Astor’s Art(block)
12 posts
🇵🇸A place where I post my new art and things pertaining to it and my characters!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He/they/she <3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If I want to reblog it but it doesn’t have to do with my characters then it goes here:
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
artblockastor · 8 months ago
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Exactly 4 years of drawing improvement, character developments, and design changes 👏
Meant to post this on the actual 4 year anniversary of the first ABC drawing but I Was Tired
A lot has happened to these characters since July of 2020 but they’re still our babies 🥰 Arden (A) belongs to me, Buffy (B) belongs to @artblockastor , and Charm (C) belongs to another mutual friend who doesn’t have a Tumblr.
I wonder where the next four years will take them?
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artblockastor · 9 months ago
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Exactly 4 years of drawing improvement, character developments, and design changes 👏
Meant to post this on the actual 4 year anniversary of the first ABC drawing but I Was Tired
A lot has happened to these characters since July of 2020 but they’re still our babies 🥰 Arden (A) belongs to me, Buffy (B) belongs to @artblockastor , and Charm (C) belongs to another mutual friend who doesn’t have a Tumblr.
I wonder where the next four years will take them?
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artblockastor · 9 months ago
I decided to draw one of the beloved parents of My Boyfriend Is The Jersey Devil (and my personal favorite), so here is Mona Ellín-Enrique herself 🩵
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[ID: A digital painting of Mona Ellín-Enrique, a middle-aged woman with light brown skin, sandy brown hair with blonde highlights braided over her shoulder, and gentle brown eyes. She lounges in a dark blue arm chair with a white mug smiling softly at somebody to the viewer’s right, wearing a cornflower blue bathrobe over a lighter blue set of pajamas with matching, baby blue slippers. End ID]
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[ID: A closeup of the whole image, featuring Mona’s face, shoulders, and hands. Up close we can see her cheeks are tinted red, her nose is upturned, and she has a mole on her right cheek, as well as her collarbone. Her left hand rests on her right, which is holding onto a large, white mug. Strands of hair frame her face, tracing the gentle curves of her cheekbones. End ID]
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artblockastor · 1 year ago
Discovered and binge-read @buggachat’s Bakery Enemies AU comic (go read it btw) today and !!Oh No!! !!Big Surprise!! it reawakened the Miraculous fan within me. Not that unusual, but this time I was compelled to take my beloved OC Buffy and chuck her headfirst into the Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir universe. I knew immediately that Buffy with the peacock miraculous would be a HUGE vibe if I could pull it off, but I didn’t want her having the peacock miraculous in this AU, so I decided she’d have the miraculous of the horse instead. I drew both versions anyway. Also, if you use a screeenreader, @iveofficiallygonemad wrote or compiled IDs in English and a few other languages for all 188 of the comic chapters! Find the table of contents here!!
[ID: three images, each of the same page in a sketch book. On this page are two pencil sketches. The first one is in the top left of the page and is of the original poster’s original character, Buffy. She has black, curly hair buzz cut on the sides but kept long on the top of the head, and flipped over to the right side of her face, turning lighter towards the ends, cut shoulder length. We can see her face as she looks inquisitively left off-screen, making it to where we can see that her ears are pointed and pierced with stud earrings. She has a primarily black catsuit on, with a zipper in the front staring around the middle of her breasts and zipped up to the top of the high-neck. The suit has patches of white, with a white V shape reaching from the top of the neck to the base of the zipper, a big white patch around the belly and reaching down near the knees on the inside of the legs, and white sections covering the hands and reaching up almost to her elbows. She has a black leather belt, looping twice around her hips, with the lower loop having a holster attached to it, meant to hold a horseshoe. Buffy’s hands are twisted to the right, with the Miraculous sunglasses in her right hand and her horseshoe in the left. The sketch has the words “Fresia (FRĒ-ja) - Holder of the horse miraculous” to the right of the sketch.
The second sketch takes up the bottom right-hand corner of the page. It’s of Buffy again, this time facing the camera head on with her black, curly hair very long and full around her head, and down, falling behind her and dyed a lighter color at the ends. She wears a vertically striped, strapless v-neck dress with a peacock brooch in the center of her chest, above her breasts, and a slightly darker v-shaped belt around her waist. The dress splits down the middle just below her belt, and opens up, flowing at her sides, to reveal a pair of dark trousers and black, knee-high boots. She wears a pair of dark, elbow-length opera gloves, and spreads a peacock feather-themed fighting fan in each hand. Long, semi-transparent, chiffon sashes wrap twice loosely around each arm, with about two and a half feet of free-hanging fabric starting around Buffy’s wrists, twisting and flowing around Buffy as she holds both fans to the left of the viewer, looking in the same direction. The mask around her eyes is dark and mimics the shape of a beak over her nose, a short peacock feather extends from the top of the mask between her eyes. The sketch is labeled “Solace— Holder of the Peacock miraculous.” Both drawings are signed “Princeton D. Astor - 4/2/24.” End ID]
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Anyway thank you @buggachat for the brain food and entertainment and feels and LOWKEY TEARS because i needed to feel something and even though I don’t use a screen reader tysm @iveofficiallygonemad for the table of contents!! Anyhoo if you’re reading this stop reading it go read the comic
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artblockastor · 1 year ago
Sketch for a short video I might put onto my YT channel? 👀
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-also yeah I’m having Steven Universe brain rot rn what of it-
[ID: a pencil on paper sketch of two young women. One is tall and white with freckles and long, brown hair, and the other has blonde, curly hair, but you can’t see her face because her head is turned to the brunette. The brunette smiles down from a tree, her hair and dress flowing in the breeze, and the blonde looks up at the brunette from a swing hanging from a tree branch above]
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artblockastor · 1 year ago
Happy (belated) birthday @m3mma101 !!!!
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I promise he’s not raising his bat at you,,, we both know he totally would if he knew you existed lol
Hope you like it!!! Congrats on hitting eighteen, my dear friend ���💚💚💚
[ID: a colored, digital drawing of a young man with curling ram horns, large, dragon-like wings, and a dark red demon’s tail with a spade-shaped tip. He stands at the edge of what seems to be a cliff, facing the camera with the sun shining behind him. His eyes glow yellow against his warm brown skin, illuminating the strands of black, shiny hair in his face. He holds a baseball bat, resting it on his shoulder with one hand in the pocket of his black jeans, a black undershirt and yellow jacket blocking his skin from the sunbeams. The words “Happy Birthday Mem!!” are written in curly handwriting in the top lefthand corner of the image]
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artblockastor · 1 year ago
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Here’s the page of Atlas designs I said I’d give y’all except I went a little crazy because it’s Atlas she cannot be normal if her life depended on it
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She is to tiny to get up!!! So she screms for O’Shea to help her. And yes she is fatter in her rat form imo because she eats cheeses that are too big for her
And yes I know rats don’t have fangs but SHE DOES OKAY SHES MY CHARACTER I CAN DO WHAT I WANT (she’s not my character)
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More of an ice queen look and the vibes aren’t quite right but I’m happy with the design. And no I didn’t forget her red eyes in my last post what are you talking about ???
I’m probably gonna get stoned to death for saying this but I feel like unconsciously she makes her facial features resemble her sister’s—cuz it’s what she knows best. Even if she wasn’t entirely happy with her sister’s flat nose she’s so comfortable with it that it’s what her shapeshifting abilities naturally gravitate towards. I also kept Buffy’s freckles, widow’s peak, and heart-shaped face but I feel like she’d put her own twist on everything like with a septum piercing and ofc her braids. They still look related even tho that biologically couldn’t be more true :(
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I’ve wanted to draw this scene for SO LONG and it’s finally in my sketchbook!! I forget so much about these scene and my old phone isn’t powering on so I can’t look but I wanted to draw it in her current body rather than her old one. I deliberated between whether it was Curtis with her that day or O’Shea but I finally decided that if Atlas gets to be in her new body O’Shea does too.
I had a necklace design planned out for O’Shea (the O with the loop) for ages but I finally had the idea to give Atlas a matching one! It’s meant to be the A version of O’Shea’s but it also alludes to the anarchy symbol because Atlas is our favorite little criminal.
And yeah she’s wearing hello kitty fishnets what about it
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I feel like she stole the cheese sticks out of a little kid’s lunchbox
I have no basis for this but I also feel like she can change her hair dye colors at will (Buffy WISHES she could do that)
I think I’m gonna keep her in an early 2000s scene style with some goblincore thrown in there.
And no, I don’t know how she turned out looking like King Julien in that pic but I don’t entirely mind it?
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artblockastor · 1 year ago
I know it’s usually more conventional to say “oh yeah she’s got brown hair and green eyes” but sometimes character descriptions really be like
“She has a head of long, thick, flowing hair the color of a thrush’s gentle wings, and watches the world in wonder with eyes the color of a fir tree in the shadow of a midday thunderstorm.”
And dang we really just get away with that inconsistency?
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artblockastor · 1 year ago
@m3mma101 your headcannon has been granted. It’s cannon now.
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artblockastor · 1 year ago
Bro her hair would be DECIMATED. It would be wigs from then on. Her scalp would never recover. (((unless witchcraft but without Marnise Buffy’s scalp would be forever barren))). Rosy would be dating Mr. Clean but mentally ill and with a vampiric twist
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artblockastor · 1 year ago
Look guys it’s my babies omgh look they’re so cute and OMGH LOOK AT THE TALENT AAAAAH
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They’re my emotional support straight couple your honer !!!
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artblockastor · 1 year ago
[ID: multiple digital, colored drawings of the same, pale girl with various hair colors and outfits, all of them including a white surgical mask pulled over her mouth and nose. The first drawing is of the girl, named Buffy, with black, curly hair, dyed a dark green at the ends. She’s wearing a black sweatshirt tucked into a long, flowy black skirt with a studded belt, two chains clipped to the belt, and she has a pair of black boots on. She’s accessorized with a black choker, which displays a vintage cameo charm. The second drawing is of the same girl with dark, blood red hair, the same boots and skirt from the first drawing, a t-shirt with two people kissing on it and the words “Yayx3 Rvnge” (meant to be a parody of the album cover of My Chemical Romance’s album “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge”), with a long, red and black striped cardigan overtop. The third drawing is of Buffy with black rooted hair that’s been dyed dark red for the most part, with blue streaks at the ends, all tied up in a half-up half-down hairstyle. She’s wearing a grey-blue turtleneck sweater with sleeves that almost cover her hands, and a darker grey-blue velvet dress (with a skirt ending at her knees) overtop, along with black tights and black boots. The fourth image is of Buffy with her hair the same colors as last time, but this time in a ponytail. She’s wearing a dark red t-shirt with a grey tank top over it, and an unzipped, sleeveless, black hoodie over that. She also has a black pleated skirt (ending above her knees), black fishnet stockings, black and dark red-striped knee-high socks, and black high-top converse. She’s accessorized with black and red striped elbow-length fingerless gloves, a few leather cord necklaces and bracelets, some red, black, and white wooden beaded bracelets, and a belt with two chains clipped onto it. The fifth image is of Buffy with black and silver-streaked hair, tucked into a navy blue beanie hat, with just the bangs and some strands sitting out in the front. She’s wearing a light grey t-shirt that has some black stick figures on it (one of whom seems to have an American flag draped over their shoulders), and the text “USA: pretty, crazy” (meant to be a parody of the cover of Fall Out Boy’s album “American Beauty, American Psycho”), which she wears with a light blue plaid jacket, black jeans, black converse high tops, and a studded belt with two chains clipped on. End ID]
Hello, y’all!
I’ve had this one character for about four years now, and just like me, she’s dressed like Adam Sandler since her creation. Unfortunately, out of my cast of characters, this one is far from the only poor sweet creation of mine subjected to my tragic lack of style. So, I figured it was about time I at least attempt to fix that.
I figured I should start off this series(??) of Character Closet Makeovers with some rather casual outfits for my dear child Buffy Whinsnap.
Most of these outfits are meant to be relatively comfortable, warm (with the option to be less so), and easy enough to maneuver in while still looking cute and being something Buffy would enjoy. She takes a liking to many different clothing styles, but seems to like outfits from alternative-inspired styles, like goth, scene, and cottage/forestcore. Here we mostly see outfits inspired by gothic and scene-esq ideas, but Buffy likes to keep her number of clothing pieces relatively low, and also loves being able to show off the band tees and trinkets she’s collected. I hope to add more forest/cottagecore outfits in the more formal addition to her closet makeover.
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I like adding little tags describing or giving insight on some objects/clothing pieces! Apologies if my handwriting is illegible :’)
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I know this outfit isn’t technically true or traditional goth, but it’s as best as Buffy can really do right now with her income and allergy to plastics. Most of her clothes are cotton or some other natural fiber. The only time she can really afford to wear any sort of plastic is if it’s not going to touch her skin. Because of her having allergic reactions to coming into contact with plastic, she often wears long sleeves and sometimes even gloves in crowded public areas to avoid being hurt. Also yeah I was thinking of Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice whilst drawing this what of it sue me I can’t help the fact that she’s pretty and iconic and that I’m definitely attracted to women admit it you think she’s pretty too
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Buffy loves her Our Chemistry’s Affair “Yayx3 Revenge” shirt almost as much as she loves not having to look people in the eye by just ✨having her hair cover her eyes✨ My girl’s like five feet tall, the only ones capable of looking her in the eye are toddlers, hyper elementary schoolers, and anxious insecure middle schoolers who are too busy or anxious to look her in the eyes anyway. The perks of Not Talking and having fluffy hair ig.
Her cardigan is cozy, but also slips off easily. This may sound annoying, but she actually appreciates it. If someone’s chasing her and grabs the tail of her cardigan, or it gets caught on something, she can just keep running and it won’t hold her back. Then she can go back later because who would let a good cardigan go to waste like that
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This is one of her more generic outfits, yes, but there are several perks to it!
The long sleeves help keep her warm, which is good already (temperature regulation who?), but the sleeves are really long and can be unfolded to be used as grips or mitts to handle hot or rough things. Her corset may not seem super conventional, but it’s actually helpful in many ways. It can be used to hide thinner things (paper money, cards, small pouches of medicines, etc), and is made of quality leather and reinforced with interlocking wooden plates which can help protect against blunt force and stabbing attacks.
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This outfit was really fun to design! I wanted to give her a brighter, more energetic, scene-inspired outfit. I would’ve given her the early 2000s knee-high Converse, or platform Converse, but let’s be honest: she’s not going to spend that long lacing up shoes, and there’s no way she’d be able to run and fight in five-inch platforms atm.
Buffy never goes anywhere without a long-sleeved shirt or jacket, and I’m well aware of this. Problem is, I REALLY wanted to give her those elbow-length, striped fingerless gloves. So I decided to commit a “fashion atrocity” (or so I’ve been told) and give her a sleeve-optional hoodie. To be honest, I think it looks okay. Something popular in the scene fashion is LAYERS. So many layers. Everywhere. So I figured a third and obvious layer could work with this outfit. What do you think? Buffy thinks it’s a good idea despite the potential judgement, because detachable sleeves have many uses. Hot? Take the sleeves off. Cold? Put the sleeves back on. In need of an emergency rope? Take a sleeve off and use it for that. Also in need of a makeshift tourniquet? Sleeve. Maybe we should all just start wearing detachable sleeves in case someone grabs/stabs at us?
I feel like Buffy would’ve loved wearing khandi jewelry, with all of their fun colors and patterns, and ability to easily cover scarring and stains, but khandi in the scene fashion is almost always made of plastic, and Buffy’s not going to subject herself to allergic reactions just for fashion and some nice clinking noises. So, she got some khandi bracelets made out of wooden beads! And the good news is that they can be used to start a fire in an emergency, so she feels carrying these random bracelets around is justified. I would’ve given her some coon tail hair extensions too, but I didn’t really know how to work those into her hair, since she tries to avoid using heat on her hair and therefore wouldn’t be straightening it, so the coon tails might look out of place.
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Buffy usually tries to avoid wearing lighter colors due to stain risks (pasta sauce, dirt from falling off her horse, stab wounds, ink tears, etc.), but one of her few exceptions (“you are the only exception”) is her gray Nuclear Boii t-shirt (yes I will be drawing off-brand band tees until the day my soul passes on), and the light blue flannel she likes pairing with it. The good news is that this flannel is vintage and made of quality materials, which means that (despite the slashes and holes Buffy’s had to sew and patch up) it’s more durable and easier to use in situations that call for bindings and blankets. Her only real problem with this flannel though, is that it’s hard to add hidden pockets to it because you’d see the bulging. Good news is that bobby pins exist for the sake of her beanie. She can’t hide too much inside of the beanie itself, but her hair is thick and abundant, and could easily hypothetically stash money, meds, needles, thread, and/or a knife or two. Who knows what’s in there? Just don’t touch the hat. Or the hair. Or her, in general. She’s low-key germaphobic. There’s a reason she almost never leaves her house without a mask on.
Anyway, thank you for glancing in the direction of this post! And if you’ve gotten this far, then.. what are you doing? Go get some rest. You’ve come a long way through the seas of my endless rambling.
TL;DR: I like designing outfits every now and then, and apparently I like to rant?
Stay tuned for more, assuming the art block doesn’t prevail!
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