a bit more attitude showing through than he intended. Creacher let the chair slowly come to a stop before scooting around to face the taller ghoul.
She pouted, "It's just a scratch... Jeez. It'll buff." Creacher pulled her legs up and Dart couldn't suppress the wince as he watched her shoes press into the fine black leather and leave a little mark of dirt from her soles.
As she resumed spinning again he simply watched while his blood started to boil little by little. It was like if they stared long enough maybe Creacher would quit or better yet leave. When nearly a minute passed and Creacher nicked the desk again Dart stood up, and walked around to her. They gripped the back of the chair to prevent her from spinning more.
"Quit it. You're ruining my office." they scolded.
"Ruining is a strong word. It's just a couple scratches!" Creacher protested, attempting to wriggle in the chair and shake it from his grip. She failed miserably as Dart simply gripped the chair a little harder.
"Of course you would say that. Know what? Just keep the chair. I'll get a new one." He shoved the chair across the room towards the door just hard enough that it stopped a few feet from the door. At least, that's what he had planned to do. Instead he underestimated the force he used and the chair went spinning, hitting the wall a couple feet next to the door. Creacher yelped and clung to the arm rests as she went rolling. Dart winced and stared in hopes that they hadn't dented the wall. When Creacher huffed and got out of the chair Dart let out a little sigh of relief that the wall was well in tact.
"Do you not know how to have a little fun!? Good Satan! You need some lessons on it for sure." Creacher yelled with crossed arms and a lashing tail.
Dart crossed their arms in return and rolled their eyes. He couldn't help the way the corners of his mouth turned downwards in distaste. The more he thought on her words, trying to gather himself into a more controlled state, the more he felt his tongue want to act on its own. Finally, cheeks blue with what like something Dart could only describe as the same pressure a soda bottle builds when you shake it, he glared at Creacher.
"Fun is not what I need," he began, voice low but rising gradually, as he slowly started to step closer, "What I need is for people to stop getting in my way. What I need is a clear path ahead to get something done around here for once. What I need is to stop being distracted by a lazy, obnoxious, rash, disorderly creature like you!"
Dart stood nearly chest to chest with Creacher now, his breathing heavy. The shorter simply stood there, mouth slightly open, as her face slowly melted from angry to crestfallen. The fire in her blue eyes faded and it sent a odd piercing feeling into Dart's chest.
They'd only stated the truth, right? Perhaps the truth had been too much for her? In the past when he had been honest his coworkers had called him "blunt" and "insensitive". Was that what he was being now?
Dart's mouth opened but for once he had no idea what to say. He felt a choking sensation in his throat like something was caught in it when he noticed the tears forming in Creacher's eyes. Before Dart could get a noise out she sniffled and huffed, "Fine. I'll go." Despite her furrowed brows, the cue that Dart put together she usually did when she was determined and fiery, her voice shook when she spoke like she'd lost that flame inside her.
"No- No don't." Was all he could manage as she turned on her heel towards the door with her tail lashing behind her. Dart reached out weakly as if maybe she'd come back with the gesture. Just before exiting she kicked the chair, sending it across the room once more. When it went past Dart instead of hitting him she growled with a huff as she slammed the door behind her.
Dart stood in the middle of his office with what felt like a hole in his chest and his neck tight. He reflected on the interaction for a few moments before sighing and ultimately blaming it on himself. Perhaps he had been too harsh with his words.
They dejectedly headed for their desk and pulled a well loved notebook from one of the drawers. Dart plopped into his chair, scooted it forward, and opened the notebook gently to its freshest page. He wrote:
Note to self: Word choice. Word choice is very important. Look up "connotation VS denotation"
Now what he learned from the encounter was amongst the other notes from his past failures. Surely one day he'd be able to act right, wouldn't he?
His eyes rested on the chair just a few feet to the side of his desk. The imprints of dirt were still on the edge of the seat from where Creacher had put her feet. It only served to send a flash, like a lightning, through his temples.
Dart put his face in his hands, body slumped over his desk now. Through the cracks between his fingers he stared down at the paperwork before him. They were downright sick of that paperwork. For once he couldn't muster the will to go back at it. The futile attempt to simply sent a sick feeling into his stomach. Dart screwed his eyes shut and shoved his palms into his eyelids. The pressure seemed to alleviate that in his temples and shoulders.
"I have one job," he muttered to himself in another attempt to get over the sickness and get back to work. Work would take this off his mind. Work would put a little curtain between him and the train wreck he'd created. Still, despite his best efforts, Dart couldn't help the abyss in his stomach and the heaviness in his sternum.
Just do it anyways, he thought. And when the thought didn't will his body and mind into work he repeated it over and over again and again until finally, ten minutes later, he picked up his pen and began reading over the contracts again.
But as he worked the rest of the day away he found himself going back to the interaction again and again as if analyzing it would somehow fix him. Dart stood in front of the window of his bedroom drinking tea that evening thinking,
What is my malfunction?
AAAA I haven't written in a while so sorry for typos and poor quality! (I also proof read this like five times for typos n such but like I'm literally dyslexic so-) I hope you readers enjoyed this! Creacher's focus will be uploaded probably tomorrow. I wanna start getting back into writing so this is part of my rough unrusting lol
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ask-dart-ghoul · 4 days ago
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ask-dart-ghoul · 4 days ago
When he finally turned in for the night, Dart immediately felt something was off upon entering his bedroom. He cautiously walked through the room as he examined everything he could. Finally he approached his home desk and opened each drawer. Immediately he saw that some of the items inside one of them had shifted as if someone opened the drawer roughly. Dart fixed everything into its proper spot before also noticing that his sticky note holder was slightly shifted as well. They fixed that as well but calmed, assuming that perhaps someone who needed something of him simply came to leave a message for him.
Dart turned towards his bed and finally, from this angle he could see it, he noticed the basket. They were fairly confused on who would leave him a gift basket but so be it he approached, knelt down, and began looking at the contents. His eyes fell on the note and he felt his entire body freeze over, running cold. The ghoul blinked a few times as if perhaps it would disappear if he tried hard enough. When it didn't vanish like some hallucination he reached out for it with a shaky hand.
Don't be embarrassed. I think they're cool. :)
Scribbled on his sticky note with his pen. Dart let the note fall to the floor as he immediately began looking through the basket to recount all of his collection. Of course it was only part of extensive sock drawer but each one meant just the same. Not a single one was a simple expendable. Slowly, as he realized most of them seemed accounted for, he calmed down and even paused to admire the careful folding. Each pair, end lined up neatly with end, folded over, creases smoothed out. Just how he preferred it.
They looked around for a moment as if Raven could've been watching and was about to appear from the darkness. When it was apparent no one was there he looked at the socks again and finished checking for all of them. Of course they didn't miss the missing pair. Dart noticed once he reached the bottom of the basket that a pair was most definitely missing. His black and purple lightning socks.
No doubt either Raven purposefully kept them or she forgot them in her room. Daft huffed out a light chuckle, something he didn't do often, and stood up. Perhaps he could share. Just this once.
There’s a gentle knock on Raven’s door and a muffled voice through the thick mahogany, “Hello?”
Though it wasn’t the voice of a friend, it sounded like the man who Raven had seen previously walking around with a check list in hand and jotting down just about everything. The esteemed Dart.
I put down my beads and hop off my bed, leaving the covers a mess as I rush over to the door and open it with a smile. "Hi! Please, come in!" I grab his wrist and drag him in, closing the door behind me. When I turn back to him I look him over, I didn't know much about him except that he always seemed busy. I hadn't realized that as I did this I was basically jumping for joy at meeting someone new, especially someone so intriguing.
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ask-dart-ghoul · 4 days ago
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//poor baby just wants to understand social norms
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ask-dart-ghoul · 4 days ago
Dart’s eyes narrowed as he looked her over once more, clearly not convinced by her explanation. He withdrew his hand from her grip and grabbed a pen and small notebook from his chest pocket. After quickly jotting something down he put the items back. “You feel a bit warm…” he muttered, tone oddly neutral. Or was he perhaps teasing her? It wasn’t very obvious. “Get a couple more hours of sleep tonight. Go to bed early.” Dart suggested.
“I have business to attend to but I’ll be certain to return and check in on this condition again soon.” The taller gave a stiff nod before turning on their heel. They paused and half turned to look back at Raven. “Also, when you return those socks, don’t ask about them. I’m sure uh… whoever owns them won’t be thrilled that they’ve been found out.”
There’s a gentle knock on Raven’s door and a muffled voice through the thick mahogany, “Hello?”
Though it wasn’t the voice of a friend, it sounded like the man who Raven had seen previously walking around with a check list in hand and jotting down just about everything. The esteemed Dart.
I put down my beads and hop off my bed, leaving the covers a mess as I rush over to the door and open it with a smile. "Hi! Please, come in!" I grab his wrist and drag him in, closing the door behind me. When I turn back to him I look him over, I didn't know much about him except that he always seemed busy. I hadn't realized that as I did this I was basically jumping for joy at meeting someone new, especially someone so intriguing.
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ask-dart-ghoul · 4 days ago
Dart raised a brow when he noticed her breathing. Why was she breathing like that? Was she struggling to get air? Congestion perhaps? Maybe she was coming down with an illness. He couldn’t have that, now could he? It was his job to tend to the cogs of the machine.
His long stride easily got him to just inches from Raven, craning his neck down slightly to examine her under-eyes as he pressed the back of his hand to her forehead. “Are you quite alright? Feeling normal?” Their careful analysis caught a hint of discoloration under her eyes and he looked directly at her, stormy gaze full of concern, “Been sleeping well?”
There’s a gentle knock on Raven’s door and a muffled voice through the thick mahogany, “Hello?”
Though it wasn’t the voice of a friend, it sounded like the man who Raven had seen previously walking around with a check list in hand and jotting down just about everything. The esteemed Dart.
I put down my beads and hop off my bed, leaving the covers a mess as I rush over to the door and open it with a smile. "Hi! Please, come in!" I grab his wrist and drag him in, closing the door behind me. When I turn back to him I look him over, I didn't know much about him except that he always seemed busy. I hadn't realized that as I did this I was basically jumping for joy at meeting someone new, especially someone so intriguing.
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ask-dart-ghoul · 4 days ago
Despite her warm invitation, Dart simply glanced at the collection from afar. He noted the range of objects from can tabs to little pieces of jewelry. His hands stayed awkwardly at his side as he thought up an appropriate response. Already Dart had let his disgust slip and that was a big blunder on its own. It wasn’t like he could reference his notes app for what to say at that particular moment.
“It’s well categorized,” he complimented plainly. It wasn’t a lie and he did admire that, despite the items themselves being trash to him, everything was organized in obvious categories. Dart’s gaze went from the collection to Raven and he studied her appearance for a moment, taking in her earrings and the bracelets she wore. Her seemed to match her personality and strangely he felt a faint warm sensation in his chest from it. Perhaps she was more organized than he thought, being categorized simply in a different way than he was.
“I eh… admire organization.”
There’s a gentle knock on Raven’s door and a muffled voice through the thick mahogany, “Hello?”
Though it wasn’t the voice of a friend, it sounded like the man who Raven had seen previously walking around with a check list in hand and jotting down just about everything. The esteemed Dart.
I put down my beads and hop off my bed, leaving the covers a mess as I rush over to the door and open it with a smile. "Hi! Please, come in!" I grab his wrist and drag him in, closing the door behind me. When I turn back to him I look him over, I didn't know much about him except that he always seemed busy. I hadn't realized that as I did this I was basically jumping for joy at meeting someone new, especially someone so intriguing.
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ask-dart-ghoul · 4 days ago
// Me with Dart and ASPD
//I have a friend with ASPD and I myself struggle with empathy (ASPD ISNT ONLY ABOUT LACK OF EMPATHY!!) so I wanted to make a morally GOOD character that has sociopathic tendencies and such. Give some good views on it. People who have ASPD aren’t to be feared. They’re people too
not many know this but you can actually headcanon neurodivergencies other than adhd and autism. yes, even the Big Scary disorders like DID, schizophrenia or narcissism. no, not only for villains. yes, for the main characters, the important characters, the characters that you love. yeah!!!
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ask-dart-ghoul · 4 days ago
His blue began fading from his face as he calmed down. Dart nodded, “Good. I’ll have the cleaning crew know to come retrieve them and return them to their rightful owner.”
As Raven crossed the room his eyes caught the particular pic she kept separate from the others. Then his gaze wandered over the other trinkets. To him it looked like absolute clutter, why did she care about any of this stuff? Dart couldn’t stand things that simply took up space and they knew other people had different views but this seemed… excessive.
“What is with… all that?” they inquired, a bit more disgust slipping into their tone than intended.
There’s a gentle knock on Raven’s door and a muffled voice through the thick mahogany, “Hello?”
Though it wasn’t the voice of a friend, it sounded like the man who Raven had seen previously walking around with a check list in hand and jotting down just about everything. The esteemed Dart.
I put down my beads and hop off my bed, leaving the covers a mess as I rush over to the door and open it with a smile. "Hi! Please, come in!" I grab his wrist and drag him in, closing the door behind me. When I turn back to him I look him over, I didn't know much about him except that he always seemed busy. I hadn't realized that as I did this I was basically jumping for joy at meeting someone new, especially someone so intriguing.
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ask-dart-ghoul · 4 days ago
Immediately he saw the cogs turning in her head and started to feel a bubbly motion in his diaphragm like he was some living carbonated drink. Dart frantically glanced around the room, avoiding eye contact for once, as his mouth help agape.
“Uh- No- No of course not,” he sputtered as his face turned blue with fluster, “Why would I ever own those? Those are silly.”
Their mind was racing with ideas to cover up his error. Dart knew those socks. They were his socks. In fact they were his secret sock collection. Everyone in the ministry who knew Dart knew they were clean and organized. How could they live this down? Their image would be ruined. A disaster. A total joke.
“I actually believe those are someone else’s. Y- yes!” He straightened up a bit, “I’m pretty sure there was a ghoul recently who came to me looking for them.” Dart prayed he was as good a liar as he thought he was.
There’s a gentle knock on Raven’s door and a muffled voice through the thick mahogany, “Hello?”
Though it wasn’t the voice of a friend, it sounded like the man who Raven had seen previously walking around with a check list in hand and jotting down just about everything. The esteemed Dart.
I put down my beads and hop off my bed, leaving the covers a mess as I rush over to the door and open it with a smile. "Hi! Please, come in!" I grab his wrist and drag him in, closing the door behind me. When I turn back to him I look him over, I didn't know much about him except that he always seemed busy. I hadn't realized that as I did this I was basically jumping for joy at meeting someone new, especially someone so intriguing.
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ask-dart-ghoul · 4 days ago
They stiffened in the embrace and awkwardly waited for Raven to pull away before casually taking a step back. Dart subconsciously brushed his shoulders as if dust had just appeared on them.
“I found them in what I thought was my laundry. The cleaning lady should have brought your clothes to you. I thought I would return the pics myse-“ he froze as his eyes wandered from Raven’s and he caught sight of the sock pile. Dart’s already pale skin somehow paled even more and he rapidly glanced from between Raven and the socks. “Where did you get those socks?”
There’s a gentle knock on Raven’s door and a muffled voice through the thick mahogany, “Hello?”
Though it wasn’t the voice of a friend, it sounded like the man who Raven had seen previously walking around with a check list in hand and jotting down just about everything. The esteemed Dart.
I put down my beads and hop off my bed, leaving the covers a mess as I rush over to the door and open it with a smile. "Hi! Please, come in!" I grab his wrist and drag him in, closing the door behind me. When I turn back to him I look him over, I didn't know much about him except that he always seemed busy. I hadn't realized that as I did this I was basically jumping for joy at meeting someone new, especially someone so intriguing.
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