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ashesaurusrex · 6 years ago
... and I’ll miss your face like hell, and I guess it’s just as well...
It’s been much more than a year and all my friends have moved away... I’ve left too many loose ends in my time and I just want to tie them up. I hope the universe somehow lets those who need tosee this, see it. More than that I just need to get this off my chest for my own peace of mind.
To the past Lover:
I read the letter you wrote me when I left again (not sure why I still have it, but I do) and it breaks my heart every time because I wish things had ended differently. I’m so sorry I wasn’t honest from the beginning. I always loved you and I always wanted you to be a part of my life, but I think I just got so confused about how I wanted it. I didn’t realize until it was too late that I wasn’t in love with you, but I wanted to be! I wanted to be madly in love with you! Truly I loved you though. We had so much fun and I learned so much from you. I learned what love should feel like. I learned how I wanted to be treated in a relationship, the problem was we played it safe. I don’t remember fighting often and I never remember you ever disagreeing with me. I feel like maybe you were scared to confront me for fear of losing me, but ironically that’s part of what drove me away. I loved your laugh, your smile, your serenades, singing musicals in the car with you, belting duets together, I loved going back to that small town and visiting your mom and family... it truly was grand. And I’m certain in another universe where things are just slightly different, we ended up together. But this is not that universe. I miss you, I don’t want you back, but I do miss you and I regret how I left. I will admit I lead you on and it’s my biggest regret in life and every time I think about it, it hurts me so much to know how much I hurt you. I wish I had done things differently, I hope you at least grew from that pain and flourished. I appreciate everything you taught me, all the experiences and memories you gave me. You are forever scarred into my heart. You don’t update your social media so when I try to check up on you... I don’t get answers. But I hope you’re doing well.
To the past goofiest friend:
I don’t blame you for picking his side when I left. I regret what I did. It sucks that we have lost touch. But I miss you too, I hope you’re doing well and I hope you have other friends that you surely make laugh every moment you can. I hope you have more confidence now, I hope you learned to love yourself the way that we all loved you. I was always shy around you because I thought you were just “too cool” we hung out pretty often (like everyday, actually) and I feel like we never deeply connected, you were always so boxed in, never letting anybody in and it was so frustrating! I hope you’re no longer afraid to let people in. We had great stage chemistry (performing that Shakespeare scene at KCACTF is one of my most favorite theatre realated memories), but we failed to realize that it was possible to leave that on the stage. It didn’t have to go beyond that! We should never have dated that summer lol. I’m convinced that kind of ruined what could have been a much stronger friendship. I hope you and “G” are still good friends. You guys were always so hilarious together. I look back fondly on the days we all went to Applebee’s for half apps. And I’m so happy you finally got a puppy! I hope you’re growing and flourishing too.
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ashesaurusrex · 6 years ago
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Just a girl in a yellow hat.
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ashesaurusrex · 6 years ago
Hello, Love
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ashesaurusrex · 7 years ago
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this has got to be THE funniest sentence ive seen all day im gonna cry
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ashesaurusrex · 7 years ago
Missing someone dear
You ever wish you could catch up with someone from your past and see how they’re doing? Hope that they’re doing amazing? But you know you can’t speak with them because you’re afraid of it opening up old feelings and you know you just gotta keep moving forward? Wish you could let them know that they’re still on your mind and that you still love them, but not in that way? So you just hope something in the universe catches their attention and hope that they know you were thinking of them?
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ashesaurusrex · 7 years ago
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Nothing like the smell of the ocean and sea salt spraying in your face
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ashesaurusrex · 7 years ago
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ashesaurusrex · 8 years ago
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ashesaurusrex · 8 years ago
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ashesaurusrex · 8 years ago
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From today’s adventures ✨🐙
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ashesaurusrex · 8 years ago
I'm white and I got the shit beat outta me growing up, but maybe I don't have a say in this lol
i really wish black parents knew that good parenting doesn’t mean emotionally and physically abusing their kids.
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ashesaurusrex · 8 years ago
Longs term effects of emotional abuse:
• a distrust in your perceptions
• a tendency to be fearful or on guard
• self-consciousness or fear of how you are coming across
• an inability to be spontaneous
• a distrust of people and in future relationships
• anger that bursts out unexpectedly
• sensitivity to anyone trying to control you
• the feeling of anxiety when someone lets you decide
• withdrawal from social interactions
• unexplainable feelings of shame/guilt
• unusual weight gain/loss
• changes in appetite
• unexplained anxiety or depression states
• self destructive behavior
• isolation from friends/family
• substance abuse
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ashesaurusrex · 8 years ago
That silence after having a crucial insight at therapy
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ashesaurusrex · 8 years ago
Today I was rehearsing with the guitarist from the show I’m doing and I was coughing up a lung bc I’m sick and I was just kidding but I told him he needed to bring me a lemon for me to slice up and put in a cup of tea and so I show up to the show tonight to get ready and he sets down a big ass lemon on my dressing room table and then brings out like 5 boxes of Halloween Oreos and for those of you who pay attention to my posts you know what a big fucking deal that is and so long story short I now have a lemon and more Oreos than I know what to do with
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ashesaurusrex · 8 years ago
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ashesaurusrex · 8 years ago
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All Dressed Up: Artist Photographs His Shibas Amidst Beautiful Flowers
After a long day at work when you come home and get greeted by your pet, all happy and excited just to see you, that moment just melts your heart, your furry friend wiping off any trace of tiredness that you might have had.
Keep reading
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ashesaurusrex · 8 years ago
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Colin gets a little confused.
Please don’t remove credit.
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