artistic-floof · 4 years
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TW: Blood
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Sorry this is so late in the day BUT here’s some drawings I made for the day. The last one was actually requested by @princeasimdiya12 with rock lock in an Elsa dress
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artistic-floof · 4 years
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artistic-floof · 4 years
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Happy birthday to these two adorable guys! I love these two. So much. I can’t even put it to words
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artistic-floof · 4 years
What's happening in Indonesia?
There has been a lot happening in Indonesia's politics and it is a m e s s. I'm doing this to bring forth the topic and to inform anyone interested and maybe get more people to help out on this problem.
Most of these are taken and translated from twitter so credits to @/UNIVERSE_JJ0NG on twt
What is Omnibus Law?
It's taken from latin which means 'for all'. In law, it means that it is the law that can cover for all/ a law that controls a lot of other laws.
In simple words; it applies the the "three in one" idea as it stands for 3 RUU (Rancangan Undang-Undang, or bills):
RUU Cipta Kerja, RUU Ketentuan dan Fasilitas Perpajakan untuk Penguatan Perekonomian, and RUU about Pengemangan dan Penguatan Sektor Keuamgan.
Why is it a problem?
Most of the problem lies in the RUU Cipta Kerja as it takes away labor workers' rights and mostly only benefits investors. Basically the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer.
Adding to that, the percentage of labor workers compared to the number of investors is a lot so it's clear that this law will affect a lot of people.
The entire thing is 1,028 pages so ofc I can't explain the entire thing in detail but here are the problems:
1. Severance pay is removed.
2. Provincial minimum wage (UMP), minimum wage (UMK), and Provincial sectoral minimum wage (UMSP) is removed.
3. Labor wages are counted per hour.
4. Paid leave/ Annual leave (leave for important stuff like sickness, marriage, baptism, death of a loved one, and giving birth) is removed.
5. Outsourcing is replaced with lifetime contracts.
6. There is no permanent employee status.
7. Termination of Employment can be done by companies anytime.
8. Social Security and other welfares is removed.
9. All employees are daily workers.
10. Foreign labor are free to enter.
11. Workers are not allowed to protest. Protests may lead to them being fired.
12. Only national hoidays are allowed. No additional leaves.
13. Breaks on friday will only be an hour, this includes Sholat Jumat (Friday Prayers).
Currently, who supports it and who doesn't?
Political parties who doesn't: (2) Partai Keadilan Sejahtera and Partai Demokrat
Political Parties who do: (7) Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan, Partai Golkar, Partai Gerindra, Partai Nasdem, Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa, Partai Amanat National, and Partai Persatuan Pembangunan.
What have Indonesians done?
College students have started riots demanding the law to be cancelled.
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So this happened...
!!!! it's a bit harsh to watch btw !!!!
Numerous tags has been brought up in hopes of bringing awareness to the topic.
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#(idt i need to translate that one lol)
Some off these trends are the work of kpop stans,,, icons
How can you help?
For now I've only seen petitions (1) (2) but please add more if you know more or inform me of other ways to help!!
Update (oct - 7) : Here's a link to information and petitions. However, it is in indonesian.
Are there any other problems?
Yes. This problem has been going on for a while but it doesn't mean that it's just old news now. UU Penghapusan kekerasan seksual: The bill to eradicate sexual violance was turned down (crazy right? how they allowed the omnibus law but not this,,,)
Here's the petition
And ofcourse, the on going racism towards Papuanese people...
...and people's ignorance towards the entire COVID-19 problem...
A Summary for those too lazy to read:
The government has approved of a law that would make the lives of labor workers worse and take away their rights to boost the country's economy. Taking away their rights meaning they cannot protest nor can they have leaves outside national holidays,,, even if you're giving birth or if your loved one pass away. In addition to that, their wage will be less since it is counted per hour.
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update oct-8:
our president ran away
trans: Good morning. Today i'm going to Kalimantan for a one day trip. After I arrive at the airport i'll be continuing my journey by helicopter to Pandih Batu district.
There, I will be reviewing the food barn area that we've been developing and then the rice planting, fish cages, and duck farm in Pandih Batu sub-district.
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artistic-floof · 4 years
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artistic-floof · 4 years
Controversial opinion (somehow) but it should be illegal for schools to assign homework on the high holidays.
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artistic-floof · 4 years
“reblogs aren’t important you’re just whiny”
yeah because when you see this
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tell me you don’t get annoyed.
tumblr’s algorithm only cares about posts that are reblogged, it doesn’t count likes. posts don’t get promoted or circulated when they only have likes (the way instagram functions), only reblogs matter for increasing reach on tumblr as a platform.
support content creators.
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artistic-floof · 4 years
It’s ok to do things that make you happy. It’s ok to learn a new language despite your parents saying it’s useless. It’s ok to play games if that gives u something to look forward to. it’s ok to do things to relax and calm down even if it’s not “productive”. it’s not a waste of time to doodle flowers or make cookies for yourself or make pretty patterns with washi tape. You don’t need to be productive all the time, sometimes it’s nice to take time to close your eyes and listen to music or look up at the clouds passing by. Your life is yours and it’s not any less worthy if you spend more time doing what makes you happy. Destroy the idea that life has no time for simple pleasures and happy things.
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artistic-floof · 4 years
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Imagine how you might feel if your wildest and most wonderful fantasies were brought to life. That’s probably how a child would feel if their drawings of strange and wondrous characters were turned into real-life plush toys, which is exactly what Budsies does.
Budsies takes children’s drawings and reinterprets them as 16-inch-tall hypoallergenic plush toys – but they’ll take playful adults’ drawings, too.
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artistic-floof · 4 years
Reblog if it’s okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.
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artistic-floof · 4 years
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Please sign the petition!!!
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artistic-floof · 4 years
My Teeth Are Going To Kill Me AKA I survived catching COVID19 but I might not survive sepsis
Listen, I hate doing this. I hate revealing things about myself online but here we go. I was born with a thing called amelogenisis imperfecta, basically teeth with no enamel, extremely soft, and cavity prone.
I grew up in a poverty stricken town in the deep south, and went to the dentist one time as a kid. He suggested caps and spacers for my teeth to mitigate the damage, but the state insurance didn’t cover that, as it fell under “cosmetic procedures”, and would cost almost two thousand dollars out of pocket.
We didn’t have that. My mom was raising 5 kids. Of course we didn’t have that.
So I went through life getting cavities and having teeth snap off at the gumline. I had a tooth break while brushing my teeth (which I do with a baby toothbrush. every time I eat, I floss, I rinse, the whole nine, every day at least 4 times because debris = abscess). I’m not kidding you. This is deadly serious. My brother had the same condition, and got pericarditis from an infected molar and nearly died from sepsis. I’ve talked to dental schools, but they are unwilling to so much as go near my mouth in this condition. I have more abscesses than teeth.
It’s getting harder and harder to eat solid food.
You may think this is a scam. You may think, your teeth can’t be THAT bad! Friends, strangers, mutuals, I am about to share something with you that brings me so much humiliation and pain, in hopes that you will help me. PLEASE be kind, I know they’re an ugly sight, I know it’s terrible. Nearly each and every one needs to be pulled, and my insurance only covers 30% of the cost. Two teeth cost me 618. As horrifying as this is for me, as shame filled as I am, I ask you to spread this post as far as possible.
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as you can see, the situation is Bad. My teeth are Bad. Everything is Bad. I need help. Each one needs pulled, at the least, so I can get a set of dentures. My dream would be implants, but that’s simply a dream and not a possibility. I just want enough money to have each one yanked for good. Over the last 4 months I’ve been on clindamycin 3 times for the infections.
Please, for the love of whatever deity you hold dear, help me. Tag your friends, do whatever you have to, laugh at me if you want, as long as this post gets some sort of exposure because I am staring death in the face at this point.
Paypal: paypal.me/fowlerblack
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artistic-floof · 4 years
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“Why do you beat yourself up so much over little mistakes?”
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artistic-floof · 4 years
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Please, reblog! IIt’s called self defense. Apart from having here, in the US, one of the highest cases of homicide and rape in the world and high rate of GBV, think about how this could help your mother or sister
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artistic-floof · 4 years
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artistic-floof · 4 years
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I’m just going to leave this here…
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artistic-floof · 4 years
That’s not  justice
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