arrogantme · 2 years
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I love this bra.
Simple concept, still catchy for me.
Spiders are builders, they build their empire soon and build it anywhere they go.
Anyway, I wish to see the full bra and how it looks on the backside as well :)
It gives Dark vibes.
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arrogantme · 2 years
I better be naked.
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arrogantme · 2 years
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This is a beautiful outfit from my viewpoint :)
I wish to go naked when I date...in the wilderness that's a different story.
If I wear this on a beach that will be a sign that I freed myself, especially from my past self :)
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arrogantme · 2 years
This Month's Assignment:
Start a new blog for future Assignments.
Find pictures of scantly clad women, dressed in things YOU think look great.
The less fabric, the better.
With each picture you add (at least one per day) imagine yourself wearing those clothes, in your perfect body.
Imagine your body being as slim and fit as the woman in the picture. Hot as all Hell.
Imagine YOU wearing those clothes down the steets.
You walk with confidence, drawing the admiring eyes of men, and the jealous eyes of women.
Imagine how everyone in your life would react.
REALIZE that those who react badly are only jealous or afraid to wear that themselves.
Imagine their emotions empowering you.
BASK in their attention! Enjoy it!
Afterwards, find a mirror to look into.
SEE yourself in this new, perfect body. This seductive, succubus-like body.
Then tell yourself;
"I WILL have that body!"
"I WILL have the courage wear those clothes!"
"I WILL become and object of admiration and envy!"
As you progress and grow confident, chance the word; "Will" to "Have"
Even if you're not there yet, speak as if you already have it.
It will help your mind believe it, which will make you subconsciously work towards it.
This IS you... you just need to bring it out.
The third step is to start wearing clothes like that around the house.
Wake up, and wear only those skimpy clothes, until it feels the only natural, normal things to wear.
The last step is to start wearing it outside.
Ignore any modesty and moralism, and keep within the barest minimum the law allows, cover as little as possible.
Keep doing this until it feels as comfortable and normal as wearing the clothes you wear now.
This exercise will hel you be free from any prudish, religious, and forced feelings of shame that other people have brainwashed you to believe in.
Only when you are TRULY FREE can you make a TRUE CHOICE.
When you choose what clothes to weat after this, you will feel free to choose based on what you WANT, and not make the choice based on fear or worry or what someone else wants you to do.
It may take more than one month, it may even take several months, but keep at it until it becomes as comfortable and normal as wearing your favorite comfy clothes.
When you have fully Mastered this task, you can practise walking around in your own home compleatly naked.
When you have fully Mastered this task, you can practise walking around in your own home compleatly naked.
Make it a habit to do whenever you are alone, or feel comfortable enough around someone else to do so
This should stamp out those last, lingering feelings of shame that other people pushed on you.
(You can always close your curtains when you begin. But you may discover it adding a secret thrill to leave them open, or leace a crack open, or use those thin almost-see-through courtains.
What you choose do, and how you choose to do it is entierly up to you.)
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arrogantme · 2 years
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Some variations of the same butterfly top.
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And its back.
I think I stop with this one here :)
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arrogantme · 2 years
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Salma is one of my favorite actresses.
She is hot, has an ageless beauty.
This dress is unique.
When I see an image I will see a lot in that.
Yeah, that's it.
The dress is good.
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