i will be posting about a serial killer everyday
24 posts
This blog focuses on one of my weirder interests. Since I was young, I have enjoyed reading and learning about true crime and serial killers. Two of my favorite shows are Criminal Minds and Law & Order, so you can see where this is going. Therefore, for my blog I wanted to write about a different serial killer every day. Enjoy. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 24: Ted Bundy
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Mr. Theodore Bundy. This is one of the most captivating serial killers the world has ever seen. Born in 1946, Bundy grew up never knowing who his father was. As a baby, Bundy lived with his grandparents who raised him as their son. His mother played the role of his older sister; however, he eventually discovered the truth (no shit). This was clearly one of those things that screwed him up. 
In 1951, his mother got married to Johnnie Bundy, with Ted taking his last name. Ted’s mom, Louise, had several other children with Johnnie and it is believed that Ted was considerably resentful towards his stepfather. 
As a child, many reports from family etc. say that Bundy had an odd fascination with knives and other were interests (goes to show huh). 
Not much else is stated, other than him being a crabby teenager (beyond how teenagers already are). In 1972, he graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in psychology. After this, he planned to go to law school in Utah. 
During this time, Bundy transformed into the killer we know today. He was no longer awkward, but instead confident and active. He was incredibly charismatic and outgoing and attractive, leading to his victims easily trusting him. 
It is primarily believed that two years after he graduated from college, Bundy started killing. During this time, many women began to disappear, most of them young with dark hair. His way of luring them would be that he would pretend to be injured in order to get the women to follow him to his car. This same year (1974) Ted moved to Utah so he could attend law school (great just what we need, a legal savvy serial killer) and, once again, women in the area began disappearing. 
In 1975, Ted got pulled over by the police and his car was filled with a crowbar, face mask, rope, and other suspicious objects. He was arrested due to possessing these items and the police began to realize that the was connected to the variety of crimes that were taking place. Eventually, he was arrested in 1975 for kidnapping Carol DeRonch, one of the few victims he had that got away. 
But, in classic Ted Bundy fashion, he escaped prison not once, but TWICE in 1977. The first time he escaped through a courthouse library window (of course this is after he decided he would act as his own lawyer) and he was captured soon after. The next time, though, lead to one of his infamous murders. He escaped in December and it took 15 hours for the police to realize that he was gone. Therefore, he was gone in the wind. 
He went to Florida and, in January of 1978, he broke into a sorority house and killed two women. While also attacking two other women. He was soon caught afterwards, ending his killing. 
He eventually went to trial and his status became almost celebrity-like. People were OBSESSED with him, even getting married during his trial because he’s a drama queen and managed to get the judge to marry him and his wife, Carole Ann Boone, DURING TRIAL !!! 
He was convicted of his crimes (obviously) and was sentenced to death. He confessed to 30 murder, but the total count is still unknown. While on death row, he gave a variety of confessions in order to talk about his processes and why he did what he did. 
Bundy was executed in 1989 by electric chair. 
So that is the short (and not so sweet) story of Ted Bundy. I really recommend pretty much any movie made about him as they are all good. So, yeah, that’s it from me folks. See you on the flipside!!
peace out blog !!!
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 23: Nannie Doss
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Okay, first of all her nickname is “Giggling Granny” so just think about that for a moment. She’s also been referred to as “Lonely Hearts Killer” (lmao sgt. pepper’s lonely hearts club band). O
Nannie was born in 1905 and lived in Alabama. She hated her dad growing up (#daddyissues) and was forced to work on her family farm. Her dad also wouldn’t let her wear nice clothes cause he didn’t want his daughters to get raped. (I mean...he can’t be serious....literally wtf)  When she was 7, she visited some family and experienced a head injury resulting in headaches and depression. This has been considered a cause for some of her instability.  
Nannie got married for the first time when she was just 16 years old to her co-worker, Charley Braggs (hell of a name). They had four daughters, but his mother would not let them move out (#mommyissues). Nannie started drinking and smoking and cheated on her hubby. He also cheated on her (i mean unreal). Two of their daughters ended up dying from food poisoning (sounds fake) and then Braggs peaced out with one of their other daughters leaving Nannie with the baby of the family. 
So Nannie obvi just got married again, this time to Robert Harrelson. They were married for 16 years. 
This is where shit gets a little too crazy. Her daughter had a a son, Robert, and then had another baby. Apparently, Nannie could have potentially killed that baby (aw sad) and then Robert died mysteriously while Nannie was watching him. He died from lack of oxygen and Nannie got $500 for a life insurance she took out on Robert (again...she could not be more obvious). 
In 1945, shit got crazy and Nannie’s husband raped her. So, she poisoned him with rat poison. (Honestly this one I can get behind). 
She got married a few more times and the men always mysteriously died (typically from poisoning or random “heart attacks”). She would always receive life insurance policies as well and get some big money from the murders. Eventually, she was arrested after her last husband, Samuel Doss, died from a HUGE amount of arsenic. She confessed to killing all four of her husbands, her mother, her sister, her grandson, and her mother-in-law (OMFG SIS WHAT). 
She eventually died from cancer in 1965. 
Nannie needs to gtfo honestly. She’s doing too much at this point. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 22: Zebra Murders
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These are actually really interesting and something I did not know much about before I started researching it. These are murders that took place by a group of Black Muslim serial killers in California during the 1970s. 
The police referred to the case as “Zebra”; however, the group of men preferred the name “Death Angels” (that’s a bit much if you ask me). It is believed that the men definitively killed fifteen people, but the number could be as high as 73. 
The first murders occurred in 1973, when a couple were on a walk. They were then shoved into a van and were kidnapped by a group of men. They were both stabbed with a machete and the wife died while her husband survived. Within ten days, another murder was committed and a woman was shot. Over the course of the next few months, more murders and attacks took place all them involving shootings and random killings. Many of them took place when people were walking or out in public. Again, all of them seemingly random. 
Due to all of this, San Francisco was in complete panic, specifically at the fact that the shootings happened so randomly. 
The murders started again in January of 1974 after a month long break or so. With these, the shootings continued and the random shootings occurred. Most of them were connected by the shoot and run scenario as well as most of the time the casings left behind were .32 caliber. 
Due to the nature of these crimes, there was a lot of frustration specifically with the police department at this time. In order to find the killers they started a task force that would stop and question groups of black men who looked like the killers (aka racial profiling) and, once they were checked, they received a “Zebra Check” card that said they were clear. (LIKE SERIOUSLY???? THIS IS BASICALLY THE JEWISH STAR OF DAVID Y’ALL!!!). Obviously people were very upset about this because of the racist nature of the stops. The ACLU ended up suing and the profiling was deemed unconstitutional by the California Courts. 
By April, the case was finally on the verge of being solved. A man, Anthony Harris, stated that he was a part of the group that committed the murders but had not done any of the killing himself (that’s very interesting...i’m sure he’s being 100% truthful). He told the police that it was a Black Muslim group that was committing the murders. He gave them enough information to issue warrants where they were able to raid various homes and apartments. Seven men were arrested and four were released due to lack of evidence. 
It is believed that they committed these murders to help advance in their cult, the Death Angels. 
All of the men were sentenced to life in prison after the jury deliberated for only 18 hours.
So yeah, that shit was WILD. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 21: Richard Kuklinski (THE ICEMAN)
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I’m not gonna lie, that is a SICK nickname. 
Our boy Richy K was a hitman (which that is a crazy profession) and has a variety of other nicknames including, and I”m not kidding, “the Devil Himself”. 
Richard grew up in New Jersey to Polish and Irish immigrants. His father was an alcoholic and abusive. His mother was also said to be abusive. She was also a stark Catholic who believed in a strict upbringing. 
Of his three siblings, almost all of them went rogue. His older brother was murdered by the father after a brutal beating (THAT IS SO SAD) and his youngest brother was convicted of raping and killing a 12-year-old girl. So clearly we’ve all got issues in this family. 
His first wife, Linda, was nine years older than Richard and they had two sons. They divorced though cause he had an affair with a woman, Barbara, who was a secretary at the same trucking company he worked at. They had another three children. According to Barbara, Richard was very bipolar in that he had a “good Richie” and a “bad Richie” side. 
On top of this, Richie also had shady business dealings (obviously considering he’s, ya know, a hit man for the mob”.
His first murder occurred in 1949 when he was 13 (!!!) and he killed a boy who bullied him. From here, his crimes continued and continued to escalate and he began to work as a “freelance contract killer” (hell of a name) and worked for various groups to be a hit man. Murders continued to take place. 
For one, he put the body of a man in the freezer so that it would confuse when the person died as the body would not be able to decay. This is the reason for his nickname of “The Iceman”. Eventually, the police found out about Kuklinski and created a task force in order to convict him and collect enough evidence. 
The officers, Detective Kane and ATF SA Dominick Polifrone worked with one of Kuklinski’s friends (Phil Solimene aka the only person that he did not kill in his close circle) to get connected to Richie. They were able to get him to admit to what he would do if they hired him and how he would go about the murder. 
He eventually got arrested and was charged with five murder counts. He ended up being sentenced for multiple life sentences and would not be eligible for parole until 2046 (LMAOOO). 
Since then, he’s given multiple interviews talking about the murders and what happened. It is believed that he likely killed over 100 people (!!) but that cannot be proved. He also killed people in a variety of ways in order to avoid establishing a M.O. 
He died in 2005 from a heart attack.
And that, my friends, is the story of the Iceman who just killed about EVERYONE. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 20: The Zodiac Killer
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(ok the joke of Ted Cruz being the Zodiac Killer will NEVER get old) 
dun dun. We’ve all seen the movie featuring our favorite duo of RDJ and Mark Ruffalo (aka iron man and the hulk) and it is a classic. However, the Zodiac Killer is iconic beyond just the movie made about him. 
The Zodiac Killer is the name for a (still unsolved) series of crimes committed by the same serial killer throughout the 1960s/1970s in California. The name Zodiac came from letters that the killer wrote to the press. They included cryptograms that taunted the press and had information. Four of these were sent and only one has been confirmed. 
There are five confirmed deaths; however, the Zodiac killer has claimed 37 victims, so it is unclear as to how many other potential murders he could have committed throughout his time at large. 
The first attack occurred in 1968 to two high school students (like i know teenagers suck but come on bro). They were parked on a street and they were shot. Their bodies were discovered shortly after. A few months later, another attack occurred to another couple who were also in their car. The shooter shot both of them multiple times, but the boyfriend, Michael Mageau, actually survived the attack even though he was shot in his face, chest, and neck. 
From there, he was able to give a description of the killer for the first time. Two months after this attack, the first letter was sent to the press from the Zodiac Killer. It included the cryptogram that supposedly stated his identity. More letters were written all of them including different details about the killer, however they were incredibly complex and included strange phrases as well. 
By September of 1969, another shooting occurred on a college campus to another couple, showing a clear M.O. for the killer. They were on a picnic and the killer showed up and tied the couple up then proceeded to stab them both multiple times. The killer then called the Sheriff’s office and reported the murders. The boyfriend, again, lived and was able to help describe the murder and attack in detail and give a somewhat decent description of the killer. 
Attack continued after this, with the police department having over 2,500 suspects throughout the years of investigating this. The letters also continued throughout this time period, all of them taunting the police with various cryptograms and ciphers. (Dude is so full of himself...I stg). The letters included different “scores” basically saying the Zodiac = 10 and the SFPD = 0. Primarily he’s making fun of the department for not being able to find him. 
The final letter was sent in January of 1974, where he talked about how great the Exorcist was (wtf) and that it was a “satirical comedy” (ok so this dude is ABSOLUTELY a psychopath). And it ended with a score of the “Me = 37, SFPD = 0″ and that was the last letter received from the official Zodiac killer. 
There were some copycat letters, but none of them were authentic. Today, the police departments are still searching for the killer and hoping to use the technology of today, specifically DNA, to help catch the killer. 
So yeah, the Zodiac is pretty infamous and has some crazy shit. 10/10 recommend all movies/books/tv shows about him. 
kk i’m out. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 19: Son of Sam
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Ya boy, David Berkowitz aka the Son of Sam. This is a big one as he basically terrorized the city of New York. 
David was born in Brooklyn in 1953 to an unmarried woman who gave him up for adoption. He was adopted by Pearl and Nathan Berkowitz. They owned a hardware store and were childless except for David. According to other reports of his childhood, David was obsessed with starting fires and petty larceny (uh oh) and was pretty much spoiled and a bully. 
His adoptive mother died which lead to some rough teen years. He eventually joined the army in 1971 and was honorably discharged in 1974. He connected with his birth mother after this and was extremely disturbed by the discovery of his father, who had abandoned his mother and basically told her to abort the baby. 
This is likely the trigger for the murders he would eventually commit. 
The first murder he committed was a stabbing on Christmas Eve of 1975. He stabbed two women, but this only killed one of them. The police had no clue who did the crime, but Berkowitz still fled the city for a while to get away (dramatic if you ask me). 
Then, the real “Son of Sam” murders started. In 1976, in the Bronx, he shot two women who were leaving a disco. One one of them died, so she was able to assist the police somewhat. 
The next shootings took place in October, just a few months after the first. It occurred in Queens where David attacked a couple, Carl and Rosemary. Neither of them died, as Rosemary was only grazed by the bullet and Carl survived from a gunshot to his head. 
The next shooting occurred in November. Both of the women survived, although one of the woman did become a paraplegic. In January of 1977, another couple was shot at. This time, Christine Freund was killed while her fiance, John, survived. Once again, no one saw the attacker. Just a few months later, another shooting occurred and a young woman, Virginia, was killed in another shooting. 
In April of 1977, another couple died while in their car, all with the same MO as all the other shootings. 
Eventually, David begins to write letters to the police. In the letters, he marks himself as “Son of Sam”. These letters show a desire for attention and that the murders were clearly part of his desire for gratification and recognition for the murders he was committing (like seriously dude stop). 
The shootings continued until August 1977 when the police FINALLY figured out who he was. Once arrested, he confessed to the shootings almost immediately. He was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison in Upstate New York. 
Berkowitz is still alive and chilling in prison. He has become a born-again Christian and seems to be doing pretty good while in prison. He wrote a letter to his parole board that said he feels that he should be in prison for the rest of his sounds like he at least knows he was kind of a jerk.
So yeah, that is the story of Son of Sam. Shootings suck. Don’t kill people. Let’s all just love each other. 
kk bye. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 18: Christopher Dorner
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Okay, this one actually breaks my heart and I definitely feel like this is a tough one to cover. Mental health is a tough one, folks. Take your meds. Talk to your friends. Don’t be afraid to get help. 
OK. Let’s get started. This is definitely one of the more modern “serial killers” I’ll talk about, as this actually took place in 2013. Primarily, this story is about the shootings of Chris Dorner and the manhunt that took place after from February 3rd to 12th during 2013. 
Chris Dorner grew up in Southern California. He went to college at Southern Utah University in 2001, where he majored in political science. He also played football while in college. After college, he joined the Navy where he became a Reserve officer. Throughout his time in the Navy he was considered to be very honorable and proved his integrity throughout this time. After the Navy, Dorner joined the LAPD in 2006. 
While at the LAPD, he worked with a partner, Teresa Evans. They worked together and, while doing this, Teresa did do evaluations of Chris that stated he needed to improve in certain areas. The next day, Chris made a complaint stating that Evans had used excessive force. 
There was an investigation that took place that concluded that Dorner was lying, even though the man who had been the victim had originally followed the claims of Dorner. Therefore, in 2008, Dorner was fired from the LAPD due to his false statements. 
Dorner and his attorney, Quan, appealed the ruling to the Los Angeles County Superior Court and eventually to the Second Appellate Court. All of these went without resolution. 
In 2013, Christopher Dorner posted a manifesto on his Facebook page that included 40 law enforcement employees who he intended to kill (yikes) mostly due to his wrongful termination. A lot of his anger relates back to the problems that existed between the LAPD and Black Americans. To continue on, Dorner had a single demand in order to prevent these deaths. All he wanted was for the LAPD to admit that he got fired for reporting a wrongdoing. 
By February 1st, 2013, the beginning of the manhunt and killing spree started. It began when his demands were sent to Anderson Cooper and CNN. Then, on February 3rd, Dorner killed his lawyer’s daughter and her fiance. These were the first deaths of his killing spree. The next day, his manifesto was posted online and Dorner continued to live on the run. On February 7th, Dorner committed another shooting, this time when the officers were following Dorner in his pickup truck and he shot at them, grazing the officer’s head. After this, two more officers were shut with one of them dying. 
February 10th marked the day the police offered a million dollar reward to capture Dorner. They also referred to his actions as domestic terrorism due to his targeting fo the police and his shooting escapades.
By February 12th, the final standoff occurred in a cabin the woods, with Dorner having already killed another office. In the cabin, Dorner waited and the police tried to deescalate the situation. They attempted to get Dorner to exit the cabin through tear gas and burners. However, they heard a gunshot go off inside of the house which meant it was too dangerous for police to enter the area as the fire was now out of control. The fire continued to burn that the police had started, killing everyone inside
That was the ending of Christopher Dorner’s spree. By February 14th, they confirmed that Dorner’s body was inside the cabin. He had died with a single gunshot wound in his head, showing that he likely committed suicide before the cabin burned down. 
This story just makes me so sad. And it is a wild ride. Christopher Dorner should not have killed five people. However, police brutality has been a widespread issue that has been a problem for the LAPD for decades. 
It’s just tough y’all. Very tough. 
Peace out. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 17: Jack the Ripper
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INFAMOUS. That’s all you gotta know. Unsolved and infamous. (This GIF is the Simpsons version of Jack the Ripper - thought I would lighten everything up a bit)
Jack the Ripper is one of the original serial killers that most people have heard of. Specifically, this dude comes from London and is well-known around the world. It all started in 1888 when Jack the Ripper started killing basically all of the sex workers (what a hater). 
Throughout the 19th century, more and more immigrants began to arrive in London. Thus, the city began to be incredibly overcrowded and was filled with poverty and problems. Basically, crime and substance abuse was rampant around the entire area. This also meant that more and more women were becoming sex workers as many women used it as a source of income. In 1888, there were at least 1,200 women working as sex workers, specifically in Whitechapel. 
On top of all of this, there were massive problems between the public and the police. With crime on the rise, the police were intervening more and more which led to increased disturbance and issues with racism and poverty. Then, with the murders of Jack the Ripper, Whitechapel fell into what was to be considered a hell on earth. 
The primary issue with these murders is that it is still not clear which murders fall under Jack the Ripper and which ones were separate. This is because there were A LOT of sex workers that were being killed. Between April 1888 to February 1891, there were eleven women killed. Five of the murders were absolutely believed to be done by Jack the Ripper (as they followed his M.O. and are considered the “Canonical Five”). This is because he typically did a lot of mutilation, removed internal organs, and some other not so great stuff. These followed in line with at least five of the murders. Beyond that, the other six cannot be 100% attributed to Jack the Ripper, as there was a variety of other crimes going on during this time. 
Police did attempt to investigate and there still is some police files from this time. Throughout this time, they attempted to interview and investigate the murders. However, there was quite a bit of unrest within the city and so many citizens took to their own streets to search for the killer. Throughout this, it was suspected that the murders were done by butchers, surgeons, or someone along that line due to the mutilation and the removal of organs. All of this points to someone with experience (this makes me feel like I’m on Criminal Minds -- they always figure this shit out). 
One of the most interesting parts of this case; however, are the letters written by Jack the Ripper to the press and police. Among these was the “Dear Boss” letter. This letter was the first that used the phrase “Jack the Ripper” and involved information regarding the murders themselves. 
To continue, this is the first serial killer that enraptured the world. Sure, he was not the first serial killer ever, but he is definitely one of the most famous. Plus, the fact that we still don’t know who did it is absolutely CRAZY. 
Basically, this is an iconic case that I recommend everyone to study as this is an extremely condensed simplified story of a time that was a terrible history of London and the absolute terror the city experienced. 
So yeah, Jack the Ripper. Absolutely crazy. Over 100 suspects and they never figured it out. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 16: Clementine Barnabet
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She wild, y’all. She was born in 1894 in Louisiana. She is an African-American woman who many believed joined a cult known as the Church of Sacrifice. This is believed to be the trigger that led to her murdering a bunch of people. 
Clementine would basically kill entire families with an axe. She would butcher the whole family and then put all of their bodies in a bed. She committed these murders throughout Louisiana and Texas. The first family she killed included a husband and a wife and their infant. The first investigation into the crime it was believed that Clementine’s father, Raymond, had committed the crime. However, while he was arrested, the murders continued proving that he was not the one committing the crimes (Gee, we’re all shocked). 
Thus, the police began to find that Clementine was potentially involved. When the police investigated her home, they found a suit covered in blood. Eventually, Clementine was arrested. Eventually, she admitted to 35 murders all stemming from her involvement with the cult. She claimed they were all related to Voodoo which was a part of her cult, the Church of Sacrifice (aka they were SACRIFICING PEOPLE). 
When she was just 18 years old, she was sentenced to life in prison. However, just a few years later in 1923, homegirl straight up just WALKED out of prison and no one knows where she went or what happened to her.
LIKE WHAT ?! This shit is crazy. Somebody needs to get on 23 & Me ASAP so we can know who is related to her. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 15: Ed Gein
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This dude. 
He’s something that’s for sure. Pride and joy of Wisconsin right after our boy Jeffrey Dahmer. Ed Gein is an American serial killer who is just kind of the worst and did some pretty gross/creepy stuff. 
Ed was born in La Crosse, WI in 1906. His mom hated his dad (go figure) as he was an alcoholic and couldn’t keep a job to save his life. Eventually, the family moved to a farm in Plainfield, WI. Here, Ed’s mom kept the family pretty isolated and the family only really left heir home to go to school. Other than that, the family was very religious and that meant that pretty much everything was evil (at least that was the view of Ed’s mom). 
Edward was said to be quite shy, but particularly odd. He would laugh at random times and his mom would punish him if he ever tried to make friends (ok, but like that is really sad). Eventually, his dad died and him and his brother worked to help support the family. They would work odd jobs, but managed to make ends meet. Throughout this, it is said that Ed had a really close attachment to his mother (mostly because she emotionally manipulated him throughout his entire life). 
Eventually, Ed’s brother, Henry, was found dead after a fire had erupted in their fields. He was found face down and had supposedly had a heart attack (suspicious af). The police never charged him with the death, but years later it was pretty likely he had killed his brother. 
Ed’s mom got sick very soon after and Ed spent his life taking care of her. She eventually died and this was definitely a trigger for Ed as she was the only person he really ever had a genuine relationship with. 
In 1957, Bernice Worden disappeared from her hardware store. The last receipt that she had written had been for Ed Gein. So, the police went and arrested Ed an were SHOCKED to find what they did in his home. Her body was hung upside down and it was decapitated. Likewise, they found a lot of human bones and various furniture made out of human bone and skin (EW EW EW EWO). It was discovered the Ed was also grave robbing and taking bodies from graves. 
Basically (this is kind of graphic so skip it if you get squeamish) he wanted to make a “woman suit” so he could become his MOTHER (talk about mommy issues for real). 
Eventually, this all went to trial and Ed was found not guilty by reason of insanity because he was pretty much unable to recall any of the things he did and was clearly unfit. So, he was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in a mental hospital. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 14: Richard Cottingham aka “The Torso Killer”
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This man lowkey looks like Santa Claus and I am NOT here for it. 
Richard Cottingham (let’s refer to him as Rich) was born in the Bronx in New York in 1946. His childhood is not well-documented, but he did move to New Jersey. He also did end up becoming a computer operator as an adult. Rich also got married in 1970 to his wife.
Rich’s first murder occurred in 1967 when he killed Nancy Vogel. His M.O. changed with nearly every murder. For one of them, two bodies were found that did not have hands or a head (scary and also explains the torso killer name). Rich was a fan of dismembering his victims which is just disgusting. Another murder he committed also involved asphyxiation. Basically, he just liked killing. 
By 1980, Rich paid a sex worker for sex and he drew a knife on her. He tortured her throughout this. However, her yells were heard and the police were called by the staff. Rich was apprehended by police then. He was found guilty for four murders and was sentenced to about 200 years in prison (aka life in prison). 
There are nine confirmed victims of Rich; however, he claims that he killed about 100 women so dude is really doing the MOST. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 13: Delphine LaLaurie
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This lady right here is one of the MOST EVIL individuals to walk this earth. Like, genuinely, she is evil. Personally, I am not a fan of her or her energy tbh. 
Delphine was born in New Orleans when it was still owned by Spain in 1787. Delphine got married for the first time in 1800 to a Spanish officer. By 1804, her husband died and Delphine gave birth to a baby girl. Four years later, Delphine got married again. With this husband, Delphine had four children with him before he died. In 1825, Delphine married her last husband, Leonard, and they moved into a mansion in New Orleans that had its own slave quarters. 
Throughout the 1830s, there are multiple reports regarding Delphine’s treatment of her slaves. There were rumors that she was mistreating her slaves and apparently there were laws regarding the “upkeep of slaves” (this makes my blood boil). A young girl who worked for LaLaurie fell from the roof of the mansion because she was running away from Delphine who was chasing her and trying to whip her. The girl died from the fall. After this, Delphine was investigated and she was found guilty of “illegal cruelty” and she had to forfeit nine slaves (ok what even are these laws- slavery in itself is cruel but she just took it a little too far, huh?). However, she got the nine slaves back because she played the system. 
In 1834, a fire started in their home because the cook, who was chained to the stove by the terrible person that is Delphine LaLaurie, had started the fire out of fear of being punished and wanted to attempt suicide. She also stated that the slaves who went upstairs never came back. 
It was discovered that, in the slave quarters, there were several slaves who were mutilated and their limbs were stretched and torn (aka she was torturing them because she enjoyed it and is a effed up person). Her actions caused a mob to form regarding the abused slaves. Bodies of past slaves were also discovered on her land.
Due to all of this, LaLaurie fled to France and she died at the age of 62. 
Just some fun facts: Nicholas Cage owns her house now and Kathy Bates played her in American Horror Story. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 12: Richard Chase (Vampire of Sacramento)
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Ah, yes. My two favorite things: vampires and serial killers (I was a big fan of Twilight back in the day...sue me). 
So, Richard Chase is one crazy mofo. 
He was born in Sacramento, CA in 1950. It is shown that he followed the Macdonald triad (which is basically used to foreshadow if someone is going to be a serial killer) which includes: bed wetting, arson, and cruelty to animals. All of these are pre-cursors to what is believed to be serial killer traits. 
Richard Chase was basically a recipe for disaster. As he got older, he became a hypochondriac and complained that his heart did not beat normally. He also thought his mother was trying to poison him. So, as you can see, things are going quite well. After this, he starts drinking heavily and getting high on marijuana and LSD. At this point, shit started getting super weird. He would kill animals and eat them raw (ok, ew) and would make weird concoctions. 
Just all around gross. 
In 1973, he spent some time in a psych ward for obvious reasons as he was clearly a very sick individual. While there, he still had a fixation on blood and his nickname was “Dracula”. When he got out of the psych ward it was believed he had schizophrenia and was prescribed drugs. He went to live with his mother who got him off of his meds (PSA: take your meds if you are prescribed. k thx.). 
By 1977, the murder spree began. His first murder was a drive-by shooting. He then tried to get into people’s homes. If a door was locked, he knew he could not go in. However, if it was open he thought that was an invitation. 
As he killed people, he did pretty disgusting stuff, including necrophilia, cannibalism, and more. He also had no specific preference in who he killed. It was typically women, but he did murder a 22-month-old baby which is so tragic. 
By 1979, Richard Chase was on trial for the murder of six people. He would found guilty for six counts of first degree murder and was sentenced to die. Throughout his time in prison, he would do interviews and basically talked about all the stuff that scared him...including Nazis who he thought were out to get him. 
This man was clearly not well. 
By 1980, Richard Chase committed suicide and died in his prison cell. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 11: Axeman of New Orleans
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(This is a GIF of the letter that the Axeman sent to the newspapers in New Orleans^^) 
Alright here are a bunch of murders that were done by someone the police could never find. AKA all the conspiracy theories are developing trying to figure out who the F is the “Axeman of New Orleans”. 
Basically, the Axeman terrorized New Orleans, Louisiana throughout 1919. The killer typically would break into people’s homes and killed the victims with an axe (THAT NORMALLY WAS OWNED BY THE PEOPLE THEY KILLED). 
There is no concrete evidence identifying who the Axeman was and all of the murders remained unsolved. Interestingly, in March of 1919, the Axeman sent a letter to the newspapers that basically he would kill again after midnight of March 19. However, he would let people live in a house where a jazz band was playing (like...he’s kidding right, that is so dramatic). That night, all of New Orleans was filled with jazz music. Bands played at people’s houses and dance halls were filled. 
Not a single murder was committed that evening. 
There are certain points of the murders have created connections. First, nearly all the murders were of Italian immigrants. This led investigators to believe that there may have been a potential connection related to ethnicity and racism. Otherwise, there were suggestions that the Axeman was targeting females and that men were just in the way of his sadistic crimes.
Either way, this dude just killed a bunch of people because he could. It is believed that there were six murders that were attributed to the Axeman. 
Regardless, the police were never able to find the Axeman and that’s hella scary. Thank God for DNA analysis and killer detective work today because I could NOT imagine being so terrified that I listened to jazz music for a whole night.
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 10: Jeffrey Dahmer
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And this one...well, I think we all know this one. 
Jeffrey Dahmer. One of the most notorious serial killers in American history. Equally psychotic and disgusting...he is a tough one to swallow....(kinda funny cause he participated in cannibalism...). I mean, the dude is known as the Milwaukee Cannibal. 
Dahmer was born in Milwaukee, WI in 1960. He had a relatively normal childhood; however, it is believed that as a child he had recurring illnesses (such as a hernia surgery) and his father was rarely around. This led to his mother attempting to commit suicide. 
As a child, Dahmer showed interest in dead animal and (likely) also killed animals as a child. This is a direct factor that shows someone’s potential to becoming a serial killer...(we are positively shocked).  During high school (the family had moved to Ohio), Dahmer was viewed as very antisocial and an outcast. He also drank heavily while in high school. It was during this time that Dahmer began to realize that he was gay and this development of his sexuality is when he realized that he had pretty screwed up “fantasies” (such as dissecting those he engages in a relationship with - aka ew). 
Finally, he graduated high school in 1978 and his first murder occurred shortly after. His mother and him moved back to Wisconsin and, while there, Dahmer picked up a man, Steven hicks who was hitchhiking. They drank for a while and, when Steven wanted to leave and Jeffrey did not want him to, Dahmer killed him with a dumbbell. 
He committed some creepy shit post mortem (including dissection) and then dissolved most of the body un acid and scattered the rest. After this, Jeffrey Dahmer tried to go to Ohio State University but he failed out pretty quickly. He then joined the Army. Two men claimed to have been raped by Dahmer while they served in the military with him. Dahmer was released from the military and he then down south. Eventually, though, he found himself back in Ohio with his father. 
Soon after, Dahmer was arrested for disorderly conduct, so Dahmer was sent back to Wisconsin to live with his grandmother (the only person that ever really showed affection to Dahmer-- go figure). 
While in Milwaukee, it started out good until Jeffrey Dahmer started acting like Jeffrey Dahmer again. He began to frequent gay bars, bathhouses, and other “relaxing place” (his words not mine). 
This is when all the murders began. Dahmer continued to kill young men and performed sexual acts with the corpses (OK SO SCREWED UP!!!!!). He would also dissolve the bodies in acid. This continued until 1991 when Dahmer approached three men about posing for photography. Only one of the men agreed, but when he arrived at Dahmer’s apartment, he stated that it smelled awful (huh, what could it possible be???). The guy ended up distracting Dahmer and escaping. He found two police officers who eventually entered into the apartment with the man. They then saw the horror that filled Dahmer’s apartment, including bodies and various materials for killing people. Eventually, Dahmer admitted to killing over 17 men. Dahmer spent time in prison in Wisconsin and was eventually killed by a fellow inmate who (not surprisingly) was not a big fan of Dahmer. 
So there it is. The story of the infamous Jeffrey Dahmer who is one creepy mofo. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 9: Harpe Brothers
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Alright, so this case is pretty interesting because these guys are America’s first known serial killers!! We love a good Revolutionary War story!!!!
These men, known as “Big” Harpe and “Little” Harpe were both born in the 1700s (before 1760) and were the first known serial killers within the United States. 
Much of the information about these men are legends and some of the info is truthful, so it is challenging to distinguish the truth from what people wanted to believe. It is pretty much known that the men were born in North Carolina to Scottish natives. 
Many believe that the men were loyal to the British during the American Revolution. They helped fight for the British militias throughout the Revolution. After the British lost, the two “brothers” (it is also believed they could have been cousins) went to villages near the Appalachian Mountains because no one wanted British loyalists anywhere near them. (Talk about being on the wrong side of the war lmao)
There are a few lost years where it is not fully clear where they resided but by 1797 the men are back on the radar as their crimes begin. The men, during this time, lived in Knoxville, TN and, while living there, they were accused of murder. The man had been found in a river with his body covered in urine and his chest was filled with rocks. This was the signature of the Harpe’s murders. 
After this, they left to go to Kentucky to run away from the accusations. While there, they murdered even more people, mostly when they pissed them off or wanted money. 
They also kidnapped women and forced them to marry the men (while also being married to the other brother). Genuinely just kind of effed up. 
By 1799, the Governor of Kentucky issued a statement regarding bringing these men into custody as there had been quite a few people murdered. The men continued to kill until July 1799 when a group of citizens searching for the men finally found them. The two men tried to escape but the group of people caught them. “Big” Harpe got shot and died, but not before confessing to twenty (YES 20!!) murders. “Little” Harpe got away and joined a group of pirates (no i am not kidding) but it is believed he eventually got caught. 
Overall, these guys were outlaws and murderers and just all around pretty angry people who killed dozens of people. 
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aserialkilleraday · 5 years ago
Day 8: Velma Barfield
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Okay this lady is cray cray, but there’s also a part of you that just feels bad because mental illness is very real, people.
 Velma is the first woman in the US to be executed by lethal injection. So, we know this is probably not going to start or end well. She grew up with a physically abusive father and was born in 1932. She left home in 1949 to get married. They were relatively happy, but she experienced a hysterectomy and then developed back pain. This led to a drug addiction for Velma that began her series of pretty unfortunate events. 
Her husband began to develop a drinking problem. In 1969, her husband passed out and Velma left her house with her children. When they came back, the house was on fire. The next year, Velma married another man, Jennings Barfield, who then died a year later. A few years later, his mother became ill and then died. In 1976, Barfield began caring for elderly people, Montgomery and Dollie Edwards. once again, Montgomery got sick and died. Just a month later, Dollie experienced the same symptoms and then also died. 
The next year, Barfield took another caretaking job for Record Lee who was a woman who had broken her leg. Soon enough, Lee’s husband grew ill and he died soon after. 
Eventually, the police found that arsenic-based rat poison had been found in all of the victims bodies and it was later found that Velma was guilty of the murders. 
It is later discovered that Velma suffered from dissociative identity disorder and had multiple “personalities” it is believed that one of her personalities, Billy, had been the one that did the killings. While in prison she became a devout Christian and eventually she was executed. Her last meal was a bag of Cheetos and 2 glass bottles of Coke. 
So yeah. Crazy story. Absolutely wild. 
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