eyeballs to entrails...
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The innermost thoughts, images, and trivialities that make up my life. Owner of Cadaverous Parlour.
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
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*screams in Reylo* My #forcesofdestiny #rey and #kyloren figures arrived! Now all I need are some Praetorian Guards. #starwars #thelastjedi #hasbro #disney #entertainmentearth
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
obi-wan sneaking around the death star + the pink panther theme song
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
This is totally what happened in TFA (watch until the end)
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
OMFG THIS!!!!!!!!!
Ok I’m done. I’m over the bitching and the whining and the attacks at Rian, the cast, and at fans who liked the Last Jedi from “fans”who didnt….
I’ve been told “You don’t understand” or called a Star Wars bandwagon-er for the last time.
Because we’ve always been here, we just haven’t had a voice until now! So ya, now we are louder than ever and you think we just got here.
We are just as passionate about Star Wars. We know just as much. We have lightsabers and figurines. We read the comics and watch the shows.
And for the record, we don’t need your approval to like the new films or be in the fandom or be validated about our opinions or theories, even though you seem to think we do.
We’ve been watching the films since we were children where we cried over Darth Vader’s death and we saw the prequel trilogy in theaters. We get emotional during the opening scroll, and we too have been waiting for the Star Wars universe to continue on for years.
But unlike you, we’ve been waiting for a hero we could see ourselves as. One that isn’t put in a sex-slave bikini or sexualized or sacrificed to prop up a male. You want to call Rey a Mary Sue, go for it. I’d rather her be a Mary Sue than used purely for male fantasies. I’d rather her character be built around her emotional complexities and strength than having her character built around a love triangle or how hot she is. Yes, I know you would rather the opposite. Sadly I bet these boys would have loved the movie and Rey more if we had seen Rey’s cleavage a few times.
So fine throw your fits about how The Last Jedi ruined Star Wars because you think Star Wars belongs to you and it didn’t go exactly as you wanted. But for the millions of girls who have loved Star Wars since childhood that you pretend don’t exist and haven’t been given a voice in the community, this is our time. George Lucas intended it this way. Rey was his creation. Rey was his hero. And you still can’t even be satisfied by that. Sad.
These films were made for children. 12 years olds, Lucas said. Not for you, an adult, to break out your science books and criticize every molecule of the films and cry over how your precious male hero ACTUALLY HAS SOME FLAWS, some human very real flaws.
You want perfectly real science in these science FICTION FANTASY FILMS, but you don’t want real humanity in them.
Much like the theme of The Last Jedi, the theme that the force belongs to no one, Star Wars doesn’t belong to you. It’s not made just for you.
And you all are behaving like Sith. Just as an infamous tweet on twitter said, it’s not the rest of us fans fault you guys grew up to join the dark side. And you did. And that’s sad. But I’m not going to cry for you because I’m too busy enjoying the world I love so much get bigger, bring more people in, and be my escape from an already tough and rough world. That’s what science fiction and fantasy is. An escape into another world where we can just be in awe and wonder for a little while before going back to the real world. It’s imagination come to life, it’s humanity in simple form. It helps us understand ourselves and eachother a little better by seeing it through the lense of magic and galaxies far far away.
Sadly somewhere along the way you all forgot that and got lost.
Come back.
“It’s not to late.”
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May the force be with you.
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
Kylo Ren endures years of being manipulated, mentally/physically abused, tormented, and used by Snoke - never standing up for himself. By accepting this treatment, it’s obvious how little he values his own life. He believes this is his fate.
Rey endures 10 minutes of being teased and tortured by Snoke, which Kylo has probably experienced since day one of the dark side and kills him without hesitation. He knew what he had to do. 
Had he killed Snoke himself years ago, it would show that Kylo believed he had something worth living for - but he didn’t.
What does this tell us?
Not only does Kylo Ren value Rey’s life more than his own, but he feels that she gives his life meaning.
Here’s why.
Killing Snoke not only saves Rey but also saves himself. Rey made him feel like he was worth saving.
“You’re not alone.”
“Neither are you.”
He proceeds to ask her to join him, a desperate plea to rule the galaxy with the girl who began the transformation of Kylo Ren into Ben Solo. Let’s break down the dialogue:
“It’s time to let old things die.”
It’s time for Ben to let go of Kylo, it’s time for Rey to let go of the past. 
“Snoke, Skywalker,”
The black and white rules their mentors have taught them,
“the Sith, the Jedi,”
He realizes he can’t fully devote himself to being a Jedi because although he feels the call to the light, the anger he feels from striking down his father will always be with him. Luke says it himself. (”…anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” - Yoda)
“the Rebels,”
With the Sith and the Jedi gone, the Rebels will have nothing to rebel against. 
“Let it all die. Rey, I want you to join me.”
Let’s both forget the past and how it has defined us up to this point, and together start a new path with clean slates.
“We can rule together and bring a new order to the galaxy.”
He never states how they will rule. To rule something can also mean to govern something, which could create a regulation and peace in the galaxy. Just because he uses the word rule does not mean his intentions were total domination.
(Rey:) “Don’t do this Ben. Please, don’t go this way.”
Like how I described above, she hears him and goes straight to the dark (just like she did with Luke’s first lesson on the force).
(Kylo:) “No, no, you’re still holding on. Let go! Do you want to know the truth about your parents, or have you always known? You’ve just hidden it away…”
This can be applied to both sides - Kylo has always known the truth about his parents and how they come from the light (”You may try, but you cannot deny the truth that is your family.” - Tekka, The Force Awakens). Rey has always known the truth about her parents and how they were no one. Both characters hid the truth away. So when he says this to her, it’s just another thing that relates them, almost as if he’s saying it to himself as well. 
We all know what happens after that. “You’re nothing, but not to me” brings us back to the point of this post. Rey isn’t nothing to him because she brings meaning and value to his existence. 
Rey may come from nothing, but to Kylo? She is everything.
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
Ok, he's got the kneeling down, now he needs to pull a ring out of his robes, and fulfill Reylo destiny.
Did anyone notice...
that everytime Kylo Ren (Ben) and Rey are together in the same place (except for the force bonds because they’re not physically together) Ben always at some point ended up kneeling towards Rey?
Interrogation room:
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Just right after he met her, he is kneeling watching at her
Chewie’s shot:
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He fell kneeling and the next thing he does is looking towards Rey
Fighting Rey:
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She hit him and he fell kneeling and looking at her
Throne room (aka red room):
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Right after the elevator scene when she is towards Snoke, he kneels behind her, and again, he is looking at her (even while she is being tortured by Snoke in front of him)
Right after the battle of Crait:
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His most famous kneel, at the end of TLJ (although that it’s during a bond, I included because they’re pretty close in the same place, she is right outside behind the mountain in the ship towards him) again, he’s eyes are on her
Always the same leg, the right one
Fun fact:
Genuflection or genuflexion is the act of bending at least one knee to the ground. From early times, it has been a gesture of deep respect for a superior.  The Latin word genuflectio, from which the English word is derived, originally meant kneeling.
The act of kneeling or deference (also called submission) is the condition of submitting to the espoused, legitimate influence of one’s superior. Deference implies a yielding to the judgment of a recognized superior, out of reverence.
The custom of genuflecting arose out of the honor given to kings.
Rey in spanish means king
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
french recipes: if you’re not making this in paris then what’s the point. fuck you
italian recipes: use the left leg meat of a pig from one of three farms in this specific area of tuscany, or from this day my grandmother will begin manifesting physically in your house
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
Actually the girl went back on what she said. The entire story was bullshit. She wanted attention, and was upset he didn't want a relationship. He has been one of my good friends for over 12 years now, and he's one of the most sincere and genuine people I know. He would never force anyone to do anything. That's not who he is at all.
I’m interested, what shady thing did you hear about William Control?
Okay okay, I might have this wrong (and to be honest, I probably do because my memory is fucking shot) but I could have sworn I heard something about him pressuring a girl into some BDSM shit she wasn’t ready for. Please correct me if that was someone else though, I don’t want to curse the wrong person for doing something that awful.
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
I'm not crying, YOU'RE CRYING!@!!@#$! 😭😭😭
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
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Kylo Ren vs Praetorian Guards
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
Person: What do you think of Kylo Ren and Rey?
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
REYLO thoughts (TLJ SPOILERS!!!)
I feel like a lot of people are missing the significance of that saber breaking. Kyber crystals (living core of a lightsaber) are pretty much sentient. They're force connected, which is what influences a sabers color.
THAT saber not only being torn apart by Rey and Kylo, also blew up because it felt loyalty to 2 people. In TFA it favors Rey, and she gains control of it easily, but in this scene it's conflicted, because of the shift in both of them.
This is proof Kylo hasn't decided where he stands, and there's still a chance he'll turn. I don't think either will choose light or dark. I think we will finally see Grey Jedi in the films, in either Kylo, or both of them.
Because the entire point of TLJ was to break down the romanticism of the Jedi, and show neither side is perfect, and they emphasize how important bringing balance is to the force. Episode IX will have them joining forces to go against a bigger evil.
Which I believe to be Snoke aka the original Jedi (whole other tangent), who is now a force ghost, or something else. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." - Obi Wan 
 Just my thoughts though. But I'm willing to place bets on it.
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
Philosophical question: who even was I before reylo?
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
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ashleighalyn · 7 years ago
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Bela Lugosi’s Dead - Bauhaus (1979)
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