Artist Draven
80 posts
29 / gay (versatile) / tattoo artist / Seattle USA // Indie roleplay blog mun and muse are 21+ OC and OC friendly. NSFW.
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artistdraven-blog · 9 years ago
Hey my stunning creatures. I’ve managed to do the impossible and lock myself out of my own account. Unfortunately my Fitz ezra Jessie and accounts I have spent the last 5 or so years writing on have now locked me out. I can only access them on a broken app I have on my tablet.
So after a little fustrated cry and a few months of trying to retreave the account to get to all my drafts I worked hard on I decided to set up a new account. Brand new with all my faves in one place. Don’t worry Fitz is still alive and well.
If you would like to carry on old roleplays I will rewrite my replies (begrudgingly) and I am all up for new threads. So please go ahead and add this new account. I promise I won’t lose this one :)
@sebastianwsmythe @offoxesandotherstrangeanimals @francisalberts @fandom-skanks2 and everyone else. Please take a look at my other babes on offer.
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artistdraven-blog · 9 years ago
Draven went to the bedroom and came out with some blankets and pillows “the kitchen is just in there, feel free to get yourself something to drink, there's some crackers and biscuits” his sentenced faded at the end as he stood with his hands in his pockets. “Yeah sure, Ill come with you. Ive got some work for you tomorrow, is that okay?” he asked as he looked for something and then walked over to get his old museum worthy mobile phone. “Im afraid I don’t wifi, well I do its in the shop but its pretty weak up here im told, technology goes completely over my head” he sighed. “Well, goodnight” he waved his hand once before turning around to lock himself into his room, his safe space. 
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artistdraven-blog · 9 years ago
“The tattoo shop on 55th and … Onyx? The corner store painted black right?” Ian wrote back then looked over the drawing and smiled as he added, “Ya got talent, if I wasn’t so broke I would have just had you do my touch ups.” He smiled passing the book back before folding the ear closest to the man down for him to see the tattoo behind his ear. It was a small sign that read, “Out of Order.”
Draven really felt a connection with Ian, he nodded as he read his answer. He smiled at the tattoo and then wrote on the page “thats a great tattoo” he looked back into Ian’s eyes and tilted his head as he looked at him. He wrote on the page again “do you wanna get out of here, go get some coffee?” 
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artistdraven-blog · 9 years ago
Draven had never felt so ill. A part of him wanted to give in and get medication but he knew that if he had a little taste he would want it all. He climbed on the bed and curled up in a ball. He wrapped his arm over his head to protect himself. He didn’t trust authority, he would never go to the hospital for nothing. 
“Right over here.” Klaus led his patient to a nearby curtain. Behind was the freshly made bed. There wasn’t much in the way of privacy in the infirmary, so a curtain would have to do. “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back soon to check on you.” 
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artistdraven-blog · 9 years ago
“Thats fine, just... dont take anything in the house... Ive been clean for a long time but I will get my hands on it” he yawned. “Yeah... that sucks” he mumbled as he made his way through his apartment. The walls were lined with guitars, framed posters and records. He had two three seater sofas that had big blankets on the back of them. His sound system lived in the corner and like downstairs the speakers were dotted around the room. “Well Ariel, your out of there now, you can really start to live” he said as he sat down on one of the sofas and rubbed his eyes “im heading to bed soon, do you want to couch tonight and tomorrow Ill get the spare bed down from the loft?” he asked as he looked over at the lost girl. 
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artistdraven-blog · 9 years ago
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the truth was, brayden was just that– -distracted. he’d been fine previously, opening up even. his quietness grew less and less over time, and he found himself actually socializing with clients, laughing, his smile genuine. though, in the recent past, his own father– -if he could even be called such– -was attempting to weasel his way back into his family’s life. of course, no one wanted him there, but he was manipulative, making it seem as though he’d changed, that he wasn’t the abuser he’d previously been. the thought of his father ever returning scared brayden half to death; he was increasingly skittish around the workplace now, jumping at every noise made. of course he’d tried to hide it, but with the business being so open and professional, it was nearly impossible. “i– -i’m sorry, i just…” he managed through a stutter, rubbing tiredly at his cheeks, the skin beneath his palms red. “i just– -i’m so scared.”
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Draven had seen the change in Brayden. He had watched him go from the perfect team member for his business to being so different and closed of in a matter of weeks. Honestly Draven thought he was taking drugs, he thought he had got so into something deep that he could not get out of. Draven got down to the others height and looked at him “talk to me” he told him in his way. Draven wasn't an emotional person or even an affectionate person but he cared about the people he let be close to him. He bit his bottom lip and sighed “dude if you don’t tell me then... I can’t help you, you gotta let me know whats going on... im sure we could work something out man” he frowned deeply as he looked at the other. 
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artistdraven-blog · 9 years ago
Draven was careful with who he chose to be around him, he was a private person. Draven was the kind of person to be horrified and baffled by the concept of Facebook. The idea that you would put all of your information, thoughts and interests online for everyone to see sent a chill down his spine. He never really got a hang of the internet thing, he still liked to make a phone call or write a letter. For this guy to have turned obsessive over him was making him feel so uncomfortable and awkward, he just wanted him to stop. 
Draven winced and then let out a small whine “I just want him to disapear” he sighed as he sipped his orange juice. “I have a back up plan though” he shrugged and sat up a little more “I got some guys who owe me a favour, I might get them to scare him off” he smirked just thinking about it. 
“Naa it aint worth it, I don’t want to hear on rock radio that you were arrested for chasing that prick down” he smirked. “He kept on going on about grind... grinder?” he cringed in confusion and then shrugged “anyway, I asked one of the guys who come in now and then and he said it was a hookup app” he cringed once again. “I mean... who ever this guys thinks I am I am pretty sure that in reality I am the complete opposite. 
Having grown up on tours, going from club to club and then stadium to stadium with his father the sounds of the bar were comforting. The hum of people chatting and the laugher coming from just outside going onto the street. He liked smoke coming in a little giving him strong feelings of nostalgia. 
“Look if you come here and I am hugging you and got forbid suddenly become the life of the party... assume I am smacked out of my head and send me back to rehab” he chuckled. “It sounds good, you wanna stay with me?” he asked just throwing it out there. 
Draven loved Seattle, it was his home, it was where he grew up, he knew so many people here and loved the calm feeling about it. “Its good to have you here man” he spoke as he looked off over into the corner and leaned back in his chair looking distant in the ever classic Draven way “I might be coming to cali soon, Im urm... my dads been/ moaning at me to go out and see him and his kids” he sighed and frowned a little “children freak me out” he shivered and whispered to himself “always shouting” he rolled his eyes. 
Gerard came to Satan’s Den
Wow that was on thing that made no sense to Gerard at all, if you tell someone to get lost why couldn’t they take a hint?  Then he heard how the brunette had dispatched with this unwanted admirer. Honestly some people had a lot of nerve.  It’s completely different when you had it coming, and that guy did in spades!
Laughing softly as he took a sip of his drink Gerard said, “You know its fine to be all hands when it’s been consented to, just because you can is foul as hell.  I have to admit he’s got balls to try and approach you in any form or fashion though especially after being given the ‘fuck off’ like that.  Sounds like you might have a pain puppy in your midst.”
It was true though Draven was a good guy and friendly to those he knew; and that was the key word he had to know you not just see you there is a huge difference.
“But that is your right to be reserved if that is what is comfortable to you and it’s a real dick move to hold that against someone.  Besides your preference doesn’t give anyone the right to act that way.  That whole ‘I’m a guy, you’re a guy entitlement’ attitude pisses me off to know end.  I really think though he thought I was going to give him more info about you.  And I was more than happy to disappoint him and now that I’ve gotten the whole story about him I wish I could’ve sent him off on a little more of a wild goose chase.  He deserves it.”
He could hear the sound of the cue balls from the people playing pool; something about that sound was strangely comforting to him even if he wasn’t much of a player.  Draven was another of his friends that was a bit more deceptive in temperament than he looked and that was a good thing for people that wanted to be ‘bold’ in a very unwelcomed sense.
Changing the conversation to something more pleasant he said, “About three or four days.  I’ve been feeling a little run down lately so I really needed to get grounded again.  But you keep being you, if I come here one day and you are all hugs and smiles I am going to ask if you fell asleep so the pod could take over.”
Finally he actually felt as if he were beginning to truly relax, though he’d been that way from the moment he’d walked into the shop. It seemed now that he and Draven were in the midst of the enjoyable task of catching up that seemed to be all it took. Sometimes it’s just the simple act of doing something so causal, was just what he needed to let his guard down. That’s just like the change of scenery that was something else that refreshed Gerard more than anything. Especially since he wasn’t all that fond of California, yet that was one of the cards he had been dealt and in his case wherever work dictated you go, you went.
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artistdraven-blog · 9 years ago
Draven flashed him a small smile and wrote back "I am a tattoo artist, I own the Satan's den" he handed the paper back to him. He looked at the man and loved the way he looked and his expressions were everything he wished he had. Draven tucked his hair behind his ears and re tied his hair up in a pony tail.
Somewhere in the corner Draven and Ian
Ian looked at the book and smiled then took the pencil that the other hand then wrote, ‘They are wonderful sketches, do you do this for fin or are you in art school?’ He handed the pencil back and continued to admire the art.
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artistdraven-blog · 9 years ago
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artistdraven-blog · 10 years ago
“No, that would be pointless on my part,” Klaus replied. “It would be a waste of my resources and would do nothing to you. And besides, you said you struggled with addiction.” The Medic tried to smile. “Just relax and sleep. I won’t lay a hand on you.” 
Draven felt awful, he stood in front of him and held his head. “Okay” he mumbled “so where is this fresh bed” he asked as he held the hospital gown around himself protectively. 
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artistdraven-blog · 10 years ago
Ariel put the drawing away back into her pocket as she listened to him grab her arm and tell her not to cut herself anymore. She bit her lip looking down at her arms “Yah know I used to be this perfect child to my parents until I got sick at a party a few years ago. My older brother he came to get me because I called and asked him. If I hadn’t called him then…. Then that drunk driver wouldn’t have run that red light and hit us….. He’d still be here and my parents wouldn’t hate me…..  It just helped with the pain….. I’d feel numb for a little while which meant just for a little while I wouldn’t feel guilty” She whispered before thinking about his offer to let her stay with him and pay her for her drawings. She nodded some “Yeah that sounds nice. Better than staying at home. They want me gone anyways. Said I was just a waste of space.”
Draven listened to her story and took it all in. He looked down and then back up at her with a frown. “You cant blame that on yourself, you cant do that. No offence but your parents sound toxic” he sighed as he threw away the anitceptic wipes and leaned back on his chair. “Come on, lets go get you comfortable and we will carry on with this in the morning” he yawned as he stretched out feeling the work he had done that day get to him. “Just urm... no drugs or booze in the apartment, okay?” he asked her as he looked back at her while he locked up the shop. He nodded for her to follow him upstairs. 
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artistdraven-blog · 10 years ago
Klaus watched as the man coughed into his hands. “Good choice,” he muttered. “I have a fresh bed made for you over here. Some sleep will greatly help out, as well as some fluids.” 
“So what's wrong with me” he muttered as he sat up more to move to the bed. He didn't trust doctors, he didn't trust anyone in authority. “If I sleep your not gonna drug me, right?” he asked looking at the doctor. 
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artistdraven-blog · 10 years ago
The way Draven said that one comment made that trip all worth it.  When you are away from genuine people as much as he had been it was nice to hear something that was truly coming from a sincere place.
“It’s good to see you too man, I swear cause you know how I can never wait to get outta Cali.  All around I’ve been good though.” Gerard shrugged.  
California was fine but it wasn’t home and it never really felt that way no matter how many times he’d been there or how much he attempted to look at it with a fresh perspective. Seattle however was the total and complete opposite thank goodness.
“Thanks man it is been a lot of fun I must admit.  Speaking of which I saw some of your work last week.  And I just had to ask.  Strange how I may not have any ink but I certainly know your work when I see it.” He said feeling even more relaxed as the nicotine entered his lungs.
As they walked into the bar it was nice with just the right amount of people inside.  One thing about Gerard he didn’t mind a sellout crowd if he was performing but wall to wall people when he was trying to relax? No thank you.  The place hadn’t changed a bit with the welcoming vibe you became immersed in the moment you walked across the threshold.  He was just about to order himself a drink when he was stopped by the ‘fuckboy’ remark that made him bow his head with a bit of a laughter.
“Yes, now those are something you find no matter where you go.  Perhaps I should correct my earlier phrase-though I do hear things,” he continued to laugh, “One of fuckboy in particular saw me and asked me about you, Chris-Craig something.  He was a little too noisy so I told him you went to Barbados, he damn near ran me over to get to the airport.”
Taking a sip of his Jack and Coke he remembered how the guy yelled at him like an old friend to just to see if he knew what Draven’s whereabouts were. Someone like that is not only a bit odd, most with common sense would have visited the shop first. But then again common sense isn’t as common as most might think.
“What let me know he wasn’t all there was the fact that, your shop hadn’t moved.  That should have been the first place to look, of course I didn’t tell him that.  And yes I hear you with the band tats. I got a scathing email from someone about how their son got an unauthorized Bullets tattoo.  Though I know you wouldn’t tat anyone really young. Being yelled at by your own Mom is one thing, but someone else’s is a very awkward position.”
It was so good to have Gerard back to hang out with. Draven had allot of people who followed him around and wanted to know him because of his connections with other bands. He never liked to advertise that his father was the lead singer of one of the biggest rock bands in the world but he knew Gerard knew as he had been Satan’s Den when the Pearl Jam tour bus pulled up outside and the whole band walked in. Draven wasn't really close with his father but the resemblance made people kick themselves when they saw them together. It was really crazy how much they looked alike. The small mannerisms and looks they would give people and OH did they both mumble. 
 Gerard was a true friend, one person he knew he could call up and would make themselves available for him. He nodded as he listened to his friend talk about being back in Seattle. “How long you stayin for?” he asked as he puffed the smoke into the air and watched it dance around. 
Draven chuckled at Gerard recognising his work on someone else's skin “Oh thats a big complement, I don’t really think Ive got a style until someone says that” he chuckled. “Ill get you one day” he smirked “youll be addicted and youll cover your whole body about a year” he laughed just thinking about it “youll have ‘I am Gerard Way’ on your forehead and all your fans will be like that fucking Draven has ruined our precious Gerard” he chuckled quietly. 
Draven cringed when he heard about the lengths that people were going to get close to him. He groaned and sat down at a table with his friend with his orange juice. “Oh man that’s so” he cringed again and shook his head and sighed. “Yeah Satan’s Den has been there for like nearly 8 years for god sakes” he rolled his eyes. “Ill tell you about him, he got a tattoo, gave me his number and then came in asking why I never called” he sipped his drink. “I went on a date with him and he was so crude, like he could not wait to get back to his place” he gritted his teeth.
 “Like I know I’m gay and I don’t shame anyone who wants to do that kind of thing but... I have issues with hugging my closest friends, I am not going to win any awards for being the most outgoing guy in america. Well” he sighed and licked his lips. “I told him I was going home and he grabbed my arm pulled me back and kissed me and pinned me against the wall. I naturally kicked him in the nuts and grabbed his shirt and said something like “If I ever see you again Ill shoot your fucking tiny dick off of your 12 year old looking body” and left” he shook his head. 
“Fucking guy can not take a freakin hint for god sakes” he sipped his drink and chuckled. “Like there are so many apps to use to get a quick fuck and I am not on them so why the fuck come to me” he took off his jacket. On his right hand he had a support glove on that was mostly covered up by beaded bracelets. 
Gerard came to Satan’s Den
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artistdraven-blog · 10 years ago
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brayden’s gaze fell to rest on the ground, watching his feet as he felt another set of arms envelop him into a (sort of) hug, the embrace itself actually comforting. “o- –okay, i just- –“ he stammered, pausing while following alongside draven, his legs carrying him effortlessly despite the tremors that wracked through them. taking few deep breaths, brayden steadied himself, and while his head was still reeling, sitting down helped immensely. the question asked next was endearing, and as he spoke, the rose haired lad made sure to clear his throat, stifling a cough in the process. “sorry about that, i- –i’m just, i needed this job,” brayden admitted sheepishly, rubbing tiredly at his eyes, the heel of his palm warm and soft against darkened bags.
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“Brayden, talk to me, what’s going on” he said as he got lower than the boy to look into his eyes and held his arms to try and get something out of him. “When you first came to me... you were great but now, you look distracted” he frowned. “I wanna help you, I want you to still work here but I cant have you distracted, I need you here” he explained. “If you tell me man, we can work something out” he explained as he rubbed his arm. He frowned hating to see such a bright boy go so broken in such a little time. The people he hired were more than just about staff, it was a family. 
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artistdraven-blog · 10 years ago
Ariel pulled a folded up piece of paper from her jacket smiling weakly as she unfolded it showing a complex mandala that she had drawn. “I can do complex stuff for you if you want. Drawing is a good way I keep my mind off stuff” She rubbed her nose “Yeah drugs tend to fuck you up. Not in a good way either. You only feel numb for so long until they stop working” She whispered “Then you have to find stronger and stronger stuff. Thats more dangerous for you to take.” She pushed her hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry for upsetting you by asking. I just never really see people who have done things to themselves like me” She pulled her jacket sleeves up revealing all the scars. Some more prominent than others.
Draven felt connected to this girl. He was fine talking with her about anything. She was respectful and down to earth. He could not understand people who did not treasure their son or daughter when they were as wise as the girl in front of him. He raised an eyebrow as he looked over the drawing and took it gently from her. He run his thumb over the page and nodded “this is good” he praised being a little surprised of how technicality it was. “No, you didn’t upset me” he spoke quietly with a very slight shy smile “Its fine” he he nodded and handed back the drawing. Draven looked over at her arms and got up from the chair to grab some sanitising wipes. He moved to the chair closest to her and opened them “no more of this, okay?” he said as he looked into her eyes and took her arm gently and began to clean up the cuts. “So how about you work for me... Ill pay you something little but you can stay with me” he explained to see what she would say” he raised an eyebrow not sure what she would say. 
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artistdraven-blog · 10 years ago
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artistdraven-blog · 10 years ago
♖ (( Maybe she's coming off a bender because of something her parents said? ))
“Shh, its okay, we will get you cleaned up” he said softly as he knelt down on the bathroom floor and held the girl in his arms. He was washing the soap out of her hair. Phoenix had turned up at Satan's Den completely wasted. He wasn't going to yell at her, he wasn't going to blame her because he had been there too. She had dirt, vomit and what looked like a nacho in her hair. He took her upstairs to get cleaned up. He sat her down on the bathroom floor and got her a towel now she was all clean. He wrapped her hair in the towel and then pulled her close with his arm around her. “its okay, everything is going to be okay” he told her softly.  
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