arrowsfcrged · 10 months
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Someone has hired a Black Widow assassin. This has gotten very real, very quickly. 
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arrowsfcrged · 10 months
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arrowsfcrged · 10 months
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KATE BISHOP + barton family christmas
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arrowsfcrged · 10 months
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frank & amy || clint & kate
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arrowsfcrged · 10 months
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arrowsfcrged · 10 months
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Kate: You tried to kill me. Yelena: How dare you?
+ bonus:
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arrowsfcrged · 10 months
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them <3
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arrowsfcrged · 10 months
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arrowsfcrged · 10 months
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arrowsfcrged · 10 months
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HAWKEYE (2021) Deleted scene: “Boomerang”
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arrowsfcrged · 10 months
❝ if you’re gonna keep risking your life for me than you’re also gonna let me patch you up without a single complaint. ❞
❝ That's NOT how this works,  ❞ he replied quietly, but sternly - leaving very little ( almost no ) room for further discussion, then swatted her hands away from his abdomen before she could make another attempt at threading the needle through his skin.
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❝ — I'm not the one risking anything, ❞ he added a few moments later, as his tired hazel eyes narrowed - their gaze threatening to bore holes right through her. ❝ There's nothing I can't bounce back from. You, on the other hand.. ❞ he stopped himself there, not wanting to be reminded yet again of her mortality and what a terrible idea it was for him to think of her as.. not just a kid, but HIS. ❝ Just.. don't worry about it. If I feel like patching it up, I'll do it later. If not? Fuck it. ❞
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arrowsfcrged · 11 months
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New Year, New Gifs Challenge Day 26: Style Swap
Kate and Yelena in Hawkeye 1x06 - (insp)
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arrowsfcrged · 11 months
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arrowsfcrged · 11 months
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arrowsfcrged · 11 months
@wanderingguest <3'd for a starter. anna or muse of choice.
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"If you really didn’t care, then why did you come?"
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arrowsfcrged · 11 months
@coinquinatvs / sent platonic / familial for Frank and Kate @arrowsfcrged
So we have discussed this some. Him being the one that she saw / that saved her somehow when she was younger. Her taking up archery and martial arts but also ranged weapons including handguns and rifles - becoming just as proficient in those as she is canonically with bow and arrow. Still a little badass. Probably a little darker underneath it all. I mean if she’s obsessed with his story and his family dying and all of the mafia involvement and all of the things he’s done it’s going to lead to a darker undertone.
Still. She’s still Kate. Still sees him as a hero. Helping people. Protecting people. Not just being a killer but protecting the people that can’t protect themselves. Saving those that can’t save themselves. Doing what has to be done when there’s no other way.
I do see her pursuing a more active role in her moms security company as she got older in this verse too. Probably more hands on and probably all the more horrified when she realized her moms been working for Kingpin. Stepped up to fill her moms role and try and restore the company’s good name. Probably tries to get Frank involved - wants to give him access to security clearances and files at the company, access to the weapons and vehicles and safe houses the company has on and off record.
Has to try and find a fine line to walk between helping him and staying legal with her company on the line. Kinda becomes his oracle like in dc with Batman? But also still very much hands on with him following him on his recon and just wanting to learn everything he’s willing to teach her while also “mother hen”ning him - while also desperately wanting to have a father type figure that she can look up to.
I think it’s going to end up having antagonistic moments bc there’s going to come a point where his gratuitous violence just overwhelms her and makes her upset or angry. It’s one thing to know hey this guy kills people and actually seeing it. Seeing the repercussions in their family and city etc. It will be a tug of war of morals and we know he isn’t likely to give up his fight so. Idk! I think it would be interesting one time that she has no choice but to kill someone to protect herself or someone innocent and her dealing with that grief and guilt but also that !! Bit of a rush and adrenaline and power! And him having to keep her from following in his footsteps eventually losing her own morality while she wants so badly to keep him in her life - it’s going to be hella interesting I’ll say that! And there’s so many different stages of their relationship to explore and so many different potential thread and plot ideas !! I’m super super intrigued to see how it all plays out.
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arrowsfcrged · 11 months
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“Intimacy is a four syllable word for ‘Here are my heart and soul, please grind them into hamburger, and enjoy.’“
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