Hi, one question, are you still going to answer questions for Avenging Peridot blog or no more?
Sorry. But I probably won’t be getting back to that. It took a lot of energy to update, and I haven’t been as passionate about steven universe, marvel, and peridot as I was. I still like all those things, but not enough to be able to continue the blog
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Do you like aus or love to make them? Do you have trouble tracking them down or sharing yours? Well you’re in luck! I present to you the latest fandom week in the growing collection celebrating FMA AUS. From July 9th to July 15th 2017 the blog will be sharing AUs of all kinds that you have submitted whether it be through art, fanfiction, poetry, edits, or even just text posts detailing your au idea. Feel free to either submit them to the blog or put “FMAAUweek17” in the first five tags of your post. @ing this blog is ok too! Here are the themes that can be used as inspiration, but if you have other ideas that are not related, contribute them too using the free theme! Have fun!: Day 1 Theme A: Rebel Theme B: theatrical Theme C: Legacy Day 2 Theme D: Born different Theme E: Change your fate Theme F: F is for family Day 3 Theme G: A minor miscalculation Theme H: AU where everything’s the same but Theme I: Reverse Day 4 Theme J: the ancient Theme K: In a land of myth and a time of magic Theme L: Over used but well loved Day 5 Theme M: The swap Theme N: Period piece Theme O: Crossover AU! Day 6 Theme P: Scifi Theme Q: the secret Theme R: Lets go on an adventure! Day 7 Theme S: Noir Theme T: If the bonus comics were canon… Theme U: The great game This is also a wrap up day. If you missed a theme from a previous day, you can post it under that theme for today! A few explanations: “AU where everything’s the same but” is for aus that would not change the outcome of the story or have a major effect on the cannon like color swaps or aus where someone tells terrible jokes at bad times. However, this can be subjective, so go with your gut on if you feel your submission could be tagged for that one. “Over used but well loved” is supposed to be for common aus like coffee shop, college, high school, ect. People love these for a reason, so feel free to go wild with your favorite tropes and cliches! Note: On any day, you can use a free theme, just tag it or label it as such. Remember, this week is supposed to be a fun week for artists and writers to stretch their creative minds and come up with some great what if ideas! Just remember to tag ships and mature content i.e. blood, gore, sex, ect. If your idea may fall into multiple themes, go ahead and tag them as both!  And if you have any further questions, send us an ask! All answers will be tagged Q&A.
Thanks for reading, and I can’t wait to see what you bring to the table!
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Hey Everyone! I've got a favor to ask.
I’ve got a friend who’s a little down on his luck right now and needs help making ends meet. He currently has a job, but still needs some help, so I was wondering if any of you would be willing to either reblog this post to spred it around or maybe commission him to help him out. His name is bbb35 and he does fanfiction commissions. His work is really good and I really enjoy reading them. He’s especially good at writing fluff and ship fics, so if you really want something cute for your otp, rarepair, or crack ship, I really recommend him! He’s helped me come up with some ideas for my own fics quite often and has even cowritten one of my big brother william au fics with me. Here’s a link to it: https://strawbebehmod.tumblr.com/post/157581052109/another-short-bbw-fic
He also has a deviantart gallery where you can find more of hos written works: http://bbb35.deviantart.com you can contact him there or here on tumblr for more information. His rates are pretty decent and he’ll write wost any kind of story aside from rape, vore, and a few other dark topics (ask him for specifics).
His rates are $15 for every 2000 words for a regular fic and then $25 to $30 for smutt. Please reblog this and spred this around if you can. Thanks!
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I think tomorrow should be called "Tell an Artist Positive Things About Their Art Day"
Thursday, September 1st. You saw it here first; I’m starting it. Share the news
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This? This is what happens when Peridot discovers the internet. Don’t miss a new episode of Steven Universe tonight! 
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((Until this joke is dead, I will reblog all the magnitodots))
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still not really sure if he said metal or mental. I mean, all of the examples he listed were metal, but were those rings? Who knows. I guess we’ll find out.
Edit: Ah. Well. Apparently her Twitter confirmed that it was metal. Good to know.
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((Damn it some one beat me to it...))
Too Short to Ride, a summary:
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((Ok, not sure if I'll include it, but i definitely have to draw her as magneto now))
Kind of a spoilerish question, but...Will Peri's new ability have any effect on the story here?
((I have honestly not had time to watch the new episode yet, so I don’t know.))
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Kind of a spoilerish question, but...Will Peri's new ability have any effect on the story here?
((I have honestly not had time to watch the new episode yet, so I don't know.))
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Have you disappeared? AGAIN?!
((Yes. My life is being absorbed by many projects right now. Some of them SU eelated, some of them college, and some of them other.))
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Hey Peridot, why is Deadpool obsessed with you?
Peridot: because the universe finds it hilarious.((Because a friend dared me to give him a cameo as a joke, then asks came for his return, and it just spiraled out of control from there))
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Where's Frank Castle?
((Not in the story yet))
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“Gem Automail” Edward has achieved tallness. Another full metal alchemist and Steven universe crossover. Companion piece to this: http://strawbebehmod.tumblr.com/post/145658867964/human-limb-enhancers-ive-been-wanting-to-draw
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*jaw drops* omg I've been following you on fanfiction before finding this blog)
((Awesome! What’s your user name on fanfiction?))
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