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25 years | Belgian | History MA | appreciation of christian-anarchism | bisexual | cis guy | Fash&terfs fuck off
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arrogantwerpen · 2 days ago
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arrogantwerpen · 2 days ago
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I remembered Queering The Map existed and I wanted to share some entries from Gaza and the West Bank. I would implore you guys to check out the website yourself as I couldn't fit all of them here.
It infuriates me to see Israeli propaganda that tried to garner support from queers as well as people saying you shouldn't support Palestine because ""they're homophobic.""
Most of all, in the midst of this, I am infuriated to see queer Palestinians be forgotten about.
We see you, Palestinian lesbians, gays, bi/pan/etc, trans men, trans women, nonbinary people, ace and aros, and many more. Most of all, we have not forgotten about you.
We see every single one of you and we STAND with every single one of you.
We stand with EVERY Palestinian.
Donate Esims to Gaza here.
Donate food packs, clean water, emergency shelter and more to Gaza here.
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arrogantwerpen · 2 days ago
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"nobody was injured during the accident at the premier of Marvelslop3000 because only two people bought tickets to it" sounds like a joke and yet
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arrogantwerpen · 2 days ago
The US having an entire city in the middle of the desert dedicated entirely to gambling sounds like a thing other countries would make up about the US as a joke but its real and no one bats an eye at it
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arrogantwerpen · 2 days ago
CAVEMAN DOING STANDUP: two moons ago, me daughter ask for new furs. no want mammoth or giant sloth, no, now want cheetah fur. me so tired of "fast fashion."
OTHER CAVEMAN: [plays a rimshot on two coconuts and a scallop shell]
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arrogantwerpen · 2 days ago
Update (68)
Although the war in our region has stopped, humanitarian needs remain significant. We urgently need to buy a clay oven and firewood. The oven will help us prepare bread and make meals for my family’s 24 members, including 10 malnourished children.
We appreciate any support or help you can give us, whether by donating or reblogging, Thank you for your interest and continued support.
The campaign is documented in Hussein's Document No. 219.✅
The goal is to reach €3,500 so we can buy the oven.🌷
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arrogantwerpen · 2 days ago
im telling you all... its so worth it to spend a whole evening make 100 million homemade gyoza (even though it takes so long) and freezing them all to have perfect delicious gyoza just the way you like them anytime you want at a moments notice. they seriously take like 10 minutes to prepare from frozen and they are so good. i just had a dumplings and noodles feast you wish you were me
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arrogantwerpen · 2 days ago
a phrase that kinda bothers me when talking about women's historical roles in europe is "cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children." you hear it so often, those exact words in the same order even. and once you learn a little more you realize that the massive gaping hole in that list is fiberwork. im not an expert and have no hard numbers, but i wouldnt be surprised if fiberwork took up nearly as much time as the other three tasks combined, so it's not a trivial omission.
it's not a hot take to say that the mass amnesia about fiberwork is linked to the belittlement of women's work in geneal, but i do think there's a special kind of illusion that is cast by "cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children." you hear that and think "well i cook and clean and take care of children (or i know someone who does) and i have a sense of how much work that is" and you know of course that cooking and cleaning were more laborious before modern technology, but still, you have a ballpark estimate you think, when in fact you are drastically underestimating the work load.
i also think that this just micharacterizes the role of women's work in livelihoods? cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children are all sisyphean tasks that have to be repeated the next day. these are important, but not the whole picture. when we include all kinds of fiberwork—and other things, such as making candles or soap—women's work looks much more like manufacturing, a sphere we now associate more with men's work. i feel like women's connection to making and craftsmanship is often elided.
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arrogantwerpen · 2 days ago
Btw, you can donate to menstrual hygiene kits for Sudanese women, which I would highly recommend if you can
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arrogantwerpen · 2 days ago
Thank you So much To Anyone Who's Ever created An Audio Post that's Not A Spotify link I Respect You More than Anyone on Earth And I Hope You have An Amazing Day
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arrogantwerpen · 3 days ago
seeing freed palestinian hostages kiss the feet of their mothers and grandmothers brings me to tears every time the levels of atrocity these people have been forced to endure is unimaginable
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arrogantwerpen · 3 days ago
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Portrait of a reading Young Woman, Bertha Wegmann. Danish (1847 - 1926)
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arrogantwerpen · 3 days ago
This is The Adjuster (Robin Hoodie, Guy That Shot the CEO, etc.):
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And this is Luigi Mangione:
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And yes, they are both super cool and hot as fuck but remember, they are two different people. The Adjuster has not been found and Luigi was never involved in the shooting.
Do not talk about them as if they are the same person and do not further spread the idea that Luigi is guilty.
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arrogantwerpen · 3 days ago
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arrogantwerpen · 4 days ago
Liberals have integrated past protest movements as part of it’s mythos and therefore sees some utility in protest (“dissent is patriotic” type bullshit) but I’ve noticed the past year that sentiment has almost entirely disappeared.
Earlier Black Lives Matter protests had already challenged these sentiments as many liberals condemned protesting despite years of constant references to Civil Rights and Stonewall. They often would have to condemn it in a way that didn’t betray their alleged fondness for protesting (“they aren’t protesting the right way,” “this protest is all white because I say so,” etc etc) but you see the cracks begin to emerge. During the 2020 Uprisings it was common to claim the organic rage of the people was orchestrated or manufactured in some way, even and especially by liberals (“outside agitators,” “white anarchists,” “this protest is entirely feds”) though the far right has their own versions (“George Soros funded,” etc).
Palestine clearly is a sore spot for liberals and that’s when we see an openly hostile orientation towards protests, not just seeing them as misguided or infiltrated with feds and outside agitators but as a political threat to the established order.
I think this is why “protesting” no longer has any utility for liberals as something to defend as part of a grand mythos of liberalism being the primary driver of mass social protest movements in recent history (lol) because they’ve spent the last several protest movements denigrating, downplaying, and dismissing protest movements.
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arrogantwerpen · 4 days ago
Behold this, behold that, how about you behold these nuts
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arrogantwerpen · 4 days ago
UPDATE: NEW LINK! Yahya and his family were displaced by the IOF, and are currently residing in Deir al-Balah, south-central Gaza.
Life as displaced Gazans was already extremely difficult for them. Food is very scarce, and their living conditions leave them exposed to the elements. Here is the frequent condition of their tent now that the winter rains have come:
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Then, Yahya’s father was injured. Some cartilage was damaged in his neck, and doctors say he requires IMMEDIATE surgery to avoid permanent paralysis.
Yahya and his family previously had another campaign, but it was suddenly shut down by GFM with no explanation. They have created a new one, but it has EXTREMELY LOW FUNDS.
The surgery is a stifling €15,000 euros (about $15,729 USD). Yahya and his family have no hope of paying for it without your help.
I am currently watching an elderly loved one lose their mobility, and it is an extremely heartbreaking and isolating situation. I cannot imagine what Yahya and his family are going through, having no social or financial support and only minimal medical care.
Please give what you can to this family. You are their only hope to save their beloved father’s mobility!
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