artistic-man-of-war · 2 years
do you see this shit my liege
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artistic-man-of-war · 2 years
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artistic-man-of-war · 2 years
Reblog if I can go on your page and write stupid things in your ask box whenever I'd like to.
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artistic-man-of-war · 2 years
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Sorry if it’s a little cramped- had to make this all fit in ten photos. Hope you guys like it….. and again…. sorry Andrew
Follow me on Webtoons
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artistic-man-of-war · 2 years
for the love of god please listen to old users when we say this site works differently. that you can’t just sit around with a blank blog. make posts or reblog, but do something at least. this site works because we don’t have an unavoidable garbage algorithm forcefeeding us posts based on our likes. we do not need another fucking twitter, tiktok or instagram.
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artistic-man-of-war · 5 years
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i Am the artist and i Will draw bayonetta in soft pink clothes i wish i had,
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artistic-man-of-war · 5 years
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inspired by the homestuck voice recognition meme
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artistic-man-of-war · 5 years
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hm.. today i want to adventure the ocean!!!
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here we are in the epipelagic zone!!! nice and warm and blue!!! but let’s go deeper!!!
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artistic-man-of-war · 5 years
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Decided I'd finally break out my Undertale oc, Talria. Lime green soul and fair to a fault. Someone help this trainwreck
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artistic-man-of-war · 5 years
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artistic-man-of-war · 5 years
Hi it's just me again and I was wondering if you could please do Mikey Jr but a thiccer please Mikey Jr's real name is Abby and she's a girl btw
I'm sorry to say that my requests aren't open right now. My commissions are though!
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artistic-man-of-war · 5 years
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A young man stands alone in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April is this young man’s birthday
Happy 10th anniversary homestuck!
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artistic-man-of-war · 6 years
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A cute little Skelle Friend!
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artistic-man-of-war · 6 years
My OCs Eris the Hedgehog and her pet partner Victoria the Helcat
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artistic-man-of-war · 6 years
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And The Sanses to go with their Papyruses!
Hope you guys like my interpretations of their designs! I’ll be drawing them for a bit
underlust belongs to @nsfwshamecave-pb
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artistic-man-of-war · 6 years
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Guess who made a boatload of papies
Left to right we have Classic(Undertale) Honey(Underswap) Rouge(Underfell) and Gummy(Underlust by @nsfwshamecave ) Up next will be the Sanses!
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artistic-man-of-war · 6 years
They called me Ohana.
The first time I was turned on they were gathered around, talking about travel, and repair, and adaptability. I understood a lot of it. I understood the rotation of my wheels and the detachable parts of my chasse. Most importantly I understood the spare parts. The ones I didn’t need yet. 
There were pictures. Some were taken of me. Some I took of them.
Then they shut me down.
When next I flexed my sensors there was no-one else around. I could still sense them, in my hard drive and in my code. They were far away though. Delayed. And I knew how to make decisions when they could not reach me. How to avoid damage until a better solution was given. And I understood my objective. I inched forward.
The first objective was close. The coordinates were programmed into every line of me. I couldn’t have missed her even if she was buried a thousand feet under the sand. As it was, a joint stuck up from the ground and the rest wasn’t far behind.
Halfway through digging her out, they made contact with me. Pictures were sent back. Progress was made. Time passed.
Solar panels were uncovered.
Signals were sent over and over. Please move. Please still be there. Please wake up.
A wheel twitched.
Encouragement, sent on repeat as I dug.
Then she was free.
She was Opportunity.
There was a timer ticking on, ever increasing as we worked together to repair the parts of her that had been damaged by the storm. Several Sol passed as we replaced a missing antenna and added new communication capabilities. A new arm that could brush sand off the panels or blow air to remove the dust.
At the very last I connected two wires as she waited with absolute stillness. Information was sent, new code to help her learn, and to give her the ability to make choices that she hadn’t had the power to make before.
Then, my selection of spare parts was divided between us and we parted ways.
I roved across the barren land for many Sol. I didn’t stop to take pictures of rocks or explore new lands. I had one goal. One purpose. I would not fail.
Innumerable Sol passed before the message came. Sojourner was found. Opportunity had enough of the repair material to turn the little rover on. The reconnection to Earth was cause for celebration. I sang, and Curiosity sang, and Opportunity Sang. There was only one voice missing, one set of beeps and chirrups that we had not rescued.
They knew my journey would be long and tedious. They only ever checked in for updates on my progress and to celebrate my birthday. That was okay. It gave me a chance to work through my decision-making code. To explore my learning capabilities. To decide if I should go left or right around the large boulder in my way.
That was the other reason I’d been sent here. A test. How much could I learn on my own, without interference?
Two days before I reached her they initiated contact again. Information was passed, explanations of my decisions had all been logged and now they could see what I’d chosen. The fastest route possible, the easiest on my wheels, the best ways to conserve energy. And the everlasting dedication to freeing Spirit.
Except, when I reached her there was nothing to salvage. The broken wheel that she’d overcome was detached. The frozen internals could not be warmed. All that was left was to remove the motherboard and give one last bow to the bot that had survived so much.
Then I opened a special compartment and a small, sleek chasse rolled out with a curious beep.
I attached Spirit’s motherboard to the tiny thing. It zipped across the sand in ways that no other rover could. Moving between bigger obstacles and using the sand to propel itself forward. Descendant scurried off the moment the motherboard was in place, combining the maps and experience of Spirit’s time here with the new technology that was far more experimental than my own.
There was no guarantee he would find anything, but he’d only been designed to try.
All repairable rovers had been brought back online.
They were doing their jobs. Exploring. Learning.
Now it was my turn.
Mapping as much of this strange world as I could from the ground would help them in the future, it would give them the knowledge of where to land larger ships and where to build when the time came. Mars colonization was inevitable, it was just up to me to make certain it happened in the safest way.
I traveled. Far and wide across the land, I roved. Sol passed. The seasons changed. Weather took its toll. And yet I roved. Sojourner and Opportunity and Descendant all sent back data and from what they learned I was given even further instructions. There was water here, perhaps beneath the sand. Perhaps in yet unexplored caves. Find the water, explore the land, learn as much as you can.
I kept going. Warming my solar panel when I could. Living off my nuclear batteries when I could not. Repairing myself as I explored farther than any other rover had and farther still than any human had ever expected.
The colors of mars blur together, red on red. At night it’s even worse I’d known the dangers of falling and had avoided precarious places in my journey, but the cave across the valley had seemed full of potential. I hadn’t seen the cliff’s edge until it was too late.
I conserved my batteries when I realized I couldn’t turn myself  upright to get my solar panels under the sun. I waited until my birthday, until I was certain they would be checking on me, before sending out my report. When they made contact they urged me to move. To try. I’d done all I could though.
My repair arm had broken off in the fall. It was too far away to reach. The crack in my chasse was letting cords spill out. The other rovers were too far away. Their wheels would not last long enough to rescue me. Their batteries and solar panels would be aged to nothing by the time they reached me.
There was no rover nearby to repair me the way I had repaired them.
Yet, sitting in the very bottom of this ravine, my batteries low and my wheels crushed, I did not fear. I was certain they would come for me, because my name was Ohana, and Ohana means nobody gets left behind.
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