asiaawasiaa · 3 years
Chapter 13 Fieldwork
For this assignment, I interviewed my best friend dad. He was born and raised in Guyana. He came to America because he wanted more for himself and his family. Specifically, he knew he wanted a child and he wanted that child to have more than he did, so he came to America. He told me that getting his citizenship was easy because when he got here, he got married to my best friend mom. They met at one of her family gatherings when he came to America. My best friend mom is an American citizen, automatically making him one as well. He got lucky because he didn’t have to go through the Green Card Process until they divorced. He expressed how he's known since he was a boy, that he was not staying in Guyana. He told me how we are “privileged” in America. For instance, growing up, he didn't have indoor pluming, he had to carry buckets of water. He couldn’t sit around “sucking up the a/c” on a hot day, he had to work in the heat. He told me that if he could change anything, he wouldn’t. He looks at his experience as just that. He’s proud to be working in America and building his retirement home and his Mamas house in Guyana (two separate houses). He’s proud of who he is today and he’s glad his daughter has the opportunities he didn't have.
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asiaawasiaa · 3 years
Chapter 11 Fieldwork
What are the ingredients?
Where do the ingredients come from?
The United Kingdom
How are ingredients produced?
Some of the ingredients are processed.
What are the working conditions of the people who produce the cocoa?
Cocoa Farmers make almost nothing for their labour. The conditions are scary because there are children farmers. They are all exposed to risky tools, pesticides, chemicals, and they have to carry very heavy things in the sun.
How do the producers get the cocoa to the market?
Cocoa is moved around as bagged cargo just like coffee.
How are the prices set?
Prices are determined by Supply & Demand.
Which international corporations dominate the chocolate trade?
Mars dominates the Chocolate trade industry. Mars take over 14.4% of the global chocolate market.
Who regulates the trade?
Congress has power over trade between the US and foreign countries. 
How is chocolate marketed?
Chocolate is marketed in stores, TV, Online Ads, certain events, etc.
Where did you buy your chocolate bar?
How much profit does a store owner make on one chocolate bar?
Stores make about 55-75% profit off of chocolate.
Are there hidden costs that are not included in the price you paid? (Consider underpayment of labor; environmental impact; government subsidies that are direct [to the company] and indirect [infrastructure such as roads, ports, bridges, and water systems]; and the healthcare costs created by the harvesting, transporting, processing, and eating of this food.)
Yes. The cocoa farmer was underpaid for the conditions and what they were exposed to, to even make the candy. Eating this will probably alter my health a little. I believe everything has hidden costs.
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asiaawasiaa · 3 years
Chapter 9 Fieldwork
Okay so, in my family tree we have both groups of my parents siblings. On my mom side, my uncle Jason is married to my aunt Ericka and together they have three daughters. We also have my Aunt Keisha who's married to her husband and they have three kids as well. On my dad side, I have two uncles. My uncle Andre has five kids and one grandchild. My uncle Wayne has four sons and six grandchildren. My parents have four kids and two grandchildren. My family on my mom side is waaaay more blended than my dads side. My mom side of the family is very interracial where my dad side is predominately African American.
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asiaawasiaa · 4 years
Chapter 6 Fieldwork
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So recently, my mom did an Ancestry DNA test and I became aware of half of me really is. My family have lived in this country our entire lives. I'm not sure when my bloodline migrated to the Americas. My family has embraced American Nationalism. To my knowledge, I don't believe anyone in my family has migrated outside of the US in awhile.
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asiaawasiaa · 4 years
Chapter 4 Fieldwork
1. The class I choose to record was my English 102 class. In that class, there are 18 girls and two guys (not including the teacher). In this class, the girls definitely spoke more.
2. Everyones responses were at least 15-25 seconds long. This specific teacher always wants us to dig deep and go into detail on the things we say.
3. The girls seemed a little more sure in their responses. The girls typically got to the point and made eye contact with the camera when responding. The guys typically took their time and often rambled when asked a question. The guys cameras was also off throughout the zoom.
4. Women keep their cameras on more often.
5. The instructor is a Man. He often encourages discussion. He is a very friendly and inviting person and their isn’t any pressure on anyone to answer a question.
6. I do not think our instructors gender influences the class interaction. He’s a nice person.
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asiaawasiaa · 4 years
I chose my neighborhood park. I love going to that park to clear my head. Its peaceful and comfortable. I noticed how green the area is. This park isn't a normal park. I noticed this is a park/trail that do not get many kids, just adults and animals. This park does not have a playground, basketball court, or field. Before covid, I used to see plenty of people at that park. Now, its very different because you probably only see maybe one person, if that. Before, I would come and there would be at least four people and maybe two dogs. The scene has changed.
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Chapter 3 Fieldwork: How Do Anthropologists Get Started Conducting Fieldwork?
For this project you will complete a hand-drawn map. Select an interesting location for your mapping project. You may choose to map a block defined as an area bounded on four sides by streets or the 4 corners of an intersection. Alternatively, you may choose to map an outdoor public space, such as a park or campus quadrangle. Focus on what is in the space and spend an hour sitting and observing, taking careful field notes of your observations (infrastructure, people, sounds, smells, etc).  When you finish drawing your map, snap a photo if it, and upload the photo to Tumblr.
Then, answer the following questions and post them to Tumblr:
1. What location did you choose? What drew you to it? Describe what you found.
2. What did you notice in your observations that you’ve never noticed before?
3. What is absent that you might have expected to find?
4. Can you determine any ways in which this space has been impacted by COVID-19
Hand-drawn map example:
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asiaawasiaa · 4 years
I forgot the picture
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Chapter 2 Fieldwork Assignment
After reading Chapter 2, and the box titled “Your Turn: Fieldwork: College Students and Consumer Culture,” you should have a new perspective on your involvement in global consumer culture. Consider your role in this culture carefully: to what extent are you a willing participant and to what extent have cultural norms and values dictated that you take part in this consumer culture?
Following the instructions in the box “Your Turn: Fieldwork: College Students and Consumer Culture,” make a list of all of the things you own. Include your electronics, school supplies, the contents of your closets and dressers (don’t forget clothes for the winter and clothes for the summer!), your accessories, grooming items, furnishings, and means of transportation. For each item, decided whether it is something you need or just something you want. Post a summary of the items you need and the items that you want on your class’s online discussion board. Consider including a picture of your least needed or most needed item. Discuss with fellow students how your lists differ.
-Take a picture of your room/ dwelling/ environment.
-Use the link below to view an example of how to complete this assignment using a chart. You may download the document and edit it with your information.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/17dBmZHrcch7OrkXoMW4K2aay2MD81IFu0nJN6h8EBuk/edit?usp=sharing (Links to an external site.)
-Attach your completed chart and photo of your environment to your Tumblr post. Write a paragraph reflecting on what you learned about yourself after completing this assignment.
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asiaawasiaa · 4 years
This exercise taught me that I have A LOT of stuff. This exercise also taught me that my room is kinda valuable. Personally, I didn't think I spent a lot of money because some of these things were gifts. This assignment reminded me that I am loved. I appreciate everything that I was given and I realized that I am blessed to be able to afford some of these things.
Chapter 2 Fieldwork Assignment
After reading Chapter 2, and the box titled “Your Turn: Fieldwork: College Students and Consumer Culture,” you should have a new perspective on your involvement in global consumer culture. Consider your role in this culture carefully: to what extent are you a willing participant and to what extent have cultural norms and values dictated that you take part in this consumer culture?
Following the instructions in the box “Your Turn: Fieldwork: College Students and Consumer Culture,” make a list of all of the things you own. Include your electronics, school supplies, the contents of your closets and dressers (don’t forget clothes for the winter and clothes for the summer!), your accessories, grooming items, furnishings, and means of transportation. For each item, decided whether it is something you need or just something you want. Post a summary of the items you need and the items that you want on your class’s online discussion board. Consider including a picture of your least needed or most needed item. Discuss with fellow students how your lists differ.
-Take a picture of your room/ dwelling/ environment.
-Use the link below to view an example of how to complete this assignment using a chart. You may download the document and edit it with your information.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/17dBmZHrcch7OrkXoMW4K2aay2MD81IFu0nJN6h8EBuk/edit?usp=sharing (Links to an external site.)
-Attach your completed chart and photo of your environment to your Tumblr post. Write a paragraph reflecting on what you learned about yourself after completing this assignment.
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asiaawasiaa · 4 years
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2. ColourPop Cosmetics is an American makeup brand located in California.
3. My concealer was made in Oxnard, California.
4. This concealer is one of my favorite concealers. I trust the brand because I’ve bought things from them in the past. This concealer has impacted me because its not like other concealers. It gets the job done in a nice manner.
5. ColourPop was founded by siblings Laura and John Nelson. Together, they had many millennials and influencers advertise their brand, making ColourPop what it is today. I assume they both live very comfortably due to the fact that their company is worth 70.2 Million dollars.
What Is Globalization, and Why Is it Important for Anthropology? Fieldwork 1
After reading Chapter 1 of your textbook, along with the box “Your Turn: Fieldwork: Making a Can of Coke Unfamiliar,” you know just how unfamiliar a regular object from your day-to-day life can be. For this exercise, look through your home and find another familiar yet unfamiliar object. Consider the following questions when completing steps 1-5. Where was this object made? How did it make its way into your home? What kind of impact has this object had on other people’s lives?
Take a picture of YOUR item (do not use google images) and answer the following questions in your post.
What is the history of the item?
Where was your item made or manufactured?
What impact does the item have on your life?
Who are the people directly involved with making or manufacturing this item? What is life like for them?
Due at 11:59 pm THIS SUNDAY
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