aro-horrors · 3 years
isn't it insane though how schizophrenic people are viewed as violent and dangerous by the majority of society when in reality schizophrenic people are nearly 14 times more likely to be on the receiving end of violence than to be the perpetrators...
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aro-horrors · 3 years
Though the jokes that "since gay pride month is over, july is now gay wrath month" are funny and all, it's important to remember that July is ACTUALLY Disability Pride Month and y'all should really be focused on boosting disabled voices and issues this month! For instance, the fact that marriage equality doesn't actually truly exist in the United States for disabled people, or the fact that disabled people are forced to live in poverty or lose their disability benefits, or the fact that 1 in 5 people with chronic pain end up sufferring from alcoholism or other addictions, or how accessibility is still a daily battle for all of us, or how there are active hate groups on places like reddit who try to "call out" those they see as "faking" their disabilities.
This July, boost disabled voices. Talk about the issues that our community faces. Call out ableism.
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aro-horrors · 3 years
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So I found this caterpillar on my way to class
We’re bros
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aro-horrors · 3 years
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AND a race one since the most affected regions will be Africa, Asia and Oceania
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aro-horrors · 3 years
I wish all closeted LGBTQ+ people a very happy pride month.
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aro-horrors · 3 years
americans better be rebloging the donation and help links for mexico and colombia after all the help they recieved from latin americans w their own issues
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aro-horrors · 3 years
Thirty minutes later, Rowan was still staring up at the ceiling, teeth gritted as he calmed the roaring in his veins that was steadily shredding through his self-control.
That gods-damned nightgown.
He was in such deep, unending shit.
Hunt grinned. Her little smile was like seeing the sun after days of rain.
Bryce pretended not to notice his grin, but Ruhn gave him a sharp look.
Like he knew every filthy thing Hunt had thought about Bryce, everything he’d done to pleasure himself while imagining it was her mouth around him, her hands, her soft body.
Shit—he was in such deep, unrelenting shit.
Ruhn only snorted, as if he knew that, too, and sheathed the sword again.
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aro-horrors · 3 years
Imagine being in Velaris and you see Cassian, Lord of bloodshed, one of the most famed warriors in history and Nesta, Lady death, the person who killed the king of Hybern and has so much power the high lord is scared, having an argument about being mates in the middle of the street.
I really wouldn’t know if I’d be scared, in awe or breaking the popcorn out to watch.
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aro-horrors · 3 years
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And people think they can't hold a book together? She is COLD and relentless here, but Elain also in this same conversation says this:
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Lucien matches her blows, and recognizes where he royally messed up. He didn't give her b.s and said exactly what he felt.
We got ice and fire, baby. Imagine the steam these two will create once Elain begins to reveal who she really is.
I know ACOFAS and ACOSF have not been kind to them, but those books set up Nessian and Gwynriel (highly likely at least). ACOTAR 5 or a novella is going to flesh this out.
Elain may tense up, but she has also not rejected Lucien flat out. Now... I wonder why that is?
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aro-horrors · 3 years
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aro-horrors · 3 years
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aro-horrors · 3 years
“If it’s about a dad dating other dads, how come some of them have kids???”
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aro-horrors · 3 years
No ingredient is a substitution for everything. White candles cannot be used in place of any candle. Rosemary is not a substitute for all herbs. Quartz is a not a substitute for any stone. Rose is not a substitute for every flower. Moon water is not a substitute for all water. And so on and so forth.  I see this in posts all the time. Please stop repeating this concept.
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aro-horrors · 3 years
Hot take but you can’t learn about paganism without also learning about white supremacy and how it uses pagan religions to push hate group agendas all over the world today. If you don’t learn about the connections between the two and how it operates, your ignorance enables white supremacists to keep on doing it and using it to recruit others. People in our community who do nothing and stay silent are literally a part of the problem, there is no opting out whatsoever. Divorcing the two makes the issue repeat itself over and over and over again.
It’s not hard to include this in your research and stay aware. It’s the bare minimum.
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aro-horrors · 3 years
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the fact that langa is well aware of his handwriting skills and still had the audacity to go to cherry’s for a job makes me crY
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aro-horrors · 3 years
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To the people who bullied an actress off of Twitter because she was “too fat to play Feyre” ... 🖕
I did four outfits for this art and these two seemed to be the most popular. So, If you’d like to see the other two versions, I’m on Instagram @amateurartist9
I̴f̴ ̴y̴o̴u̴ ̴s̴e̴e̴ ̴a̴n̴y̴ ̴m̴i̴s̴t̴a̴k̴e̴s̴,̴ ̴n̴o̴ ̴y̴o̴u̴ ̴d̴o̴n̴’̴t̴ ̴❤̴️̴
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aro-horrors · 3 years
HC: Elain slowly becomes more comfortable wearing pants but she only wears loose overalls/dungarees. They’re her favourite gardening outfit, paired with a sun hat.
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