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artiists · 10 months ago
camille's expression is so instantly transformed into a genuine smile, like a kid who's just woken up on christmas morning, as soon as danbi told her that she's always welcome . that's all camille ever wanted, really . especially now when she's so far from home . cami moved over to the bed and shuffled in to the space made for her, careful and gentle in making sure she didn't disrupt danbi's leg . " i love you so, so much, " her eyes were still watery and it became more impossible to hide it as she wrapped one of her arms around her in a hug . " i actually brought you something ." cami's smile turned excited, her shyness coming from the anticipation of this moment . she held up her other hand to show a sketch she'd done in the time she'd been reeling about the near loss of her friend . camille had gone to the safety of her imaginary world as she so often did, escaping any kind of reality that danbi was hurt and drawing something way closer to what she wanted . she handed the picture over to dani : a sketch of dani, camille and solar . solar had a crocheted peach hat donned in sunflowers and cute swirls, his long ears sticking out the top . danbi and camille were either side of the rabbit, but instead of hats they had headbands with long ears on them . camille was definitely capable of better if she'd have more time and been in a less emotional state, but she was desperate to gift something that felt like a little escape for the brain . " because i know lala misses you, " she spoke of her rabbit son, heart aching at how much she missed him but trying not to show it in her smile .
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             camille's  voice  makes  her  chest  ache,  even  more  so  when  she  clocks  the  nasally  hint  of  emotion.  it  brings  forth  a  desire  to  rip  herself  from  the  bed  to  envelope  her  friend  and  provide  reassurances,  along  with  unnecessary  apologies,  but  she  shouldn't.  she  can't.  not  if  she  hopes  her  leg  heals  without  incident,  and  that  hurts  almost  more  than  her  injuries  themselves.  her  response  is  soft,  spoken  through  a  small  smile,    ❝  no,  honey.  i'm  sorry,  your  company  is  always  welcome.  ❞    the  artist  is  a  breath  of  fresh  air  for  danbi,  the  embodiment  of  love  and  warmth,  and  while  she's  a  friend  dani  isn't  sure  she  deserves,  there  are  no  words  to  describe  how  lucky  she  feels  to  have  her  (  and  solar  )  in  her  life.  without  moving  her  propped  up  leg,  the  raven  scooches  the  best  she  can  to  provide  room  for  her  guest  before  patting  the  now  empty  space  on  her  bed,  finally  throwing  a  glance  over  her  shoulder.    ❝  i  love  you  too,  cami.  always,  and  thank  you  for  coming  to  tell  me―now  get  your  butt  over  here  for  some  cuddles,  please,  and  tell  me  everything  else  you  wanna  say.  ❞    because  while  that  was  likely  the  most  important,  she's  99%  certain  it  wasn't  all.  they're  similar  in  that  way. 
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artiists · 10 months ago
" gaslight, girlboss, gatekeep, " an entertained smile donned camille's glossy lips . " isn't that what we go by these days ? i've only ever been good at the girlboss part but i don't think it's ever too late to learn new things , hm ? you're such a genius kylie, someone should tell you every day. today .. i tell you ." her face twisted into deep thought . " why are men so confusing ? like, i'm so fucking sorry, but all they do is confuse me . i never know where i stand, or what they mean . but every girl i've been with ? i know where i stand . so much more straightforward . i honestly think men have done that gaslighty thing, making us think we're the complicated ones ."
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"No it doesn't make it obvious that you care but there is beautiful thing called gaslighting that I love to do." Kylie spoke with her hands as she spoke forming a sort of rainbow with them as she said the word 'gaslighting', kind of like she was introducing a new thing to her friend. "Even if he caught on and said you cared about him you just flip it back on him and make him think that you don't, almost make it out as though he is the one who cares and not you." She was a little too into this topic right now. The topic of Aiden still making her groan at the thought of him."Like, yeah it sucks that it happened but I think I am more annoyed that Kai used it to try and get to me, you know? I think if I had to choose how I found out then I 100% would have preferred for it to come from Aiden himself, for him to feel as though he could have trusted me with that kind of thing. I loved him with all my heart so to think he maybe didn't feel comfortable enough telling me.. I don't know, Cami."
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artiists · 10 months ago
camille would have given anything to not be so easily tempted under miray's spell, but she could already feel herself getting flustered at being called ' baby '. " you noticed me ?" her smile softened from the concerned reluctance that had painted her expression . camille's brown eyes scanned miray's features from how closely they were sat on this log, committing everything to memory . she already knew she'd have to sketch this later . " i did . i did notice you, " cami didn't bother lying - she liked miray's confidence and she'd only ever want to make the other woman happy . " were you ... looking for me ?" camille asked, hope in her voice, the naivety of her spirit so evident in her question .
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"hi baby, long time no see." miray winked as she made herself comfortable next to camille. the log was easily long enough for several people to sit on but miray had made sure to sit as close to the other woman as possible. when she'd wondered outside and saw a figure sat on their own miray was hoping it'd be someone she could either flirt with or fight with but finding cami was the jackpot. it had been so long since they were alone together, way too long if you asked her. "don't worry i was out here yesterday with everybody else as well. i'm surprised you didn't see me, i saw you. even in a crowd of people i'd be able to spot you in seconds. what am i talking about? of course you noticed i was out here. you've never been able to ignore me; couldn't if you tried."
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artiists · 10 months ago
" i think it lessens the chances . i'm, like ... careful . more careful with being on edge . if i were chill then i wouldn't be paying attention . i don't know if you can tell, " camille stuck both of her arms into the air and then as if to present herself and then laughed softly, " but i am not a fighter . but if a killer came around the corner right now, i'd outrun him . i'd do it because i'm on edge and always ready to zoom ." camille's smile is confident - she'd clearly genuinely fooled herself into believing that she was safe, at least in her make believe world in her mind . " i will not fuck around . the only waste of my face would be if i let your pinky finger dick anywhere near it ."
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"So you think being on edge all the time won't get you killed?" He raised his brow slightly at her. "You're telling me that if the killer came around this corner now with a gun or a knife you wouldn't freeze up and get killed? You'd be able to fight them off?" He very much doubted it but maybe she thought differently. "You may as well have some fuckin' fun before you're the next one in that graveyard of a basement. Fuck around a little, live life, what a waste of a pretty face if you don't." He somehow seemed to say the right thing and the wrong thing at the same time a lot, he was great at doing that.
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artiists · 10 months ago
camille had been avoiding being alone with miray as much as she could . she considered herself a rational person, when she wasn't lost in a make believe world or twisting the people in her life into characters . she could be realistic, and she made herself be so when it came to miray . there was too much hurt there, under the surface . too much insecurity and unhealthy ' what if 's that camille would do anything to get away from . but she had to stay aware of what they were, and what had happened between them, lest she slip back into those same feelings like they're an outfit she could just peel off and on again whenever she felt like it . it's the night after the crisis and the bonfire feels like a crime scene . that's what made it a perfect place to be - silence, and not too far from the house that she didn't feel safe . she'd been sat on the log by the now-extinguished fire with her head buried in her hands . hearing someone sit next to her, she looked up and to the side . it's dark without the dancing flames, and it took a second for her eyes to adjust before they saw miray's features in the moonlight . god, she's beautiful . " hi . you're a day late to join us, " she tried to lighten the somber atmosphere, glossy lips pulled into a weak smile . @mirayaslan
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artiists · 10 months ago
camille's already an emotional wreck - starting with being the happy kind of emotional as she sat around the campfire with her friends, ready to pretend that they were just on a normal trip to the lake having the time of their lives . like there weren't three ghosts sitting with them, laughing and joking . the shift to horrified emotional had been instant, and her heart had been thumping on the verge of heartbreak ever since . needless to say, danbi's cold welcome was enough to send the emotional brunette over the edge . she brought the side of her hand up to catch a tear, pulling herself together some before she spoke . " even if it's me ?" dani is one of camille's favorite people . a constant source of reassurance and kindness, a captivating personality, and a person of comfort . camille only wanted to return that comfort, but she didn't want to force it on the survivor . cami took two steps into the room, her fuzzy socks muting her steps on the luxurious flooring . it reminded her of being a child, standing in her moms' doorway to be comforted from a bad dream . maybe this visit was more for herself than it was for danbi . " i love you . and i'll fuck off in the kindest way, i just love you and i need you to know how happy i am that you're -" alive "- in one piece ."
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𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒔:  open,  no  cap  for  now.  (  @lakehowellstart  ) 𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏:  house  one,  room  #3. 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏:  night  of  the  bonfire,  anytime  after  the  ~incident~.
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             one  hand  is  tucked  under  her  head,  watching  the  index  finger  of  the  other  toy  with  her  fidget  thumb  ring.  it's  not  that  comfortable  of  a  position  with  her  leg  propped,  or  even  a  safe  one  to  be  in  all  things  considered,  but  she  refuses  to  face  the  door.  a  flurry  of  emotions  wreak  havoc,  all  of  which  she  has  no  desire  to  even  try  sorting  through.  she's  much  too  tired  and  it's  hard  to  focus  on  anything  but  the  pain  she's  currently  raw-dogging  (  a  preferred  reminder  she's  still  alive  ).  given  the  type  of  trap  used,  things  could  have  been  much  worse,  she  knows  that,  but  socks  fit  for  michigan's  autumn  temperatures  and  her  signature  leather  combat  boots  were  something  of  a  saving  grace.  she'll  need  to  get  new  ones,  she  thinks,  or  maybe  not.  maybe  she'll  wear  them  as  her  trophy  paired  with  an  i  survived  the  lake  howell  murders  t-shirt.  a  sudden  shift  in  the  room's  atmosphere  alerts  her  to  the  presence  of  another,  immediately  drawing  hoarse  words  from  a  throat  raw  due  to  the  screams  elicited  from  the  trap's  jaws  snapping  around  her.  she  had  enough  sense  to  muffle  them  with  her  hands  so  as  not  to  give  away  her  and  kai's  vulnerability  to  the  wrong  person  in  the  thick  of  it,  but  that  didn't  cease  them.    ❝  if  it's  me  you're  here  to  see,  kindly  fuck  off.  ❞    it  pisses  her  off  that  she  can't  hide  more  than  she  already  is  and  the  outcast  just  wants  to  be  alone  to  gather  herself―at  least,  she  thinks  she  does.
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artiists · 10 months ago
camille couldn't keep herself from laughing when noelle launched herself at the bed, entertained by how easily her friend made it look graceful with those elegant limbs that screamed effortlessness . that laughter only intensifies when the song filled the room, cami's facial expression doubtful even when she started bopping to the beat . " now there's a song i haven't heard in what ? fifteen years ?" a pause as camille's features made for a confused expression . " it is friday today, right ?" with her confusion still echoing around the room, cami made her way over to the mirror so that she could check out her own fit - a denim jacket. pulled over a tank top and some thick, flared trousers with rainbow tie-dye print on . she'd finish the look off with some boots before the head outside . catching noelle's fit in the mirror behind, her, camille lit up . " girl you look gorge, are we out to impress anyone tonight ?" she asked, waggling her thin brows playfully before pushing her hair back with a 90s style pink glittery plastic headband .
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she's changing in the closet before the bonfire officially begins (it probably wasn't the best idea to haul logs in white). staring at her topless reflection, she debates between two shirts when she hears her name being sang out by one of her favorite people. "in here, boo!" she calls out, relief washing over her. "i'm glad you think so." noelle cared, perhaps a little too much, about what people thought and not everyone was sold on her bonfire idea. camille's opinion; however, outweighed most of them put together and seeing her friend so excited made her feel certain this was the right thing to do.
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deciding on the cropped hoodie in case it got chilly, she nods as she listens to camille talk. "that is literally such a good idea. you know, i actually..." noelle hurries over, practically belly flopping onto her bed. she reaches for her phone and scrolls through her music library, brow furrowing, "okay, i have some music, but..." noelle presses play and bursts into laughter.
♫♪♪ seven a.m. waking up in the morning gotta be fresh, gotta go down stairs... ♫♪♪
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artiists · 10 months ago
" miss noieeee, " camille spoke softly in a sing-song voice, poking her head around the doorframe to noelle's bedroom . the group chat message about the bonfire had lightened her spirit for the evening, very much looking forward to everyone getting together for a reason other than tragedy . " i think you like, super galaxy brained this whole bonfire idea, " she continued once she saw that noelle was in the room . " i wish everything wasn't on streaming . i miss music . someone here has to have music downloaded to their phone . preferably something good . we can maybe play some tunes, too ." the greatest tragedy to camille about no internet access had meant no music . @noecollins
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artiists · 10 months ago
" heated indoor pool ? oh i forgot the house had that . i'm going to have to hit you up for a dip in that because the lake water just hasn't been doing it on the luxury front and having a bath back at the house is a nightmare when sharing with a bunch of people ." and too many of them boys, camille added on in her head . icky . " yeah i mean, they definitely upsold it to you . but nail polish ! yay !" camille brought her hands together, patting her fingertips together in a cute mini applause . " you know i have a hard time picking between amaranth and flamingo ."
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Titling her head slightly as she listened to Camille speak, she could literally feel the stress built up inside of her start to dissolve as she kept the smile on her face. "I was promised that there would be signal this weekend and that the indoor pool was open and heated." She paused for a moment, "It sounded kind of nice for a minute." Her eyes traveling past her friends, to the surrounding area that was lined with trees. "I should have known better." She returned her gaze back, "Of course I brought nail polish, I'm not some kind of cavewoman. I have my six bottles of different but soft pinks." The only colors that Belkis would ever be seen with on her nails, even though most people couldn't tell the difference between each pink bottle.
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artiists · 10 months ago
" i think i'm scared of trying and failing like . i wouldn't put it past him to just not care, no matter what i do ." her smile was one of acceptance, " and if he did care then, i don't even know what i'd do . does making him jealous make it obvious that i care ? what if he sees right through that ?" camille was absolutely overthinking - one of her more annoying traits . head empty or head full of thoughts, no middle ground . and when her thoughts turned to kylie's situation with aiden and kai, she couldn't help but map out the dynamics in her head and try to figure out what she would do in this situation . " yeah, i 'spose that's a weird conversation to have . i can see why it doesn't feel like there's a whole lot of a point . and if it's probably gonna spiral into an argument again then that's only going to make you feel shittier . it was a bajillion years ago so i guess you don't need closure anymore, hm ?"
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"Well, why not try and make him jealous?" The blonde suggested to her friend. "If he is never gonna realise he fumbled so badly why not try to get even? Make him jealous? Everyone gets jealous from time to time and if anything boys are definitely secretly the worst for it. We're stuck here for a while so why the fuck not now?" She was feeling a little messy but Kylie loved seeing her friends be successful and that included in these kinds of situations. A deep sigh could be heard leaving her body at the thought of talking to Aiden, it was the last thing she could even think of doing right now. "I have no idea" she admitted, "Last time we spoke it quickly turned into an argument and that was definitely my fault but I can't even think about that shit right now. What the fuck do I even say? Turns out we have more in common than I thought, we both enjoy fucking men?"
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artiists · 10 months ago
camille had no idea that he wasn't listening, letting her tongue fire off what she considered to be zingers, hoping they made at least a tiny dent in his oversized ego . his reply made her stay still for a second, having not considered that response . could she argue it ? no . she kind of did need to relax . " because living in the moment is what will get you killed, " sadness is intertwined in her voice . " aaron was just partying and having a good time, we're pretty sure cat and leo were just hanging out together . living in the moment robs you of more . i'll be tense until i get a gaillion miles away from here . " a pause . " and you ."
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A smug expression laid upon the older mans face. These were all insults he'd heard before and if anything he enjoyed a challenge and that's what Camille was feeling like right now for him. He listened to her talk, not much of it actually sinking in because if he was honest (which is something unheard of for him) he didn't really care. He was so sure of himself that he'd talked himself into believing he was out of touch, that whoever was doing this wouldn't even come close to causing harm to him. "I think you need to relax" finally slipped from his lips, not the best line to say to anybody. "What can I do to make you not as tense? If we truly are in so much danger then why don't you just want to live in the moment more?"
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artiists · 10 months ago
if losing her friends - her best friend - had broken her heart into a million pieces then hearing nathan laugh like that was a first, tiny step in putting it back together again . things felt light for the first time in days, and she'd stay in it for as long as she could . she stuck her tongue out playfully when he splashed her, stepping back so that he could pull himself up onto the dock . maybe emotions were her superpower around him - her ability to burst into tears at any given moment really did give her a strength in getting what she wanted . " let's do it, c'mon princess, " she led the way inside, scooping up the towel she'd dropped and yeeting it at nathan because she's just nice like that .
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Staring up at the dark haired woman, Nathan let out a loud laugh. A laugh that truly felt good, it had been such a hard time for all of them and to be able to forget about that for a moment was a blessing he didn't even know he needed until it was happening. Scooping up water with his hand, he splashed it up at the other. "I won't shave your stupid head." He nodded, "Keep those tears inside your eyeballs, kid. You know that shit makes me feel weird." His words may have been half joking with her, but he knew that Cami knew how emotions were hard for him. Even though she was one person he'd never not be able to comfort if she needed it. "Can we go warm up now? It's getting to cold to be out at this lake." He said as he pulled himself back up to stand on the dock.
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artiists · 10 months ago
" honestly, pure muscle . that guy would run from me if he knew what was good for him, " she kept it up, trying to keep her expression serious but her joking nature could be seen in her eyes, playful and amused . " oh absolutely . you don't want to see what happens to the ones who end up on my bad side ." if camille had a bad side, she kept it pretty neatly under wraps, and making fun of her weakness only made it feel like it was more under her control . if she was aware of it, it couldn't be of detriment to her - right ? " you know, i nearly fell on my face running out here for you . just want to recognize that for a sec ." she nudged him back with her own shoulder, flicking her hair over her shoulder as she feigned obnoxiousness and awaited praise .
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Oli couldn't help but smile at Cami's gesture, feeling a warmth spread through him at her words. He linked his pinky with hers, returning the shake with a playful one of his own. "And I've got yours, always," he replied, his tone gentle yet steadfast. As she tugged him along, he followed willingly, feeling a sense of comfort in her presence. "Oh, I have no doubt about your strength," he chuckled, giving her a teasing nudge with his shoulder. "I'll just consider myself lucky to have the muscle on my side." He grinned, grateful for the lighthearted moment amidst the tension of their situation.
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artiists · 10 months ago
camille thought that reality really super kinda sucked right then, but she was glad for kai's honesty nevertheless . she'd felt like to many people had been tip-toeing around her and her feelings, happy to leave her in make believe even though that wasn't exactly a safe place to be . " but you're twice as attractive as the average guy so, does that not double your powers ?" she asked, jokingly tilting her head to the side as though she were trying to do the calculations . she wrapped her arm around him when he kissed her forehead, letting herself bask in the comfort that she so desperately needed. " we're going to be okay, kai . really, we are . three people is insane like - i can't believe this is real . i really don't think there will be more . we will go home to our families, and i will cuddle little solar again, and everything is going to get better ." god, she'd do anything to cuddle her little bunny right now .
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Camille's maths were mathing but not in the way she probably hoped. Two killers meant their chances of getting killed were higher. Who was thinking about them fucking up, only Camille. At this point, Kai didn't believe it was safe resting on the odds of the 'killers' misfortunes. The unlucky ones were them.
"As much as I would love to reassure you, Cam, I don't believe I can. I might be able to protect you from one killer, but two. I am only one attractive man, I missed my martial arts class." He leaned closer to the girl, placing a kiss on her forehead as if his kiss would be a blessing sent from heaven. "Let's pray we are not in the wrong place at the wrong time, that's all."
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artiists · 10 months ago
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𝒄𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆 - 𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒌 2 : 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆 .
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artiists · 10 months ago
camille widened her eyes a little and nodded, as if to say ' oh he's definitely a typical man '. and eren was definitely eran . and camille had no idea whether she loved or hated that about the man - maybe both, in disgustingly equal measures . " he fumbled the bag sooooo bad, and he thinks that he just dropped the bag because he didn't want it, " she shook her head, likely trying to convince herself more than anything else, " he'll learn the hard way . one day . karma's a thing . even for kai because holy shit, he did out aiden ! oh that's shitty ... outed someone just to hurt you, it would be different if he was doing it for the right reasons ." a pause as she took in all of this information eyes scanning kylie's face for her unsaid thoughts and feelings . " do you think that you're gonna like, talk to aiden about it ? let him know that you know ?"
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"He's just a typical man.." Kylie shuffled around a little more to get comfortable. "Eren is just.. you know.. Eren.." she had no idea what she was saying or where she was going with this, "I have never in my life seen somebody fumble the bag as much as him. He doesn't know when he's had a bad bitch ever." Of course she was talking in a way to support her friend but also talking about her own experience, "Karma's a relaxing thought" she quoted. Once the topic returned back to her own drama she shook her head to confirm with Cami, "no, I didn't know either. He never even hinted at that kind of thing to me either." Aiden's sexuality came as news to Kylie, it's not as though she'd be upset with him over it.. it's just a shock. She also found out in the worst way possible because Kai was wanting to hurt her. "No, I'm not glad I know. I didn't want to know who he had cheated with and the fact it's Kai of all people. He literally told me just to try and hurt me.. like.. does Aiden know he's outing him?"
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artiists · 10 months ago
cami's brown eyes that had been narrowed suspiciously were now incredibly soft, grateful for oli and the reassurance that he was willing to give her . because she really was stressed beyond comprehension, scarred from how terrified she was . " of course, " she promised, " i'll always have your back ." she brought her pinky up to link and then give a cute little shake . cami took a step in the direction of the house, keeping their pinkies linked sot hat she could tug him along beside her . she believed him when he said that she didn't need to drag him back, but that didn't mean she wouldn't do it anyway . " i'm glad you want me to have your back, sweet . i'm like .. all muscle ." she joked at her own expense, smile soft .
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Oli met Camille's gaze with a mixture of empathy and determination, recognizing the vulnerability beneath her bravado. He squeezed her hand gently, offering her a supportive smile. "Hey, we've got each other's backs, alright?" He tilted his head slightly, his expression sincere. "No solo missions, I pinky promise." He mirrored her gesture, poking her shoulder playfully before holding out his pinky finger towards her. "And don't worry about dragging me back. I'll stick by your side, every step of the way. I'm not tryna stress you out more than you already are." His tone was light, but there was a determination in his eyes that showed he meant every word.
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