arthurxweasleyx ¡ 4 days
"Well hmm." Arthur thought if he had perhaps let slip something meant to be played close to the vest, but didn't see any harm in it. "Well I think he's alright, if not it would be more than rumors, just inevitable fighting comes to those who look for it with the." He leaned closer whispering as if it wasn't mostly common knowledge. "With the war and all. I prefer keeping my nose clean, or as clean as you can get pressed to the grind stone." He chuckled at the joke. "Better to knuckle down than knuckle up. Though this might be the wrong bar for that kind of thinking, but they haven't kicked me out yet. What about you? You have any thoughts on recent events."
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Apolline nods her head at the redhead. She rather did enjoy herself that night. Frank's family was inviting and friendly, and never did seem to judge her for who she was. Her eyes widen before they furrow. "Excuse moi, what happened?" She didn't hear anything and suddenly felt bad that she didn't. "Is alright?"
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arthurxweasleyx ¡ 5 days
Who:(beatrice abbott) @fcrox Where: Diagon Alley
Arthur had just come from Florean Fortescue's, and Sugarplum's Sweets Shop. He had a butter bear soft serve cone. It was interesting the way they made it and tasted better with a licorice wand wrapped around it. He was completely absorbed in his cold culinary masterpiece. He would get the two shops to collaborate more closely one day, maybe a licorice wand at the heart of the cone or fresher chocolates to adorn his ice cream, though a chocolate frog might make a mess of even the most sturdy of scoops. Thus was the state that he was in when he ran across Beatrice Abbot.  He took the full cone into his mouth giving an awkward wave scarfing the thing down with a small cough before he approached. “Beatrice, fancy seeing you here!” He held up a hand and spoke in a sotto voice.  “Sneaking out for a cone? Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” He couldn't help breaking into a smile at the subterfuge.
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arthurxweasleyx ¡ 5 days
Arthur shared the embrace wrapping his arms Around Molly lifting her off the ground and spinning her before putting her down and showering her with kisses eventually rubbing noses with her before leading her to where the tea was set up. Pulling the chair out for her..  “You deserve every bit of it.  I’m sorry I can’t be here more with you all.  Life is more interesting with a few surprises I find.  I have enough certainties, with a steady job, wonderful family, and beautiful and loving wife.  What else can you ask for in these interesting times, besides sharing a cup of tea and being able to dote on the ones you love. I hope all our children find as much happiness as we have.” He couldn’t help it. Molly made him feel like a lovesick school boy.  In some ways he had stayed that moon eyed first year hoping he got sorted into the same house as Molly.  A smile crept up on him as he rubbed her shoulders.  He would drink his own cup, but until it cooled he would concern himself with pampering his wife.  Such strong shoulders, she bore up the house hold and he knew it, it was important she knew he knew and that he would be there to hold her up. Arthur kissed the top of her head making sure she was as comfortable as possible.  He worked his way up to her neck.  He bit his lip looking for a subject that wouldn’t bore her to tears. “Tell me about your day or what would you like to talk about, one of my favorite subjects you know.”  He smiled cheekily sneaking in another kiss to the neck this time as he started to rub at her temples. “Make yourself comfortable, and I’ll help if I can. I want you as relaxed as possible Missus Weasley, you've earned it, and I need to earn some time with you.”  He chuckled at his joke, someone should. “I know I was just at work, but I’ve missed you. It probably sounds silly, but It makes me happy doting on you like this.” He gave into his thoughts and hugged her.  There was something so pleasant about her embrace, her warmth, her smile, her smell even after she had been taking care of the children all day and thought she was a mess.  She was home, she was Molly.
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Arthur had been at the office late that night. Molly had already fed the boys and was putting them down to sleep — a difficult task with three energetic boys. However, Molly was used to it. They were her babies after all, no matter how old they were. Oddly enough Percy was always the easiest to get to bed. He always listened to the rules even though he was the youngest. But Bill and Charlie were another story. They weren’t bad but they were full of energy. Always. And they fed off of each other. The boys were close. But finally, after much work, she got them into bed and wiped the sweat off her brow. Such a workout those two were.
It was then that she heard movement downstairs. Arthur must have gotten home and was tinkering with whatever he found. She smiled at the thought. It was one of the things she loved about him. He had a passion for something. He always did. True, it sometimes drove her a little mad but she wouldn’t have him any other way.
Molly walked downstairs and was caught by surprise. Yes, Arthur had made it home but she found him in an apron with a cleaner kitchen than it was and two cups of tea on the table. She couldn’t help but beam. She walked up to him, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. “You’re always full of wonderful surprises.”
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arthurxweasleyx ¡ 9 days
Arthur coughed a little before clearing his throat and managing to choke down the swallow of cider turning and giving a small awkward wave and smile. "Ah yes bonjour to you to, yes I'm Arthur. Good to meet you again. Heck of a party wasn't it?" She seemed familiar but not overly. "Heck of a thing to happen to Frank and not long after his birthday." He looked back at the pint swirling it. The implications making him think sometimes even discussing the war made it seem all to close.
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Her meeting had her out early and with meeting Étienne at the three broomsticks, she arrived before him. The blonde moved to sit at the bar, ordering herself a glass of wine, turning her head she caught sight of a face she had seen within the ministry and at a certain birthday party. "Bonjour, you are Arthur, oui?" Apolline would remember Molly, she was a sweetheart and was able to keep up with her lacking English. "We met Frank's birthday. Je suis Apolline."
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arthurxweasleyx ¡ 11 days
Who: Open Where: The Three Broomsticks.
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Arthur felt foolish and nervous all at once, he had every right to be in Hogsmeade, and in the broomsticks. He was just a man enjoying a pint. A married man sneaking a pint, but told to sneak it by his wife. He would much rather be in his workshop or the burrow, or where he planned to be buying things for Molly, but he needed to check in on things here or give them the chance to check on him. At least he could say that he'd popped in. Letter of the law. It felt odd to apply that to something asked by Molly rather than the Ministry. He shook the thought away and finished the drink he had been nursing, good old butter beer. He raised a hand and ordered something stronger a cider and preceded to nurse that
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arthurxweasleyx ¡ 11 days
Who :@xmollyweasleyx Where: The Burrow Kitchen Arthur had managed to sneak in staying out until he was sure Molly would be busy with Bill and Charlie. Perhaps he had arranged it beforehand. He started to clean, no time to rely on elbow grease, it was always more fun to have the brushes and brooms help with the work anyway. He hummed putting on one of the matching aprons he had to Molly’s too long on the hook. Chocolate, and flowers properly cooled and waiting. Tea and cakes brewing and boxed. He got to work. While the broom swept and the brushes scoured. He made sure everything was just so. The kettle was keeping an eye out and would be sure to warn him if Molly approached before everything was ready. He had just stepped back to admire how cozy everything looked when he heard someone coming down the hall. He rushed to lift the kettle assuring it he knew she was coming as he poured two perfectly brewed cups, then hid around the jamb of the door smile plastered to his face.
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arthurxweasleyx ¡ 12 days
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BASIC INFORMATION: FULL NAME: Arthur Weasley ALIAS/NICKNAME: Art AGE: Twenty Nine BIRTH DATE: February 6, 1950 BLOOD STATUS: Pure Blood AFFILIATION: Neutral friend of the Order GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis-male He/Him CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Living with his wife and children OCCUPATION: Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office Ministry
MAGICAL: PETS: Ford Anglia WAND: 10” Pine wood Unicorn Hair core PATRONUS: a weasel BOGGART: Molly’s corpse AMORTENTIA SCENT: A warm home cooked meal mixed with his wife’s perfume RELATIONSHIPS: PARENTS: Septimus Weasley (father) (pure blood) Cedrella Weasley (née Black) (mother)(pure blood) SIBLINGS: 2 Brothers 1 Bilius 2 Unnamed SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Molly Weasley OTHER FAMILY: CHILDREN: 3 Sons Bill, Charlie, and Percy. EDUCATION: SCHOOL: Hogwarts HOUSE: Gryffindor EXTRACURRICULAR: CLASSES INVESTED IN: Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, Alchemy, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, Defense against the Dark Arts SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English OTHER LANGUAGES: PHYSICAL TRAITS: EYE COLOR: Blue HAIR COLOR: Red HEIGHT: 6′3” SCARS: Faint scars left over from corporal punishment by Apollyon Pringle during his time at Hogwarts PERSONALITY INTELLIGENCE: High. Absent minded. SKILLS: Charms, Nonverbal Magic, Transfiguration, Dueling,,Apparation, Mechanical Skill,Muggle knowledge, Legal skills, POSITIVE TRAITS: creative, devoted, determined, caring, focused NEGATIVE TRAITS: irresponsible, impulsive, absent minded, reckless, naive MBTI: INTP
Arthur Weasley was surrounded by family as long as he could remember. His mother showered him and his brothers with the love that her family wouldn’t give once they were burned from the family tree. A result of the unconditional encouragement of his family he was always in a project whether it was something as simple as a puzzle with pictures that moved, or taking apart things around the house and almost getting them back together again.
Hogwarts was like diving into a pool for the first time. HIs focus served him well in his studies. He was talented at charms, and gained a few friends. Most importantly he noticed girls or at least one. Braving corporal punishment for a late night stroll. His focus has been on Molly ever since he realized an amortentia she brewed was just a pale imitation of the brewer, he asked her for the infamous walk on the spot. He followed her around like a lost puppy, she made him brave, laughed with him instead of at him, and being a top student was an excuse to study with her so his marks followed hers.
It wasn’t long before they fell together, something that made more sense than them apart. It was a few years after graduation, but eventually he made an honest woman out of Molly, then found an honest job, or mostly honest. There was a bit of tinkering, and late nights at the office never could say no to a project, but Molly and the children always came first.
The war was much the same. He kept his nose down and to the grindstone. A drone among drones indispensable if quirky. Dark things were afoot and he wouldn’t let them infect Molly or his children. He had his principles, but he would burn it all to keep them safe, for now that meant focusing on being a good father, and ideal worker, and leaving the heroics to the marauders.
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