What are your friend groups?
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“Well, there’s my second best friend Luciano, who’s a film major. Then there’s his boyfriend, Allen, who’s an art major focused on becoming a photographer. The guy runs one of the biggest blogs in Paris dedicated towards Ladybeetle and I, isn’t it cool? And kind of ironic- Besides them is...well...”
“This guy I know...his name’s Kuro. He’s a fashion major, and we share a few classes together. I don’t know him as well, but he’s incredible..He’s really quiet around me and tends to outright ignore me sometimes, so I think I might annoy him - but otherwise he’s incredibly intelligent, creative, and everyone’s always magnetized towards him..It’s hard to look away from him, and he’s even got the attention of so many celebrities through his own hard work! He’s -- well, he’s our everyday Ladybeetle!”
“Then....there’s my first best friend......Luciano’s brother.”
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“...Flavio is....he’s something, alright.”
flavio, allen, and luciano unlocked.
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“Yo, it’s Tigre Chevalier, only everyone’s favorite knight in striped armor! Any questions, citizens of Paris?”
luther e. weilschmidt
tiger miraculous holder
tigre chevalier
movie star by day, superhero by….also day
based in paris, but shows up in other parts of the world frequently and conveniently
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On the other hand, here’s a sketch dump under the cut for those that are still around for my super self indulgent AU.
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So this might not help but maybe take a deep breath and just use who you think fits best and if others have a problem remind yourself that it’s fiction and you’re doing this for FUN not to get “fandom points”
You do have a point. I’m just paranoid of getting cancelled because I misinterpreted someone’s favorite, aha. My interpretations aren’t exactly the most fanon-popular out there.
This does put it into perspective though, thank you Anon. It’ll take some time to fully build the AU but, I hope to get back to this sometime soon since I’ve been so much more into Miraculous recently with the hiatus and how salty the season finale left me.
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So, help me out here, guys. I’ve reached a standoff with myself, basically.
My problem being:
- Not every character has a perfect equivalent as to who they should be in the AU. I see characters like Alya and go “Aha, I see!” but others aren’t so easy to figure out
- There are some characters I don’t want to portray as a Hetalia character in fear of misinterpreting them, or shitting all over someone’s favorite character. I.e. turning someone like Flavio into Chloe after Chloe’s abysmal bait-and-leave “sorry she’s irredeemable lol” arc in Miracle Queen, or anyone that I’d match with Lila (who is despised with a burning passion, and for good reason)
What do y’all think I should do?
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On the other hand, here’s a sketch dump under the cut for those that are still around for my super self indulgent AU.
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Luka and Kagami in the au, or Matt/2p!Canada and Renzo/2p!Seborga respectively. (Seborga design belonging to my good friend Cherry, or @ask-badlydrawnseborga​ who has the funniest and cutest interp of both romeo and renzo)
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A half finished Luther Noir bc...why not. I love drawing big beefy himbos. (and it shows.)
And finally,
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Alternatives! Admittedly lazy ones that I drew mid-essay. I’d draw Snake/Cat Luther and Dragon/Ladybug Kuro but those transformations weren’t out at the time I made these drawings. :( 
I like to think all of Paris teased “Misterbug” and “Mister noir” for having such similar names that sound like a married couple.
(Kuro will always smirk when he thinks back at how red in the face Luther got when he called him “bug-a-boy”.)
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So, help me out here, guys. I’ve reached a standoff with myself, basically.
My problem being:
- Not every character has a perfect equivalent as to who they should be in the AU. I see characters like Alya and go “Aha, I see!” but others aren’t so easy to figure out
- There are some characters I don’t want to portray as a Hetalia character in fear of misinterpreting them, or shitting all over someone’s favorite character. I.e. turning someone like Flavio into Chloe after Chloe’s abysmal bait-and-leave “sorry she’s irredeemable lol” arc in Miracle Queen, or anyone that I’d match with Lila (who is despised with a burning passion, and for good reason)
What do y’all think I should do?
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now that the Feast episode is out, I’ll come back to this blog JUST to draw banana-noir
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“Welcome to my boutique! I’m Flavio, and this is my husband, Luther! Feel free to ask anything, sweeties~”
☆ low effort badly drawn blog ☆ m!as allowed ☆ human au ☆ 2p germano/mentions of other ships/sometimes 1ps appear ☆ main blog is ask-badlydrawn2pgermany ☆ mainly self indulgent - but feel free to ask anyway!
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where did you get the bracelet from, kuro?
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“....It was given to me by someone very important to me.”
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could use some more asks! i only have one in my inbox currently and i’m holding onto it to answer at a later date!
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Favorite hobby in civiallian forms??
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“Well, I know we can’t reveal too much about ourselves, but I take kickboxing classes! And I do know Ladybeetle loves fashion, but I can’t say I know any specifics...”
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small warm-up doodle to get ready to answer asks :)
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Hey Kuro do you like Lutz? Romantically?
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“Originally, I didn’t hold any feelings towards Luther Weilschmidt. Sure, he’s insanely attractive and it’s unfair in every single way, and he runs a hard business with all the modeling he does, but it was still just a matter of avoiding staring for too long. But….well…”
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“…I don’t think I’d be able to tell what happened the moment I fell for him even if I wanted to.”
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are there any other differences between regular ML and this ML au to better fit the characters, mun? since I noticed stuff like kuro cosplaying being different from marinette
Honestly yeah, the characters have small things tweaked about them to make sense both in the setting and as a character. I’m also fixing things that I found completely stupid with the original Miraculous, such as pacing or things like everyone universally believing Lila over something that just sounds ridiculous without need of further proof.
Hold onto your horses, because this has quite a bit of Miraculous salt.
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What is Glaciator like in the context of this au if Chat doesn't confess his love
Most of the change is internal. 
This would be the episode in which Luther would finally bring himself to confess, ready for the worst, but his careful optimism would hope that things wouldn’t be awkward if he’s turned down. 
After all, up until this point, while he loved his friends, Ladybeetle has been the only person he’s felt he could be himself around, even if he recognizes that him and Chat are still the same person regardless. So when he asks him out and receives a lukewarm response of “I might be there, I might not”, he doesn’t get himself too hopeful. But he begins to doubt every second that it takes to get to the time they’re supposed to meet up at.
Being told that his brother – whom he feels is more just a shadow looming over his shoulder at this point – wasn’t going to show up again for dinner even though he’d insisted he’d come and made him change his plans with his friends - was only salt in the wound.
He was alone. (Again, his mind supplied helpfully.) 
With the hope that’d change someday. (It won’t. He won’t, it whispered once more.)
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Luther had to stay. But Chat Noir didn’t, and Chat Noir had a date to prepare for.
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art cheats
hello i am here today to not lose track of the art cheats i have discovered over the years. what i call art cheat is actually a cool filter/coloring style/way to shade/etc. that singlehandedly makes art like 20 times better
80’s anime style
glitch effect
glow effects
adding colors to grayscale paintings
foreshortening ( coil )
foreshortening ( perspective )
clipping group (lines)
clipping group (colors)
dramatic lighting ( GOOD )
shading metal
lighting faces
that is all for today, do stay tuned as i am always hunting for cool shit like this
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