The Arnav Appreciation Squad
797 posts
A blog for all things IPKKND, all things Arshi and above all - all things Arnav Singh Raizada! They call me the Arnav Expert. One person. One person exactly calls me that.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
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“His eyes were the sea. This is how people drown, she thought.” — Jodi Picoult
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
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So … why are you here? What brings you here and, more importantly, what keeps you here? It certainly can’t be respect or even liking me.
Hit the road, Jack 👋🏽
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
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In a word: no. You understand it’s polite - so fucking do it then, yeah? I’m not google, nor is my wonderful friend @phati-sari
Am I better than you? Absolutely I am. Is she better than you? Absolutely she is. Whether or not you can believe it, people are allowed to determine parameters of acceptable engagement. If you, and anyone else, can’t respect that, then they can find their answers elsewhere can’t they?
I hope this clears it up for you! If not, you’re welcome to try again - but remember to say “hi,” next time! :)
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
Amrit 😘 AMRIT 🤗 You ❤️ are ❤️ writing ❤️ again. Sending Lots and lots of good vibes and motivation and wishes your way along with my admiration and respect for you.
(the excerpt was .......mmm delicious 😋). Thank you so much for sharing this with us.🤗🤗🤗🤗
HI HI HI!!!! I am attempting it for sure. I know I'm a broken record who constantly claims I am - but this time I think I'm actually not lying.
Thank youuuuu so much, that's so kind of you. In the spirit of being a non-liar, I'll be honest and say that I'm likely going to skip to adult!Arshi and fill in the blanks later because ... I'm the worst? That's a good enough reason as any.
I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt! I love writing Diary of a Sanka Devi because I have to do very little work and just let my inner crazy lady roam free - so liberating.
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
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So, I found an excerpt of adult Khushi in Diary of a Sanka Devi detailing her time as Arnav’s assistant and I must say… I am motivated to continue this.
If you have no idea what Diary of a Sanka Devi is, it’s my revisionist fic that details what IPKKND might look like if Arnav and Khushi had known each other as children before Arnav was forced to leave Lucknow for Delhi.
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
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Arnav Singh Raizada in Red Silky Robe at the Poolside - Ipkknd dubbed in Russian Promo starting June 2014
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
Even my TikTok puts IPKKND on my fyp - and I can’t describe the way I have to stop myself from starting comment wars with people who have such bad takes 🙄
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
WELCOME BACK AMRIT 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Very Very GLAD to see you BaCK .💕💕💕💕💕
THANK YOU!!!!!!! Glad to be back!! ❤️❤️❤️
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
Can somebody just put this in my inbox please. PLEASE. I’m begging
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
I enjoy your analysis very much and just wanted to let you know that I love your blog! My question is - When Arnav wants to consummate their marriage, Khushi makes such a big deal about their shaadi being incomplete as they had not taken the saat pheras etc ending in Dadi catching them red handed leading to an entire season of episodes but then she goes right ahead and does it one day before the actual wedding? I am confused!
Thank you! Very kind of you.
Again - you will likely never see this, but I have never passed a chance to speak my two cents on anything ever and this will be another public stage for me.
The difference here is choice and freely given consent, yeah? Sex is a very intimate behaviour for many people and they do require a concrete commitment before diving into that. Arnav has some pretty … shitty timing for his whole first attempt here I gotta say. I would wager she did not feel the required amount of emotional safety to trust in the commitment he offered then - hence, needing a full and complete ceremony. However, before their ceremony, he had told her he considers her his wife and brought her to see his mom - that’s a huge thing and a huge expression of vulnerability. At that point, they’d experienced a lot of growth together and I’m willing to bet she felt a lot more sure about the depth of their connection. The commitment was there for her to be able to make that choice and provide consent freely without concern for the future.
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
HellllOOO! The Arnav expert ❤️ I found your blog today and scrolling down for  three hours 😍🤩 Magnetic 🤩 Well,I wanna quote from your post, please forgive my AUDACITY :)  " Not so friendly reminder that I would literally die for Arnav Singh Raizada"----Me too 💋 "Arnav thinking of the most underhanded plans and Khushi trusting him so blindly that she’d follow him to the ends of the earth if he asked." ---I would TOO 🤗 Btw I loved A Hard Pill 😊 Stamp paper pe order pass karwake Bye
HELLO! See what a different world it is when people say hello. HI FRIEND!
Wow, we now have a total of 2 whole people who have called me The Arnav Expert (one of them being me).
I am so touched - and I mean this - that you actually quoted from my absolute nonsense. I hope that somehow my good wishes to you reach you ❤️
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
What made Khushi love Arnav despite being abused or treated badly for no fault of hers)
That is a fucken doozy of a question, my friend. Also .. what happened to “hello” “how are you?”
I realize this is … so late and you’re likely not even going to see this but my crusade to remind people that norms of polite conversation do still exist on the internet continues nonetheless.
First off, we need to do away with the assumption that people cannot love people who have behaved abusively. That’s just not true. It doesn’t reflect so much of what happens in actual nuanced relationships - and especially in circumstances where intimate partner violence is an aspect of experience. Now, I’m not going to look at their relationship like an IPV researcher because that does it a disservice - considering it’s fiction for one and there’s a host of cultural and individual factors I can’t account for. Also, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if I were to study any relationship that presents a very typical display of masculinity and femininity - like theirs - I could find any number of issues in it.
The fact of the matter is she loved him as a human being who was compatible with certain aspects of her. He represented certain things she wanted. He is someone who once he loves someone and they’re in his inner circle, that’s it. He’s fiercely loyal and protective, works hard to provide for people he cares about and to solve their problems. For someone like Khushi that grew up feeling like she had to be in control and responsible for things in order to have any value in a family setting, having value to someone while also being able to give him all the power and authority is a foreign but likely healing experience. Being taken care of is a powerful motivation for a lot of people in a lot of circumstances. Arnav displays time and time again that when he wants to take care of someone, that boy does it better than a sugar daddy cause he does it without acknowledging it or asking for anything.
Simple answer: she’s got issues (like we all do) and he makes her feel safe in an important, instinctive way.
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
Me crying wondering how to catch up with the litany of things in my inbox after literally creating that problem myself
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arnavsinghraizada · 3 years ago
Hi i just saw your blog wanted to ask r u still active on it. thanks
In a word - yes! Not as frequently as I’d like, but I do still exist (much to what is I’m sure the disappointment of many) 😭
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arnavsinghraizada · 4 years ago
let me be very clear that if you voted for donald trump or support him in any capacity you are not welcome here. my blog is not the place for you and i do not want you interacting with me. 
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arnavsinghraizada · 4 years ago
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