[ANCHOR]: sender calms receiver down after receiver went on a bloodlust spree. sender reminds them their humanity. + reverse 😭
There's so much blood. It's not on her -- but on her sister, and she's stepping through. It.. sticks to her shoes and makes her stomach turn. Despite that, though, the expression on her face is simply just one of worry and care for her sister. She approaches carefully - like one might approach a wounded animal. "Lizzie.." She starts, her voice shaky. "It's me. It's Josie. Everything's okay. Everything's safe. It's over. We can just walk out and get some fresh air, alright? Just listen to my voice, yeah? It's Jo."
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Josie's nose wrinkles slightly, and she crosses her arms over her chest, looking out the window at the trees and grass speeding along beside them. She does consider herself lucky, but she's also angry. Because she was right. She should have a moment to consider that a win, but now she's brought face to face with the reason she should have been careful in the first place. Swallowing, she glances back up towards the front of the car when she hears the call coming through.
"Do you expect me to smile and throw a party back here? Be real, Hope." She scoffs out, turning her entire body to face the window and passenger door - anything to prove to Hope that she's in fact, not happy about this new arrangement.
Eventually, though, something will have to give. Hope's humanity will come back, if she dies trying. "Who's Agatha and Greg, anyways? They sound like they're annoying you."

Hope rolls her eyes at Josie's first statement. "Thank you for not murdering me, even though you could have," she pitches her voice slightly higher to mimic Josie's. "Why, you're welcome, Jo. Don't mention it." The tribrid glances at the rear view mirror, nothing but trees and empty road behind them. "You're the one who kept insisting that you won't stop trying to bring my humanity back. You should consider yourself lucky I brought you along. Now you won't have to waste precious energy to find where I am." Her head leans against the headrest lazily as she lets the car really speed down the empty stretch of highway. She speaks as nonchalantly as if they were trying to figure out what to have for lunch.
The shrill chirp of her cell phone interrupts them and Hope fishes the device out of her pocket and presses a button to answer the call. "Hello Agatha," she sings out in greeting. "Oh, sorry, did I ruin your surprise? I thought I'd cut right to the chase since we're all busy people. You might want to tell Greg the Alpha and whoever your vampire is that I'm on my way. Okay great chat, bye bye now." Hope hangs up the phone with her message delivered and she focuses back on Josie.
"C'mon, it's a long drive to Florida. I know you're the resident pouty face champion, but you can't pout the entire ride there."
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"You always say that." Except she's not teasing him this time, she's dejected. She knows that he has to do this on his own and it's something she's attempting to come to terms with - not that she thinks she can. Swallowing, she reaches for him, pulling him into a tight hug. "I just wanted to say goodbye is all. In case you don't come back. And if you do --" She leans up and presses a kiss to his cheek. ".. come find me after. Please."
you sure don’t make it easy to follow you. | @asiphon
He should've known she'd follow. Even when he asked her not to (maybe because he asked her not to)... and it doesn't surprise him, really, that he had been unable to lose her. Harry's never been the most stealthy of all, and more often than not he had been caught by one or the other. And Josie... she seemed to have a talent to know exactly what he'd do. Still, despite her comforting presence, and the warmth he always feels rushing through him whenever she's near, Harry wishes she hadn't followed this time. "Maybe because I didn't want to be followed." he sounds as tired as he feels. And this is one goodbye he had expected not to have. But then... he owed it to her, and he turns with a light smile on his lips and resignation in his eyes. "You shouldn't be here... you should be up there with the others." He has time, he knows... Voldemort had been clear with his message, loud in his ears and everyone else's, but the stillness that could be felt in the castle grated on his nerves. He had time for this, and nothing else. "I... I have to do this Jo, it's the only way."
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Once they're in the Old Mill, and Josie is safely on the couch, she feels like she can finally take a breath. It hurts, though that's not unexpected. When she breathes in, the bruises on her torso catch and pull -- but she's eternally grateful that nothing is broken and that nothing on her is covered and sticky with red. It's a small blessing, but a blessing nonetheless.
Though when she finally opens her eyes more fully, she can see what Hope's feeling through the set in her jaw, the way her lips are pressed together, the worry in her eyes. She's upset. At her, maybe. At herself? There's usually no way to tell without asking, so Josie shifts and tries to sit up a bit more fully - wincing the entire way.
"I was thinking - ah! - that I needed to help and that I knew what it was and where it would go, and that no one else was coming to help. I had to do something."
She had been too reckless in her pursuit of trying to figure this particular monster - and mostly trying to do as such to make up for all the hell she'd caused just by virtue of letting the dark magic get the better of her. In doing so, she'd forgotten that she was still recovering, still weak from not having her magic - and maybe, just maybe she had something to prove to the others for doubting her. She's not bleeding, which is a blessing in itself, but her head throbs and she's certain she'll be battered and bruised the next day. Warm arms cradle her, but she doesn't have the energy to open her eyes or move or do anything but lay limply in the person's arms. "'Msorry.."

When Lizzie first burst into Hope and Cleo's room, declaring that @asiphon was missing, Hope took three breaths to steady herself before replying. Even if every instinct was jumping to the ready to track down Josie, Hope reminded herself that Josie had been avoiding her for a reason. Not that she can really blame the other witch. So much has happened in the last few months, from Landon breaking up with Josie, to Josie succumbing to her dark magic, to sealing her magic away entirely and transferring to Mystic Falls High. It's the last one that stings Hope the most.
But Lizzie insisted and the gnawing feeling in Hope's gut only grew, especially knowing that there's still a monster out there they haven't defeated yet. And now, as she carries Josie in her arms, bruised and beaten by that exact same monster, Hope hates herself for hesitating, for delaying even a single second that allowed Josie to get hurt. "Shh, you're okay," Hope murmurs as she carries Josie into the Old Mill, and sets her down on the lumpy couch that one of the wolves dragged in. Now that she can look at her, Hope begins to seethe as she sees the marks left on her, but she tries to push it down. "What were you thinking, Josie?"
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Heartbroken artists nurture their pain as a mother would her child.
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sorry , i was miles away .
"Yeah - I've been trying to get your attention for a full two minutes, Lor." She leans over, bumping her shoulder as if to punctuate or demonstrate just how badly she'd been trying - which ultimately, had just been a soft nudge and calling her name. By this point, Josie was a little used to how spacey Lorelai seemed, and simply took it in stride - assuming that maybe things in her mind were a little different or that she had things she couldn't quite talk about. "You okay? You look a little tired, I think."
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I dreamt last night of your teeth on my skin.
Michael Cantin, from ‘Literary Sexts’
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it's just that it's all in my head .
Lips pursed together, twisting in a sort of nervous habit, Josie tries to find the right words to say here. Either she messes up and makes whatever Lizzie is going through this time worse - and she realizes that her own thoughts on this might make her spiral further. The last thing she wants to do is harm her sister, so she takes a moment to breathe and not let herself word vomit while holding her hand. She takes her time with these moments, thought she knows that she makes mistakes, too.
"I don't think so." She finally settles on, turning completely towards Lizzie. "I mean - you're feelings are real, right? No matter what caused them, so I don't think you're making it up. At all. Just, you know, you need time to figure out why it sucks so much this time."
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―because i do.
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my head is all over the place . i keep having vivid dreams . - Rafael
"Do you need my help with them?" She's trying to not - jump into solving others' problems, but.. it's difficult to fight that instinct, that urge. Swallowing, she reaches over to touch his arm, thumb rubbing along the bone in his wrist. "What are they about..?"
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darker vibes
❛ i would let you rip me apart if it meant loving you. ❜
❛ this fear you feel? it won’t last. ❜
❛ you are my salvation. ❜
❛ i revolt you, don’t i? ❜
❛ get the hell away from me. ❜
❛ i want to sink my teeth into every inch of you. ❜
❛ i’ll be your dirty little secret, if that’s what you’re into. ❜
❛ worship me. until i tell you to stop. ❜
❛ don’t you know how sick with love i am for you? ❜
❛ fucking hit me already. ❜
❛ i would burn the world for you. ❜
❛ i don’t want to be good, no matter how hard you wish it. ❜
❛ i don’t know how you’ve bewitched me, but it needs to stop. ❜
❛ fix me. ❜
❛ they die for love, you kill for it. ❜
❛ you are mine, whether you agree or not. ❜
❛ do you like it when i bleed for you? ❜
❛ i will keep hurting. i will keep killing. anything to protect you. ❜
❛ i’m starved for you, morning and night. ❜
❛ now i get to ravish you. ❜
❛ i am your god and your executioner. ❜
❛ you are doing so well, my pet. ❜
❛ you’re my sweetest poison. ❜
❛ let’s do something about that mouth of yours. ❜
❛ your fascination with me will be your death. ❜
❛ you’re the monster that’s enticed me into your bed. ❜
❛ all you can say are pretty lies. ❜
❛ the fucked up thing is that it isn’t enough to just love you. ❜
❛ you’ve broken me. all i can think about is you. ❜
❛ you’ll beg for more. ❜
❛ an eternity with you would never satisfy me. ❜
❛ i would gladly let you drag me to hell. ❜
❛ everything i’ve done.. every horrible atrocity, it’s been for you. ❜
❛ you’re a fucking nightmare. kiss me. ❜
❛ feel grateful that i allow you to touch me. ❜
❛ every time your lips touch my skin, you burn me from the inside out. ❜
❛ there’s no black or white, only gray. ❜
❛ no one touches what’s mine. ❜
❛ make me indifferent, make me horrible. ❜
❛ i could never be the one to love you. i can only be the one that kills you. ❜
❛ your lips are poison, your laugh a curse. ❜
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just thought i'd give you the choice
"Right, of course." She murmurs, picking at her clothing. The green and silver tie feels like a burden around her neck, and her robes feel like a heavy weight. There are days where she misses the muggle world and days where it feels like the wizarding world is more of a home. Today is split right down the middle. Parchment lay out in front of them, and her own quill had been spelled to write down some of the outline for the essay they'd been assigned.
"I appreciate you.. er, letting me choose. Partners and subjects, I mean." Full lips pull into a grimace with another hard swallow, while her fingers run over her tie - fidgeting like she usually does. "I would have picked you regardless. Between you and Blaise, I.. would much rather deal with you." There's a nervous laugh that punctuates it, but she barrels forward - talking too much and saying nothing. It feels like their houses cause a bigger divide because of stereotypes and feuds that have lasted for years that have absolutely nothing to do with either of them. "I was actually going to ask, though, does Professor Babbling have it out for you? She seems.. kinda out there."
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you're ... you're interested ? - Jade
Josie sucks in a sharp breath, holds it for a moment, and lets it out while she nods slowly. It's hard to find the words here - nothing feels like enough. Her cheeks are dusting over with a light hue of pink, and she ducks her head to try and hide the blush. "Yeah." It still feels like not enough. "Of course I am. I..I've been interested for a while. Is that-- is that okay?"
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enemies to lovers but one is injured + sentence starters
“ can you walk? “
“ i’m all right. “
“ you’re bleeding. “
“ lean on me. ” “ for support? “ “ yeah, why else? “
“ i’ll get you out of here. ”
“ are you crazy? i’m not leaving you! “
“ if you die on me, then what's the issue? you either live, or you die. “
“ just trust me, yeah? “
“ i don't need your help. “ “ are you sure? cause it sure does look like it. “
“ rich coming from the guy who tried to kill me three days ago. “
“ how bad is it? “ “ it’s bad. “
“ you got shot. there's a bullet in you. i can see it. “ “ i can feel it. “
“ stay with me. don’t close your eyes. “
“ i hate you. oh, i hate you so much right now. “
“ just remove the damn thing. “
“ i’m not a doctor. “
“ it didn't pierce your heart did it? “ “ no, clearly not. “ “that's unfortunate. “
“ you trust me, don't you? “
“ jesus fucking christ, you're annoying. “
“ don't touch me! “ “ how am i supposed to bandage you up if i can't touch you? “
“ don't touch me. “ “ then do it yourself you, egit. “
“ right now, you’re all i have. “
“ you’re going to be okay. we’ll both be. “
“ can you hear me? “
“ i'm scared. “
“ i don't wanna die. “ “ you're not gonna die, you here me? “
“ when have i ever put you in danger? actually, don't answer that. “
“ if i do this, do you promise to stop harassing me? “ “ absolutely not. what kinda sick request is that? “
“ i can’t feel my legs. “
“ can you walk? “ “i’m bleeding. “
“ here, take my gun. “ “ are you crazy? i’ve never used one before! “
“ i can’t get up. you’re gonna have to have to carry me. “
“ come on, i’ll bandage you up. “
“ look, i know we’re not exactly friends, but right now, you're all i got. “
“ you shoot. i distract. “
“ where’s the bullet? hey, i can’t find the bullet! “
“ why are you the one freaking out? i’m the one with a knife in my stomach. “
“ are you squeamish? because it looks like you’re gonna throw up. “
“ you've always impressed me. you're stronger than you look. “
“ you look like shit. “ “ thank you. “
“ here, take my hand. “ “ are you clean? “
“ i'm gonna kill you. “ “ for what, saving your ass? “
“ don't touch me. “ “ okay. shall i leave you here to die, then? “
“ stop it, you're hurting me! “ “ i need to get the knife out. “
“ didn't realize you had it in you. “ “ what? “ “ to care for another person. “
“ trust me, if anybody's going to kill you, it's going to be me. “
“ couldn't just let you die. fair fight and all. “
“ don't remove the knife, or you'll bleed to death. “
“ shut up before i kill you myself. “
“ just wait for me here. “ “ it's not like i can go anywhere. “
“ give me your gun. “ “fuck, no. “
“ why the hell did they stab you? “ “...should i have asked for an explanation? “
“ shut up or i'll give you a real reason to cry. “
“ you owe me. “
“ fuck you, i'm not doing this. “
“ what's wrong with you? you almost got me killed! “
“ yeah, well. perhaps i didn't understand just how much until this very moment. “ “ this is all your fault. “ “ don't act like you're not enjoying yourself. “
“ you're going to kill me, aren't you? “
“ why would you do this? why would you help me? “
“ call it a truce. “
“ why the hell did you stab me? “
“ i don't have anywhere else to go. “
“ i'm glad you're okay. “
“ thank you, for saving my life. “
“ i would have died if it wasn't for you. “
“ you can stay for as long as you need. “
“ we can go back to hating each other tomorrow. “
“ if you need anything, you know where to find me. “
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Do you know how many Fridays we have left in this year? 2. 2 exactly. That means 50 Fridays have passed us by. And, boy, have they passed us by in a flash. In those 50 Fridays you’ve had some great laughs. You’ve had some cries. You’ve made friends. You’ve had losses. But, most of all. You did it! You made it to 2 Fridays until the end of the year. Things to wrap up and things to blossom. And all I want to say is that I’m so proud of you. Life isn’t easy. It just isn’t. You’ve had hardships that you haven’t told anyone and joys you’ve kept to yourself as well. Regardless of any of the outcomes, I’m happy to see you’re still here. And I think while we’re celebrating you, you should celebrate yourself as well. Giving yourself kindness in anyway is an amazing way to celebrate. So go see some lights, go drink a holiday drink, buy yourself something small. You deserve it and I’m rooting for you! - 💜💜 Victoria “Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” - Greg Anderson
this is absolutely so sweet <3 thank you so much for the bright spot in my day today :3
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She had the whole thing planned out. She would write down everything that's been on her mind for the past few months in a note, and she'd slip it under Hope's door and that would be that. Except the note itself took way too long to perfect, and she'd thrown away and burned so many scraps of paper so that her sister wouldn't find them and decide to give her a stern talking to about the ramifications of having a crush on one Hope Marshall.
But she'd finally been able to figure out the right words to say, and actually was brave enough to sign her name bold and large at the end of it. Josie Saltzman. Going through the words in her head as she walked down the hall, she felt herself smiling softly to herself. I keep thinking of you all the time.
Two more steps. At first I thought, maybe it was because we keep getting into arguments. More so her sister than her, but.. I really like you. I've had a crush on you for months and I couldn't figure out a way to say it to your face. I don't know if I'd ever be brave enough. But I'm being as brave as I know how to be right now - in writing this note, giving you this. I just hope you won't tear it up or look at me different.
She swallowed hard as she reached the door. I don't expect anything. And I'm okay if you don't feel the same. I don't even know what my end goal is, really. She'd wanted to be Hope's girlfriend for so long, but even in writing it was hard to say. So she'd left it at that.
Feeling proud of herself, she was about to stand up but -- The idea of it actually being found by Hope started to settle into her mind. And she crouched down to look and see if the note had actually gotten that far into the room. Shit. There was no way to actually grab it. Shifting from pride at herself for being brave to absolutely mortified she took a few moments to try and reach for it or remember the spell to pull things closer. In her panic, the incantation to set it on fire was on her lips when she heard Hope's voice behind her.
Standing up quickly, she stared at her with wide eyes and decides to just bolt. Inside her room, she crumbles onto her bed with her hands covering her face, willing the note to just disappear or for Hope to not find it.
No such luck it seems, when the knock comes and then her voice filters through the wood. She could definitely just stay in her room and wait for Hope to go away, that would be a possibility. But there was also the chance of Lizzie coming back and starting a big to-do about Hope being at their door and.. God, her stomach twists and lurches at the though.
She jumps up and opens the door quickly and tugs Hope into the room, locking the door behind her. Lizzie will just have to be mad about not getting into the room at her later if she swings by. But now Hope is in her room. And knows about her feelings. Oh. Oh, god.
Her eyes widen again and she covers her face to make an absolutely pathetic sound - something like a whine. "Please, tell me you didn't read it. I'm sorry, I was going to get rid of it, I swear." But had she? "I.. it's okay if you did. And you don't feel the same." She was not going to look up and she was going to have to shut up soon. "I'm-- Oh, god."
JOSIE SALTZMAN ( @asiphon ) wanted ﹟ fix-it﹕ a moment in sender & receiver’s relationship rewritten to have a positive outcome , from the receiver’s pov

She mumbles a few choice curse words under her breath as she hurries down the hallway, words that would have earned her a stern glare from Hayley had she overheard what she is saying (followed by a phone call to Kol to yell at him for teaching her said words). She was supposed to meet Henry at the library after her potions class, but she forgot to grab the letter that Lisina sent over for him so she doubled back, but she stops short when she seesa familiar figure kneeling at her door, looking under the wood like she might be able to peer inside.
"Jo?" Hope asks warily, all thoughts of Henry disappearing from her mind at this odd occurrence. She hassnever been especially close with the Saltzman twins, despite the history that their parents shared. It's not like they know of it in the first place, and Hope has had enough clashes with the two of them that she has learned to steer clear. "Can I help you?"
She plants herself next to her door with her arms crossed over her chest, trying (and probably failing) to look intimidating. Josie on the other hand, looks torn between wanting to disappear into the ether and crying, and for whatever reason, that makes Hope soften her stance just slightly. But before she can say another word, the siphon spins on her heel and darts across the hallway, and the slam of the door echoes down the hallway.
"O...kay then," she muttered to herself. Turning to face her door, she goes to unlock it and pauses, wondering if maybe Josie had spelled the door to do something. She doesn't feel any traces of magic, other than the latent magic that lived inside the walls of the school. She cycled through a few different detection spells that she'd learned over the years, but her door was just a door.
Hope finally unlocks it and steps inside, her shoe coming down on a folded piece of paper that had been slipped under the door. She sees her name written in familiar, loopy handwriting and her confusion only grows as she picks up the handwritten note. She looks over her shoulder at the door to the Saltzmans' room, where she knows Josie is hiding inside. Had Hope just come across her in the perfect moment she had tried to secretly slip a note under her door?
Kicking the door shut behind her, the tribrid stands just inside the entryway and unfolds the piece of notebook paper in her hands. Her gaze scans the page quickly, and her eyebrows furrow for a moment before raising up to her hairline in surprise. Without even noticing, there's a small smile on her lips as she reads the words over and over again like she can't believe they're real.
She had been expecting insults, maybe some kind of mean message that was supposed to be "anonymous", and that's why Josie had run away, caught in the act. But her eyes re-read the words again and she couldn't have been more wrong.
Pulling open her door once more, Hope crosses the hallway and knocks on the door, but she isn't surprised when she receives no answer. Tilting her head just slightly, she can hear a quiet shifting inside, confirming that Josie is still in there. She knocks again, and she looks up and down the hallway quickly before leaning in closer to the door. "I know you're in there, Josie. Will you please let me in? I don't really want to... do this through a door. I'm not mad, I swear."
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