artisteana 3 years
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a new sticker i made :)
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artisteana 3 years
an update on how my huichol art is going.
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artisteana 3 years
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Experimentation with watercolors for a portfolio piece.
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artisteana 3 years
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Primer boceto de pr贸xima obra digital.
A lo largo de este proyecto pienso utilizar nuevas t茅cnicas de arte digital.
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artisteana 3 years
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This entry is inspired in huichol art, i鈥檝e just started the sketch and the painting of the mouth part.
I鈥檓 still not sure if i鈥檓 going to blend in each of the colors or leave them like that.
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artisteana 3 years
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This time i made some stickers to print out and paste on my computer or in different places.
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artisteana 3 years
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Another one of my recent digital artworks. This is a very detailed piece, since the rings have many spots where the light hits, making it difficult to obtain the exact tones for the object. I hope to finish this soon and make it my next journal entry. It鈥檚 been taking a long time but I wanted to look realistic.
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artisteana 3 years
I decided to try and develop a bit more my skills in the digital medium, for this reason I chose a picture I find very aesthetic and try and recreate it in procreate. I started by carefully looking at the different colors and how these create the makeup bottle shape.
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artisteana 3 years
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esta es una foto del proceso de una de mis obras para la exposici贸n.
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artisteana 3 years
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These are some of my artists that work as an inspiration for my artworks that are right now in progress of being finished. The reason why I like these artists is because I believe that they are very similar to my style and they portray what I want to achieve.
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artisteana 3 years
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Since one of my final pieces is going to be done in watercolors, I decided to try and practice a bit more with this medium by drawing something out of my comfort zone.
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artisteana 3 years
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I took some portraits of myself in order to choose which one i鈥檓 going to illustrate on a canvas with nails and string.
I tried doing some crazy facial expressions or take some photos smiling so I could show how happy I feel with myself and by myself.
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artisteana 3 years
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Estos son algunos de los bocetos que realizamos durante clase y de ellos aprend铆 a diferenciar las distintas figuras en un solo animal. Me ayud贸 mucho a practicar c贸mo es que dibujo a estos peque帽os seres vivos y a analizar sus cuerpos.
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artisteana 3 years
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Empec茅 a hacer el boceto para lo que me gustar铆a que fuera mi obra final, estoy planeando en pasarla a f铆sico. Primero terminarla digitalmente y adem谩s hacerla a mano con acuarela debido a que es un medio que me gusta mucho. Esta foto fue tomada con base en mi tema, las expresiones faciales, para representar la autenticidad de la modelo.
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artisteana 3 years
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Hice re铆r a mi abuelita para capturar el momento a la natural de cuando se riera y despu茅s dibujarla o pintarla. Tambi茅n le dije que hiciera una expresi贸n fuera de lo com煤n y decidi贸 sacar la lengua. Marisol tambi茅n me ayud贸 pero ella es un poco m谩s t铆mida as铆 que solo sonr铆o.
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artisteana 3 years
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Hice algunos bocetos de miradas con distintas expresiones, pues no soy tan buena capturando las emociones de las personas, as铆 que utilice esto para practicar el direccionamiento de las facciones de una mirada dependiendo del sentimiento.
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artisteana 3 years
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Practiqu茅 sombreado para mejorar mis bocetos de los retratos que estoy planeando en hacer. Hice diferentes formas para interpretar todas las figuras que existen en una cara.
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