ashieshit · 14 days
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[ID: Two nearly identical flags. The flag has nine stripes, with all of them except for one being the same width. The middle stripe is twice as large as the other stripes. The stripe colors are: dark blue, dark green, yellowish green, off-white, pale sea green, off-white, yellowish green, dark green, and dark blue. The second flag has the symbol of a turtle over top, its silhouette in black. End ID]
What is paraqueer?
Paraqueer is inherently pro paraphilia and anti contact. It is a term meant be used by queer paraphiles. You can only use this term if you are queer and a para.
Paraqueers understand the importance of consent and are strictly anti contact for any paras that would be nonconsensual or harming to others if acted upon. They know that children and animals can never consent.
Paraqueers know that they can be proud of their paras without harming other people, and they support other paras. Paraqueers also support recovery for those who desire it and finding coping mechanisms. They understand that thought crimes do not exist.
Paraqueers know that paraphilias do not necessarily make them queer; however, their paraphilias can interact with their queer identities.
Turtle and mountain emojis can be used as symbols for paraqueers. (🐢⛰️) (🏞️🐢) (🏔️🐢), (🐢🗻), etc.
Paraqueers support:
Sex workers
"Contradictory" labels
Mspec lesbians/gays
Lesboys and turigirls
Neopronouns, xenogenders, and neurogenders
Those who are aspec, including aplatonic
Freaks and weirdos
Disabled people
Body inclusivity
Informed self-diagnosis
People with personality disorders (including NPD, ASPD, BPD, etc)
People with mental disorders/who are mentally ill
Stigmatized disorders
Cringe/being authentic
Identities they do not understand
Paraqueers are against:
Pro contact/contact neutral/contact complex/anyone who claims that children or animals can consent
Minors in kink
Purity culture/anti sex beliefs
Abuse and grooming
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ashieshit · 14 days
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Don't worry, OP. You don't sound kinkshamey, you just are kinkshaming.
I also don't believe you're educated enough on a topic to give an opinion on it if you believe people are actually, in real life physically having their partners cut them open and fuck the wounds.
Woundfucking, for the most part, is a mental fantasy. It's not something the average person with the kink is practicing in a physical sense.
And even if they were? Who cares? If they're consenting adults, why should they not be allowed to do something just because it poses a danger?
Choking has a lot of room for permanent injury (and death.) Unsafe sex has a lot of room for permanent injury (and death.) Using too big of sex toys and/or not using enough lube/stretching has a lot of room for permanent injury.
So does drinking. A lot of drugs do. Hell, in 2022 in the USA alone, 42, 795 people died in car accidents. Not even including accidents that didn't kill someone but left permanent damage.
People do things every day that has a lot of room for permanent injury or death. Are those a bridge too far?
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ashieshit · 14 days
I'm gonna say it.
It's unhinged to assume that someone's taste in fiction equates to what they believe is moral or good, or is something they want to see or experience in real life.
That is a bonkers assumption to make.
I'm tired of humoring people with long arguments about it when the simple fact is it is a totally fucking absurd reach to accuse someone who enjoys something in fiction of being in favor of it in real life.
I'm tired of pretending like this is a legitimate position to hold-- that they should be afraid of fiction's dire influence on a reader's moral decay or that it's a sign of what the author secretly wants for realsies in real life.
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ashieshit · 15 days
Yeah, you're an ally, but...
Can you respect a trans woman without objectifying her?
Can you respect a trans man without uwu-ifying him?
Can you respect a non-binary person who doesn't present the way you think they should?
Can you respect an intersex person without constantly asking what's in their pants?
Can you respect a genderfluid person without treating them like an anomaly?
Can you respect trans people of all body types, ages, sexualities, and ethnicities, regardless of whatever bias you've made up in your brain?
If you can, yeah, keep it up! Have an awesome day, and thanks for being respectful!
If not, I'd suggest working on it a little, so we know if we can we feel safe around you.
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ashieshit · 15 days
just a reminder that people don't need to explain why they ship or don't ship a ship or why they write or don't write for a ship, no one owes anyone any explanations and seeing people send asks about it is just so weird and ridiculous and confusing tbh
have you never been in a fandom before? don't like something, block and unfollow buttons are right there - and the opposite too: looking for fics/gifs/art for your ship, well, the search function is there too, its so easy to find blogs that share your ships, and you can ask for recs or whatever
just, stop asking people to explain themselves out of ships of all things, this is literally fiction, who the fuck cares about the why and why nots jfc
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ashieshit · 15 days
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fuck you, matt mullenweg.
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ashieshit · 15 days
"I don't want to read this" is totally valid.
"This is disgusting to me" is totally valid.
"I don't want to read this because it is disgusting to me" is totally valid.
"I don't think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me" is authoritarian.
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ashieshit · 15 days
"Japanese media is just so perverted towards teenagers :/" there's an entire genre of american tv dramas where teenagers having sex will be a major focus. Dan Schneider exists. there was a massive community of people in the 00s who had a countdown to Emma Watson turning 18 so it would be "okay" to sexualize her. what makes you think this is a problem with Japan specifically. why are you singling out Japanese media here?
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ashieshit · 15 days
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Important ideas to consider when creating characters who are black and indigenous people of color. (x)
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ashieshit · 15 days
if you make murder jokes and believe rape jokes shouldn't be made, you're playing trauma olympics.
if you enjoy/create gore content and believe no non-con content should be created, you're playing trauma olympics.
if you romanticize cannibalism and murder and attack people who romanticize rape, you're playing trauma olympics.
murder and gore and cannibalism are as bad as rape. if you believe otherwise, you're playing trauma olympics.
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ashieshit · 15 days
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Reminder to Click for Palestine today!
Thank you for your aid!
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ashieshit · 15 days
a writer who writes about taboo subjects doesn’t owe you any explanation as to why they write what they write
an artist who draws dark, macabre art doesn’t owe you any explanation as to why they draw what they draw
a writer who writes about taboo subjects doesn’t owe you any explanation as to why they write what they write
an artist who draws dark, macabre art doesn’t owe you any explanation as to why they draw what they draw
a writer who writes about taboo subjects doesn’t owe you any explanation as to why they write what they write
an artist who draws dark, macabre art doesn’t owe you any explanation as to why they draw what they draw
hope this helps 🥰
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ashieshit · 15 days
I am literally fucking BEGGING you all to also acknowledge the racism behind the terms "non-man" and "non-woman" and how they're used in queer definitions.
Black and Indigenous queer people have literally been talking about this since the definition was COINED but there's literally NO acknowledgement of this when pointing out why "non-men loving non-men" and "non-women loving non-women" are shitty fucking definitions to force on a whole community.
"Nonman" and "nonwoman" are terms that have been historically used to describe the degendering of black people in society. And words can obviously be used to mean different things- we don't have to stop using these terms altogether. But forcing these terms on a whole community of queer people is really fucking antiblack.
Not to mention that it blatantly degenders a lot of 2S lesbians and gays as well. It basically tells them that they can't be 2S and as a lesbian or gay at the same time, because then they would be "contradictory." I seriously hope I don't have to explain how racist it is to exclude a large portion of Two-Spirit people from your queer label because they don't fit into your neat little white gender binary.
Like these definitions aren't bad to use for yourself personally- but stop forcing them on all lesbians/gays. And if you're advocating for why these shouldn't be used as the most prominent definition, PLEASE acknowledge the racism aspect of it.
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ashieshit · 15 days
Not only is censoring words proof we're in the prologue of a dystopian novel, people choose to censor words in the most BORING of ways.
If I never see k!ll again, it will be too soon. If you want to say kill but can't come up with a creative euphemism for it. Do your best to top "sent to the Shadow Realm"
Make me smile before I get mad.
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ashieshit · 15 days
Choose your fighter
Ship names that are a phrase relating to the ship in some way (Ex. ShadowPeach, MatchaBlossom, Boyf Riends)
Ship names that are just the character's names mashed together (Ex. NaruSasu, KilluGon, ZhongChi)
Whatever the Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh fandom got going on (Ex. RivalShipping, KingCrabShipping, SpiritShipping)
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ashieshit · 16 days
Reading them rn!!
is anyone here into genshin? me personally i never played but my friend writes fics for chaeya and they're so amazing!!! i read all of her works and it's very beautifully written, im gonna link her fics here pls pls give it a read if u can/want to, she deserves to have her amazing work recognized 💜
with shortness of breath, you explained the infinite - shinnokita - this is my absolute favorite, do not be scared by the mcd tag!! it's beautiful, angsty and romantic, super worth it!!
a dance that never ends - shinnokita - this one is in progress, there's 2 chapters out and they're very beautiful and well written!!
it's my own remorse - shinnokita - this was the first one i read of hers and i was sobbing, and mind yall, i know NOTHING about genshin lore and i was still so drawn to the story
are you mine? (are you mine tomorrow, or just mine tonight?) - shinnokita - this is a prince x guard fic, but with more layers and the one that made me obsessed with the ship just bc they feel very intense to me
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ashieshit · 16 days
This user supports AO3
This user is anti-censorship
This user believes in “don’t like, don’t read”
This user believes in “ship and let ship”
This user believes that fiction tastes and preferences do not dictate moral character
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