this is not good
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Belphegor hit the ground with a grunt, managing to catch himself on his hands and knees. He was a bit damp, and the feathers on his head sported a few water droplets. When he looked up, he was grinning.  That grin quickly faded as he took in his companions. “What happened?” @ask-the-lord-of-the-files​
Dagon faced the group again, taking a deep breath. “This- this next file is going to be the worst one. So I need you all to pay attention to me and follow my directions. If you don’t, this next fold could get you killed. Okay?”
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Grunting at the sudden push, Bel shot a look at Buddy. He opened his mouth to retort, and they were gone. Huffing, he crossed his arms and glared at where they had been.
He really didn't want to talk about Asmodeus either. So he moved towards Levi. Reaching out, he put his hand on his brother's shoulder. A silent show of solidarity.
Dagon was still completely unconscious when they appeared in Hell in front of the cabinet. But the cabinet seemed to screech in response to her presence anyway, ignoring the several other people in the room.
Well, except Crowley of course. Who it was just as fond of.
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Now that Buddy had gone to Dagon, Bel was standing on his own. He was not worried about the child. Of course they was dangerous, but he didn’t see them as an immediate danger. Especially with their mother awake now. Instead--because he was so smart--he started wandering off a bit. Looking around. This was very different from his last experience inside of the Cabinet.
Dagon was still completely unconscious when they appeared in Hell in front of the cabinet. But the cabinet seemed to screech in response to her presence anyway, ignoring the several other people in the room.
Well, except Crowley of course. Who it was just as fond of.
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Feeling Dagon accept the energy and begin to wake, Bel pushed a bit more into her. Enough to bring her to full wakefulness. Then he turned to Buddy with a wide grin. “See?” He said cheerily, “She’s fine. Just tired.”  Feeling rather crowded, he stood up and backed away from her, closer to the child. It did feel a bit claustrophobic in here, with so many people. He didn’t like it. @ask-the-lord-of-the-files​
Dagon was still completely unconscious when they appeared in Hell in front of the cabinet. But the cabinet seemed to screech in response to her presence anyway, ignoring the several other people in the room.
Well, except Crowley of course. Who it was just as fond of.
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Heh, lucky you. I’m confused a lot.
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Well, its not really something you say out loud, usually. It's just something you write? Sorry, this is more confusing to explain than I thought it would be.
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Oh, it means 'laugh out loud'. It's a of letting someone know you are laughing, or think something is funny, when you can't hear them. Kind of like saying 'haha', but without possibly seeming sarcastic.
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Bel raised his eyebrows at the way the child yelled. "Hey now, Buddy," he said in a soothing tone, "Let's just try to stay calm, alright? Isn't that what your mom always says? Things are easier to deal with when we're calm."
He walked over to crouch beside Crowley over Dagon. He considered a moment. "Used up all her magic..." he murmured to himself. Through their bond, the Princes were able to lend each other strength and power. He wondered...
Starting with their time in this very cabinet, Dagon and himself had started to form a bond. It had grown stronger in recent weeks. If he focused, he could feel her there. Tentatively, he reached out. Gently easing his own power and strength towards her. To see if she would--or could--accept it.
Dagon was still completely unconscious when they appeared in Hell in front of the cabinet. But the cabinet seemed to screech in response to her presence anyway, ignoring the several other people in the room.
Well, except Crowley of course. Who it was just as fond of.
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There was nothing quite like being called 'odd' by a creature such as this child. But Bel didn't take offense, only giggled and smiled at the little explosion noise they made when tapping his hand.
"I thought you might want to hold it," Bel explained, "I hold hands with your mom sometimes."
Then he looked around at the others. "No one is meaning to trespass. We came here to hide from very nasty people looking for us. And your mom is... asleep right now." He pointed to where she still lay.
Dagon was still completely unconscious when they appeared in Hell in front of the cabinet. But the cabinet seemed to screech in response to her presence anyway, ignoring the several other people in the room.
Well, except Crowley of course. Who it was just as fond of.
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Lol, yeah, no. None of that. I've, ah, never done that. With anyone. So no worries.
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Ah, well, that’s a bit different. You see, Dagon and Mamm are inlove. Romantically. Like, kissing and stuff. That’s not the relationship I have with your mom. It’s just, friends, no kissing and stuff. Just having fun, talking, hanging out. Sometimes cuddles. I, don’t know if that makes sense, hopefully it does. 
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Aww, thank you. I like your mom too, she’s my best friend! And you seem really interesting. I hope we can be friends :D
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Glad to hear it. I’m okay too. Not really, but we won’t go there. I’m glad you decided to talk to me, but why did you?
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Bel what, with all due respect, the fuck are you talking to
Buddy! The child in the cabinet. Actually, I’m pretty sure it is the cabinet. Sort of.
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Looking over at the child, Bel smiled softly. He pushed Levi--mostly gently--out of his way as he got shakily to his feet. “Hey there, Buddy,” He called gently, walking slowly towards the child. He reached out a hand, palm up. Offering it for the child to take. @ask-the-lord-of-the-files​
Dagon was still completely unconscious when they appeared in Hell in front of the cabinet. But the cabinet seemed to screech in response to her presence anyway, ignoring the several other people in the room.
Well, except Crowley of course. Who it was just as fond of.
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Okay, Buddy. I like you too. I’m really glad to get to talk to you like this. How you doin?
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Hi! I’m Belphegor, you can call me Bel. Who are you? What can I call you?
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