arronbantucan13 · 2 years
4TH QUARTER - 1st Reflection
The final, yet one of the best lesson—it is the Iceberg Theory. We've discussed about the story called "Hills Are White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway that popularized the way of writing. Iceberg Theory is inserting the main idea of the story though only hidden so that the other people will theorize about it. We were also tasked of doing like that. Oh, we were clueless about the story until we dug deeper onto its true meaning—an operation of something.
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arronbantucan13 · 2 years
3RD QUARTER 4th Reflection
4th - God Sees The Truth But Waits
This story is mainly focused on "forgiveness". We discussed about this story and its elements. I think this one is sad to think that he lived 26 years on prison only to suffer and no presence of his loved ones. And we were also asked to write an imitation about this.
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arronbantucan13 · 2 years
3RD QUARTER 4th Reflection
4th - God Sees The Truth But Waits
This story is mainly focused on "forgiveness". We discussed about this story and its elements. I think this one is sad to think that he lived 26 years on prison only to suffer and no presence of his loved ones. And we were also asked to write an imitation about this.
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arronbantucan13 · 2 years
3RD QUARTER 3rd Reflection
3rd Reflection - The Last Leaf
We were asked to read the short story called "The Last Leaf". We just tackled about the different elements story of it. Finally, we were also told to imitate and create our own version of it.
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arronbantucan13 · 2 years
3RD QUARTER 2nd Reflection
2nd Reflection - The Importance of Showing
This lesson is very interesting to think that there are many various way to show the details on what's happening. I learned that I should not directly tell the reader the feeling. For example, if the man is stressed, we should say "the man is fidgeting, and his biting his nails." Also, by showing the details, the story will look more colorful and expressive.
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arronbantucan13 · 2 years
3RD QUARTER 1st Reflection
1st Reflection - Contemporary Literature
From the word itself, contemporary, means something that is occuring in the present. Contemporary Literature is no different; the flowering of this literature continued after the Martial Law years. Until now, we write poems, stories, novels, and essays whether it is gender/ethnic related or socially committed. They paved the way for the Filipinos to be conscious to their crafts.
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arronbantucan13 · 3 years
Glowing Creature
Firefly's rested here.
It is rare to see an insect,
That glows like magic.
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arronbantucan13 · 3 years
The Man's Sorrow
Frown-faced looking man,
Staring something on window.
Why is the man sad?
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arronbantucan13 · 3 years
A Children's Mount
Carousel spinning,
How nostalgic this feels like,
Remembering past.
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arronbantucan13 · 3 years
Me Beneath The Palm Trees
Tall and huge palm trees.
Looking at me from above.
I think it needs hug.
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arronbantucan13 · 3 years
Sunset's Masterpiece
In an orange sky,
Where there's the sun and moon met.
Creating an art.
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arronbantucan13 · 3 years
The Clouds And Breeze
How lovely sky is?
Cold breeze that passes through me,
Clouds are patterned well.
As the birds soar above,
A beautiful scenery.
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arronbantucan13 · 3 years
A Foot Beneath The Green
Grassy greenery,
Where something grazes in field.
Those are herd of sheep.
Such abundant soil that grew,
It's comfortable to walk on.
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arronbantucan13 · 3 years
An Azure Paradise
Such an azure sea,
How dazzling it is to look.
Beautiful and calm.
Vast sand at the nearby shore,
As waves crashes onto it.
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arronbantucan13 · 3 years
We have learned about Japanese Literature that Filipinos used when they were occupied by the Japanese. First there's Haiku which focuses mostly on nature and has a pattern of 5-7-5. Second, there's Tanka who has a pattern of 5-7-5-7-7 and has a total of 31 syllables. Finally, Tanaka and it has 7-7-7-7 pattern.
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arronbantucan13 · 3 years
We have learned about Japanese Literature that Filipinos used when they were occupied by the Japanese. First there's Haiku which focuses mostly on nature and has a pattern of 5-7-5. Second, there's Tanka who has a pattern of 5-7-5-7-7 and has a total of 31 syllables. Finally, Tanaka and it has 7-7-7-7 pattern.
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arronbantucan13 · 3 years
We have learned about Japanese Literature that Filipinos used when they were occupied by the Japanese. First there's Haiku which focuses mostly on nature and has a pattern of 5-7-5. Second, there's Tanka who has a pattern of 5-7-5-7-7 and has a total of 31 syllables. Finally, Tanaka and it has 7-7-7-7 pattern.
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