the “All I hear are screams” right after the part with Odysseus’ mom has a death hold on me. And then the final “down in the underworld”!!???!? Catch me listening to that on repeat for the next eternity
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Hi! Couldn’t figure out how to make this non anonymous…. But 👀 fellow demigod on tumblr :D! Hello! Who’s yr godly parent ?🌻
- @melly-clinica 🌻
Oh, hi Melly!
Lovely to meet another demigod here. My godly parent is Neptune but we don't really hang out much. You could say we are about as fond of each other as Gandalf is fond of Pippin (which is to say barely tolerate each other). I hope your relationship with your godly parent is much better.
It really varies on the demigod.
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sooo andy, are you in one of the demigod camps or are you a rogue?
Soooo that's a good question. I'm currently in New Rome but I am really really unsure how long this is going to last. Its only a matter of kind of only a matter of time before they recognize that the last time I was here I kinda wrecked the place (I did say I was sorry but then I caused more property damage so... a girl sets loose a trojan sea monster once)
Most of the time I'm on the road. I've never had much luck with demigod camps. I never did find Camp Half-Blood and well my experience with New Rome left what to be desired. Its only a matter until Graceling shows up. Kinda surprised I haven't seen him but he's probably busy helping clean up from that Zombie attack a few days ago.
I guess I would go with Rogue.
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Not really. Thanks for asking though. If you do see her again, assuming she doesn't eat you, I would appreciate that.
Do you have a pet snake?
Don't I wish. I did use to have a sea serpent once. I called her Bessie (her enemies called her "Trojan Sea Monster" which, while an excellent title, is very much not a real name). She was gorgeous and nigh invulnerable. She was also really protective and loving. Her favorite food was dirt. She was murdered in the Titan's war and hasn't reformed yet. (Still mad about that @ask-jason-grace)
Maybe I should adopt a snake. I do really like snakes and there's no saying when she'll turn up next.
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You mentioned you got and lost a pack of horses how does that even work?
So I already answered part of that question earlier, here. I got them because while I was working for Iris as a part time intern and part time package collector they just showed up on my doorstep and informed me that Neptune sent them to me. Up until I got myself fired, they were really helpful to get packages to and from the Hermes Depot. I do hope they're doing alright. Sure they were pretty self reliant but y'know, horses.
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Have you considered getting the memory thing checked out? I'm not sure what it takes for a girl to be remembered but I'm pretty sure accidentally setting a sea monster on your home counted last I knew.
Do you have a pet snake?
Don't I wish. I did use to have a sea serpent once. I called her Bessie (her enemies called her "Trojan Sea Monster" which, while an excellent title, is very much not a real name). She was gorgeous and nigh invulnerable. She was also really protective and loving. Her favorite food was dirt. She was murdered in the Titan's war and hasn't reformed yet. (Still mad about that @ask-jason-grace)
Maybe I should adopt a snake. I do really like snakes and there's no saying when she'll turn up next.
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How did you lose a pack of horses?
Good question. Turns out horses need direction and don't automatically know your location. Like say a Pegasus. So say you find yourself in a Labyrinth and come out on the other side of the country and various other random locations they don't automatically follow you. Also you forget how to get back to them. They're wandering the wilds of California somewhere. I'm fairly certain they were fine. They were apparently locals before Neptune thought to send them my way.
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Do you have a pet snake?
Don't I wish. I did use to have a sea serpent once. I called her Bessie (her enemies called her "Trojan Sea Monster" which, while an excellent title, is very much not a real name). She was gorgeous and nigh invulnerable. She was also really protective and loving. Her favorite food was dirt. She was murdered in the Titan's war and hasn't reformed yet. (Still mad about that @ask-jason-grace)
Maybe I should adopt a snake. I do really like snakes and there's no saying when she'll turn up next.
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Would you consider yourself a horse girl?
Not really, though horses do like me. Particularly that pack of horses I kinda ditched back in California. I prefer dogs. Them and snakes. Particularly the way everyone freaks out when I pick them up and they don't strangle me to death or otherwise bite me.
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Also if you are a turtle asking on behalf of my dad, please tell him that I don't need another pack of horses. One was enough and I don't really know where they ended up. Also I'm fine. I thought we understood that we were better off pretending we both didn't exist.
Hello Andy!
I've heard about some of your adventures and I have been wondering: what's your opinion on Death, like, as a guy?
Please tell me you're not a real turtle asking on behalf of my dad. PLEASE.
Assuming you aren't (please, fates just do me this one favor) I really like that guy. He actually has a kid that I babysit every once in a while. His name is Walter and he's adorable. The kid I mean. Thanatos is pretty chill. We've worked alongside each other before.
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Hello Andy!
I've heard about some of your adventures and I have been wondering: what's your opinion on Death, like, as a guy?
Please tell me you're not a real turtle asking on behalf of my dad. PLEASE.
Assuming you aren't (please, fates just do me this one favor) I really like that guy. He actually has a kid that I babysit every once in a while. His name is Walter and he's adorable. The kid I mean. Thanatos is pretty chill. We've worked alongside each other before.
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Do you know your godly parent?
No. Definitely not. Neptune and I- I mean whatever divine being that decided to spawn me is irrelevant. Please don't ask again.
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