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56.5mm Natural Untreated Highly Translucent Top Grade Glassy Burmese Albite Jade Bangle 56.5mm Natural Untreated Highly Translucent Top Grade Glassy Burmese Albite Jade Bangle - 100% Natural Burmese Albite Jade - Icy White With Spout Of Green - Good Translucent - Fine-grained - Zero Defects
- Size 77.6mm x 20.2mm x 10.7mm - Inner Circle Size: 56.5mm - Weight 95g
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52.9mm Natural Untreated Highly Translucent Top Grade Glassy Burmese Albite Jade Bangle 52.9mm Natural Untreated Highly Translucent Top Grade Glassy Burmese Albite Jade Bangle - 100% Natural Burmese Albite Jade - Icy White With Spout Of Black - Highly Translucent - Fine-grained - Zero Defects
- Size 68.7mm x 15.6mm x 7.7mm - Inner Circle Size: 52.9mm - Weight 50g
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60.1mm x 51.5mm Natural Untreated Type A Burmese Green Jadeite Over-shape Bangle Natural Untreated Type A Burmese Jadeite Bangle - 100% Type A Natural Burmese Jadeite - Good Translucent - Zero Defects - Fine-grained - Icy Green
- Size 68.9mm/59.6mm x 13.2mm x 3.7mm - Inner Circle Size: 60.1mm/51.5mm - Weight 29g
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52.3mm Stylish Square Type A Natural Untreated Burmese Jadeite Bangle Natural Untreated Type A Burmese Jadeite Bangle - 100% Type A Natural Burmese Jadeite - Icy White With Spout Of Green - Good Translucent - Fine-grained - Zero Defects
- Size 61.0mm x 15.5mm x 4.2mm - Inner Circle Size: 52.3mm - Weight 38g
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55.3mm Certified Natural Untreated Type A Burmese Lavender With Green Jadeite Bangle Natural Untreated Type A Burmese Jadeite Bangle - 100% Type A Natural Burmese Jadeite - Icy Lavender With Spout Of Green - Good Translucent - Fine-grained - Zero Defects
- Size 77.8mm x 11.1mm x 11.0mm - Inner Circle Size: 55.3mm - Weight 71g
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50.8mm Natural Untreated Type A Burma Jadeite Bangle Natural Untreated Type A Burmese Jadeite Bangle - 100% Type A Natural Burmese Jadeite - Icy White With Spout Of Green - Good Translucent - Zero Defects - Fine-grained
- Size 66.4mm x 15.3mm x 7.7mm - Inner Circle Size: 50.8mm - Weight 58g
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51.0mm Natural Untreated Type A Burma Jadeite Bangle Natural Untreated Type A Burmese Jadeite Bangle - Icy White With Spout Of Green and Yellow - 100% Type A Natural Burmese Jadeite - Good Translucent - Fine-grained - Zero Defects
- Size 66.4mm x 15.3mm x 7.8mm - Inner Circle Size: 51.0mm - Weight 58g
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55.7mm Natural Untreated Type A Burma Pale Lavender Jadeite Bangle Natural Untreated Type A Burmese Jadeite Bangle - 100% Type A Natural Burmese Jadeite - Icy Lavender With Spout Of Green - Good Translucent - Fine-grained - Zero Defects
- Size 70.5mm x 14.8mm x 7.1mm - Inner Circle Size: 55.7mm - Weight 58g
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55.6mm Natural Untreated Type A Black Jadeite Bangle Natural Untreated Type A Burmese Jadeite Bangle - 100% Type A Natural Burmese Jadeite - Good Translucent - Zero Defects - Fine-grained - Icy Black
- Size 71.4mm x 13.1mm x 7.8mm - Inner Circle Size: 55.6mm - Weight 58g
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Natural Untreated Burmese Type A translucent Icy Jadeite Handcrafted Lucky Happy Buddha Pendants(冰晴水绿翡翠佛公挂件) Natural Untreated Burmese Type A translucent Icy Jadeite Handcrafted Lucky Happy Buddha Pendants - Guarantee Type A Natural Burmese Icy Jadeite - Very Good Translucent - Set In 18K Solid Gold - Very Fine-grained - Collector Items - Hand Crafted - Zero Defects - Size: 33.3mm x 28.0mm x 6.2mm - Weight: 10g
Happy Buddha (Maitreya Buddha / Future Buddha) Maitreya, in Buddhist tradition, the future Buddha, presently a bodhisattva residing in the Tushita heaven, who will descend to earth to preach anew the dharma (“law”) when the teachings of Gautama Buddha have completely decayed. Maitreya is the earliest bodhisattva around whom a cult developed and is mentioned in scriptures from the 3rd century CE. He was accepted by all schools of Buddhism and is still the only bodhisattva generally honoured by the Theravada tradition.
Laughing Buddha is also believed to be a Bodhisattva and will be the next Matreya Buddha. There are various Buddha statues that represents Maitreya Buddha but Laughing Buddha is one of the most popular known Buddha in the whole world especially for his fat belly and smiling face.
His signature smile is symbolic of pure contentment and joy. Happy Buddha is considered a symbol of good luck, and it is thought that rubbing his big head or belly brings fortune and wealth
冰种翡翠佛公吊坠 - 冰晴水绿翡翠 - 纯天然翡翠 - 完美零瑕疵 - 底妆细腻 - 买到赚到
佛公 在翡翠中,以佛公为原型的首饰挂件一直深受人们的青睐,究其原因,是因为翡翠佛公有许多美好寓意。那么,翡翠佛公的寓意有哪些?
弥勒菩萨 (梵文Maitreya),意译为慈氏,音译为梅呾利耶、梅怛俪药,佛教八大菩萨之一,大乘佛教经典中又常被称为阿逸多菩萨,是释迦牟尼佛的继任者,常被尊称为弥勒佛。���唯识学派奉为鼻祖,其庞大思想体系由无著、世亲菩萨阐释弘扬,深受中国佛教大师道安和玄奘的推崇。
#18K#Burma#Burmese Jade#Burmese Jadeite#Carved Jade#Gold#Happy Buddha#Highly Translucent#Icy Jade#Icy White#Jadeite#Pendants
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Natural Untreated Burmese Type A translucent Icy Jadeite Handcrafted Lucky Happy Buddha Pendants(冰晴水绿翡翠佛公挂件) Natural Untreated Burmese Type A translucent Icy Jadeite Handcrafted Lucky Happy Buddha Pendants - Guarantee Type A Natural Burmese Icy Jadeite - Very Good Translucent - Set In 18K Solid Gold - Very Fine-grained - Collector Items - Hand Crafted - Zero Defects - Size: 32.9mm x 27.3mm x 5.6mm - Weight: 7g
Happy Buddha (Maitreya Buddha / Future Buddha) Maitreya, in Buddhist tradition, the future Buddha, presently a bodhisattva residing in the Tushita heaven, who will descend to earth to preach anew the dharma (“law”) when the teachings of Gautama Buddha have completely decayed. Maitreya is the earliest bodhisattva around whom a cult developed and is mentioned in scriptures from the 3rd century CE. He was accepted by all schools of Buddhism and is still the only bodhisattva generally honoured by the Theravada tradition.
Laughing Buddha is also believed to be a Bodhisattva and will be the next Matreya Buddha. There are various Buddha statues that represents Maitreya Buddha but Laughing Buddha is one of the most popular known Buddha in the whole world especially for his fat belly and smiling face.
His signature smile is symbolic of pure contentment and joy. Happy Buddha is considered a symbol of good luck, and it is thought that rubbing his big head or belly brings fortune and wealth
冰种翡翠佛公吊坠 - 冰晴水绿翡翠 - 纯天然翡翠 - 完美零瑕疵 - 底妆细腻 - 买到赚到
佛公 在翡翠中,以佛公为原型的首饰挂件一直深受人们的青睐,究其原因,是因为翡翠佛公有许多美好寓意。那么,翡翠佛公的寓意有哪些?
弥勒菩萨 (梵文Maitreya),意译为慈氏,音译为梅呾利耶、梅怛俪药,佛教八大菩萨之一,大乘佛教经典中又常被称为阿逸多菩萨,是释迦牟尼佛的继任者,常被尊称为弥勒佛。被唯识学派奉为鼻祖,其庞大思想体系由无著、世亲菩萨阐释弘扬,深受中国佛教大师道安和玄奘的推崇。
#18K#Burma#Burmese Jade#Burmese Jadeite#Carved Jade#Gold#Green#Happy Buddha#Highly Translucent#Icy Jade#Jade#Jadeite
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Collector Items - Natural Untreated Type A Burmese Icy Yellow Jadeite Zen Buddha Pendants(收藏级 - 冰种黄翡佛挂件) Collector Items - Natural Untreated Type A Icy Yellow Jadeite Zen Buddha Pendants - 100% Type A Natural Burmese Icy Yellow Jadeite - Highly Translucent - Very Fine-grained - Collector Items - Hand Crafted - Zero Defects
- Jadeite Size: 47.5mm x 24.5mm x 5.1mm - Weight: 16g
收藏级 - 高冰种黄翡悟道挂件 - 收藏级大牌 - 纯天然翡翠 - 完美零瑕疵 - 底妆细腻 - 大师手笔 - 买到赚到
翡翠悟道的寓意主要体现的是一种祥和安宁的境界,其次,翡翠悟道还有佛教,参禅,觉悟的寓意。 因此在现在迅速发展的时代,人们的内心过于浮躁,佩戴这些翡翠悟道饰品可以让自己的内心充满安宁,变得不再那么急功近利,让自己更多的融入自然,体会和谐,这也是人们对精神层次的追求。
#18K#Buddha#Burma#Collector#Hand Crafted#Highly Translucent#Icy Jade#Imperial Jade#Jade#Jadeite#Pendants#Rare
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Natural Untreated Burmese Type A Translucent Icy Jadeite Handcrafted Bodhisattva Pendants(冰种飘绿花翡翠度母大吊坠) Natural Untreated Burmese Type A Translucent Icy Jadeite Handcrafted Bodhisattva Pendants - Guarantee Type A Natural Burmese Icy Jadeite - Set In 18K Solid Gold With Diamonds - Very Good Translucent - Very Fine-grained - Collector Items - Hand Crafted - Zero Defects - Jadeite Size: 56.7mm x 37.8mm x 6.2mm - Weight: 20g
Tara is known to protect from fear and danger, heal illness, increase longevity and increase prosperity. On the ultimate level, she awakens our wisdom so that we can realise the true nature of reality and happiness.
冰种翡翠度母吊坠 - 冰种飘绿花翡翠 - 纯天然翡翠 - 完美零瑕疵 - 底妆细腻 - 买到赚到
多罗菩萨 (度母 TARA) 「度」约理而言,喻示着:救拔、度脱、度化。由自度而度人,由利己而利众,自化而化人。 「母」喻义着:母源、生源;本源具足,则能化现万千。 据说,白多罗菩萨和多罗菩萨是观音菩萨的两滴眼泪所化现。 多罗菩萨 (度母 TARA),是一位救世大菩萨,她坐在白色的莲花座上,依其本誓,是观世音菩萨因慈悲天下众生,伤心时掉下眼泪的变化身,所以是最慈悲的。 《多罗菩萨本源记》说:观音菩萨在无量劫前,已普救了无数众生,可是有一天,菩萨用她的慧眼观察六道,发现受苦的众生并未减少,顿生忧悲,双眼流出眼泪,眼泪变成了莲花,莲花又变成了多罗菩萨 (度母 TARA),接着又变出了二十一尊多罗菩���。 多罗菩萨为藏密中最慈悲美丽的菩萨,亦是观音菩萨之另一殊胜示现。藏密中共有二十一位多罗菩萨,二十一多罗菩萨依次为: 奋迅多罗菩萨、威猛多罗菩萨、金颜多罗菩萨、顶髻尊胜多罗菩萨、吽音叱多罗菩萨、胜三界多罗菩萨、破敌多罗菩萨、破魔军多罗菩萨、供奉三宝多罗菩萨、伏魔多罗菩萨、解厄多罗菩萨、吉祥多罗菩萨、烈焰多罗菩萨、笙眉多罗菩萨、 大寂静多罗菩萨、明心吽音多罗菩萨、胜三界多罗菩萨、消毒多罗菩萨、消苦多罗菩萨、消疫多罗菩萨、赐成就多罗菩萨。二十一位多罗菩萨有六种不同的身体颜色,即白、红、蓝、黄、绿、黑等六色。
《多罗菩萨颂》:二十一多罗菩萨是多罗菩萨 (度母 TARA) 的不同事业所化现的佛母,多罗菩萨 (度母 TARA) 则是二十一多罗菩萨所有功德的总摄聚集。
多罗菩萨 (度母 TARA) 的总义 1. 多罗菩萨 (度母 TARA) 之胜妙法义喻义:唯一严持戒律,净化六根;修德行善,饶益有情;具足威仪,庄严身心的性德。故堪为成就具足,圆满功果的���本母源之代表。 2. 多罗菩萨 (度母 TARA) 以女身慈悲护众的胜妙因缘应化度世,因此世传他是观世音菩萨的悲泪所化生,也是清净莲花所化现而成。全身以有形的绿色示喻着;他有如绿地肥壤一般的慈德,心地善好善妙;具足养份、灵气而生长万物。似如圆具纯净的善德资源,可润泽于众,慈悯饶益于人;令一切众生乐于亲近供养,得到自然的欢喜、满愿。
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收藏级 高冰种木那雪花棉飘绿花翡翠 大日如来佛祖 Collector Items Certified Natural Untreated Highly Translucent Jadeite With Snowflake Grain Mahāvairocana Buddha Rare Collector Item - Certified Type A Natural Untreated Highly Translucent Jadeite With Snowflake Grain Mahāvairocana Buddha Pendant - Certified Type A Natural Burmese Icy Jadeite - Highly Translucent - Very Fine-grained - Collector Items - Hand Crafted - Zero Defects - Jadeite Size: 51.3mm x 30.9mm x 5.7mm - Weight: 19g
Vairocana is the Primordial Buddha in the Chinese schools of Tiantai and Huayan, also appearing in later schools including the Japanese Kegon, Shingon and esoteric lineages of Tendai.
收藏级 - 高冰种木那雪花棉飘绿花翡翠 大日如来佛祖 - 高冰种木那雪花棉飘绿花翡翠 - 收藏级大日如来佛祖 - 底妆非常细腻 - 大师手笔 - 光感十足 - 胶感特强 - 刚性足
#Buddha#Burma#Glassy Translucent#Green#Hand Crafted#Highly Translucent#Icy Jade#Imperial Jade#Jade#Jadeite#Pendants#Rare
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Rare Collector Items - Certified Natural Untreated Type A Glassy Translucent Jadeite Mahāvairocana Buddha Pendants(收藏级 - 高冰种飘绿花翡翠大日如来佛祖挂件) Rare Collector Items - Certified Type A Natural Untreated Glassy Translucent Jadeite Mahāvairocana Buddha Pendants - 100% Type A Natural Burmese Icy Jadeite - Glassy Translucent - Very Fine-grained - Collector Items - Hand Crafted - Zero Defects
- Jadeite Size: 48.6mm x 21.1mm x 6.0mm - Weight: 16g
Vairocana is the Primordial Buddha in the Chinese schools of Tiantai and Huayan, also appearing in later schools including the Japanese Kegon, Shingon and esoteric lineages of Tendai.
收藏级 - 高冰种飘绿花翡翠大日如来佛祖挂件 - 底妆非常细腻 - 大师手笔 - 光感十足 - 胶感特强 - 刚性足 大日如来(Mahāvairocana),五方佛之一。是表示绝对真理的佛身。在汉译中,又有摩诃毗卢遮那、毗卢遮那、遍一切处、光明遍照等名号,是密教最根本的本尊,在金刚界与胎藏界两部密教大法中,都是法身如来,是法界体性自身,是实相所现的根本佛。
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Rare Collector Item - Certified Natural Untreated Type A Burmese Highly Translucent Jadeite Guanyin Pendants(收藏级 - 高冰种飘绿花带黄翡自在观音菩萨挂件) Rare Collector Item - Certified Type A Natural Untreated Highly Translucent Jadeite Guanyin Pendants - 100% Type A Natural Burmese Icy Jadeite - Highly Translucent - Very Fine-grained - Collector Items - Hand Crafted - Zero Defects
- Jadeite Size: 45.8mm x 20.6mm x 10.2mm - Weight: 22g
Guan YinChinese Bodhisattva/ Goddess of Compassion, Mercy and Kindness is considered to be a mother-goddess and patron of seamen.Guanyin is the most commonly used Chinese translation of the bodhisattva known as Avalokiteśvara. Guanyin is the Buddhist bodhisattva associated with compassion. In the East Asian world, Guanyin is the equivalent term for Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Guanyin also refers to the bodhisattva as adopted by other Eastern religions. She was first given the appellation of "Goddess of Mercy" or the Mercy Goddess by Jesuit missionaries in China. The Chinese name Guanyin is short for Guanshiyin, which means "The One Who Perceives the Sounds of the World.
收藏级 - 高冰种飘绿花带黄翡自在观音菩萨挂件 - 底妆非常细腻 - 大师手笔 - 光感十足 - 胶感特强 - 刚性足
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Natural Untreated Burmese Type A Icy Jadeite Pendants Natural Untreated Type A Burmese Icy Jadeite Sphere Pendants - Guarantee Type A Natural Burmese Icy Jadeite - Hand Crafted - Zero Defects - Fine-grained - Zero Defects Pendants Size: P13 - 13.5mm Round P14 - 13.6mm Round P15 - 14.5mm x 16.7mm
- 纯天然翡翠 - 完美零瑕疵 - 底妆细腻 - 买到赚到
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