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149 posts
Hiveswap fantroll ask blog for a scatterbrained jade named Aasmir. SUBMISSIONS & ASKS OPEN
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
New Troll (+ some Alternia HCs)
[The jadeblood caverns were a unit. A single vast void beneath the surface of Alternia, with it’s centre formed around the great Mothergrub. Thousands upon thousands of caves, gaps and catacombs spread throughout the planet’s crust like a tangled web, creating a stunning labyrinth only jades were able to navigate]
[While the cave system was incredibly impressive, the caverns were rather unwelcoming. They were cold, moist and dark. A stench of mold was noticeable in every single tunnel, in every single passage, in every single crevice. The kind that makes it’s way into your clothing and follows you around wherever you go. The jade living quarters were hospitable and tidy, sure. But there’s only so much a small community of trolls can do]
[And so, from such darkness emerged our second protagonist of the story. Squinting at the bring dual moons that showered the surface with glittering moonlight. Clenching a large bag in his hands, he made his was towards his friend. It appeared that the hero of mind had been awaiting him for a while, but she surprisingly didn’t mention it. Letting the air between them fill with comforting silence as they patiently stared into the distance. It seems the hero of time would be late as always, but that was to be expected.]
[Until then, there were two]
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>Sup! My Name Is NaDDah! I’m 7.5 SwEEps Young! And I’LL Be Answering Your Questions!<
>I Give Great TroLL Fashion Advice, So Hit Me Up!<
@ask-the-troll-boys @ask-the-friendsim-mc @ask-the-anarchy-trolls @veggie-trolls @ask-the-fang-gamer @what-is-wanshis-catsona @ask-a-confused-jade
((If any of you would like to be excluded from getting tagged, please make sure to tell me))
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
((fhg i decided to do a separate promo post sorry if i seem annoying w this!
((if you dont wanna be tagged i can remove ya
@ask-a-confused-jade @marstisguidetoselfcare @ask-the-information-specialist @ask-half-of-harley-manor @ask-the-purplefrog @what-is-wanshis-catsona @bronyatheleaderofthejades @ask-heartattack-chixie @ask-the-greatest-showtroll @ask-the-fang-gamer @ask-the-gold-kinkster @ask-all-colours-of-the-spectrum
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
Starter post
[It was a rather warm night, a rarity this time of the sweep. It just so happened that that night, the 15th bilunar perigee of the 3th dark season’s equinox, was the night a group of three (3) young gooldbloods would embark on a journey.]
[Though one (1) of them had lived her whole adolescent life outside the jadeblood caverns, the lack of lusii has left the remaining two (2) with little experience of the outside world. Soon, they will finally be able to explore the land. Of course, if the drones don’t get to them first]
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||Allriight nooksuckers, thiis askbllog iis fiinally good to go!!||
||You know what to do||
@ask-the-troll-boys @ask-the-friendsim-mc @ask-the-fang-gamer @gremlin-gone-wild @what-is-wanshis-catsona @veggie-trolls @ask-a-confused-jade @ask-the-bronze-singer
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
((Promo !!!
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3🎲Bonswa ladies and gents~
8🎲 pleasure to meat you all~ The names lyklis and I hope we can all get along swell~
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5🎲 Just floated on down this way and thought I’d drop anchor on the river by this lovely town. If any of you bèl moun want to drop on by my casino, feel free.
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1🎲 But anyone under purple best better watch themselves, its trè danjere to play games round my casino.
((Aaaaaaahh ok so i made a clown with sprites!!! He’s a riverboat casino owner with a Haitian creole accent please be nice about the sprites and maybe a promo even though I have had a blog for a while?))
@veggie-trolls @ask-the-troll-boys @ask-the-information-specialist @ask-the-bronze-singer @ask-the-purple-runt @ask-a-confused-jade @ask-ancestors @ask-a-confident-indigo @ask-the-jester-buds
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
((I am fucking screaming, smiling so damn hard holy crap. First of all your art is so top notch and I’m just really freaking flattered!!! Secondly holy fucking shit I love this I would die for you))
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@preemadaahna and @ask-a-confused-jade are. really, really good. i’m so happy and i love these boys…
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
[Aasmir checks to see that Festas is following him as he walks through a winding tunnel. It takes a while and the tunnel widens and shrinks as (they?)he continues along. Eventually, another light source peaks through from around the corner.]
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[Around the corner is a lush grotto, flora dotting the walls and ground. In the center of the room is a patch of various types of fungi that seem to root out to different spots in the cave. Aasmir heads towards a makeshift looking kitchenette with a mural painted besides it.]
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>so - uh - tea or coffee - ?>
>theres faygo too - but i dont recommend it>
~OH, A JADE GUY?~ ~I DON'T KNOW YOU, BUT I JUST FOUND THE BLOG AND I'M LOVIN' THE WHOLE FUNGUS AESTHETIC!~ ~ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT PLANTS AND STUFF, MYSELF!~ (@ask-festas) (you dont have to reply to this if you dont feel like it shsgdh i just found this blog and i love ur guy and ur art style so much aaaa a)
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>heh - thank you !!! - ive been trying to get an aesthetic for a while - im glad its working!! - troll pinterest really does do wonders - :)>
>plants are pretty fun - tho most of my knowledge is fungi related - but it doesnt exactly apply to every troll>
>anyways - welcome!!! - its nice to meet you - :)!!> 
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
>no - not really - ill check back later when youre free - !!!>
>hope youre safe - tho - considering youre hiding out>
>ghirah - are you open at the moment - ?? - for medical stuffs - all that> @ask-a-confused-jade
I'mm hidinng out at mmy mmatesprits hive right nnow..
I'mm really sorry, is it urgennt?
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
((owo)) ~|Whats this?|~
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>okay - ill make this quick - basically - this is the guy whose practically my lusus>
> dagne - finally - got a blog>
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~|Hey, promo me?|~~
@ask-the-bronze-singer @ask-modimm-the-choirman @ask-the-purple-frog @whatarekuprumskinks @ask-the-bronzecowgirl
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
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>mitena huh -? - its good to meet you - !!!>
[He gently undos his hair so the little troll can play with it....?He still isn’t entirely sure what to do.]
>howd you get down here - in the caverns?>
A tiny babey comes up to the jade boi and smiles. "you're pretty!" She has a lot of hair and gently reaches up. (askalittlefish)
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>oh gosh - ah geez - um - !!! - you shouldnt be down here -!!>
[He looks slightly panicked, but he crouches down to look at her and takes a deep breath in.]
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>sorry lil one - thank you - !! - im aasmir - whats your name - ???>
[He isn’t sure what to do and it’s written all over his body language.]
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
[Aasmir laughs a little, his eyes lit up as he beams from practically every part of his face.]
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>DEFINITELY- !!!!!!>
>i mean - definitely>
[He slips down the ladder and picks up a torch, looking up and beckoning for Festas to follow.]
~OH, A JADE GUY?~ ~I DON'T KNOW YOU, BUT I JUST FOUND THE BLOG AND I'M LOVIN' THE WHOLE FUNGUS AESTHETIC!~ ~ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT PLANTS AND STUFF, MYSELF!~ (@ask-festas) (you dont have to reply to this if you dont feel like it shsgdh i just found this blog and i love ur guy and ur art style so much aaaa a)
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>heh - thank you !!! - ive been trying to get an aesthetic for a while - im glad its working!! - troll pinterest really does do wonders - :)>
>plants are pretty fun - tho most of my knowledge is fungi related - but it doesnt exactly apply to every troll>
>anyways - welcome!!! - its nice to meet you - :)!!> 
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
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[He’s grinning from ear to ear now, Festas’s enthusiasm is incredibly infectious.]
>oh - right - !! - yes - that - !!!>
>follow me - keep quiet>
[He takes a right and starts walking towards a large grouping of trees and other flora in the near distance. When Aasmir arrives, he lifts several of the leaves blocking a hole with a ladder leading down.]
>this is it - are you sure you wanna come down here - ??>
~OH, A JADE GUY?~ ~I DON'T KNOW YOU, BUT I JUST FOUND THE BLOG AND I'M LOVIN' THE WHOLE FUNGUS AESTHETIC!~ ~ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT PLANTS AND STUFF, MYSELF!~ (@ask-festas) (you dont have to reply to this if you dont feel like it shsgdh i just found this blog and i love ur guy and ur art style so much aaaa a)
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>heh - thank you !!! - ive been trying to get an aesthetic for a while - im glad its working!! - troll pinterest really does do wonders - :)>
>plants are pretty fun - tho most of my knowledge is fungi related - but it doesnt exactly apply to every troll>
>anyways - welcome!!! - its nice to meet you - :)!!> 
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
[Hello there-My name is Mavain Glimer-I thought i introduce myself since i've seen you around here and there-Also surprises of all surprises we appear to share not only a blood color but a sign-How curious this is-Though i must say-it just makes things more exciting-in a strange way] (@ask-jaded-twins)
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>ah my gosh - we do - !!! - sorry - im getting ahead of myself - im aasmir - :) - !!!>
>its good to meet you mavain - !!!>
>im sorry im so all over the place - its just - i didnt think id ever meet a troll with the same sign - this is very new to me - !!!!!>
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
[He looks instantaneously relieved when he hears Wanshi joke.]
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>luckily for you - more so me - i have no idea what those even are- !!!>
>soldier purrbeasts - however - thats the series where the purrbeasts fight - plus stuff like that right - ?? - can barely remember it>
[]aasmir, What books do you like?[]
>uhh - hm - thats - a good question>
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>can i be honest - ?>
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
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>um - audio books - usually>
>i dont mind what kind - but usually - adventure types - i guess>
[He averts his eyes as he says this, a little bit embarrased.]
[]aasmir, What books do you like?[]
>uhh - hm - thats - a good question>
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>can i be honest - ?>
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
[]aasmir, What books do you like?[]
>uhh - hm - thats - a good question>
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>can i be honest - ?>
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ask-a-confused-jade · 6 years ago
[Aasmir crept around the outskirts of the entrance, looking for a purple figure. When he saw Festas, he ran over with a bounce in his step and stopped a few meters behind her.]
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>FESTAS - !!!!!!!!! - :D>
>wait - shit - i mean>
[His voice goes to a whisper.]
>festas - hello - !!!>
~OH, A JADE GUY?~ ~I DON'T KNOW YOU, BUT I JUST FOUND THE BLOG AND I'M LOVIN' THE WHOLE FUNGUS AESTHETIC!~ ~ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT PLANTS AND STUFF, MYSELF!~ (@ask-festas) (you dont have to reply to this if you dont feel like it shsgdh i just found this blog and i love ur guy and ur art style so much aaaa a)
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>heh - thank you !!! - ive been trying to get an aesthetic for a while - im glad its working!! - troll pinterest really does do wonders - :)>
>plants are pretty fun - tho most of my knowledge is fungi related - but it doesnt exactly apply to every troll>
>anyways - welcome!!! - its nice to meet you - :)!!> 
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