Project 3: Final Deliverable
1. Celebrity Portrait
For this project, I decided to redraw the portrait of Stephen Chow from the movie “Kung Fu Hustle”. I was proud of the prior version when I first drew it, but when I was looking back at the illustration last week, I knew there must be some adjustment so why didn’t I give it a shot?
Prior Version

Latest Version

2. Redraw the first Illo
As I have mentioned in the first blog, I will redraw my first illustration experiment. Throughout 12 weeks of this course, I learned A LOT (than I expected) and had times to improve my drawing skills. Hence, below is the best illustration I can generate at this point, it should demonstrate all of my drawing skills and knowledge of applying the shadow principle in art.
Prior Version

Redraw Version

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Project 3:
I decided to redraw my very first Illustration Experiment. The goal here is to apply everything I have learnt and improved during the 12 weeks of the course. I guarantee this illustration will be the best art I can produce until this point. So stay tuned!
WEEK 1 Illustration

Week 12: (Still in progress)

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Week 10: Scale and Composition

The illustration was created in Adobe Illustrator and got inspired by one of my old projects for the Second year Photography Course.
The drawing demonstrates the endless repetition of the monitor. The concept is abstract as I could not find any clear definition for it. I want to, through the illustration, aware the audiences of the consequence of social media as well as the overuse of computers in nowadays society. Consider helpfully using them or else you will be trapped in the eternal maze forever.
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Week 9: Celebrity’s Portrait

4 days and almost 24 hours are the total amount of time I spent on this artwork. This is the portrait of Stephen Chow from the movie “Kung fu Hustle” The King of Hong Kong comedy in the 90s, also one of my favourite celebrity of all time because of the humour in his movies. There was something keep attracted me to keep doing it and I couldn’t focus on the other project so I decided to spend all my effort on this Illo. This was the first time I tried this technique. To be honest, I was proud of the result. Hope you guys like it!
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Week 8: Natural Landscape

I drew this illustration in Adobe Illustrator and got inspired from a cartoon movie scene. For the trees, instead of copy and paste every single trees, I created a brush with the tree texture and just brush it as a lines.
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My 3 main concepts for this project are: Animals, Present and Nature


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Week 7: Raster Illustration in Photoshop

Above is the image of me and my classmates in the Photography course of year 1. While working on it, I was instead feeling the nostalgia of those good old days when we still went to school and had coffee together during break. This semester is the last time I can be with them. Unfortunately, the COVID breakout happens as no one expected and things turned out to be like this. I hope this illustration is a farewell I can say to them, I love you all.
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Week 6: Incorporate Inks

For this week's illustration experiment, I thought of creating the drawing with inks in the first place. However, there was an idea that came to my mind: What if I draw on illustrator, with a brush tool, on a tablet? Was that still considered to be drawing with ink because the process is similar, the only difference is drawing it digitally instead of physically (and avoid creating a mess). Thus, I decided to illustrate xxxtenctation in illustrator. I have to say I did put a lot of effort and time into this artwork (apparently more than 2 hours) and trying to go as detail as possible on the facial texture, as well as the shadow principle because that was what I want to focus on the most as I have already mentioned in the previous post.
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Project 1: Collaborative Coloring
Final Color Version

I have a serious thalassophobia (the fear of the ocean) issue and I believe many of us counter with the same problems because more than eighty percent of the ocean is unobserved, much remains to be learned from exploring the mysteries of the deep. I have always believed there are massive creatures down the ocean that humans did not witness and will never have a chance to do it. This belief has led me to illustrate my monster as a scary creature that only appears in the most catastrophic weather in the middle of the ocean and once they approach you, you will not have a chance to survive. There is no stroke in the artwork, the reason is that I create the contrast by placing low and high hue next to each other can make the figure stands out by itself. I also include some shade to emphasize the body parts of the monster, even though I am just an amateur in this shadow anatomy area.
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Week 5: Texture

When it comes to texture illustration, I think it is better to work on Adobe Illustrator than any other materials, plus I am pretty busy with this week's workload so this option is the best for me for the convenience. In the first place, I wanted to illustrate the ocean with the wave texture. However, as I was working on the Color book about Sea monster, I didn’t want to draw the same idea so I decided to make a vector art about the desert. Instead of using the online source texture, I created my texture. I was pretty simple just by watching the tutorials on YouTube, also a useful experience to learn in case I might have to use it in the future.
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Project 1: Collaborative Coloring
Black & White version

Tada! I present to you: The final Black and White version of my coloring page.
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Week 4: Vector Illustration in Illustrator

I always feel comfortable when working on Illustrator (My favorite design platform). Throughout this course, I learn plenty of new Illustrator techniques and skills which I have never known before. This week illustration is dedicated to apples (My one of a kind fruit). The concept is simple but exciting and colorful, and also can be used as your phone background (Message me so I can send it to you as a gift).
“An apple a day keep the doctor away”
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Project 1: Collaborative Coloring
Rough (Oct 1)

Based on the helpful feedback I receive from last week class, I continued to develop one conceptual idea into a full size sketch (a rough) and above is the result. The concept of this illustration is: Deep sea monster.
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Week 3: People Doing Thing

People sitting in a coffee shop and minding their own business is my theme for this article. I had a tough time with this week's experimental since I want to try adding grain texture technique on illustrator and it was more difficult than I expected.
At first, I drew the illustration with a Wacom and brush tool. However, the work ended up kind of silly and messy so I had to start all over again with Pen tool for the clean and crispy stroke. Overall, I enjoyed this week experimental and satisfy with the result.
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Project 1: Collaborative Coloring Book Concept Thumbs (Sep 24)
Below are my rough sketches about the monsters. My concepts are divided into 3 categories: Western monsters, Sea monsters and Asian Culture monsters.

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Week 2: Experiment with Colour

Visible and Melody are two words I chose for this week illustration’s theme. At first, I was thinking about drawing music chords and notes. However, you can’t say that is a colour experiment if the drawing only has two colours: black and white. Henceforth, I decided to go with something colourful, playful and bright: Fruits. When you place a variety of fruits together, they create a beautiful palette with countless hues. I indeed enjoyed the experiment with colored pencils especially when it came to the shading part, it took me a certain amount of time to throw on all the red and yellow hue for the shading part but at least I felt satisfied with the result.
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Week 1: Experiment coloring with Adobe Illustrator
The two combining words I chose for the first Experiment is Disco and Fitness. Eventually, it brought to me a concept of Fitness lifestyle in the 70s, 80s when Disco music was extremely famous back then. Firstly, I came up with sketching some signature Disco postures and fitness body composition. After that, I traced the sketch on Illustrator with Tablet. But things didn’t work out so I ended up using the pen tool for the clean appearance for the illustrator. The hardest part I found in this challenge is COLORING with Illustrator. It took me longer than I expected to finish the coloring step and apply the shadow anatomy in the illustration, which I believe I need a lot more helps for the improvement.
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