artificial-espionage · 10 months
He's standing in front of the mirrors in the bathroom, practicing his expressions. He had cards with different emotions on them that he was trying to copy visually. He currently had a smile on his face that looked very unnatural and forced. Expressions were difficult.
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Why am I so....weird? :(
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He's currently trying a cigarette....he's very unimpressed with it and will not be having another. Milo didn't understand what the big deal was about them, why so many people used them. They were stinky and the smoke was unpleasant. 0/10 stars.
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Imagine being a machine that only runs on money.
Cannot be me.
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Sometimes I wanna go back onto the BLU team. :( I miss my comrades.
Except that one Spy.
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There are more robots...
Wow. :0
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I accidentally swallowed a penny. :(
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He's quietly watching video tutorials for balisong (butterfly) knife tricks because he wants to impress his teammates...and maybe make friends...He felt...weirdly lonely at times...He didn't know when or how he developed those feelings, they weren't programmed into him. Still...
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Username change so that I can slap him on either RED or BLU depending on if the plot calls for it. His default is RED still. I'm going to also include an appearance link based on either team he's on.
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tfw you're tempted to slap him back on BLU to cause problems khdjkf
I probably won't though.
Probably. lol
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"No. I am not hungry, but thank you for the offer." He wondered if he should smile, so he attempted one...even if it didn't look quite right. To many, it probably looked like something trying to be human, but not quite reaching that point.
Milo could eat though, and could use food for fuel, but he wasn't quite at the point where he needed more. So, he didn't see the point right now in consuming anything.
"Do you require any assistance, ma'am?"
He is exploring his new base, curious of the new location he had been sent to. Thankfully it hadn't been too far from where he'd been before, so it wasn't too different. He liked knowing the layout of where he was staying.
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saw this on the microwave at work and now i want it printed on a pair of boxers or booty shorts sooooo bad
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".....I am just exploring." His voice was just very barely emotionless, teetering on the edge of uncanny.
"What are you doing?" He tilted his head as he analyzed the situation mentally, just looking at her without blinking. Thankfully his shades hid his pale grey colored eyes pretty well. Honestly, Milo just wanted to know what she was doing out of a sense of curiosity.
He is exploring his new base, curious of the new location he had been sent to. Thankfully it hadn't been too far from where he'd been before, so it wasn't too different. He liked knowing the layout of where he was staying.
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Sometimes I miss the BLU team...even though I was on Blue for......a few days before being autobalanced.
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The Spy didn't really feel a sense of discomfort or nervousness. He hadn't really "learned" the emotion yet. He didn't really feel emotions like his other teammates...though he wasn't entirely sure as to why. Oh well...
He decided to peek into the room though since there were signs of life. He liked knowing things. He liked knowing who he was working with, what people were doing, as many things as he could really. He was programmed to be able to learn, to want to learn. Learning aided in his job.
He is exploring his new base, curious of the new location he had been sent to. Thankfully it hadn't been too far from where he'd been before, so it wasn't too different. He liked knowing the layout of where he was staying.
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Fun fact: He's teamed up with others in his team to feign death with his disguise still up to make it convincing that he is who he is disguised as...only for him to get up for a surprise attack.
He knows it's an asshole move, but tactically, it works.
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Now that he'd been working as a Spy for a little while, he'd gotten a lot better at his job. He was very good at acting like, not only the BLU mercenaries, but many of his coworkers while disguised.
He was currently disguised as a BLU Scout, running around at the same speed, laughing until he made a jump that would have broken a normal person's ankles. Milo had even mimicked the noise. He called out for the BLU Medic who then broke away to help him. This, of course, was a mistake. The Medic helped him off to the side to a more secluded location before this RED Spy took him out and took his place.
He adjusted his speed and took off at the speed of an average Medic.
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